Elf Invasion: I live broadcast popular science Pokémon

Chapter 155 This is an Unfortunate Times (6k)

If you leave Anping City and go to any city in the country, you can randomly pick ten passers-by from the street to ask questions.

"Excuse me, do you know what a monster is?"

At this time, there is a high probability that ten passers-by will nod their heads to express their understanding, and some of them can still say a lot of things to the questioner.


If you ask ten passers-by.

"Do you know what an elf is?"

Among these passers-by, not all of them, but at least half of them will look blank, and those who react quickly may ask back.

"You mean those creatures in Western mythology, those with pointed ears, bows and arrows in hand, blond hair and blue eyes, and a family of beautiful men and women?"

This is inherent cognition.

Since creatures like Pokémon came into this world, humans on this planet have long been accustomed to calling them monsters or monsters.

As for the word "elf" proposed by Chen Mo, it was actually only passed on in a small range.

Even Chen Mo's fans outside of Anping City mostly use the word 'Warcraft' when communicating with others in their daily lives.

This point, in fact, even the official is no exception, and even in a sense, the official is the most important reason why the word "Warcraft" can be quickly unified across the country.


Just one day in early May.

Many people across the country were surprised to find that the host in the news report suddenly used the word "elf" when reporting on the "Warcraft" case.

Immediately afterwards.

It was also discovered that since the Warcraft invasion, the most concerned official organization in the whole country, the name of the Warcraft Research and Countermeasure Bureau has also been changed.

Now, relevant announcements have been made on the official website of the Bureau of Countermeasures, and its name has also been officially changed to 'Elf Research and Countermeasure Bureau'.

Combined with the previous incident in Anping City, people all over the country realized one thing.

It's going to change.

Elf hut chat group.

【Oh no! Brothers, something big happened! 】

[Everyone is an adult, time is very busy, so don't bring it up if it's not a dirty thing, thank you for your cooperation. 】

[Do you want to say that Hongjingpo Forest has been officially blocked? 】

[Oh, oh, that, I know, Hongjingpo Forest is currently establishing a planning area, and after a while, we can go to Hongjingpo Forest to subdue elves under official protection. 】

【Isn't that a good thing? 】

[I heard that after the completion of the planning area of ​​Hongjingpo Forest, it will be open to the whole country, and this time it is finally not exclusive to Anping City. 】

【Great! In fact, the last time Brother Hui and the others went to Hongjingpo Forest, I wanted to go with them, but I was always worried about safety issues, so I finally gave up. This time I have an official word, so I feel a little more at ease. Do you have an appointment? waves? 】

[Wait, I'm not talking about the Hongjingpo Forest. I'm not sure about the details. You can read this post. 】

A link follows immediately below.

Staying at home, looking at the chatting group of young men with flat hair diving and fishing, he clicked in directly, and what caught his eyes was a line of eye-catching headlines.

"Science Wizard! ? What a traitor! "

"More than a month ago, there was an anchor called 'Mo Bao' by fans on Xiaopo, who suddenly changed careers from outdoor anchor."

"The effect of changing careers is very good. In just over a month, this Mobao has less than 100,000 followers. The small anchor who usually has 10,000 to 20,000 followers has suddenly turned into a small broken station. Zhuzi, the speed of fan growth is exaggerated, and currently has millions of fans, every time it starts broadcasting, no matter what content it is live broadcasting, it will rush to the top of the popularity list of Xiaopozhan in a short period of time."

"And this can't help but make people want to ask, what did this Mo Bao do after changing careers, and what kind of magic power does he possess that make everyone so crazy?"

"First of all, I would like to ask you a question, in this era, what topics are most concerned by people around the world?"

"That's right, it's a monster."

"This Mo Bao, in this era of warcraft invasion, switched careers to become a science popularization anchor, and the object of science popularization is monsters!"

"Of course, if this ink treasure is only showing us the dangers of popular science monsters and how terrifying they are, then forget it."

"But I never thought that this ink treasure would actually do the opposite. Popular science monsters are harmless to us humans."


"Since the invasion of monsters, I don't know how many countries have suffered for it, and I don't know how many human beings have been destroyed by the attacks of monsters."

"If nothing else, just take the situation in my family as an example."

"I have a second uncle who is a forest policeman."

