End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 165 The Angry Head of State

In the office, Schmidt sat on a chair with a gloomy face. What he was most worried about happened. Dr. Erskine created another super soldier.

Fortunately, Erskine is dead, so he doesn't have to face an army of super soldiers.

"I will hand over the super soldier serum project to Dr. Zola. He is an outstanding human genetic engineer. You can join the team and study under him for a period of time."

"Don't worry, leader, I will definitely crack the super soldier serum for you and create an invincible super army for you."

Schmidt shook his head: "Don't be too happy, you have zero foundation in genetic engineering, and you have missed the best learning period at your age. If you don't show your talent in scientific research, I will transfer you out as a Soldiers, the battlefield is the best place for you."

"I see, Chief!"

The research on super soldiers did not happen overnight. Among the genetic scientists in the world, only Erskine has succeeded, which shows how difficult it is. Schmidt, as Erskine's colleague back then, was the first finished product of a super soldier. He knew that the success was purely a fluke. Even if there was a complete formula, it was not 100% able to produce the serum.

Moreover, he once also sorted out and analyzed Erskine's experimental data, and concluded that the success rate was almost zero. This is an experiment that needs to be filled with human lives. Tens of thousands of people may not succeed once. Even if it succeeds, it is a failure. Exchange tens of thousands of well-trained soldiers for a single powerful soldier. .

"Captain!" Schmidt was not optimistic about this experiment: "Please remember that Hydra does not lack a scientist, but what it lacks is a general who leads the war."

"Leader, with all due respect, when it comes to leading an army in battle, you are the best strategist."

"But I can't lead troops to fight forever..." Schmidt stood up and came to Russell: "Hydra's goal is the whole world. I need someone to share the pressure for me, and you are that person."

"Boss, you have won the prize."

Schmidt said meaningfully: "Captain, I like ambitious people, because ambition makes people strong. I know you are trying to please me, but don't bury your talent in the laboratory just to please me." .”


"Go on, if you change your mind, you can come to me anytime."

For the next period of time, Russell was buried in the laboratory all day long, learning about biological genes from Dr. Zola,

He showed an astonishing ability to learn, and Zola was amazed at how quickly he improved.

Dr. Zola didn't doubt that Russell was faking it. If he knew it, he could, and if he didn't, he wouldn't. Especially in scientific research, it's not easy to pretend. He decided that Russell was a genius and told Schmidt that Russell was a scientist who was delayed by the army and should have been better.

This made Schmidt very depressed. It is enough for Zola to study the super soldier serum. It does not matter whether there is Russell or not.

He has been short of manpower recently, his small money has bottomed out, and he is about to make ends meet. He needs a war, a war of aggression!


On the German side, the Mustache Führer was furious. He invested a large sum of money to make Hydra grow stronger. As a result, Schmidt was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and he bit him backhanded.

The furious Fuehrer immediately sent troops to fight against Hydra. He didn't want to see Schmidt again, and only asked for the body to be brought back to Berlin.

Hydra and the German army went to war, because most of Hydra's bases were located in Germany, and the German army was almost unimpeded. Except for remote bases that were inaccessible, other bases were quickly wiped out one by one.

The military factory in Klausburg is one of the most important bases of Hydra, and the German army has hit here the hardest. It is a pity that since Schmidt dared to openly rebel, he was naturally ready to bear Berlin's revenge .

He can't organize a large-scale war, but a small group of troops can barely fight. With the energy of the Rubik's Cube, Hydra won consecutive battles against the German army, cracking the face of the head of state.

The Führer went into a state of berserk and dropped more than a dozen pencils in a row, but soon he calmed down and sent someone to meet with Schmidt to talk about peace. He marked out an area on the European map where the German army and Hydra would not interfere with each other. Lay down Europe and then liquidate.

The head of state also had no choice but to change the situation on the world battlefield rapidly. The Soviet-German battlefield consumed a lot of vitality. The most irritating thing is that not only did the two deceitful allies fail to provide any assistance, but they repeatedly dragged their feet.

