Liu Da is a worker from Zui Fulou, an ordinary person from Xingping County.

There is no prominent family background, no outstanding talent, and the family does not have a huge fortune.

There are not many people like him in the world, and their fates vary widely.

It's nothing more than saving money for more than ten years, saving twenty or thirty thousand dollars to go to the countryside to find a wife, and live a good life in the county.

If he is lucky and the restaurant survives and the owner makes money every year, he can rely on the restaurant to earn pension money and spend his life peacefully. If he is unlucky and the restaurant fails, he will go elsewhere to make a living.

Of course, all this is based on the premise that there will be no disasters.

After all, in today's world, ordinary people like him never know when they will die due to an inexplicable disaster.

Evil spirits, spiritual disasters, natural disasters, tyranny, banditry, etc. are huge threats that every ordinary person has to face from the moment they are born. Even if you are a bad person and accidentally get involved in the so-called grievances, or If there are strong men dueling nearby, if they are affected by the battle, they will most likely be killed on the spot.

Not to mention tyranny and banditry.

During the six years that the Demon Queen was in charge of the government, all the taxes paid by Liu Da were not paid until more than ten years later.

Moreover, there were so many tax items at that time, such as clothing tax, window tax, and door tax, that Liu Da, who had been a waiter for ten years, could not save enough money from his usual frugality.

In this regard, Zuifuluo's business was good, and the boss was quite generous, so he saved the money due to rewards from time to time. Otherwise, he would have owed the government more than ten thousand dollars in taxes if he had worked hard for ten years.

However, since last year, or since the big man's fiefdom fell in their Xingping County, his life has become much easier.

There were a lot fewer dandies who usually yelled at each other, and the bullies who bullied men and women and always made trouble with credit also disappeared without a trace. The imperial court also refunded the taxes they had paid in the past, and gave them the tyranny they had in the past. All the officials and wealthy businessmen who colluded with them were captured.

Then came the return of the land and the redress of wrongdoings.

When Mr. Lu came, almost all the monsters and demons did not dare to show up.

Without those evil people who do all kinds of evil, their lives will naturally be much better. He, Liu Da, finally got a wife and has hope for life.

For this reason, he specially set up a longevity tablet for Mr. Lu at home.

Although he is usually quite cunning or clever, otherwise he would not be favored by the shopkeeper and stay in the store as a clerk. He has also done petty theft, but he still understands the most basic principle of repaying kindness. .

Mr. Lu has brought good life to their county, how can they not be grateful?

In his heart, only a good official like Mr. Lu is worthy of being called a parent official.

Almost every day, he would wipe Mr. Lu's longevity tablet, then bow down to it, and at the same time pray in his heart.

It's not that he prays that he will become rich and powerful, but that Lu Chen can be promoted step by step and become a prince forever.

Only when Mr. Lu is in power can ordinary people like them live a good life with one meal every day.

Compared with the prosperous age of the late emperor that scholars and scholars remembered, Liu Da felt that the reign of Mr. Lu was the real prosperous age for ordinary people. It was just that he was just a small restaurant waiter. Every time he was in the restaurant When hearing such so-called eloquent talk, I can only stand aside and dare not speak out to argue.

However, good times never last long.

Three days ago, his son was just born, and a man-made disaster fell from the sky.

Fortunately, Mr. Lu and a peerless strong man happened to be in the county, and they did not hesitate to stop the thief with all their might. This prevented the thief from succeeding, and they also saved their lives. But even so, the thief still used magic to create The terrifying blood epidemic suddenly cast a shadow of death over Xingping County.

Originally Liu Da didn't know about this.

After all, ordinary people don't know anything about spiritual arts or magic circles, and they have no idea what the blood cells that fell from the sky that day were, or whether they were people coming from the capital the next day. People obey control.

Only then did Liu Da learn all this from the Anmin notice.

Naturally, he panicked.

Although they have never experienced it, almost everyone in Daxia is aware of the terrifying name of the blood plague.

And he also heard about the bloody methods the imperial court used to deal with blood epidemics.