"Last winter, my second uncle and a few colleagues went to perform daily inspection tasks, and then they were suddenly attacked by a monster. Several colleagues were killed on the spot. Only my second uncle survived by chance, but he also broke his leg and went in. .”

"I know that some people will talk about the 'Ba Dahu Incident' that happened in Mo Bao's live broadcast room, but I heard from my second uncle that they did nothing at that time, they were just walking in the forest on patrol, and suddenly It was attacked by a monster."

"As my second uncle, and the quality he has shown over the years, I believe he will not lie. At the end of the post, I will also put my second uncle's work experience in the unit and the evaluation of the neighbors around , you can judge for yourself.”

"Back to the topic."

"Warcraft are harmless? Is this something that a person can say!?"

"No, no, this is no longer a human being. I think this calligraphy should be regarded as a traitor!"

"One bloody tragedy after another tells us one thing. Warcraft cannot coexist with humans. They are natural and unteachable beasts. Between such creatures and us humans, there is only death and death. Coexistence is possible!"

"And do you know? The most incomprehensible thing for me is the official approach."

"Not only to protect anchors like this from death, but also to promote them vigorously?"

"After hearing about what happened in Anping City, my second uncle now stays at home all day. He is often called by family members, but he doesn't respond. He just stares blankly at the police badge he once wore."

"I understand what my second uncle is thinking. His faith has been shattered. He once believed in the official so much, but the official gave my second uncle such an answer that he was most unwilling to accept."

"When will we become friends with a group of murderers? Live in the same city as them?"

"I can't understand! I really can't understand!"

"It's a wretched world, a completely broken, dying world!"

"Oh, by the way, I don't know if you all know that the Warcraft Research and Countermeasures Bureau was renamed the Elven Research and Countermeasures Bureau yesterday."

"Actually, the name elf was first proposed by this 'Mo Bao'."


At the bottom of the post, the young man with a flat head saw that the host had posted a photo of his second uncle, and there was also a video, which was full of regret for his second uncle and praise for his usual life.

Regarding the injury of the second uncle due to work, and several other deaths at the same time, corresponding reports can also be found on the relevant websites. This is indeed an incident of elves hurting people.

Although we don't know the reason why the elves hurt people, the second uncle and several of his colleagues are indeed innocent people.

Such things naturally resonate more with the viewers.

The number of likes, comments, and retweets of this post is extremely high.

The flat-headed youth sighed deeply.

He scrolls down.

[I feel sorry for the host and the host's second uncle, this Mo Bao is really not a good thing! 】

[Some time ago, didn't many official media have been pushing this Mobao's live broadcast room? Look at this post, are they still embarrassed! ? 】

[I really feel worthless for my second uncle. At the same time, I am completely disappointed with the official, especially yesterday, when I was watching the news on TV and reporting a foreign World of Warcraft incident, the host suddenly used the word elves. For a moment, I felt exactly the same as the host, there is no way out, the monsters are invaders, why should we accept them! 】

[Indeed, it wasn't the host who mentioned it. I didn't even know there was such a wonderful city as Anping. Does the government really not consider our feelings when doing things? 】

[People rape! The word is so useful! 】

[This ink treasure is the spokesperson sent by the government, and it is probably used to take the blame. 】

[It's not that simple. If you do a little research, you will know why the officials chose Anping City as the pilot city, because Anping City is where this Mo Bao lives now, and this Mo Bao's identity is not just for memorizing The pan is as simple as that. 】

【Fuck to death! 】


There are also rational discussants, but more of them are insults.

After watching a part of it, the flat-headed youth felt that he could no longer watch it.

The chat group in the entire elf hut also exploded at this time.

[The human brain circuit of this post is really strange. When did Mo Bao say that elves are harmless? Obviously, Mo Bao also emphasized many times in the live broadcast. Some elves are born with extremely strong aggressiveness. Ordinary people see When it was time to dodge immediately, even Mo Bao almost died because of the three-headed dragon, so how could it be said that the elves are harmless. 】

[I'm so mad, I was arguing with that group of evil pens just now, these people don't listen at all, they keep spraying ink treasures all the time, I'm really mad at me! 】

[The comment area of ​​Xiaopozhan has been taken over by these people who heard the news. 】

[I told them that there are many powerful beings among elves, such as legendary elves like Suicune, if humans and elves really want to fight, then the final result will only be a loss for both sides. As a result, you guess, this group of people How to say? I'd rather be broken than broken, I'm really convinced, just like people are divided into good and bad, and not all elves have malice towards humans. 】

