Noon country, capital city.

In recent days, the people in the capital city of Wu Kingdom have become terrified because of the attack of the Dayan army.

After the player's border was opened, the people of Wu Kingdom suddenly knew that there was a giant country called Dayan next to their own country.

Some news spread in the noon country.

The news said that the emperor of the Wu Kingdom, King Wu Wang, would send a group of envoys to Dayan, asking for an alliance against the other nations.

Ally with great powers.

This is very good news for all the people of Wu Kingdom. After all, being able to establish contact with a big country in this chaotic first region is undoubtedly a measure to settle down and save lives.

Just when the people of Wu Kingdom praised their emperor's wiseness and martial arts.

war is coming...

Just half an hour after the envoy of the Wu Kingdom left, a group of Dayan's troops appeared on the border of the Wu Kingdom, and then launched an attack on the border of the Wu Kingdom.

The headed man with a dark complexion and a burly height, like a giant beast, slaughtered the generals of the Wu Kingdom very bloody and brutal after attacking the border.

Subsequently, the border was lost, the state capital was lost, and the hinterland was lost...

This group of Dayan's soldiers was like a dark cloud, quickly and terrifyingly swept the entire Wu Kingdom

And when Dayan's army came to the imperial capital of Wu Kingdom.

All the people of Wu Kingdom felt extremely desperate.

But fortunately, the capital of the Wu Kingdom had been strengthened under the orders of the Wu Kingdom Emperor, and within ten days and a half months, the troops of Dayan would not be able to attack at all.

It is said that the emperor of the Wu Kingdom also sent some messengers overnight to seek help from the surrounding countries.

Just because of the cooling of the envoy.

Therefore, it is estimated that this news will take a long time to reach other countries.

However, the people of the Wu Kingdom still had confidence in their Majesty.

But just when the people trapped in the capital city of Wu Kingdom were all looking forward to it, Jia Xu's plan came silently.


"Kill a person for a life!"

"Seven days later, the army will attack the city!"

"Surrenders don't kill!"

"The one who kills the list will not kill!"

From the claws of one bird after another, the sheets of paper were thrown into the city of Wu Kingdom.

The flyers all over the sky fell like a reminder.

These leaflets were filled with the names of low-level officials. Yes, these leaflets were filled with only the names of low-level officials of the Wu Kingdom.

There are no names of mid-level and senior officials.

Moreover, the letter also said that as long as there is a Wu countryman who can kill one of the above, it is equivalent to winning the gold medal of immunity and protecting the family!

When the city is broken,

Not only can it save lives, but it will even seal officials and reward them with thousands of dollars!

To know,

In ancient times, the number of low-level officials was quite large. Although it could not be said that there was only one manpower, it was not scarce.

What's more, a low-level official can protect a family!

For a time, this incident caused an uproar.

And the emperor player of Wu Kingdom learned about the flyer.

Immediately sent troops to collect all the flyers and destroy them. At the same time, the emperor of Wu Kingdom also sent out archers to shoot the flying wings in the sky.

However, this unfortunate Wu Kingdom Emperor player was a step too late after all.

Although the flyers can be confiscated, and the birds in the sky can be shot down, people's mouths can't be blocked.

first day,

The entire Wu Kingdom was safe and sound, and no one died or disappeared. Seeing this situation, all Wu Kingdom people were relieved.

It seems that the emperor's deterrence worked.

However, when dawn came the next day, news of the officials' deaths came from all over the capital of the Wu Kingdom.

Some officials were suddenly attacked on their way home from the yamen at night, and their heads were cut off.

When some officials were sleeping at home, they were suddenly arrested and barged in, and they were also killed and their "tokens" were taken away.

more than this,

He tricked the officials of Wuguo Yamen into a street and outright murdered him.

All of a sudden, everyone is in danger.

A large number of resignations were presented to the table of the players of the Emperor of the Wu Kingdom from officials at all levels throughout the Wu Kingdom.

Everyone was scared.

Afraid that I will become the next existence to be killed and exchanged for life.

see this.

The Wu Kingdom Emperor player was furious, and directly pulled a part of the army from the city wall to suppress the city.

A curfew is imposed.

At the same time, soldiers were sent to protect each officer.

As for ordinary yamen, they need to protect each other at all times to ensure that they will not be killed.

Even going out to maintain order.

All three must be dispatched together.

Soon, Emperor Wu's response greatly eased the crisis, and the number of official deaths in the entire capital of Wu Kingdom plummeted.

But soon.

A day later, the number of officials assassinated in Wu Guo rebounded again.

The Wu Kingdom Emperor player was furious.

He dispatched his own seven doors to track down, but the final result surprised him.

This time, it was not the gangsters or the people who killed the low-level officials, but his courtiers, the civil and military officials who knelt down to His Highness every day!

The emperor player of Wu Kingdom walked into the dungeon and looked at the ministers who were caught by the seven doors into the dungeon. As if to burst into anger.

"I, treat you well! You! You! You!"

The officials in the dungeon raised their heads and saw the expressions of shame on their Majesty's face.

The Wu Kingdom Emperor player understands.

He finally understood why Dayan's advisers outside the city only aimed at the low-level officials of the Wu Kingdom? What other officers?

Because no one cares.

Everyone was afraid that Dayan would learn from the entire Wu Kingdom after he had conquered the capital of the Wu Kingdom.

And now,

Only need to kill a trivial official, then their lives can be guaranteed, so everyone is crazy.

Even officials loyal to the emperor of our Wu Kingdom.

In their opinion, they are loyal to their emperor, but it is not contrary to killing a low-level official.

After this,

Emperor Wu removed some ministers.

Although this behavior deterred others from killing ordinary officials, it also put the remaining officials at risk.

After all, they also have a share in killing ordinary officials in private.

As a result, under a turbulent undercurrent, the chaos completely began.

After seven days,

When Jia Xu was standing under the capital of Wu Kingdom and was about to order a siege.

The gate is open...

At this moment, it is the civil and military officials of Wu Kingdom who come out of the city gate, and at this moment, these civil and military officials are holding a box.

Jia Xu seemed to understand something, and then asked Tie Niu to check it out.

And when Tie Niu opened the box in front of him, he was also surprised by the contents inside.

It was the head of the Emperor Wu Kingdom.

Until he was about to die, the Emperor of Wu Kingdom could not believe that his courtiers actually united with the harem.

Kill the king.

After the emperor of the Wu Kingdom was killed, all the ministers of civil and military affairs of the Wu Kingdom surrendered.

The first country to fall appeared.


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