Whether it is a major or minor illness, due to the limitations of the development of medicine in the times, there are many diseases that plague people, so that these patients have been suffering from illness.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of them, and the shock and joy in everyone's hearts can be imagined when they learned that Ash had cured rheumatoid arthritis, which cannot be cured medically now.

However, the words of a certain trainer suddenly made the happy and excited crowd feel like they had been poured a basin of cold water on their heads.

"Don't think about it, if it's a Pokémon with these diseases, just make an appointment to register, and send it to Ash when Ash is in the clinic, and Ash will treat you without saying a word. "

"But if it's a human who has these diseases, Ash won't help you treat it, because Ash said that he won't use superpowers to help humans heal. A trainer said.

"Why?" asked the other trainer curiously.

"I know that before the live broadcast just started, there was a trainer in Tokiwa City, who watched the TV interview with Ash, explained:

The reason why Xiao Zhi refuses to resist helping humans do therapy is that it may be that he helped the student named Xiao Hao in the summer camp before.

Ash treats him as a friend and tries his best to treat him after he is injured, but in the end, Ash betrays his friendship and spreads rumors to slander Ash behind his back.

It is very likely that Ash has left a wound in his heart because of this incident, so he is so reluctant to help humans heal now. A trainer explained.

"So that's the case, I also watched the live TV broadcast of the summer camp before, and the one named Xiaohao does have a bad personality and a very bad character. "

At that time, he spread rumors to slander Ash, if it wasn't for Dr. Damu's side to come up with evidence to refute the rumors as soon as possible, it is estimated that Ash would be abused by the whole network because of these rumors. "

"And there's more...... In addition to spreading rumors to slander Ash, this guy named Xiao Hao also abused Pokémon in the summer camp and abused the carp king he received in the summer camp. "

"Good guy, this kid is really bad enough, such a person doesn't deserve to be a Pokémon trainer. "

"It's just ......"

"There is another thing that makes me haunted, and that is that this guy named Xiaohao is from our Dead Leaf City. "

"I'm fork!!, this scum named Xiaohao is really a shame on our Withered Leaf City. "

"Who said it wasn't, at that time, the rumors were spreading to slander Ash, and Dr. Oki didn't punish Xiaohao.

It was this kid who was later exposed to abuse of the carp king, so he was expelled from the summer camp by Dr. Ohki, and at the same time, the alliance also issued a punishment (ADFC) punishment, so that he would go to the Junsha Police Station every week to receive education before his debut at the age of 10, and at the same time, he was regularly arranged to be a community volunteer. "

"When you debut at the age of 10 in the future, you will have to undergo an assessment, and if you don't pass the assessment, you will be deprived of the qualification to become an official registered trainer of the league for life. "

"Haha...... The Alliance's punishment is so relieving, but I still think it's too light. "

"There's no way, this kid is a child after all, and he is not yet an adult, if he is an adult and finds out that he has been abused with a Pokémon, it is estimated that the punishment will not be so simple. "

"Let's not talk about Xiaohao, this kid, it affects the mood, or talk about Ash's superpowers, is it really impossible to ask Ash to help treat humans?

After all, like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis...... These stubborn diseases really plague and afflict many people. "

"Hmm...... I don't think it's impossible, although Ash is only six years old, but his mind is very mature, and his personality is also very kind.

This is evidenced by the fact that the clinic section of the online store is now open to help sick and injured Pokémon do free treatment. "

"Yes, Ash is not only a talented genius, but also very diligent, conscientious, and filial.

In all other respects, he is also very good, which is obvious to all of us, otherwise we would not call it the light of Kanto. "

"Indeed, not everyone is as bad as Xiaohao, anyway, Brother Xiaozhi is very kind and cute. "

"As for letting Xiaozhi's younger brother help treat other stubborn diseases, I personally think that although he was very resistant in an interview with reporters, he has a kind personality, and if he sincerely asks for him, it is estimated that he will still help with the treatment. "

"Well, yes, but if you really want to ask Brother Ash to help with the treatment, you have to contact in advance to make an appointment, and don't send the patient directly over abruptly.

went directly to Zhenxin Town to find him, which seemed to be a bit of a forced palace, moral kidnapping, and using public opinion to coerce him to do this, no one could accept it. "

"That's right, contact in advance to make an appointment, sincerely explain the reason, please, and then see when Ash has time to talk.

After all, Ash is very busy now, and he usually watches the Weibo news updated by Lotom, and Ash is full of arrangements all day. "

"Yes, I don't have to study and train at the Tokiwa City Pokémon Center anymore, but I still have an online clinic to sit in. "

"At such a young age, being so busy and working so hard makes people feel distressed at the same time, but also makes me feel ashamed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)



——Tokiwa City Pokémon Center——

The staff of Tokiwa City TV station broadcast live through the soundproof glass of the window outside the clinic, and the staff of the TV station outside included fans and viewers of the TV set and the Internet live broadcast room.

It is not clear that Ash has just used his superpowers to cure a stubborn disease like rheumatoid arthritis that is difficult to cure. []

However, at the Pokémon Center in Withered Leaf City, Haoli's trainer Ryohei Kawa was ecstatic and cried with joy, revealing this shocking information.

Ash still doesn't know at the moment how much shock and discussion he caused at the Pokémon Center in Withered Leaf City by curing Haoli's rheumatoid arthritis with his superpowers.

And the ripples of influence are spreading outward, to the whole of Kanto and even to the whole world.

Ash didn't know any of this at the moment, and he was busy healing the Pokémon that had teleported over.

"Xiao Chun, you tell Lothom, temporarily close the clinic to make an appointment to get a number, there are enough people who have made an appointment today, these patients who have got the number will all have to complete the treatment, and it is estimated that they will have to be busy until six or seven o'clock in the afternoon. "

Just finished the treatment for a Kami turtle, feeling the power of Changpan boiling and increasing in his body, Xiao Zhi felt both satisfaction and pressure in his heart.

He just glanced at the number of appointments at the online store clinic, and now the number has reached 500.

Although the superpower healing speed is very fast, basically you can help a Pokémon complete the healing in 2~3 minutes, and then as you become more proficient, the speed and efficiency can be further improved.

But there are more than 500 Pokémon, and Ash estimates that he may not be able to complete the treatment until dark, and if he continues to rank the number, he will not be able to bear it, and the patient who takes the number will not be able to wait.

"Okay. Joey agreed and hurriedly conveyed his meaning to Lothom in the backstage of the online store.



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