[Sigh, it’s not necessary. The poster who posted the post was radical because of family affairs. From his point of view, he really can’t accept elves. I think I can understand. Others are just following the trend online. The person who is happy, and Mo Bao is very famous now, I am afraid that he is the only person in the whole world, and he will encounter such a thing sooner or later. 】

[I know, but I’m just angry. Mo Bao obviously wanted to make the world better before he went to science popularization. There is also the matter of Anping City and Bobo Express. It has been proved that elves can also be well integrated into it. Our human life, but these people just can't see it! 】

[Since the Hongjingpo Forest last time, Mo Bao hasn’t started broadcasting for several days. I feel that Mo Bao’s desire to live broadcast is not very strong during this period of time.

[Mo Bao is not that kind of person, but I am more concerned about the official, why doesn't the official stand up and explain to Mo Bao at this time, isn't Mo Bao one of them? 】

[If you don’t know Mobao, it’s really a scapegoat for launching it...]

Seeing this, the crew-cut youth hesitated for a moment, then called Ah Hui.

"Ahui, have you seen the news in the group? Brother Mo, do you know what's going on now?"

"I went to look for Brother Mo just now. Brother Mo is busy at home. He seems to be choosing the next place to prepare for a science trip. His mood is very stable, so don't worry."


The flat-headed youth was taken aback.

"...I think it's a little bad to choose to go out to broadcast the popular science elf at this time..."

According to common sense, shouldn't one avoid the limelight at this time?

Ah Hui sighed and said helplessly.

"I also told Brother Mo about this, but he said, he didn't do anything wrong, why should he avoid the limelight, since it is a storm, let the storm come more violently."


As Ah Hui said, Chen Mo's mood at this time is indeed very stable.

From the first science popularization live broadcast, so far, Chen Mo has never been scolded. This time the incident is just the addition of all the previous accumulations, ushering in a big explosion.

Because of Professor Zhou's reminder, Chen Mo was already mentally prepared.

Moreover, during the communication with Professor Zhou, Chen Mo also felt that it was a good thing that the official officially changed the name of Warcraft to Elf.

Don't look at it as just a title.

However, behind the name Warcraft, it represents a ferocious and brutal objective impression. In this world, most people don't understand elves at all. Most of them just listen to the name Warcraft, which is different from before. The negative news created some bad stereotypes about elves.

The official got off to a bad start before, but now, the name has been changed to 'Elf', in order to make most people realize that elves are not as cruel as they imagined, and among them, there are also many kind-hearted people who are willing to fight with you. The close existence of human beings.


No matter when this kind of thing happens, it will stimulate the hearts of those innocent people who were hurt by the elves. Although the officials are doing their best to make up for it, this will eventually be a shadow that cannot be broken in this era.

Standing in the tide of this era, the only thing Chen Mo can do is to do his best to popularize science, so that this slightly gloomy era can pass quickly.

Other things, such as verbal abuse, he no longer cares about.

not to mention.

The official made this decision, and it also bears a lot of infamy.

Looking through the comments on the Internet, it is not difficult to see those people's abuse of Professor Zhou and his team who made the decision. The situation on their side is actually much worse than that on Chen Mo's side. After all, in the eyes of some people, Chen Mo himself is The official backer, as everyone knows, Chen Mo is the one who has the most influence in making such changes.

"Next, this is the place."

Chen Mo looked at the information on the screen with a slightly serious expression.

He didn't know whether his choice was correct.

However, Chen Mo felt his chest tight when he thought of what the old Double Ax War Dragon said that day, its expression and regret.

In fact, when Chen Mo first heard about the title of "ideal brave man" from Shui Jun, he was somewhat happy.

But now, after hearing the story of that trainer, and remembering the story of another Mr. Arthurs who spent his entire old age atoning for his sins, even turning into a spirit body, he begged Zekrom to forgive him.

The title 'ideal brave' seems to be very heavy.

if you can.

Chen Mo really wanted to find that 'ideal incarnation', the legendary elf - Zekrom immediately.

go tell it.

The boy you chose at the beginning was just lost on the road of growing up, but he is also working hard with his last life in exchange for your forgiveness.

There is also a trainer in the later life who, after hearing your story, spent his entire life chasing after you.

As well as the eldest prince, and the ancestor of the trainer, the obsession of all of them.

