Earth Era

Chapter 31 Busy Equatorial City

The launching process comes to an end here. In the next period, the Red Heart spacecraft will orbit the earth about seventy times in three days. During this process, the orbit of the Red Heart spacecraft will become flatter and the apogee of the orbit will The farther it goes, the closer the perigee will be. In the end, the Red Heart spacecraft will break away from the earth's orbit at the apogee, and then step into the vast space and spend its long time of six to eight months.

During these three days, the five astronauts will conduct the last inspection and adjustment of the Red Heart spacecraft before departure with the assistance of the ground staff. After all, the Red Heart spacecraft is still If there is an accident, the earth's orbit can be repaired by launching a rocket. If an accident occurs after stepping into the vast space, there is really no way.

"The Scarlet Heart spacecraft uses conventional engines and ion engines as power sources." Wang Tang introduced to Zhao Huasheng. During the journey to the sun, the spacecraft does not need to make too many orbital adjustments, and the ion engine is used."

The conventional engine uses the high-temperature gas produced by the combustion of chemical fuel to inject backwards as the power source. It is powerful and can exert a very large force on the spacecraft in a short period of time, but it also consumes a lot of fuel. The ion engine is different. It first ionizes the propellant, then uses a strong electric field to accelerate the ions, causing them to be ejected from the rear to obtain propulsion.

The ion engine also obtains acceleration through the reverse thrust, but its utilization efficiency of the working fluid is as high as fifteen times that of the conventional engine. This means that a lot of fuel can be saved on the spacecraft. With the same fuel, the ion engine can propel the spacecraft to fly farther, and if the time is long enough, the speed will be faster.

But the ion engine has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the thrust is too small. Just like the ion engine equipped on the Red Heart spacecraft, under full power operation, it can only increase the speed of the spacecraft by 0.5 centimeters per second. But the accumulation of a little makes a lot, 0.5 centimeters per second can accelerate the spacecraft by more than 400 meters per second in one day, so in comparison, ion engines are still an efficient propulsion method.

Zhao Huasheng knew all these things, so after hearing Wang Tang's words, Zhao Huasheng just nodded.

"During spaceflight, the spacecraft will also accelerate with the help of the gravity of Venus. After more than two months of flight, it will enter an orbit only 30 million kilometers away from the surface of the sun, and then orbit the sun for two to four months. It took a month to collect the data of the sun in detail, so as to determine what happened to the reverse fusion layer."

In the solar system, the planet closest to the sun is Mercury, but even if the distance between Mercury and the sun is nearly 60 million kilometers, the distance of the Red Heart is only 30 million kilometers, which is almost half of the distance of Mercury.

"Actually, as far as I am concerned, I have no confidence in relying on our human technological power to change the sun." Wang Tang said quietly, "I only hope that the Red Heart spacecraft and the nearly thirty suns that will be launched later will The data collected by the probe satellite can provide some clues and inspiration for your puzzle solving."

Zhao Huasheng nodded silently.

"No one said these words clearly, but I know that all insiders, including the head of state, think so. We have indeed made a breakthrough during this period of time, and we even know the existence of the reverse fusion layer , but the more we know, the more desperate we become." Wang Tang's hands began to tremble slightly, "That's the reverse fusion layer that wraps the entire can we humans have the power to break them?"

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure." Wang Tang said, "What are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to Equator City." Zhao Huasheng said, "I already have some vague ideas at the moment, believe me, I will soon figure out what's going on."

"Very good, very good." Wang Tang nodded, "Aren't you going to the City of Life? There is still order and stability there. Equator City is already a little chaotic."

"No, let's go to Equator City first." Zhao Huasheng said.

"Well, I wish you a smooth journey." Wang Tang patted Zhao Huasheng on the shoulder.

"I also wish the Crimson Heart a smooth journey. Goodbye."

After leaving the launch base, Zhao Huasheng boarded the plane to Equator City. During the journey all the way south, the surface that Zhao Huasheng saw gradually changed from pale and withered yellow to other colors, and green began to appear on the surface.

