Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Queen empress, how do you see that she did not commit suicide by the lake? She was apparently taken out of the lake by us, and we asked Qian to have a post-mortem, and Qian Zuo also said that she was drowned because of her There is mud in the mouth. "

Ye Tingxuan was the first to recover, and could not help refuting.

"This is because the murderer who killed her was very clever, the sand was deliberately placed in her mouth, but the murderer ignored one thing, people will struggle desperately when drowned, if she is really drowned Dead, then not only is there mud in her mouth, but there will also be mud in her fingernails! But look at her ten fingers, all the nails are clean. "

Shen Ning pointed to that maid's hand.

Everyone's eyes were all looked over, and it was found that she was exactly the same as she said. The fingers of the girl's ring were stretched out, and there was no mud in her nails.

"Another point is that when people face drowning, they will reach out and grab and grab, and when they die, they usually clenched their fists instead of extending her fingers like this, so you can tell from these two points that this girl is absolutely Not drowned, but after being killed, the body was thrown into the lake. The murderer may have killed and killed his mouth. After sinking the body of the maidservant into the lake, he thought of a way to let her body rise to the surface. , People found that in this way everyone would think that she was afraid of sin and committed suicide, and could not be pursued. "Shen Ning said again.

After she finished speaking, Chasing the Wind couldn't help but slammed her thigh, and Primary 4 nodded again and again.

Ye Tingxuan looked at Shen Ning with a horrified look.

Princess Chang applauded and said, "Ning'er, you are so clever. These points you said, Princess Ben didn't see it at all. Ting Xuan said she was suicide, and Princess Ben thought she was suicide, or you. Smart, Ting Xuan, compared with Ning'er, you are simply a wooden head! "

Ye Tingxuan's white face suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head.

He thought he was clever enough and careful enough, and the mud in her maid's mouth was discovered by him more than Qian Zuo, so he presumed that the maid was a suicide. Two doubts.

"Princess, you can no longer scream like she used to be. She is now the empress queen, your emperor's wife," he whispered.

The princess said disapprovingly: "She is my Huangsao, I can also call her Ning'er, Ning'er, do you like me to call your Huangsao, or call you Ning'er as before?"

Shen Ning smiled and said: "Whatever the princess likes to call it."

"Then I will call you Ning'er as before, Emperor, won't you be angry with me because of this?"

The long princess looked at Mo Chuan, she had always been carefree, but in her heart, in addition to Ye Tingxuan, the two people most concerned about, one was Empress Zhou, the other was Mo Chuan.

She felt guilty in her heart and had never dared to talk to Mo Chuan, but she did not say that she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Their siblings have always been close, if Mochuan was angry with her because of this, she really didn't know what to do.

Mo Chuan couldn't help but glared at her: "Anle, when you get married to Ting Xuan Baitang, guess what gift I will give you?"

There was a strong threat in his tone.

But the long princess listened, relieved suddenly, knowing that the elder brother no longer blamed himself.

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