Throughout the ages, in places where blood plague broke out, there were almost no survivors. They either died of the blood plague or were mercilessly killed by the officers and soldiers of the imperial court.

I think Daxia will not be an exception.

He subconsciously wanted to escape from the county seat, but the county seat had been blocked by the Imperial Guards, and no one could break out of the county seat gate.

At first, some people tried to break in, but they were all captured by the city gate guards.

However, what is surprising is that for the common people who broke into the city gate without permission, the officers and soldiers only controlled them and escorted them to temporary camps to check for the epidemic, but did not directly kill them as rumored.

And the attitude of those officers and soldiers was surprisingly good.

In addition to scolding the intruders, he mostly persuaded and explained others, rarely expelled them, and was so patient with ordinary people that he hardly looked like a big-headed soldier.

It was countless times better than the legendary Qiu Ba who used weapons indiscriminately.

There is a feeling of being looked at.

The most incredible thing is the government's attitude towards the sick people.

Not only did they not kill the patients with force, nor did they drive them into a corner and let them die on their own, but they were not afraid of the deadly threat of the blood epidemic and took the initiative to take the patients to the temporary camp.

You know, today's Xingping County is full of soldiers, and even the patients' relatives dare not approach, but the soldiers carry the people away without hesitation.

On the streets, you can see vehicles transporting various supplies entering the city from time to time.

Perhaps it was because of the various actions that the government could see, that Liu Da did not play tricks, but obediently obeyed the government's edicts and stayed at home without going anywhere.

Perhaps Liu Da had spent all his luck in marrying a wife. On the third day after the attack in Xingping County, when he woke up, he felt obvious physical discomfort. His chest felt as if a huge stone had been pressed down, and it was extremely heavy. Difficulty breathing, weakness in arms and legs.

The air he breathed out was extremely hot, as if there was a furnace inside his body that was constantly burning his essence and blood.

Although he had never experienced blood plague, with such severe symptoms, he probably guessed that he might have been infected.

After thinking for a while, he still asked his mother-in-law to inform the government.

The efficiency of the government was surprisingly fast. Not long after the mother-in-law left, the whole family was taken to the temporary camp by a group of sergeants.

Then, in just one day, his symptoms became more severe. It was as if the furnace in his body was about to explode, making him clearly feel the extremely strong threat of death.

Listening to the piercing whistle sounding outside the small window and the simultaneous whines and pleas from several patients next door, Liu Da closed his eyes in despair.

He knew that his life was basically over.

After staying in the temporary camp for a day, he knew that as long as there were harsh noises outside, it would prove that the people inside had been completely infected with the blood plague, and then a military commander would come and take the people to the treatment point for blood plague patients.

He has never been there, but he can guess that it is probably a place where people infected with the blood plague are left to fend for themselves.

Once you go there, it's basically impossible to come out alive.

And when he died, there must not even be anyone to collect the body.

Faced with such a miserable outcome, who wouldn't be afraid?

But what's the use of being afraid? No matter how merciful the government is, it is impossible for them to agree to let people go home, because this is equivalent to allowing the blood epidemic to rage.

Even if you kill all the people who are infected, it is better than letting it go.

To be honest, if the government really takes action now, Liu Da doesn't have any resentment. After all, the government seems to have done everything it can, at least it didn't give up on everyone at the beginning.

Of course, regarding the disposal point, Liu Da's statement that he was not afraid must be false, but he did not make any request.

But silently accept the tragic fate that is coming.

In a daze, the sound next door suddenly stopped.

Liu Da quickly came to his senses. At the same time, footsteps gradually sounded outside the small window, approaching from far away.

"Liu Da, it is already certain that you have contracted the blood plague."

It was the voice of the sergeant responsible for guarding this tent.

Liu Da opened his mouth and said hoarsely: "Master Jun, I understand, I will come out right now."

With that said, he struggled to get up and walked out feebly.

When he came outside, he soon saw six sick people like himself standing in a row.

What surprised him was that in addition to them and a few soldiers, there were three noble men who could tell at a glance that their status was not simple, looking at them with their hands behind their backs.

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