End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 179 I Saw You Facing the Girl on the Recruitment Album...

"Who are you?"

When Bucky heard the words, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his eyes widened, and his mouth could not be closed for a long time.

He heard that Steve was about to get married, and in order to congratulate him face to face, he sold his soul to the devil, but Steve actually forgot about him, and his psychological shadow was instantly maxed out.

Bucky was in a trance for a moment, he felt that he was a superfluous person, but he was alone in the world, but...

Maybe Steve didn't recognize me because I had a different arm. That's right, that's right, after all, my hair is so long now, it's understandable to miss it!

While bleeding in his heart, Bucky cheered himself up and decided to forgive Steve. At this moment, I suddenly felt that I was being hugged heavily, and when I came back to my senses, I found that it was Steve holding him.

"Bucky, how could I forget you, this is a lesson you deserve..." Steve hugged Bucky desperately, afraid of hitting his back, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Promise me, My good brother, don't leave without saying goodbye!"

There are many complex emotions in Steve's words, one of which is self-blame. He has always hated himself for not protecting his good friends who grew up together. They grew up together, fought together, and went through life and death together. They have no blood relationship but are better than biological brothers. During the period of Bucky's death, if it wasn't for Carter's help to divert his attention, he would probably have been depressed since then, drinking heavily all day long, overeating and becoming a big belly.

Fortunately, this is all in the past tense, Bucky is still alive, and the finale ended perfectly!

Bucky opened his mouth, and was about to nod in agreement, when the image of Russell licking the cat and grinning suddenly flashed in his mind, a touch of worry came to his heart, and after three seconds of silence, he replied: "Of course, I won't leave this time."

Steve let go of Bucky, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and said excitedly: "Bucky, I'm getting married. The object is Peggy, Peggy Carter, you know."

"I know, I saw it in the newspaper. Steve, you are a hero!" Bucky said sincerely, his best friend has grown up and is about to start a family of his own, so he can safely quit Steve's life .

Bucky doesn't care if Steve is a superhero, as long as he is no longer bullied and lives happily, he is satisfied.

"I still need a best man, you must attend." Steve hammered Bucky's shoulder, saw the mechanical arm frown, and his heart skipped a beat.

"No problem, if you dare to let someone else be your best man, I will definitely kill that person." Bucky grinned, a little far-fetched.

The smile made Steve deeply uneasy, and he took a deep breath to suppress his doubts. There are too many things to talk about when the brothers reunite, but the venue is not suitable. The most important thing is to solve Schmidt first.

Schmidt was swung far away by the flying shield. Even with a non-human body strengthened by serum, this fierce blow almost broke his bones and bones. He lay on the ground and moaned for a while before recovering.

As soon as he looked up, Steve and Bucky surrounded him, and he took a deep look at Bucky's mechanical arm. In my impression, Dr. Zola had a proposal for the mechanical transformation of the human body. At that time, he was trying his best to manufacture energy weapons, but the proposal was shelved by him.

"Your arm...who transformed you?" Schmidt's face was terribly gloomy. He had always suspected that there was a traitor inside Hydra, but he had no evidence and couldn't guess who it was.

"Go to hell and ask the devil!"

Bucky smiled coldly, and swung his mechanical arm to smash it. The punch was so fast that Schmidt couldn't dodge it, and hurriedly raised his arm to parry. As a result, at the moment of contact, he was blown away by a huge force, hit the wall and bounced into the air, and before he could fall, he was kicked hard in the abdomen by Bucky who followed.

A huge force struck, and Schmidt spurted out another mouthful of old blood, and fell heavily to the ground.

Bucky hit the ground with a round of fists, Schmidt knew he couldn't catch it hard, rolled over and barely avoided it. In just one or two fights, he guessed that Bucky had also undergone serum enhancement, plus a mechanical arm, he was no opponent with bare hands.

Schmidt obviously overthinks it, even if he can beat Bucky, it's useless, and Steve is eyeing him.

The iron fist passed close to his forehead, and the strong wind chilled Schmidt's neck, and he secretly said something dangerous. As soon as he turned over and stood up, he was punched in the face by Steve, staggered and backed up, and was kicked in the ass by Bucky from behind.

In front of him, Steve had been waiting for a long time with a sneer on his face. He clasped his fists and hit him hard on the chest sideways, and his body involuntarily returned to Bucky's position.

The two teamed up, and Schmidt was powerless to fight back. Even parrying seemed extremely awkward, like a ball being passed repeatedly. The summary is...

Bucky hit, Bucky hit, Bucky hit Steve hit!

Steve hits, Steve hits, Steve hits Bucky and then fights!

Bucky goes on, Bucky goes on, Bucky goes on and it's Steve's turn!

Men's mixed doubles, eye-eyed, affectionate, except for Schmidt, everyone else is very happy.

Schmidt did not change his face when he made a challenge, his resolute eyes were full of courage, under the stormy offensive, he became more and more courageous, and was flattened into a pig's head by Hai at a rapid speed.

"Enough!" Smit was furious, and a vicious dog rushed out from the pinch between the two, stood up and shouted sharply: "You two..."


Bucky punched Schmidt in the middle of the door, hitting him in a daze, the second half of the sentence was swallowed together with his teeth, and he was about to fall with his head up.

Bucky saw how this was going to work, Steve hasn't had a good fight yet, how can you fall down. He grabbed Schmidt's arm, squatted down and hugged his lower back to make him stand still, and shouted: "Steve, use that move."

