Earth Era

Chapter 16 The Neutrino Hypothesis

Zhao Huasheng thought of many people and many things. I thought of the couple I saw that day, the old man who was the chef in the small restaurant, and every ordinary person I met on the street.

Zhao Huasheng's head began to throb again. Zhao Huasheng stood up, trying to wipe away the tears on his face, but found that those tears had already frozen on his face, and when he wiped them, the tears turned into ice scum and sprinkled down his face.

"I'm sorry, I understand." Zhao Huasheng's voice became very hoarse.

"Watson, it's not your fault." Li Wei comforted softly, "No one would want such a thing to happen."

Zhao Huasheng glanced at Li Wei with grateful eyes, and nodded to Li Wei.

The old man in the town sighed, and directed a few people to put Freya's family on the sled, and the group of people walked slowly towards the town—in order to prevent the sled dogs from consuming a lot of calories and then Frozen to death, they did not dare to let the sled dogs go too fast. At the same time, they also took off their own clothes and put them on the sled dogs to help them keep warm.

The wind and snow all over the sky did not know when it became lighter, and the residents of the small town finally returned to the town. The only pastor in the church put on his divine robe and began to pray for Freya's family. The welcome banquet that originally welcomed Zhao Huasheng and his party turned into a funeral.

The atmosphere in the small town began to become heavy and depressing. Zhao Huasheng locked himself in the room and did not come out for three consecutive days except to eat and meet his physical needs. It seems that Zhao Huasheng can still smell the breath of Freya's family from this house, and hear their talking and laughter, but he can't see them anymore, and he will never see them again.

The follow-up supplies arrived one after another during these three days, and finally it was time to set off. Zhao Huasheng left his room and joined the crowd. Several helicopters had already parked in front of the church in the small town, and all the residents of the small town came here at this parting time.

Facing the crowd who saw him off, Zhao Huasheng said: "Don't stay in this small town anymore, go to Equator City, contact the government now, the government will send someone to pick you up, don't stay here anymore, don't you know? ? The weather has changed, and this place is no longer suitable for human survival."

Zhao Huasheng cannot break the confidentiality regulations. These words are all Zhao Huasheng can say.

The old man sighed tremblingly, and said: "The weather is indeed getting colder and colder, alas, we all know it. But how can we leave here? We have lived here all our lives, and spent seven or eighty long years , we just want to grow old and die here quietly. After leaving here, we don’t know where to go. Young people love to run around and wander around. If they want to go to Equator City, let’s go to Equator City. We all I’m old and can’t walk anymore, so I just stay here and don’t go anywhere.”

Zhao Huasheng seemed to have heard what the restaurant owner, who was also very old, said to him.

"Anyway, I don't have a few years to live, so let's stay here."

Zhao Huasheng couldn't understand the words and choices of these old people, but Zhao Huasheng knew what kind of deep feelings it was. Under the threat of death, this deep emotion made them choose to stay in their homeland and refuse to leave, and Zhao Huasheng was sure that there must be many old people in the world who had the same idea.

Even if they die, they will not go.

If you don't go, you will die.

And Zhao Huasheng didn't want them to die.

Zhao Huasheng felt a heat brewing in his eyes, but Zhao Huasheng finally held back. Zhao Huasheng turned his head and said hoarsely: "Okay, then you stay here. I hope... I can change all this before the cold weather is unacceptable."

The old people were a little puzzled, they didn't understand what Zhao Huasheng meant by this sentence. But they still expressed their gratitude and blessings to Zhao Huasheng. Zhao Huasheng turned around and boarded the helicopter, never daring to look here again.

The helicopter took off amidst the huge roar and the snowflakes rolled up by the propeller, left here, and flew towards the North Pole quickly. There, the staff of the Arctic Changshan Station will stay for three days.

The Arctic is very dangerous, especially now that the level of solar radiation has been greatly reduced. The danger and harsh environment of the Arctic are beyond the limit that people can imagine. But Zhao Huasheng still chose the goal of the North Pole. No one asked Zhao Huasheng why he did this—as long as Zhao Huasheng thought it was necessary, even if Zhao Huasheng wanted to go to the moon, they would find a way to satisfy him.

In fact, even Zhao Huasheng himself didn't know why he wanted to go to the North Pole. It's just that there is a voice in my heart that keeps ringing, "Look at these scenery, they will disappear soon, and I will never see them again."

