Having been reminded, the Apollo clansmen on the city walls were apparently aware of the danger.

The members who were the first to exclaim had already shouted out of fear.

But it's one thing to be aware of the danger, it's another thing to be able to deal with it.

By the time they found it, the bombs had already begun to fall, and even if a few mages were to start acting now, it would be too late.

Fortunately, Silas was not targeting adventurers on the walls from the beginning.

Bombs were just thrown to make it easier to blast the walls open.

Violent explosions rang out one after another on the city walls, and huge stones fell straight down from the heights.

The adventurers guarding the city walls were cleared by the way under this wave of bombardment.

The originally majestic city wall was blasted into a huge gap, and the surrounding area looked like a whole piece of ruins.

"That's the explosives produced by the Thor family, ordinary explosives have this kind of power!"

"I don't know, I actually directly collapsed the entire city wall, this power is stronger than the magic sword. "

"Hey, hey, Thor, you guy, I said this was my fight with the Morgana family!

"Don't bark like a defeated dog there, I open a shop to do business, can I still sell things? Then you used the equipment built by the Hephaestus family, did 050 also unite with Hephaestus. "

In the synagogue, Apollo had an exaggerated expression, as if he wanted to use this to arouse the approval of the other gods.

It's a pity that Thor won't bother at all.

He didn't let Vex transfer before the war game began, which was already a lot of face for the guild.

After all, the agreement of the war game was established in the presence of the guild.

"Hey, don't involve me, Apollo, can you be quiet!"

Hephaestus, who originally had nothing to do with himself, was forced to join the battlefield, but the implication was still to support Thor mostly.

It was indeed Sol who made sense, not to mention that she didn't want to get too close to Apollo.

In the battlefield, Silas took the lead and slowly walked through the gap into the position of the Apollo clans.

The adventurers who had previously retreated from the city walls had regrouped, staring at Silas and his younger brother behind him with fierce eyes.

"You guys, trying to stop me?"

A casual glance at the adventurers, none of them were familiar to him. (aeff)

Suddenly turned his head with a lack of interest, raised his hand casually and waved, and the little brothers standing behind him immediately swarmed up.

This kind of low-level adventurer who doesn't have LV2 really makes him have no desire to do it at all.

It's just used to train the newcomers in the family.

Not bothering to pay attention to the development of the battle situation, Serari aimed in the direction of the stronghold and took another step.

The people guarding the colony might be a little more interesting.

"Then it's on, we'll see you then. "

"You have the money for the treat!"

Fiona confidently said to Silas, while Wayne on the other side had already taken the first step.

There is a lot of space in the castle, and the Apollo family also laid many traps here.

It's a pity that they encountered the Morgana family's bomb to open the way.

Whether it's a trap or an ambush, it's all in the heat of a violent explosion that turns the whole ground upside down.

This is a bomb that Morgana asked Giggs to make for her, and Morgana spent a lot of time asking Giggs for it.

It's just that Morgana almost took the basin away.

Fortunately, Thor found out and stopped it in time.

This also strengthened Saul's desire to throw Morgana, a troublemaker.

I had been eyeing Haruhhime before, but now I've set my sights on my wallet.

It's okay, let Morgana stay in her family for a few more days, it's not like the roots have been planed.

Do you want to put the following grams on it?

In front of the stronghold on the right, Fiona slowly blocked the door alone, and there was a lot of smell of being a husband.

At the entrance to the stronghold, Daphne Lalos and Kassandra Ilion were already waiting for them with their younger brothers.

Kassandra tugged at Daphne's sleeve and persuaded her with bitterness on her face.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, and the tense atmosphere didn't give Daphne much energy to listen to Kassandra's ridiculous predictions.

In the Apollo clans, Daphne worked as a commander.

However, this time there were a large number of strongholds that needed to be guarded, and although she had proposed to give up one or two, it was a pity that Jacintos, as the commander of the regiment, did not accept this opinion.

"You're my opponents, surrender - you don't have a chance. "

Fiona first carried out a wave of unobtrusive persuasion as usual, but of course the effect was not very obvious.

Not to mention that I haven't fought before, it's still live outside, and so many gods and fellow adventurers are watching.

In this public, anyone with a little brain will not surrender at this time.

Even if you can't beat it, you have to fight, and after being a deserter on the battlefield, you don't have to mix in Eulalie.

"Don't get carried away there!"

Daphne drew her sword and charged straight at Fiona.

However, her movements are full of loopholes in the eyes of Fiona, a master of swordsmanship.


Kenji took half a step back to the left, her body drew a circle in place, and the slender Western sword was like a snake coming out of a hole, and she accurately picked out Daphne's long sword.

It wasn't until the cold blade rested around her neck that Daphne came to her senses.


So suddenly-(read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Did you have a round with the other party?

"Is that a challenge?"

Fiona's cold voice rang in Daphne's ears again.

raised his head blankly and met the other party's eyes that seemed to tell disdain.


What is called a soldier can be killed, but not humiliated.

The blood rushed to the heavenly spirit cover in an instant, and Daphne jerked her leg up and kicked Fiona in the waist.

With a slight raising of her eyebrows, Fiona cooperated with the opponent's movements, blocking the blade of the sword at her waist first, allowing Daphne's attack to fall on the blade.

Without waiting for her to make any further moves, Fiona began her own counterattack.

The slender Western sword in the other party's hand swung out two sword shadows at an extremely fast speed, and she didn't even see what the situation with those two swords was.

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