Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

: Testimonials from Dafeng and plans to add more

Thank you readers and friends for your love and support since the book was written, and also thank the editor-in-chief, editor, Xu Xu, Huya and other great appreciation and care. Tomorrow, the East Jinbei House will usher in a big seal, and it is also the most important starting point. One recommendation, on this day, Dao can only bow down and thank everyone who has always supported Zhuozuo.

The period of the Five Hus in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was a sensitive era. There were a lot of thunders and the content was not easy to grasp. Before the book was opened, many friends advised me not to live with the money. The next generation traveled through a small person of this era, following the conventional historical path of the black technology and system crushing of the later generations. But Heavenly Path refused, not only because the national hero I admired since childhood was Liu Yu, but also because many young student readers are not only unfamiliar with this history, but also made it for various Internet segments and headlines. Those people who attracted the eye, but distorted the history, and the bridge section led away from the direction.

These paragraphs, for the hardest and darkest era of the Han people, struggled for the survival of the nation and the inheritance of culture. The heroes and literati who passed down from generation to generation turned a blind eye to some of the absolute violence. The characters are as gods, which makes me feel that it is more necessary to write this book well. If this work can be used to let more young people understand the real history, I think that it is more than a year. It is more meaningful to earn a hundred and eighty thousand. After all, in middle age, people are still far from death and have no dreams, but inheriting our history and culture is the new direction of life that Tiandao has found in recent years.

Judging from the current situation, my dream still has the strong support of everyone. Since the book was opened, the score has exceeded the previous two books. This is grateful to all readers and friends for their support and editing support, and also makes Tiandao confident. To complete this work. Here Tiandao can promise to all readers and friends, as long as Tiandao can write, this book will not be **** or bad end, I think my previous two books, 12 million words of creative experience, should be able to Everyone has this confidence.

Finally, let ’s talk about the update plan. During the three-day period of the Great Seal, four changes are made every day in return for everyone ’s love and support. Tiandao has recently been busy working and writing time is basically overcrowded. This can only be done and talk about sincerity. .

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