The impact of lower solar radiation levels is global. Zhao Huasheng knew that from then on, the scenery of blooming flowers, singing birds and fragrant flowers, gurgling brooks and so on would disappear one by one, and the ice and snow would be eternal.

Zhao Huasheng is remembering all this, and Zhao Huasheng wants to keep all these scenery in his heart before they finally disappear. Perhaps only in this way, on the balance in Zhao Huasheng's heart, the side of perseverance, struggle and never giving up can overcome the side of sinking and collapse. After all, Zhao Huasheng is just an ordinary person.

Zhao Huasheng and Li Wei sat side by side and did not speak. The huge roar of the helicopter sounds extremely monotonous at this moment, just like the scenery of the land under the helicopter.

It was an endless white ice field. Sometimes living things can be seen on this ice sheet, such as polar bears, arctic foxes, or wolves or deer. When the helicopter flew by, they would look up at the strange object, as if thinking about why it flew.

"In the past, we have been worried that global warming caused by the greenhouse effect will melt the Arctic glaciers and affect the ecosystem here. Now, we don't have to worry about this anymore." Li Wei spread her hands and said, "If If I remember correctly, at this time last year, it wasn't freezing over here."

"It's not funny." Zhao Huasheng shook his head.

"Don't always be so heavy." Li Wei said softly, "My brother has confidence in you, so I entrust this task to you. Similarly, I also have confidence in my brother. I believe that my brother's choice will not be wrong. You It can definitely be done.”

Zhao Huasheng sighed, and looked at Mengzhuo: "During the past few days, has the scientific research department made any new discoveries?"

"Yes." Mundo said, "Further observations have shown that the suspected Dyson spheres appearing in the sun's photosphere are not entities, but appear darker and blacker because of the lowering of the temperature. At the same time, some Observational data show that it seems to appear above the sun's troposphere, not the photosphere as previously speculated. Of course, more observational evidence is needed to confirm this."

The sun is divided into three parts from the inside to the outside, the core, the radiation layer and the troposphere, and then the atmosphere, the photosphere is the layer closest to the surface of the sun in the solar atmosphere.

"Does this imply that the reduction in solar radiation levels is due to some physical mechanism inside the sun?" Zhao Huasheng asked.

"The evaluation data of the scientific research department shows that this possibility has risen to 80%. The possibility of intentional interference by some external force, that is, an unknown civilization, has been reduced to less than 20%. The scientific research department has also suspected The change of the sun was caused by an unknown advanced civilization, but it doesn't look like this now. It's more like an autonomous change of the sun. You are a scientist in stellar physics, maybe you can also expand yourself on this matter speculation."

"I can't imagine any physical mechanism that might cause this phenomenon." Zhao Huasheng shook his head, "Has anyone from the Research Department proposed a physical model?"

"There are two kinds. One is the theory of neutrino escape, and the other is the theory of runaway thermonuclear fusion in extreme environments. Of course, this is just a hypothesis, and the scientific research department is still unable to find enough evidence to support these two theories. "

"Oh?" Zhao Huasheng became a little interested, "Show me the relevant information."

Meng Zhuo nodded, and five minutes later he brought a stack of documents and handed them to Zhao Huasheng.

"Neutrino escape theory...For some unknown reason, a large number of neutrinos are generated during the fusion process of the sun's core. Due to the high density of the sun's core, even neutrinos that are extremely difficult to react with matter None of them could escape smoothly, a large number of neutrinos took on the task of supporting the structure of the sun, and after breaking away from the core of the sun flower, the neutrinos began to escape freely and carried away a large amount of energy, which led to solar radiation The lowering of the level..."

Neutrino is a kind of amazing particle, it hardly reacts with any matter. It's also tiny, so small that it can pass freely through the entire Earth without colliding with any of the particles that make it up. This hypothesis is to use neutrinos as the key to explain all changes. But this explanation also has a pretty big hole.

That is, is the density of matter in the core of the sun really so great that even neutrinos cannot escape smoothly? At least based on the knowledge that Zhao Huasheng has at this moment, the density of the sun's core matter is far from being achieved. And, if the hypothesis is true, then neutrino telescopes deployed deep beneath the Earth should be able to capture neutrinos far beyond what was previously possible.

"Someone proposed a new nuclear fusion model, predicting a new, different neutrino particle, in order to explain the contradictions in the hypothesis. The scientific research department is hurrying to verify this hypothesis, Results will come out soon," Munjo said.


The second update, please collect and recommend! ! ! ! ! !

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