End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 169 This is a Sad Story

This task was just what Steve wanted, and he gladly took the order and led the troops back to the European battlefield.

At the Clausburg base, Steve was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the Hydra base branch map, all of which are factories producing energy weapons. As long as the British Intelligence Agency confirms that they are correct, these bases will become the target of the Roaring Commando.

Of course, before leaving, he had to change his equipment.

SSR Experimental Office!

"High-carbon fiber soft anti-stab suit, this is the special battle suit of the Roaring Commando, which can effectively defend against German bayonets. You are a publicity figure named by your superiors. The clothes should be different from other people. I can customize a set for you... "Howard Stark shrugged and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, this is the best battle suit that can be made so far. I have no idea about Hydra's energy weapons. You may have to face the hail of bullets."

"No, you've done a great job!" Steve smiled wryly when he mentioned energy weapons.

Because of American imperialism's intervention in the European battlefield, John Bull survived the most difficult period. A large number of strategic materials, aircraft, tanks, and soldiers were continuously injected with fresh blood. The current situation of the German army is very bad.

Schmidt finally made up his mind to let Hydra's energy weapon troops stop the Allied forces. At present, the development of Hydra has not reached saturation, and joining the battlefield is not the best choice.

But the plan did not change quickly, and the situation was so severe that it almost reached the point of urgency. Schmidt knew that the defeat of the German army had been revealed, and Hydra continued to be the melon-eating crowd, and they should be the ones who were targeted next.

The energy weapons caused huge casualties to the Allied forces as soon as they appeared on the stage. On the frontal battlefield, the British and American coalition forces were helpless against the Hydra forces. Fortunately, there are not many Hydra soldiers, otherwise, the situation in the European battlefield may really be reversed.

Now the Allied soldiers on the front line are all discolored when it comes to energy weapons. Every army is afraid of encountering Hydra. The weapons and equipment of both sides are not in the same era.

Howard and Steve were silent one after another. The former smiled, changed the subject to dispel the cloud of war, and pointed to the shield that was split in half on the table: "Captain, I heard that you are reluctant to part with this shield. I specially made it for you." Several enhanced models have been designed, see which one you like.”

Howard displayed seven or eight new shields like an exhibition, including square, round, and hexagonal ones. There are also enhanced versions equipped with relays that can release high-voltage currents over short distances.

Steve looked over and saw that the shields were all good shields, but he always felt that something was missing. His eyes fell on the pile of debris and he turned out a polished round shield.

Howard hurriedly waved his hand: "This won't work,

This shield is only half-finished..."

Holding the shield, Steve fell in love with it at first sight: "It's so light, what material is it?"

"Zhenjin!" Howard became energetic when he mentioned the research, and explained eloquently: "It is harder than steel, but its weight is only one-third, and its special molecular structure makes it almost indestructible. Because the molecules are relatively static, it Little conduction of heat and kinetic energy, this property allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy..."

Howard said a lot, but Steve didn't listen. He tied the shield to his hand: "Mr. Howard, since it is so good, why not mass-produce it?"

"I also want to mass-produce it, but this is a rare metal, the rarest kind..." Howard said helplessly: "What you hold in your hand is all, barely made a prototype!"

Steve liked it more and more, waved it very smoothly, and suddenly thought of something, and frowned.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

"It's nothing, it's just..." Steve suddenly remembered what Russell said in the base, and subconsciously asked, "Mr. Howard, will this shield be destroyed?"

"Theoretically, it's impossible. This is one of the strongest metals in the world. It also has the property of absorbing kinetic energy. Its defense is incredible."

"That's it!"


"It's the shield I want."

On the other side of the base, Bucky talked about the information he obtained at the sub-base, focusing on Russell.

Jason's body was airlifted back to the U.S. Empire, but unfortunately, it was so decayed that it was of no research value. It has been frozen, and the project will not be re-established until the scientific research technology breaks through and innovates.

Carter is very concerned about Russell's information. She rummaged through the files related to Hydra and interrogated the captured scientists, and found a very strange phenomenon.

Of the captured Hydra scientists, more than 70% knew Russell, but another 30% didn't mention him, or spoke vaguely or directly stated that they had never heard of the name.

It's a very strange phenomenon. These scientists were all captured from one base, but they gave two completely different answers.

Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe... Russell has a high status in Hydra!

Carter judged that Russell was a deeply hidden figure, but she continued to study, and she found that her analysis was inconsistent and it was difficult to justify herself.

With the help of the British Intelligence Agency, Carter found Russell's German files. The latter joined the army and was promoted to captain with outstanding abilities. It wasn't until Mustache persecuted other races and German racism was rampant that Russell jumped to Hydra as Schmidt's guard.

a soldier...

