Not long after Li Zhao wrote a letter to Deng Yu, Deng Yu sent his second son Deng Yongzhi to Chengdu.

After Deng Yongzhi entered the city, he went to see Li Zhao as soon as possible.

"Under Deng Yongzhi, I have seen the handsome.

Li Zhao smiled, looked amiable, and said, "No need to be polite, I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

"Before leaving, my father repeatedly told me not to delay for a moment on the road. It is a great honor to be received by the handsome. Deng Yongzhi looked respectful.

Ben Shuai felt the sincerity of the Deng family and was very pleased. "

My father also asked me to discuss with Dashuai, my sister Deng Yongqing, who is seventeen years old, has not yet married, and is handsome, and my father hopes to marry Dashuai.

Li Zhao nodded, and said briskly: "Naturally, the sixteenth day of next month is an auspicious day, and the commander will send someone to Nanzhong two or three days in advance to welcome Ling Mei into Chengdu."

"Xie Dashuai. Deng Yongzhi's face was overjoyed.


The two chatted for a long time and had a good conversation.

After Deng Yongzhi left, Li Zhao's face instantly turned cold, and he said lightly: "Come out." "

There is a person coming out from behind the screen in the house, this person's name is Han Linjun, he is the director of the First Division of the Black Ice Terrace, and he is currently responsible for collecting intelligence from Nanzhong.

"The matter of Nanzhong, Ben Shuai doesn't want to drag it out any longer. What you were told to do before, so many people were sent, and it took so long, it should be done.

Han Linjun bowed his head and said: "The Nanzhong Huo family is still hesitating, probably worried that after the marshal enters the city, he will do something to slaughter.

"You go to Nanzhong in person and talk to Huo Jian in person. Tell him that Ben Shuai's patience is limited and that this is the only one chance. Li Zhao said expressionlessly.

"Obey the command. "

What about the other thing?"

"I was about to tell the marshal, it had been done yesterday, and I would send someone to fetch it in the next horse." Han Linjun said.

After a while, several servants carried a table and slowly entered the hall, moving cautiously for fear of damaging the contents of the table.

On the table is a three-dimensional sand table model made by Han Linjun who spent a lot of time and energy, and at the same time hired a group of skilled craftsmen.

This sand table is made of clay glued, and according to a certain proportion, the hills, rivers, cities, fortresses, routes, woods, etc., in the south of the middle are stacked or outlined in different colors.

Li Zhao remembered that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the famous general Ma Yuan used rice to make valleys, pointed out mountains and rivers, and analyzed the situation of the two armies. However, as a modern person, Li Zhao requires that the sand table made is more refined and more conducive to actual combat. For this matter, the Black Ice Observatory secret agent visited most of Nanzhong, and referred to the original Nanzhong map, and finally completed the task assigned by Li Zhao.

It's a shame to say that he has traveled for so long, and this sand table is the only thing that has been made so far, and it is the closest to the former world. There's no way around it, who made him a scumbag. What Li Zhao wanted most had always been muskets and artillery, but no matter how much he urged and gave various suggestions, the Weapons Division still had no clue. Although Li Zhao will not give up, he has no bottom in his heart when he will be able to do it.

Looking at the sand table in front of him, Li Zhao was in a wonderful mood.

"On this, is the deployment of Deng Yu and Zhu Fan's troops accurate?"

"Wherever the circle is drawn, there are enemy troops deployed. However, the specific number of troops is slightly skewed. Han Linjun said worriedly.

"All the people involved in the production of this thing, whether they are from the Black Ice Platform or folk craftsmen, will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver. "

Thank you, Sir. Han Linjun said happily.

"You go and discuss with Duane, and train a group of people in the Black Ice Terrace to be responsible for making sand tables. In the future, it will definitely be used in the eastward expedition to Qi. Li Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, as soon as possible.

"Before the sixteenth of next month, the Zhaowu army will send troops to Nanzhong, you go down and prepare." "

I said goodbye under the next. "


After Li Zhao entered Shu, he did not immediately claim the title of king, and proclaimed himself the history of Chengdu Assassin.

The Zhaowu army quickly expanded to 130,000 troops, and continued to recruit.

Deng Xin and Yang Mingsheng have been busy allocating land. As long as this matter is done, Li Zhao will not only be able to gain a firm foothold in Shudi, but Shudi will also be able to develop slowly.

Before allocating the field, it is necessary to know how many acres of land can be cultivated in Shudi. Due to the concealment of reports by the powerful in various places, the number recorded in the local area may not be accurate.

Deng Xin and Yang Mingsheng worked tirelessly, ran a lot of places, and re-measured the land. So far, only the amount of land in Chengdu and nearby cities has been identified.

Li Zhao couldn't let the soldiers wait too long, and they were assigned to the fields as soon as possible, so that they could focus more on training.

Deng Xin drew on his previous experience in Hanzhong, where each household allocated land according to its population. Some land is not easy to cultivate, so more can be appropriately allocated.

Chen Zihong, the third son of Chen Ran, the former Chengdu assassin, also made a lot of efforts during the period. The distribution of the fields was carried out in an orderly manner.

A large number of soldiers and civilians were overjoyed when they were given the fields. For most people in this era, land is their most important possession.

Li Zhao reserved another 300,000 acres of land for military tuning.

When the morale of the army and the people are stabilized, Shu will be stabilized.

Some people are happy and some are worried, Shu Dihao is forced to use force, although he does not dare to express his dissatisfaction, he must feel uncomfortable. Because they took the initiative to hand over a large amount of land, Li Zhao could not attack them again. A wave has already been killed before, and the strength of the remaining heroes has been greatly reduced, and it is impossible to threaten the Zhaowu Army.

In order to appease them, but also to develop Shu business. After Li Zhao and Fan Shuo and others discussed, they reduced the relevant tax rates such as commercial taxes and customs duties. Special taxation measures have been set up for salt, iron, wine, and tea.

No matter who you are, you have to pay taxes, even if you are a small trader, a craftsman, an urban coolie, etc., and there are different tax rates.

Even if someone has a family in difficulty, he can reduce his tax appropriately, but he must not fail to pay it.

Many people feel that this policy is a bit harsh, and Li Zhao has no intention of making concessions, and once publicly said: "Paying taxes is honorable, but tax evasion is shameful." "

In Shu and Hanzhong, any tax evasion is never allowed, and those in serious cases are directly executed in public.

Li Zhaozheng plans to set up a new department to oversee the tax situation for him.

In order to make Shudi's commerce more prosperous, Li Zhao thought in his heart that similar to modern supermarkets and shopping malls could also give it a try. In any era, the minds of businessmen cannot be underestimated, and once they find it profitable, they will quickly get involved. Even if it fails, it doesn't make much difference.

Just when Li Zhao was full of ambition and ready to do a big job. The Marshal's Mansion received a joint letter from the generals of Hanzhong, the content of which was very simple, hoping that Li Zhao would become king as soon as possible.

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