"There may be some special medicines, but most of the ones that are in circulation are here. "

"Well, I'll sort them out as soon as I can. "

"We're pressed for time, and I hope to see your research in front of me within a week. "

"Enough. Sinjid gently shook the test tube containing the green potion, and his eyes instantly became much sharper.

It seems that you can see through the ingredients of the potion directly with the naked eye.

"Then I won't bother you, waiting for your good news-"

Watching Renata close the door and leave his studio, Sinjid opened the lid of the potion and took a sip of the potion without hesitation.

Although he could already tell the approximate ingredients of this potion by his eyesight alone, it was safer to taste it himself.

For the results of their own hands, even if they are just products that are taken out to make money, they have to ~ be perfect.

"Recovery potion, if that's the case, then it should be... -."

Flipping through the encyclopedia that Renata had brought, it contained information on most of the world's medicinal herbs and other materials.

Making a recovery potion was easy for Singild, who had made an appointment with Renata for most of the week, to familiarize himself with the new world.

Unfamiliar herbs and materials, the effects of these things he re-understood.

Although it was a simple matter, he wanted to take this opportunity to familiarize himself with the new world, so he would use the materials of this world to make potions.

The week was shorter than expected, but Renata still showed good execution.

First of all, borrowing the name of Cana and the conditions that the potions would be discounted and given priority in the future, Renata successfully borrowed a large amount of money from the Morgana family.

Anyway, they already owe each other a lot because of the relationship between the dependents, and they don't have a lot of debts.

With this money, he created a studio for Jinx, and the kid couldn't be idle in the family every day.

If you don't find something to do for the other party, the family station may be blown up by Jinx one day.

She didn't have any spare money to repair the clan quarters.

When she was mentally exhausted, Renata suddenly felt that it was not bad to be a silly man like Mondo.

Just find a few monsters and let each other play the game of doctor and patient.

And this week, she spent the most time on the location of the store.

Even if you want to rent one, it's a little insufficient.

To this end, Jana suggested that she temporarily set aside a place in the clan residence to be used as an apothecary.

At first, Renata was reluctant to accept this suggestion, after all, there were many secrets in her family.

Let so many people enter the family to buy potions, it will be really easy to manage when the time comes.

But she didn't seem to be able to think of a better way for a while, and the places where she could borrow money had already run over, so she could only wait for the money to make another plan.

The rest of the money is more than enough to renovate a store.

"You're really good at time, and I'll be looking for you in your workshop in a little later. Renata looked at Sinjid as he walked into her office.

This guy has the potential to become a part-time worker, and he will never submit the task given to him until the last minute.

"I don't want a copper-smelling guy like you to come into my room. "

"That's a terrible thing to say, all your tools now have been bought with something that smells of copper. "

Sinjid didn't bother arguing with Renata, put a few bottles of potions on the table, and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Renata didn't want to waste her precious time on the undisputed argument, and her attention quickly focused on the two bottles of potions in front of her.

Anyway, the things are already in hand, and you can start the next step of the plan right away.

There is no need for Sinjid's introduction, although Renata is not as good as the other party in alchemy, she is also an excellent alchemist.

Discerning the effects of these agents is simple.

"Life potions and magic potions, worthy of you Sinjid, but why is the color so strange. "

In Renata's memory, Valoran's life potion should be red, and the magic potion should also be blue.

How is this life potion purple, and so is the magic potion, blue is blue, but the color is light and scary.

"I made it from the materials that exist in this world, based on the methods of this world's potions. If you need something better, give me a little more time to refine it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't see that you're still quite caring. Renata smiled sarcastically and placed the potion back on the table.

That's what sets her apart from Sinjid, who cares about her own safety and doesn't try new drugs herself.

What's more, this is still a potion made by Sinjid with the interest of experimentation, in case there are any side effects, then she is not a big fool.

"What about the efficacy, what about the cost and materials, if it can't compare to the original medicine, it will be a big joke. "

"Are you looking down on me? My potions are fifty percent stronger than those you brought, and I've already written down the recipe for the ingredients, and you can judge the cost for yourself, I'm not interested in these things." "

Sinjid seems to have anticipated Renata's problem a long time ago.

Give the recipe that has been prepared to the other party, and if you have the formula, Renata can handle the rest by herself.

"You may remember what I said, we need a lot of potions. "

"I'll look into other potions, I don't need you to remind me. "

"Then I'll wait for you to come back to my office next time. "

Renata smiled as Sinid slammed the door and left.

Slowly spread out the recipe list and checked it against a price list he had listed earlier.

This is the price of various raw materials that she learned about when she was looking for a suitable storefront.

The capitalist's mind was running quickly, and the approximate cost of the life potion and the magic potion was quickly calculated by her.

Of course, if it is mass-produced, this cost may be further reduced.

After all, the price of purchasing raw materials in large quantities may be able to push down a bit.

However, if you want to make potions in large quantities, you need a lot of people.

It has to be credible manpower. Lose..

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