"Got it, look at mine!"

Steve spread his legs apart, sprinted on the spot, and when he came in front of Schmidt, he jumped into the air. Standing sideways, feet together, the flying kick hit Schmidt's red face.


Schmidt flew out in a whirl, bumped his head against the wall, fell to the ground and shook his arms, and was finally unable to move, completely silent.

"Nice job, next time I'll take the final blow."

Steve and Bucky smiled at each other, clapped their hands in mid-air, and held tightly.

Steve laughed funny: "Wow, your left hand is really strong, what brand is it?"

"You're not bad either. I thought your hands would become weaker after you got engaged."

Steve had a pure face: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Bucky said with contempt: "Stop pretending, I saw you with my own eyes facing the girl on the draft brochure..."

"Stop! Although I don't know what you want to say, you must have misunderstood the person."

"Impossible, the whole of Brooklyn is as short as you."

"But I'm longer than you!"

"That's fine!"

The two talked to each other, making all kinds of sarcasm and mocking each other, as if they had returned to the time in Brooklyn, when they depended on each other, life was bitter but happy.

Steve smiled, caught sight of the mechanical arm from the corner of his eye, and said solemnly, "Bucky, promise me, come home with me."

Bucky knew that he would never be able to hide from his good friend that he had something on his mind, so his lips moved and he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed a danger, and saw Schmidt lying on the ground from the side, picking up the energy pistol at some point, and grinning grinningly at Steve.

"Steve, watch out!"


Bucky jumped up and pushed Steve away who was waiting for his answer. After the gunshot, Steve fell to the ground unharmed, while Bucky's mechanical arm was disintegrated by the energy of the Rubik's Cube, and the shattered wreckage instantly became ash.

"Damn it!" Schmidt cursed in a low voice, staggered up and walked towards the office at the end of the base.

Don't understand why he doesn't shoot twice anymore!

"Bucky, your hand..." Steve paled, blaming himself for getting carried away and hurting Bucky again.

"I'm fine, hurry up and chase Schmidt, and don't let him escape." Bucky glanced at the broken arm, it was mechanical anyway, and it would be OK to install another one.

Steve hesitated, and finally said: "Then you wait for me here, don't go anywhere."


Bucky got up and picked up the shield on the ground, put it in Steve's arms, and said solemnly: "Steve, I'll wait for you here, go and come back quickly."

Steve nodded vigorously, and disappeared at the end of the corridor, Bucky stared in that direction, walking into the shadows with a depressed back.


A little soft! ?

"Hey, don't you have eyesight when you walk? Or do you want to take advantage of others under the guise of sympathy?" Natasha stood in the shadows, arms crossed, and said angrily.

Bucky was in a heavy heart, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with Natasha. He thought with disdain that you deserve to talk about sympathy?

Russell walked out of the shadows, stroking the cat and walking towards the end of the corridor: "Come on, I want to make sure that Schmidt is really dead. If Steve doesn't do it, Natasha, help him."

"Okay, boss!"

The two walked one after the other, Bucky thought for a while, and it would be good to have another look at Steve, so he hurriedly followed.


In the office at the end, Schmidt took out the Rubik's Cube, which was still running in the instrument, and put it in a sealed box. Unexpectedly, just as he opened the mechanism and wanted to escape through the secret door, he was hit in the back by the flying shield and fell severely.

Schmidt's miracle failed, he raised his hand to pick up the double-edged rapier hanging on the wall, and turned around to fight with Steve.

He is a world-class master of swordsmanship, with superb fencing skills, coupled with super strength and nerve reaction speed, the sharp sword in his hand made Steve only have the power to parry for a while.

But technology belongs to technology. He was beaten up by Steve and Bucky, and his injuries were quite serious. A stormy offensive failed to take down Steve, but he was discouraged and was slapped on the face by a shield.

Schmidt's final struggle came to an end, and the airtight box he was holding tightly flew out. When he landed, the box shook open, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube rolled out.

The blue cube exudes dazzling light, which makes people lose their minds. Steve took a closer look and knew that it was the treasure that Howard called for, so he hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

Schmidt, who didn't know where the strength came from, hugged Steve's waist, put him on the ground after fighting, and picked up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube first.

His eyes were covered by a blue light, and Schmidt laughed like crazy: "Hahaha, this is the power of God. This world is mine after all, and no one can change it!"

"You are dreaming!"

Steve rushed up without hesitation, grabbed Schmidt's arm, and after breaking it apart forcefully, the other hand firmly held the Rubik's Cube, ready to snatch it into his hands.

The two wrestled at the same time, both wanting to capture the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. At this time, a sudden change occurred, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube trembled violently in their hands. The light blue light suddenly brightened, turned into a materialized flame and spread throughout the room, the flame burned the space, and the air twisted visible to the naked eye.

The incomparable majestic power spread, the electric arc flickered, and the blue light burst into a starry universe when it shone to the limit.

The grand universe was unprecedentedly clear at this moment. Schmidt and Steve felt that their bodies could not move, their flesh and blood seemed to be torn into pieces, and they screamed in pain.


Bucky rushed to the office, saw the strangeness inside, and rushed over.

The thunder light fell, dragging the bodies of Steve and Schmidt to disappear one by one, Bucky rushed to nothing, and turned around to see the Rubik's Cube alone on the ground.

Russell: "..."

MDZZ, who wrote this script?

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