Slightly obese body, shiny blue skin, dorsal fin intertwined with purple and dark green, and the iconic bean eyes.

As Brother Yi's camera zoomed in, many viewers had already typed the name of this strange elf before Chen Mo had popularized it.

[Marsh King! 】

【Another elf of the king generation,】

[Hahaha, this elf named Marsh King is a bit interesting. According to the elf illustration, Marsh King has a leisurely personality, always swimming in the water as he pleases, and sometimes even accidentally bumps into passing boats and the bottom of the river stone, but because of his slippery body, he didn't care at all. 】

[Whether it's the carp king or the marsh king, the expressions on their faces are a little silly. Is this a common problem of the elves of the king generation? 】

【Brother in front, King Feng has something to say. 】

【We don't know what King Feng looks like, but another elf of the Wang generation, the Goldfish King, doesn't look stupid, so it shouldn't be because of the Wang generation. 】

[If you want to talk about the stupid and cute elves, you have to count the Kodak Duck at Chengying Lake. Unfortunately, Teacher Mo has been looking for two days, but he couldn't see that Kodak Duck again. 】

[Marsh King, Carp King, and Kodak Duck seem to be all water-type elves...]

[Honestly speaking, the bean eyes born to the marsh king are quite different from those of the carp king and Koda duck. 】

[There is so little information about Marsh King in the Elf Illustrated Book, just one sentence, and then more information is still being investigated and sorted out below, which is completely different from the previous situation. 】

Starting from the campsite, Chen Mo also met many common elves along the way.

However, before Chen Mo could say anything, those viewers who had just downloaded the elf guidebook last night had already excitedly used the guidebook to conduct some science popularization on the barrage in advance.


It's easy.

Chen Mo didn't have any opinion on this either.

After all, on the way of travel and exploration, you will always meet many elves you have met before. Naturally, it is impossible for Chen Mo to educate the audience again every time.

There have been situations where barrage acts as a proxy before, but now because of the elf illustrated book, such situations have become more frequent.


Most of the contents of the Elf Illustrated Book were fabricated based on Chen Mo's own memory and the ability of the [Eye of Detection], so there were naturally some details.

And because it was the first time I met the Marsh King, the official side had never subdued the Marsh King, so there was not much information about the Marsh King in the elf illustrated book.

Chen Mo skillfully scanned the marsh king between the rivers with [Detecting Eye], and then Chen Mo said slowly.

"It seems that everyone is becoming more and more proficient in using the elf illustrated book. That's right, this elf is the Marsh King, a kind of elf that basically poses no threat to us humans."

"The audience who are familiar with me should be very clear that I rarely use such words to describe an elf."

"However, as some viewers said in the barrage before, the marsh king's character is too leisurely, to what extent is he so leisurely?"

"Everyone pay attention to these marsh kings."

In front of the camera, Chen Mosui pointed to the bottom of the clear river, where several marsh kings were looking up at the blue sky with their mouths wide open.

"Is it very strange, why do these marsh kings maintain such a unified posture in the river?"

"It's very simple. Marsh King is waiting for the food to be delivered to his door."

"Sounds outrageous, right? But it's true. Many marsh kings don't take the initiative to catch their prey. They lie quietly on the bottom of the river with their mouths open, just like they are now, waiting for those shrimps. Food like small fish jumped into his mouth."

As soon as Chen Mo's voice fell, Pikachu who was staying on Chen Mo's shoulder suddenly let out a cry.


"What's wrong, Pikachu?"

Chen Mo turned his head and found that Pikachu was pointing at a certain position in the water.

Looking in the direction, I saw a crucian carp about two fingers long swimming slowly past the marsh kings in the clear river.

The marsh kings didn't move at all, and the crucian carp obviously didn't notice anything unusual, as if it regarded the big blue guys around here as big stones with special colors.

The unsuspecting crucian carp swam to the slippery belly of a marsh king, searched for it, and soon came to the big mouth of the marsh king.

Chen Mo closed his mouth and watched the scene quietly.

Although Chen Mo has already popularized many elves, but because most of them just meet the elves and then leave, such scenes of elves preying are still very rare.