Especially in Italy, the head of state can't wait to go to Rome in person, pry open Mussolini's head, and see how his delicate little brain grows.

The head of state is in a state of desperation and is unable to dispatch a large army to encircle Hydra. Fortunately, everyone has a common enemy and can cooperate for the time being.

Schmidt also didn't want to fight with the Führer. Hydra's foundation is too shallow, and it is still in the stage of development and growth. War will only consume vitality, which is not what he wants to see.

The two sides had their own ghosts and signed an armistice agreement...


Time flies for a year. During this year, the German army's military operations around the world fell into a quagmire. The head of state was unable to suppress Hydra and could only let it grow.

Schmidt was very smart not to rush to expand, because the number of soldiers is still the biggest drawback that restricts the development of Hydra. He knew that Berlin would undoubtedly lose, and waited for the Allied and German dogs to bite the dog, and then came out to clean up the mess at the end.

This year, Hydra's main goal was to establish a base, and Hydra's army also participated in several invasion operations, all of which were robbed and left, making money to make weapons.

The energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been continuously guided out. In addition to energy guns and energy cannons, super bombs have also been successfully manufactured. Although the technology is still immature, with strategic weapons in hand, Schmidt has more confidence and ordered people to hurry up to manufacture super engines for loading aircraft and tanks. He wants to take over the entire European battlefield at the moment the head of state is defeated.

Dr. Zola was the first person to successfully guide the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the universe. Schmidt regarded him very highly. During the period of rapid development, he was not allowed to continue researching super soldier serum and fully supervised the development of energy weapons.

As for Russell, he has become a researcher in the research team, second only to Dr. Zola. In fact, in terms of biological genes, he is not much worse than Zola, but he hides his clumsiness and does not show it.

By the way, all the researchers in the laboratory were enslaved by Russell's skills, including Dr. Zola, and even the research team of super weapons, he also infiltrated nearly 30% of the people.

Schmidt no longer paid attention to Russell, and almost forgot that there was such a person under him, so Russell's immediate superior became Dr. Zola. During a base reorganization, Zola transferred Russell out of Clausburg and assigned him to a small base in a remote location.

This was Russell's own idea, always under Schmidt's nose, he was very insecure. The sub-base is different. Although the defense force is lacking, they are all his people here. Even if they are not, he will spend some time.

Here, I would like to thank the unknown female corpse again!

Russell doesn't know how to brainwash, nor does he have Schmidt's charisma, let alone win over people's hearts. He can only extract the soul of the other party and engrave the word "obedience".

The effect is not bad. At present, there are more than 20 scientists in the sub-base, 300 Hydra fighters armed with energy guns, and eight armored vehicles equipped with energy guns.

During the period, Russell saw Steve's news in the newspaper, and now he should be called Captain America. The captain is very popular in the United States. He is a popular drama actor and has many fans.

He flattened his mustache wildly on the stage, and sold bonds to the front line to buy arms. Because of his hard-working performance, every time he went to a state, the bond sales increased by 10%, and he made an indelible contribution to the victory of the war.

In all fairness, Russell felt that Steve was more threatening on stage than on the battlefield. War was fought for money, and a super soldier could not change the European battlefield, but it was not easy to cultivate a big star who could make money.

According to the information provided by Dr. Zola, Russell learned that Schmidt had all kinds of envy and hatred for Steve, and envied the other party's ability to make money.

Schmidt can only be envious. He would like to tour Germany to make money, but he doesn't have the strength. He was skinny and skinny, he didn't have pectoral muscles that could pinch people, and he didn't have raised buttocks to attract attention. He was also a super soldier, and he couldn't even sell tickets.

On this day, Zola sent information to Russell again, and Hydra's troops had a head-on conflict with the U.S. Army, defeated the U.S. 107th Army Division, and captured a large number of surrendered soldiers.

"Check to see if there is a soldier named James Buchanan Barnes, if there is one, send it to me."

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