

It's not early, and after the flower shop closes the door, Ash also rushed to Zhenxin Town in Aunt Mieko's car-

Tokiwa City is not close to Shinshin, and it takes Ash half an hour to pedal a bicycle here, but four wheels are indeed faster than two.

Aunt Mieko drove here, and it only took about 15 minutes to return to Zhenxin Town, which saved a lot of time.

"Auntie, the car will stop outside the town, you and my mother will go back first, and I will also go here to help the injured Pokémon gathered in Xiaoshiqiao and Dashiwan for medical treatment. Ash said.

I took a look at it with the power of the waveguide.,Today, because of the opening of the online store outpatient clinic.,I stayed in Joban City all afternoon and didn't come back.,At this time, Xiaoshiqiao and Dashiwan have gathered a lot of sick and injured wild Pokémon.。

The living environment of wild Pokémon is not as rich as that of Pokémon raised by humans "570", even if it is a little food or a tree fruit, a fight may break out.

The cruelty of the law of the jungle is played out all the time.

It is also for this reason that many sick and injured Pokémon come to him for treatment every day.

Wild Pokémon have the rules of survival of wild Pokémon, and humans should not intervene arbitrarily to help these Pokémon that will be eliminated by nature and fall into the mouth of hunters for treatment.

As well as asking for access to the two clinics, it is forbidden to fight, and to provide these Pokémon with a safe place to recover from breathing, which is already the limit of what Ash can do.

"Okay, Ash, you also pay attention to safety, and come back as soon as you're done. Watching Ash push the car door and get out of the car, her mother Hanako also said distressedly.

Ash is obviously only six years old, but he has more things to do every day than adults like them, and the burden on his shoulders is so heavy.

As a mother, Hanako felt both guilty and distressed, and of course, she was proud of her son.

"Okay, don't worry, there are Pikachu and Ninja Frog here~" Ash waved his hand, and then walked towards the stone bridge by the river with Pikachu in his arms, and the Ninja Frog also followed Ash like a silent and steady bodyguard.


"Everyone, I'm sorry, I've been a little busy this afternoon, and I've been staying in Joban City and haven't come back, and I've just come back by car, so I've been waiting for you for a long time. "

"Next, please line up on a first-come, first-served basis, and if you are particularly seriously injured, you can tell me, and I can give priority to treating them. "

Shouting with the power of the waveguide, and learning that Ash has finally returned, the wild Pokémon gathered in the two clinics immediately cheered with joy, and then quickly lined up.

Although there are a lot of Pokémon, they themselves can't remember who came first and who came later, and the queue is chaotic, but fortunately, the speed of treatment on Ash's side is very efficient.

Unlike the Pokémon sent by the online store clinic, all of them are sick, and most of the wild Pokémon gathered at these two clinics are injured due to fighting.

The speed of treatment of trauma is already very fast, and this afternoon the online store clinic received a large number of patients, and a large amount of experience points were recorded, and Chang Pan's cultivation skyrocketed by ten levels, from LV.43 to LV.53

Tokiban's cultivation is getting deeper and deeper, and the speed and efficiency of helping Pokémon heal injuries are getting higher and higher.

The wild Pokémon gathered in the two major clinics, because of the quarrel in the queue order, and before the dispute expanded, Ash had already helped the other party heal his injuries.

"Big-tongued scallop ......"

"Pincer Crab ......"

"King Carp ......"

"Horned Goldfish ......"

"Mary Lou ......"



"Bada Butterfly ......"

"Needle Bee ......"

"Bibi Bird ......"

"Little Lada......"

"Pangolin ......"



67 small stone bridges

83 in Hit Rock Bay

Tokiban's power LV.53—LV.55

As the level of Joban's strength increases, more and more experience is required to level up, but Ash opens a clinic to gain experience for himself, plus long-term business.

Whether it is the newly opened online store clinic today or the two clinics for wild Pokémon in the wild, a large number of sick and injured Pokémon come to him for treatment every day.

Today, his Chang Pan's power cultivation has increased by 12 levels, and if the Golden City Superpower Association knows about it, he will definitely drop his jaw in shock.

I'm afraid that Nazi, a superpowered genius, will also be frightened by Ash's progress speed and bend a spoon.

It's a pity that TA doesn't know.

Even because Ash's superpowers don't have any offensive power, most of the superpowers in the association voted against the proposal to invite Ash to join the Superpowers Association.

Maybe one day most of them will wake up and clearly know that Ash's superpowers are not simple, but I believe that it is impossible to invite Ash to join the Superpower Association at that time.

Because at that time, TA couldn't climb high -

No, there is no need for the future, even for now, this group of high-minded and self-righteous guys can't afford to be tall enough for Ash.

"Whew...... Finally the treatment is over, and I'm exhausted. Watching the wild Pokémon whose injuries had been healed scattered away from the Hit Rock Bay Clinic, Ash couldn't help but let out a long sigh as he looked at the barren and desolate barren grass beach outside. []

"Let's go, I can't rest yet, and I'll have to feed the Pokémon of the customers of the skill online store when I go back." "



Pikachu and Ninja Frog nodded, seeing that Ash had been busy all day, and they couldn't rest when it was dark at this time, and the eyes of the two pets were full of distress.

Of course, just like Ash's mother, Hanako, in addition to distress, there is also pride, pride and admiration.



Illuminated by the flash of his mobile phone, after returning to the main road outside, Ash also took out the bicycle from the system backpack and rode home.

At this moment, the night is shrouded in the earth, and although Zhenxin Town is not as bright as the neon 1.2 lights of Tokiwa City, it is also full of lights at this time.

As soon as he got home, Ash released the Pokémon of the customers of the skill online store to feed, and when he had dinner in the evening, Pikachu and Ninja Frog ...... They have already eaten.

However, the more than 100 Pokémon of the customers of the skill online store are still hungry at the moment.

It's not that your own Pokémon doesn't feel distressed, but customers send their beloved Pokémon to Ash's side, and they are always worried about it.

So when he got home, he released the customers' Pokémon to feed, and he apologized to these customers in the fan base, and asked Lothom to shoot a video so that the other party could understand the status of his Pokémon here.



To all Yanzu and Yu Yan: ask for subscriptions, collections, monthly passes, flowers, rewards, and support!!。

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