ELECTUS - A Tale Of Peaceful Demons.

Chapter 36 - Hail to our Lord

Eric flew himself and Mogranius in to safety.

But for obvious reasons, Eric has a boat load of questions. For what happened now and even what happened when he fell down in molten lava and survived. Many of the Calidum Lutum saw that and by now they surely reported it to Commander Alia.

But Mogranius and pretty much the rest of the gang didn't notice it at the exact moment and just thought that Eric regained control of his flying shortly after and managed to fly again.

But the fact that he fell in lava and didn't feel heat, is confusion topped up with impossibility.

Even a Grand Master of Lava Controlling couldn't possibly swim in lava without dying or being heavily injured. And that says a lot.

But first of course he is rather more curious to find out how his mentor who could cut people in half with his fire blasting, got defeated by a thick skulled animal.

"What on Ignis was that thing?"

Shouted Eric as they were about to land on the entrance of the cave."

"Damn it. I hoped that those overweight blow horns went extinct."

Replied Mogranius while trying to blast fire out of his hand. To see if his age and experience can perhaps overcome the effect that the bear caused.

Last time he encountered one was a couple of decades before he accidentally time travelled.

But no, he lost complete access to his powers. At least for a few hours. But now he would be vulnerable if another attack was to follow.

"I never saw a bear as huge as that one. I've heard "fairytales" but i assumed it was a myth." said Eric and continued to say

"I can barely blast any fire and you can't blast at all. Apart from all that, Chan got away. That Coward. How is this possible?"

"Source Bears. It was a source bear. They got that nickname because they are thought to be the very sources of Magic. However, they got that nickname centuries ago and it was soon proven that they were no source, just over powered thick skulled animals."

Explained Mogranius with the most irritated look on his face. Rather interesting to witness.

"Source bears. They seem very rare though. I suppose that was to any Witch or Wizard's liking. But how was it proven that they aren't the source?"

Asked Eric with usual curiosity.(It's becoming usual for Mogranius to answer a ton of questions.).

"About Two hundred and thirty years ago, a hunter shot one down. Well more like, ten hunters shot one down. It would be impossible for one hunter to kill it. Even Witches and Wizards can't because of obvious reasons.

Since these bears are killable, they are no source.

But yet again, One source disappeared which caused an entire continent to crumble into dust."

Explained Mogranius while practically arguing  with himself.

"So they are just over powered animals. Surprising how the ill.u.s.tratio didn't hunt them down and killed them. But where do they get their powers? Do they go to school and write things down?"

Mocked Eric even after such situation.

"Well if there was a magic school, i would sure send you there. It would get you closer to actually reading a book. With slight risks of being eaten alive. Chances i'm willing take."

Replied Mogranius with the utmost sarcasm he has been holding in through this whole situation. And continued

"However, i have no idea how they got those powers. They are rare and impossible to study.

They have an amazing sense of smell so it is hard to observe in the wild from up close."

"What about trapping it and putting it in a cage? That way you can study it from upclose without having to worry about your arms getting ripped off."

Added Eric

"No No. No small human trap can restrict a Source Bear.

Dig a hole, they climb out.

Catch with a net, no net can "bear" its weight. And even if it did, it's sharp claws come in handy.

Even if somehow anyone managed to catch a Source Bear, handling the bear long enough to transport it and put it in a cage, is a risk no one is insane enough to take. Which is why we don't know much about them."

Explained Mogranius while they were walking in the cave and making their way towards Lan Zhe.

"At this rate we would wish for them to be extinct rather than handling them."

Said Eric.

"Oh they should be after a few centuries.

No prey is common enough to feed their daily hunger. I mean they grow above a ton. Surely they need a big meal everyday."

Said Mogranius and added

"But a bear shouldn't be our main concern right now.

It is well established that the manbeast we faced is a spawn of Xakro ill.u.s.trato ll.

And that he has an actual Electus' powers.

But with all that power, why didn't Xakro ill.u.s.tratio lll end you? He clearly could. No offense."

"The same questions have been puzzling me. But also, why did Chan come here just to shoot down a Calidum Lutum and rip his heart out. He shouldn't of known that they existed.

And also, i recall Chan being very stupid. He couldn't of organized a plan like that. Unless he had Xakro's assistance."

Said Eric and then Mogranius continued

"Which further raises questions. Why would Xakro send a Goblin brained moron to do such job. He could of sent his Grand Generals to lead a possibly race extincting attack."

"There is one more thing. When i…."

Trying to finish the sentence Eric got stunned when they finally reached the entrance of Lan Zhe and found all five Grand Masters bending the knee and shouting



Following the Chants of the Grand Masters were all Non Lava Controllers, Hatchlings, Young Cubs, Magicians, Experts and Masters.

Their Chants were so heart felt that even the ground was rumbling.

Commander Alia approaches, bends the knee and says

"It is both an honour and privilege, My King."

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