Even though this predation method is a bit special, the audience in the entire live broadcast room is still full of curiosity, and even the barrage has decreased a lot, for fear of missing a little detail.


The crucian carp, completely unaware of the danger, swam around beside the open mouth of the marsh king.

【Come in! You go in! 】

[Crusch carp: I have an ominous premonition. 】

【Cao, Marsh King, you should keep your mouth shut! 】

As a professional photographer, Brother Yi had already adjusted the lens without Chen Mo reminding him, aiming the whole picture at the bottom of the clear river.

The crucian carp has already put half of its body into the mouth of Marsh King.

According to common sense, at this time, the marsh king only needs to close his mouth quickly, and 90% of the crucian carp can't escape.

But just short of this last step, the Marsh King was still unwilling to shut his mouth. Many viewers sitting on the screen were so anxious watching this scene that they wished to cross the screen to point out the Marsh King in person.


The crucian carp, not aware of any danger, put its whole body into the mouth of the marsh king. Under the anxious urging of the screen, the marsh king finally began to close his mouth.

high speed.

The crucian carp that reacted just flicked its tail and turned around, but it could only watch the light disappear from its field of vision, and then return to darkness.


The marsh king who swallowed the food showed a satisfied expression, and then he continued to open his mouth without moving, waiting for the next destined fish.

"like this."

Chen Mo smiled slightly.

"Marsh King is a very lazy elf. If it is said that Koda Duck is suffering from a headache and can use his brain, then he will not use his brain. Then on Marsh King's side, if he is lying in the water, his body will not move if he can. "

[Zhuo! An elf like Marsh King is too amazing. 】

[Mr. Mo, I feel that you are wrong. This is not laziness, it is clearly laziness! 】

【Marsh King remains motionless~】

[Interesting, this elf is quite interesting, aloof from the world, without desires or desires, lying flat, swinging open! 】

[As far as the marsh king's predation method is concerned, I really doubt whether it can eat enough? Nine meals in three days? 】

Glancing at the barrage, the smile on Chen Mo's face grew even wider.

"About the question of whether the Marsh King will starve, I don't think you need to worry at all. Because the Marsh King basically doesn't move much, he basically doesn't use much energy in his body, so he doesn't feel hungry easily."

"Besides, Marsh King just doesn't like sports, but he's not a fool. They will take the initiative to prey when they feel hungry. In addition, Marsh King himself is an omnivorous elf. He has a wide range of recipes and can eat many things. So don't worry at all."

"By the way, although the Marsh King is an elf that basically poses no danger to humans, the form of the Marsh King before evolution, Wubo, is this elf, which is worth noting."

Chen Mo pointed to a place of sand at the bottom of the water.

There, a petite elf was burying most of its body in the sand, only showing its round head and lavender horns on both sides.

"Both Wubo and Marsh King are amphibious elves. When they come to land from water, Wubo and Marsh King will wrap their bodies with a special layer of mucous membrane to prevent drying."

"Attention, this layer of mucous membrane may be poisonous. If we touch it with bare hands, it will cause paralysis in the body."

"As for the reason why I want to focus on Wubo, it is because the marsh king can usually control the toxins in the mucous membrane by himself. Generally speaking, the marsh king will not take the initiative to apply toxins on the mucous membrane. However, Wubo before the marsh king evolved But it’s different, because the power is still relatively weak, just like the young Pichu can’t control the electricity in his electric sac, Ubo can’t control the toxins on the mucous membrane, so when you meet Ubo, don’t think it’s very It’s so cute, feel free to touch it.”

As soon as this remark came out, the bullet screen in the entire live broadcast room was full of discussions.

[I understand that the Marsh King clan is basically no threat to us humans, but the premise is that we don't want to provoke the Marsh King and them. 】

[It's a pity, Wubo looks quite cute, but I can't touch it in the end... Sigh! 】

[Don’t just want to masturbate when you see any elf. How many times has Mr. Mo said that if it’s not the kind of elf that you are familiar with, don’t touch it and stay as far away as possible, otherwise you may encounter various dangers of. 】

[Mr. Mo's popular science is really good. 】

[Yes, the content of this science popularization is much richer than that shown in the elf illustrated book. 】

[Normally, the Elf Illustrated Book itself is still being supplemented. As an official insider, Mr. Mo knows some contents in advance are not very normal. 】

Facing the confusion of the audience, Chen Mo did not take the initiative to explain anything.