After all, this is a tropical place. Even if the solar radiation level has dropped by 15%, the place will still remain warm. It's just that I don't know how long this warmth can last.

In addition to natural landscapes, Zhao Huasheng also saw many man-made objects. There are heavy trucks lined up in a long line, and each heavy truck means at least 50 tons of supplies. And with just a glance from high above, Zhao Huasheng saw at least tens of thousands of trucks densely packed there. This is just a road in a small area. In other places, Zhao Huasheng didn't know how many trucks were transporting goods to Equator City on other roads.

Zhao Huasheng also saw a railway. On that railway, almost every three minutes, a train more than 1,000 meters long roared past. It was loaded with coal, oil, salt, grain, cement, steel and other materials. There are also a large number of trains passing by on the driveway, but those trains are empty, without any cargo on them.

The goods transported by this railway to Equator City every day alone is already a terrifying astronomical figure. According to Mengzhuo, the number of railways leading to Equator City has reached more than 300 at this moment. And that's just freight rail, not counting passenger corridors.

There are countless cargo ships on the sea road. Most of those freighters have a flat and wide Class A, and the Class A is densely packed with containers stacked together. Countless giant ships are distributed on the sea surface, almost covering the entire sea surface from a high altitude. In addition to roads, railways and ships, the sky is also extremely busy.

The height of the helicopter is only a few hundred meters, and there are jet planes flying through the sky thousands of meters above it all the time. Even Zhao Huasheng, who is riding in the helicopter, can hear the huge roar of the engine arrive.

Before he came to Equator City, Zhao Huasheng felt the rush of rush. The huge executive power of human civilization is fully revealed here, and it is even so huge that it will make people feel awe.

Zhao Huasheng knew that at least tens of millions of people were busy on this front. Train drivers, bus drivers, sailors, aircraft pilots, docks, airports, freight stations, dispatchers, loading and unloading personnel, etc., these people together constitute a lifeline, transporting huge amounts of blood from all over the world to Equator City. , so that people in Equator City can live.

"According to statistics, the daily delivery of various materials to Equatorial City has reached 1.57 billion tons, which does not include the local production in Equatorial City's 40 million square kilometers of land." Mengzhuo said, "For To expand the transportation route, they even directly removed the rails laid in other places and installed them here. They even remodeled the river cargo ships and put them into ocean transportation. Almost all the trucks in the world were requisitioned and controlled by the government Human civilization has used all its power to save the wealth we created and scattered around the world before the earth was frozen."

Zhao Huasheng nodded, but still did not speak. The helicopter continued on.

The closer you get to Equator City, the more busy it becomes. Zhao Huasheng has seen countless construction sites that are almost contiguous underground, the endless greenhouses for growing food, and the busy and crowded flow of people.

"In order to speed up the construction progress, we have adopted a modular construction method. A large number of construction materials will be produced when they leave the factory. It can be built like building blocks. Workers work day and night, and it only takes half a month to build a fifty-story building. And a fifty-story building can provide living security for at least 5,000 people. Of course, Comfort is out of the question. In these last days, it’s good to be able to survive, and the government doesn’t have the energy and resources to consider comfort.”

"The currency system has been reformed. The previous currency was converted into contribution points at a very low rate. A worker can get about 30 contribution points for a day of work. These contribution points can maintain the minimum living security of five people, and The limitation of the rationing system, that is, the amount of supplies that each person can buy every day is limited, even if a person has a large number of contribution points, he cannot buy too many supplies."

"Entertainment and leisure industries are severely restricted, luxury goods are banned, alcoholic beverages are restricted..."

Mengzhuo kept explaining the situation in Equator City to Zhao Huasheng in a low voice, and Zhao Huasheng listened quietly.

The helicopter finally passed over the tall buildings and busy construction sites, and finally landed in a relatively clean and spacious neighborhood.

"This is No. 337, District C, Equator City. You will live here temporarily. If you have any other requirements, I can satisfy you at any time." Mengzhuo said.

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