When he first arrived at the Ability Bureau, he was unceremoniously given the title of "Level Zero" by this crystal ball, and he was still a little unhappy in his heart.

Before we started, one of the judges announced a small change to the rules.

"Yes, the testing process has not changed, but the form is different from before," he explained as he approached the crystal ball, "because the crystal has broken for unknown reasons, we no longer allow students to contact it directly, but to test it at a certain distance." "

Won't the test results be affected?" someone asked.

"Rest assured, we have designed an algorithm that can perfectly compensate for the error caused by the distance and will not affect everyone's actual score. "

Well......" After listening to the judges' explanations, the students finally put their minds at ease.

"Then I wish you all the best. After sending their blessings, the judges raised their hands to the observation deck, and the radio immediately broadcast the message of the start of the evaluation.

The eyes of all directions converged on the first male student. He swallowed deeply, nervous to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat.

In the midst of all the attention, the male student spread out his palms and held the crystal ball from a distance of half a meter, and the sphere immediately responded, and the surface exuded a not dazzling but warm light.

"Oh~" One after another shouted from the audience, without any emotion, many people were just shouting with the crowd.

"Not bad," the judge nodded, "next."

After that, the students came forward to test one after another, and the progress was quite fast.

From time to time, there was a bright light bursting out, which caused the audience to exclaim. These students, who received good voices, were all in high spirits, raised their hands to the crystal ball and were reluctant to put it down, and the judges urged them several times before they left.

Zhang Tianling was not interested in what was happening in front of him, and kept looking down and silently counting the stripes on his cuffs.

Just as he was about to finish counting laps, he suddenly noticed that the figure in front of him was shaking, and his vision immediately brightened. When I looked up, there was no team in front of me, and there were only two people left around the crystal ball.

After the test, the students gathered around and whispered, and the laughter in the stands also frequently came to their ears, and Zhang Tianling became the center of the discussion in the audience.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's eight-year-old kid!"

"I can't imagine it's really coming, look at his stupid appearance, what does his manager think?"

"Coax the child to play, just let us see the excitement, this is an unheard of 'big scene'." "

I heard it's still a zero-level with no spiritual power, haha...... Alas, look, he stretched out his hand!"

With Zhang Tianling's movements, all the audience couldn't help but slow down their breathing. Although the result has long been determined, they still invariably accumulate emotions in this way.

Zhang Tianling sighed lightly and raised his arm to the crystal ball.

One second, two seconds, three seconds......

Ten seconds passed, and the crystal ball showed no signs of glowing, and it was even much dimmer than before.

was ignored for the second time, and Zhang Tianling's heart was as unwavering as a crystal ball. He knew that he had a special physique, and he would not bother with the relevant evaluations of the outside world, otherwise he would have been ashamed of himself in front of so many people.

However, others don't think that you have anything unspeakable, and after the judges waved their hands to let Zhang Tianling leave, the laughter in the stands was like a volcano erupting into the sky.

"Level 0! It's really level zero! It's a record-breaking, and the judges are embarrassed to report it!" someone clutched his stomach and laughed and lay on his seat.

"The big show of the year, hey, I'm going, I'm sorry for the children!" "

Is he scared stupid, he has no expression at all?!"

"No matter how young you are, you should know what kind of virtue you are, and signing up for the competition is a waste of everyone's time."

"He's just a kid, please don't let him go!hahahaha!" ......

In this wave of bohemianism, only Su Xiaoli and a few people showed regret on their faces and cast concerned glances at the little guy.

Zhang Tianling glanced around coldly, not paying attention to ridicule and provocation at all. What he cares about the most is the true feelings of his friends, as well as the mysterious smiles of Wu Guoguang and Li Weidao of unknown meaning.

"Silence!" Qin Taichu couldn't stand the noise after all, even if the microphone was not in front of him, he didn't hesitate to condense his spiritual power and shouted.

The sound of majesty reverberated throughout the training ground, drowning out all other sounds. The audience closed their mouths in amusement, and the scene fell silent for a moment.

"Lord Qin will be angry," Wu Guoguang said with a smile, "No, no." "

If you don't stop it, this will become a vegetable market today!" Qin Taichu said angrily.

"Everyone is happy, there is nothing wrong with it.

"These are two different things, Master Wu don't change the concept secretly!"

"Oh?" Wu Guoguang raised his eyebrows, and a little contempt appeared in his eyes.

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