Therefore, after hearing that Zekrom might stay in the forest, Chen Mo felt that no matter what, it was necessary for him to go there.


Chen Mo also remembered what the old Double Ax War Dragon said, that there might be disasters coming in that forest.

However, due to the uncertainty of the time, it is impossible for Chen Mo to wait until the disaster is over. After all, what if it is a year?

And Chen Mo is not completely incapable of preventing it now, if a disaster breaks out, Chen Mo can just run away with the elf.

Anyway, now that there is a Poké Ball, even if there is an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, Chen Mo can call Bibi Bird to take him away.

Therefore, even if it was really unlucky and happened to be a disaster, Chen Mo was confident that he would be able to escape.

Just when Chen Mo was about to continue looking through the files.

The phone rang suddenly again.

The caller is Ah Hui.

"Brother Mo, hurry up and watch the video link I sent you. You must not miss this video!"


On the evening of the second day after the Warcraft Research and Countermeasures Bureau changed its name to the Elf Research and Countermeasures Bureau, the official accounts of many platforms jointly released a documentary that lasted more than two hours. Played this documentary.

the beginning of the movie.

It was a paragraph of words typed on a black screen.

"This is an unfortunate time. Our choices will determine what kind of world our next generation will live in."

The subtitles faded away slowly.

Immediately afterwards, another paragraph appeared.

"First of all, how did they come to this world? What is their purpose?"

The screen gradually brightened, and the subtitles slowly disappeared.

It was a forest in the outskirts, on an empty grassland, only the occasional sound of insects came from outside the screen.

At this moment, a purple mouse-like creature with two huge front teeth suddenly appeared in the grass.

At the beginning, it was still running on all fours, but suddenly it seemed to realize that something was wrong, it stopped abruptly, its eyes looked around, and a humanized confused expression appeared on its small face.

Camera cut.

One after another, creatures that have never been seen on this planet appeared in grasslands, plains, forests, lakes, seas and other environments.

Some of them are at a loss, while others are very cautious, but without exception, they all reveal their confusion about the current world.

Although the elves have always been regarded as intruders by humans, in fact, their arrival is not under their own control, and they have no choice at all.

See here.

Many people holding cell phones, or watching TV fell silent.

"Brother, I think they look so pitiful."

"Poor fart!"

In a certain room, a young man sitting in front of the TV said coldly.

"You have to figure it out, even if they were forced to come to our world, the fact that they hurt people and kill people is true."

The voice just fell.

The screen on the TV changed.

Fell into a snowfield.

A group of people in police uniforms were walking along the snow-covered mountain road while carefully observing the surroundings with their guns in hand.

at this time.

Accompanied by a roar from the jungle.

Immediately afterwards.

A pair of crimson eyes flashed through the shaking camera, and then, a biped creature shaped like a shark with a conspicuous yellow spot in the shape of an inverted five-pointed star on the tip of its nose approached at an extremely fast speed.

"It's a monster! Be careful!"

"do not come!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

This is a brutal unilateral massacre.

When the young man saw this, his eyes were already red, and his hands were tightly clenched.

Fragments pass quickly.

A dossier appeared in the center of the screen, detailing that this was a real tragedy that happened earlier this year.

The scene just now still remained in his mind, the young brother's face was pale at this moment, and fear was written in his eyes.

The young man said slowly in a slightly hoarse voice.

"See, these are monsters, a group of murderous creatures. Now, do you still feel sorry for them?"

The younger brother lowered his head and didn't dare to speak any more.

The video continues.

A heart-piercing cry came first.

"My husband...he was bitten to death by that magical beast just like that..."

New victim?

When the young man who was already in extreme anger heard the woman's continuous crying, the anger in his heart had directly risen to the point where it could not be added.

The scene moved up slowly with the camera, and landed on the monitor in the police station.

The screen changes.

It was as if bringing everyone in front of the screen back to the scene of the crime.

It was in a large courtyard, and a strong man was holding a long stick and constantly beating a purple mouse in the corner that appeared in the previous video.

Accompanied by the falling of a stick, the purple mouse that was hit let out screams, trying to escape, but soon, it was directly blocked by a strong man holding a long stick from the other side.

Without further ado, another stick fell and hit the purple mouse firmly.

Seeing this, the young man was stunned.

"This is…"

Go to bed, go to bed, and be a man of the sun tomorrow, good night everyone.

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