"General, you are back."

As soon as Gu Simiao returned to the city lord's mansion, Cang Yue, the commander of the personal guards, greeted her.


Gu Simiao got off the horse, handed the reins of the Cangyun BMW to the soldiers at the side, and walked inside, asking Cang Yue, "How are you preparing for what you told me earlier?"

"Go back to the general."

Cang Yue solemnly said: "The 90,000 troops of Qingmingwei, Qingxuanwei and Qingfengwei have already rushed to the designated place in twelve routes according to the general's orders. It is estimated that the process of strengthening the formation will be completed within five days."

"very good."

Gu Simiao nodded and said in a deep voice:

"By this Commander's Order, except for the 300,000 guards who will act together with the Empress Dowager's people on the southern front, the rest of the guards will act according to the original plan, but those who procrastinate will be charged with delaying the military aircraft." Discussion!"


Cang Yue turned and left, Gu Simiao walked towards the bedroom in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion alone.


The moment the bedroom door closed, she suddenly took a deep breath, and then her breathing gradually became rapid.

The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time broke out completely at this moment.

She raised her trembling little hand, pressed her heart slightly, and pressed the violent ups and downs inside.

After a while, she let go.

In the eyes, the original confusion completely dissipated at this moment.

"Six days..."

Turning his head, he looked at the blizzard that hit again outside the window, words that only he could hear slowly sounded like raving.

"Give me another six days, and I will repay you a great achievement. From now on, you will... rise to the top, be as stable as Mount Tai in the court, and then... create the peaceful world you want..."


On the third day after the Gu family was released from prison, the atmosphere in Luojing's government and the public suddenly became a little weird.

One after another fast horses were constantly shuttling through Suzaku Avenue, and the messengers on horseback were almost full of anxiety.

In this extremely tense atmosphere, Lu Chen took a special day off and went to the mansion bestowed by the Empress to work for most of the day.

Of course, the house deed and land deed were also changed to Luo Xiaoyu's name by him.

Before she knew it, Luo Xiaoyu's worth skyrocketed again, and she seemed to be a little rich woman of Luo Jing.

It's just that she didn't realize it, and continued to play the role of a maid by Lu Chen's side as always.

The mansion bestowed by the Empress is located in Dongcheng, not far from Ziji City. It is a five-entry mansion. The former owner was the Minister of the former Household Department.

In other words, the empress' property can be rewarded to whoever she wants.

But in the end it fell into Luo Xiaoyu's pocket...

Moving to a new home is naturally inevitable with wine and celebrations. This is also one of the best times in ancient feudal society to accept gifts and give gifts, and to curry favor with superior officials.

It's just that although Lu Chen is now the most popular person in the Yongchu Dynasty, he is too upright and does not show the slightest "sophisticated" appearance, and he is too incompatible with the officialdom.

So no one dared to curry favor with him.

Leaving aside whether he can flatter or not, it would be fucked if Lu Chen backhandedly charged him with the crime of forming a party for personal gain and giving and receiving.

Although high risk means high return, the risk is so high that people dare not take risks at all.

It is also because of this that Lu Chen's mudslide, which is not tolerated in the officialdom, is naturally rejected by Qian Yiqian and other traditional court officials.

It is not a good thing for the officialdom that such an unconventional official is in the emperor's heart and is trusted by the empress.

In the end, the only ones who came to congratulate him after his appointment were Fang Ping, Xiao Yi, and a few others who were pushed out by the Queen Mother's followers just like him, but they were not as "kind" as him.

The gifts they gave were also very simple. Most of them were things of literati such as the Four Treasures of the Study, calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, and they were not valuable things.

Presumably, they also considered that Lu Chen is so upright, he must be an honest official, and they valued the meaning of the gift, not the gift itself.

Naturally, Lu Chen had no opinion on this, but felt that it would save a lot of trouble.

After all, it is tiring to maintain the character set and act all day long.

This kind of scene is not helpful to the completion of Ascension to Immortal, but may affect the system's judgment.

When he asked the servants hired in advance to bring Xiao Yi in, and was about to close the door and open the banquet.

Not far from the corner of the street, a figure that he didn't expect slowly walked out——

At that time, a high-ranking official of the second rank, and the Minister of the Ministry of War with the name of Cang Shigong, Liu Dongyang.

Liu Dongyang walked over quickly with a gift box in his hand.

Although a bit surprised, Lu Chen still got up to greet him, but before he could say hello, Liu Dongyang took the initiative to speak and said with a smile: "When the court meeting ended in the morning, I just heard Qian Shangshu mention that Lu Geshi moved to a new house today. In a hurry, the old man couldn't prepare any good gifts. Fortunately, the old man has a little reputation in the literary world, so I deliberately wrote a congratulatory speech for you, Lu Geshi, and please don't be disgusted with Lu Geshi."

Of course Lu Chen would not dislike it.

Or maybe he didn't care at all.

After proficiently polite, he directly took the gift box from Liu Dongyang's hand, handed it to the servant beside him, and then led Liu Dongyang into the door.

As for Liu Dongyang, who just had a political disagreement with him not long ago, he made a special trip here to congratulate him on moving to a new home. Lu Chen thought about it for a while, and then figured out what was going on.

It is probably because this guy is right about things and wrong about people, and he will not be disgusted with him because of his official business in the court.

After all, his character design is really pleasing to a real honest and upright minister.

