On the battlefield in the middle of the sand table of the hunting ground, the army of the Ten Nations Alliance and the army of the Dictator Alliance finally collided, for a while, at the moment of the collision.

The two armies began the bloodiest and most brutal war.

A soldier from Daqin waved the Qin sword in his hand and slashed at the soldier from Yuan country opposite. The sharp sword ray cut an arc in the air and slashed at the opponent's armor.

In this fierce close combat, the armor on the opponent's body shattered like a piece of paper. However, the soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty would not die like this, only to see the soldier of the Yuan Dynasty suddenly take a step forward.

He actually gave up his defense and slashed the big sword in his hand towards the Qin Bing in front of him.

Under the hard blow of the Yuan Dynasty soldier, the Qin Bing's arm was cut off, but the next moment the sword in the Qin Bing's hand also cut off the Yuan Dynasty soldier's head.

"Hahaha, want to kill me..."

Just when Qin Bing raised the Qin Jian in his hand and shouted, releasing the blood in his heart, from another angle, an arrow stabbed the Qin soldier in the forehead.

Then, the Qin soldier who still had a smile on his face fell to the ground. Incorporated into the countless corpses of this battlefield.

This kind of scene happened almost at the same time in every corner of the entire battlefield. Soldiers from various countries fought hard to kill the enemy, and then they were cut off by the enemy's sword or pierced in the heart.

Among the ordinary soldiers who were fighting, the cavalry was particularly outstanding. Like lawn mowers, they slaughtered the surrounding ordinary soldiers wantonly on the edge of the battlefield.

The biggest advantage of cavalry is its mobility, so it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to make countermeasures when facing these cavalry.

Even after some soldiers took out some tripping ropes to trap a cavalry, other enemy troops would kill these soldiers with tripping ropes to give their own cavalry a range of activities.

It can be said that in this battlefield, the cavalry, infantry, and auxiliary soldiers almost all staged a peak cooperation.

However, most of them are located on the edge of the battlefield, and the closer to the center of the battlefield, the more intense the fighting, and there are even signs of medium and high-level arms joining the war at the core.

Its cruel scene is ten times more than that of the outside.

In this world, when every soldier reaches the intermediate level or advanced level, his physical quality will be greatly enhanced. It can even be said that a soldier of the advanced level can even lift several hundred kilograms of heavy stones.

But now in the core area of ​​the battlefield, these perverted arms are now playing a fight between flesh and blood swords.

In particular, the cavalry of the intermediate arms and the cavalry of the advanced arms, in the core battlefield, are constantly killing and exchanging with the cavalry of the other party.


On the other side, Zhuge Liang and Sun Bin continued to exude unparalleled power in the air.

At the same time, other generals are also leading the top troops around them at the moment, constantly supporting their own battlefield.

Every top-level unit is like a deep-sea beast surging constantly here, and the ordinary soldiers around them are just like a group of small fish.

However, in this, the most intense are the two countries located in the center of the battlefield between the two sides, Dayan and Qing.

In this war, Dayan's general Bai Qi himself was a famous killing god in history, and his unique killing god army became Dayan's third largest army, while the opposite regent's men were The Eight Banners Army with the characteristics of the Qing Dynasty.

The two sides were like a sea of ​​blood and an eight-colored flag, slamming together violently. The roaring sound and the shocking sound that erupted between them actually faintly overwhelmed the fighting between Zhuge Liang and Sun Bin.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang and Sun Bin subconsciously turned their eyes to the center of the battlefield, and temporarily stopped the movements in their hands. At this moment, they were looking at the battle between these two top ten players from the IWC.

Bang bang bang!

And in that core battlefield, not only Dayan's Killer God and the Qing Dynasty's Eight Banners had a scuffle, but at this moment the generals of both sides, the Regent King Dorgon from Qing Dynasty, and Dayan's Killer God Bai Qi were also at this moment. A head-to-head confrontation begins.

In the light and shadow of the swords on both sides, the violent roar made a large open space around them.

Aixinjueluo Duolun is undoubtedly a second-rank master, and Bai Qi is also a master who grew up on the battlefield.

Therefore, in the battle between the two, a strong impact swept the center of the battlefield.

"You are very good, this king is the regent of the Qing Dynasty, Aixin Gioro, Dorgon, what is your name!"

After the silhouettes of the two sides fought, they separated immediately, and then the two continued to fight together, and in this gap Dorgon looked in admiration at the general Dayan wearing a silver armor and a red mark in front of him.

In the Qing Dynasty, everyone thought that Ao Bai was the first warrior of the Qing Dynasty, but few people knew that even Ao Bai couldn't beat the one in front of him, Aixin Gioro, Dole, who came from the Qing royal family. Gun.

Therefore, when Dorgon saw the young general in front of him, he couldn't help but admire him.

On the other side, after hearing Dorgon's question, Bai Qi stabbed Dorgon's throat mercilessly. After being blocked by Dorgon, Bai Qi changed direction. Bai Qi raised his voice and said:

"Remember, the third legion of Dayan, who killed you, rose for nothing!"

Following Bai Qi's oath-like words, the two continued to fight together.

For a while, as the two of them fought a real fire, bursts of gusts of wind were instantly set off around them. These two existences at the peak of the martial arts,

Almost ploughed the gaps in the center of the battlefield.

In this fight, time passed little by little. Above the sky, the sun also moved from east to west. When the sun team was about to fall, the battle in this battlefield at this moment was slowly coming to an end.

After a day of fighting, the regent of Qing Dynasty and Bai Qi of Dayan did not decide the winner or loser, and the loss of troops on both sides was almost the same. However, other generals suffered huge casualties.

As the owner of one of the Eight Banners, Sony, at the moment, the head is being hung by the iron bull on his waist, and there are actually five heads on the iron bull's waist.

Of course, the most valuable of these five is the one of the eight flag owners, Sony.

At this moment, Tie Niu's body, which is nearly two meters tall and looks like a giant, has also added a lot of scars, the most serious one of which almost cut off Tie Niu's arm.

And this scar is also one of the eight flags, which Sony cut out with one knife, and the price for Sony is life.

Therefore, although his body is covered with bruises and wounds, Tie Niu still patted Sony's head happily, after all, this is the enemy general!


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