After all, the identity of an official insider is very useful. Although there must be some people who feel abnormal, most cases can be fooled.

In addition, the officials also understand Chen Mo's special ability, and are currently subduing various common elves in advance. For example, in the case of Katie Dog last time, let Chen Mo use the [Detective Eye] to record the data and send it to the elves On the illustrated book, if this confusion is repeated, the suspiciousness will be reduced a lot.

‘With official endorsement, it’s easy. '

Chen Mo sighed silently in his heart.

After sorting out his emotions, Chen Mo glanced at the marsh king's family in the river, and walked forward along the river beach for a certain distance.

"Elves like Marsh King have another special feature. They have a very high requirement for the water quality in their habitat."

"In another world, because of this feature, the Marsh King is loved by many residents living near the river, and even makes various regulations to protect the Marsh King."

While popularizing science, Chen Mo took the poke ball from his waist.

"This place is relatively empty, everyone, let's go out and do some activities."

A streak of white light emanated from the elf ball.

Bibi Bird and Absolu appeared first.

One flew in the air, flapped its huge wings, and hovered above Chen Mo's head.

One stood beside Chen Mo, took a look at the surrounding environment, and was attracted by the Marsh King family floating in the water not far away.

The figure of the carp king also appeared in the water.

Because this time was to explore the river, Chen Mo took the carp king with him, and by the way, gave the carp king a vacation.

Although the carp king never said anything, Chen Mo could tell from the increasingly rich skill list of the carp king that he had been undergoing special training with that tyrannosaurus these days.

"Gulu Gulu..."

Good water quality is also a kind of enjoyment for the carp king itself.

These days of high-intensity training, at this moment of soaking in the water, I got a little bit of relief.

Chen Mo noticed the change in Carp King's expression, and frowned slightly.

"If this goes on..."

The carp king is willing to become stronger, which is naturally a good thing.

But now it continues to become stronger, which means that it is getting closer and closer to the path of evolving into a tyrannosaurus.

The carp king's body is like a bucket, it was okay to keep it as it was before, but now it keeps adding water, and there will always be times when the water will overflow.


That is the moment of evolution.

Chen Mo has asked the carp king again in the past two days. It is still resisting evolution, but it wants to become stronger.

So after thinking about it, there is only one way.

The Unchanging Stone.

Just as Chen Mo was thinking, Pikachu suddenly shook Chen Mo with his little paw.


"Did something happen?"

"Pickup! Pickup pickup!"

This time without Pikachu saying much, Chen Mo had already seen it.

The group of marsh kings who were leisurely floating in the water before were swimming towards their position at this time.

Chen Mo frowned.

Because the movement of releasing the elves was a bit loud, Chen Mo had deliberately distanced himself from the Marsh King's family, just to prevent disturbing the Marsh King and them.

Did the result still disturb the marsh king?

It doesn't feel right...

Chen Mo felt that with the character of Marsh King, even if he released the elves in front of them, they should not have any reaction.

"What the hell is this..."


The marsh kings arrived at the place where Chen Mo was, and then, surrounded by all the marsh kings, a larger marsh king slowly walked ashore from the water.

It first glanced at the Bibi bird flying in the sky, then at Absolu, then looked at Chen Mo, and let out a low cry.

"Hum, ham, ham..."

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Mo had a question mark on his face.

He could feel that the marsh king, who was suspected to be the leader of the marsh king clan, seemed to have something to ask himself.

Not long after.

Under the simultaneous translation of Pikachu.

Chen Mo finally understood that it wasn't the movement of releasing the elves that disturbed the Marsh Kings, but that the Marsh King saw some of his own elves and wanted to come over to challenge them.


Chen Mo was silent.

The marsh king is so aggressive! ?

This is completely inconsistent with your laid-back and lazy appearance just now!

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