Schmidt's hardcore...

Changing jobs halfway to engage in scientific research...

In charge of the super soldier project...

Dr. Zola, who is very famous, respects him very much...

After sorting out several clues, Carter felt more and more chaotic and completely confused. After racking his brains, he couldn't figure out what Russell's position in Hydra was, so he set up a special file, strengthened the level of confidentiality, and stored it in the SSR file room for backup.


Time flies, and half a year has passed.

The Roaring Commandos are active in the European battlefield and have repeatedly thwarted Hydra's plots. As a special combat force, they have never participated in large-scale wars. Every time they launch a beheading attack when the British Intelligence Agency confirms the location of the military factory.

Steve and Bucky as a partner, and five or six experienced veterans cooperated together to form the sharp knife of this army, tearing apart the defense of Hydra like picking something out of a bag.

Steve's tactical literacy is growing rapidly, his fighting skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, and he is becoming stronger visible to the naked eye. Every time he charged into battle, he would leave his teammates far away and attack the city alone.

Bucky couldn't keep up with Steve's footsteps anymore. Even though he worked hard, even self-abuse himself to train himself hard, the gap between him and his friends continued to widen.

While being relieved, he became more and more unwilling and hated his own weakness.

Waking up from the dream several times, he dreamed of Russell, thinking of the strengthening that the other party said... tossing and turning, he just couldn't fall asleep, got up and peeed, and fell back to sleep.

Steve has become a battlefield hero publicized throughout the United States. Because things are rare and expensive, he is the only super soldier who has successfully enhanced technology, and is the benchmark of scientific achievements of the United States. The name of Captain America is accepted by the public, whether it is the military or the civilians, it has a certain prestige.

If the war was over and he had not been frozen, many people would be willing to vote for him when running for president.

Steve's success was based on Schmidt's pain. The military factories that produced energy weapons were pulled out one by one, and the attack he expected to shock the world was delayed again and again. Now he no longer has to worry about the shortage of soldiers. Without the military factory, the soldiers will have no weapons. He will start thinking about disarmament.

It's a heartrending tale of Schmidt, distraught, returning to his base in the Alps, leaving Zola to kill Captain America with the shield at all costs.

By this time, Schmidt had put all his eggs in one basket. He decided to use the super energy bomb to change the situation in the European battlefield. He has an excellent strategic vision, and he has recognized that the United States has the greatest war potential, and regards it as the first bombing target.

Dr. Zola realized that he was about to be killed, and the research on the Rubik's Cube no longer needed him. If he didn't kill Captain America, he would have no value in continuing to exist.

Encountered such a difficult matter, Zola's first thought was to call the boss and ask him what to do next.

"What should I do? You ask me what to do, you can figure it out yourself!" Russell picked up the phone and said very unscrupulously.

During this year, because of the activity of the Howling Commando, he had to change bases almost every other month, and the senior scientists of Hydra were almost infiltrated by him.

After some selection, he deleted some slave contracts. Too many of these things would affect the mental power, so the more the better. He started to use a pyramid-level model, with one level in charge of the other level, and let the people below expand the power that only serves him.

Now, in the contracts he has in hand, except for the most senior scientists, most of the rest are important cadres of Hydra.

These people were either captured by the US imperialists for their own use, or were transferred to other secret bases by Schmidt, which invisibly enlarged Russell's sphere of influence. To put it bluntly, as long as Schmidt dies, he is the most powerful person in Hydra, and he can become the new leader with a wave of his arms.

This is all thanks to Steve, Russell would not have been able to do this without his help.

"Sir, I can study weapons, but I don't know how to lead troops to fight against Captain America..." Zola wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, and said with a guilty conscience: "I'm not sure, I'm not afraid of death, what I'm afraid of is that I will die After that, no one can serve you as hard as I can."

Russell squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment: "That's right, then you should take the opportunity to be captured. When you arrive in the US Empire, hang out and try to change your mind and start a new life."


"Zola, with your mind, the US emperor is reluctant to kill you, they will only recruit you to join the scientific research team." Russell frowned, spread out the map and clicked in Siberia, the experiment is ready, Bucky is upgraded, it's time It's time to close the net.

"But, I want to stay with you more than the US Emperor." Zola's brow was full of cold sweat, Schmidt gave up on him, Russell also had the same plan, and the bosses he followed became more and more impersonal.

"Yes, to fulfill your wish, I will personally go to collect the mice."

"Your plan is..."

"I took Bucky, you were captured by Captain America."


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