After figuring this out, Lu Chen made up his mind to stay away from this guy in the future.

As the saying goes, after being bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of well ropes. After suffering from Fang Ping, a backstabber, he really didn't like these celebrities and virtuous ministers. The "good teammates" who jumped out to dig holes for him, the more he looked at them, the more pleasing they were.

I can't wait to chop off the chicken head and burn the yellow paper on the spot.

Now that he knew that Liu Dongyang was in the same way as him, or that Fang Ping, Xiao Yi and others who came to congratulate him today were in the same way as him, Lu Chen didn't bother to tell them more.

Just go through a program.

After three rounds of wine, after five flavors of food.

Fang Ping suddenly winked at Xiao Yi, obviously they had communicated before coming here.

Xiao Yi put down his wine glass, hesitated for a moment, and was about to say something.

But at this moment——

"It's about Lu."

It was Liu Dongyang who suddenly made a sound.

"During the morning of the court today, Suzhou, Huguan, Tongguan, Woye, Wuchuan and other important frontier defense areas sent a message to the court at the same time. From the perspective of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, it was completely expected news. Do you know what it is? news?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but be moved.

Suzhou, Woye, Tongguan and so on... Isn't that the counties and passes that border the barren state...

Over there to send news to the capital, at this kind of timing...

As soon as he thought of this, a gleam flashed in Lu Chen's eyes.

He didn't pretend that he couldn't understand Liu Dongyang's implication, but his complexion suddenly sank, pretending to be extremely shaken when he was about to face some cruel reality, and his voice trembled slightly:

"There have been changes in the barren state...?"


Liu Dongyang nodded without hesitation, and then continued: "According to urgent reports from various places, three days ago, the Demon Empress, Jiang Chengyun, and Gu Simiao passed on the titles of Empress Dowager Da Xia, the First Prince's direct son, and General Zhu Guo respectively. The Quartet then sent troops eastward and southward in the name of "The King of Qing, Shaping the Universe", and ten of the twenty-four guards of the Cangling Army had a total of 300,000 soldiers and horses to attack Suzhou, Tongguan and other places."

After a pause, his expression gradually became serious.

"These rebels have been fighting with foreign races all the year round, beating the Rouran and other races so fiercely that they are extremely fierce. Fortunately, His Majesty mobilized 100,000 Cangming troops in advance to strengthen the defenses of the passes, prefectures and counties bordering the barren state. His Royal Highness the Holy King personally went out on horseback and rushed back and forth to various battlefields, which stabilized the situation, otherwise, once the rebels broke through the passes, the consequences would be disastrous."

Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately clenched his fists.

The status quo is very favorable to him.

As long as Gu Simiao blatantly supports Queen Mother Zhao, this war will basically be inevitable.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to reconcile the conflict between the empress and the demon queen. Either you die or I die. No matter whether he stands up to protect Gu's family or not, it will never have any impact on Daxia. What should happen will still happen.

And not only did he not interfere with the empress sending heavy troops to guard various key points, but instead suggested that the empress strengthen defenses in various places, move the people to a safe place, and avoid losses caused by the war that is likely to come as much as possible.

What can be done has already been done, and the conditions created by the inner demons that are not conducive to becoming an immortal have basically been removed by him one by one.

Next, as long as he can ascend immediately, he can do whatever he wants at that time, and he can easily make the situation develop in the direction he expected.

You can get whatever result you want.

Now, for the Empress, the biggest threat is without a doubt the Empress Dowager Zhao who has a bottomless background. Most of the unstable factors in Daxia are concentrated on this woman who has controlled the empire for six years.

As long as the Queen Mother's family is completely destroyed, and the imperial court takes back the countless wealth that was almost equal to the fortune of the country that was swept away by her.

With massive wealth, the incomparably powerful force of the holy land, and the orthodox inheritance of the late emperor's edict, the female emperor's apparent rule is completely stable.

Such a perfect situation is simply nonsense.

No matter how you think about it, this is a situation where the flying dragon is riding on the face!

At this time, Xiao Yi suddenly opened his mouth, and took the bait and said: "And according to the content of the emergency reports from various places, the Cangling Army moved quickly and attacked the city with incomparable bravery. Facing the comrades who once fought side by side and defended the enemy together, they have nothing to do with it." Don't be relentless, and use all kinds of means to annihilate all the local garrisons at the fastest speed."

While saying this, Xiao Yi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Back then, the female sword fairy who acted chivalrously and did not ask for anything in return turned out to be a traitor who ignored the common people for her own selfish desire...

People's hearts really can't stand the test...

Fang Ping also put down the bowl and chopsticks, and looked at Lu Chen with an indescribable heaviness in his eyes.

"Up to now, it is completely certain that Gu Simiao has betrayed the imperial court."

In other words, Lu Chen's previous judgment at the court was wrong.

"Is it…"

Lu Chen seemed to be hit hard, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

There was obvious depression in the voice.

"Has she... really changed..."

Compared with his own future, he seems to care more about whether Bai Yueguang in his mind has really fallen.

Seeing this, several people showed a clear look at the same time.

Lu Chen is almost famous for being righteous and not hesitating, otherwise he wouldn't have stood up to support the Empress, defended Xia Yan, and stood up to advise the Empress to reduce the emperor's expenses.

Therefore, Lu Chen's reaction was completely within everyone's expectations.

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