End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 266 Wakanda cannot live without a king

At dawn the next day, the Wakanda warriors who drank the blood of the enemy returned triumphantly, covered with trophies. Because it is not a cannibal tribe, the trophies are very common, such as a mercenary's identity card, a pendant of the tribe's natives, or a tooth.

Annihilating enemies that are multiples of one's own is a great victory in the history of Wakanda. Every warrior rejoices and feels honored to be honored to participate in this battle.

But they soon discovered a problem, the king is gone!

Azuli was nowhere to be found, the elders were startled and angry, and hurriedly summoned people to find his whereabouts, but they didn't even see him. Later, I interrogated the tribal warriors one by one, and got an important clue. Azuli dressed in a black panther costume and took Dora Milaj to kill the enemy.

The elders heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words, maybe Azuli commanded a big victory, and he was in a good mood to make a man. After all, he was accompanied by six female warriors, and the surroundings were beautiful, and there was no queen guarding him.

As for why he didn't come back all night... Isn't this nonsense, Dora Milaj has six, even if it's for the sake of face, he has to wait for a while.

Day three!

Elders: Your Majesty, it’s almost enough. Some things don’t take as long as possible.

Day four!

Elders: Your Majesty, I know that you are saving face, but this is too fake!

Finally, on the afternoon of the fourth day, there was a whistling explosion in the sky. When the Wakanda soldiers heard the sound, they could only see a black dot disappearing at the end of the sky.

Then, a parachute dropped from the sky with a package strapped to it.

The soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and opened the package after the parachute dropped, and everyone's expression changed drastically.

"Quick! Give the things to the elders quickly..."


The capital of Wakanda - Bernin Zana!

In the meeting hall of the royal capital, the elders of the four tribes gathered together, and Queen Nunnally presided over the meeting instead of Azuli.

The four elders whispered to each other, with different expressions, some were worried, some were watching the excitement, and naturally some were secretly happy. Queen Nunnally took everyone's expressions into her eyes, and her heart sank. The situation was not good, and she might not be able to suppress it.

Nunnally took a deep breath, maintained the majesty of the queen and asked, "Elders, what do you think about this blackmail letter?"

The ransom letter was written by Russell, and attached to the photobook of Azuli's value, he asked Wakanda to come out in a separate area and allowed the mining rights of Zhenjin veins.

If you don’t agree, it’s easy. Spread the photos all over African countries, especially in Wakanda, and distribute the photos in a carpet-like manner. Be sure to ensure that there are three sets of people.

One set is for collection, one set is for appreciation, and the last set is used for teaching, that is, it is specially voluntarily lent to others.

The four tribal elders couldn't understand the deep meaning of three sets of hands. They only knew that this was maliciously humiliating Azuli. Because of his status as king, Wakanda would also be ashamed.


No one answered Nunali's question. The four elders had their own thoughts. Seeing that the others did not speak, they also kept silent.

"The matter has come to this, let's think of a way to rescue His Majesty the King!" Seeing this, Nunnally sighed and said, "The warriors of the Golden Tribe have already started the search and rescue work, but they don't know where the thief is. The manpower of a tribe can't cover the entire border of Wakanda, and I hope you will contribute,

Let's work together to rescue our king. "


"Elders, Wakanda cannot live without a king!"

Still no one responded, Nunnally was a little anxious, not because she was afraid that Azuli's photos were really three-handed, after all, this threat was a joke no matter how you looked at it, how could there be such a boring kidnapper?

What she was afraid of was that if she didn't respond for a long time, Azuli would be torn up, and the sky would really fall.

"Yes, Wakanda cannot live without a king!"

At this time, the elder of the White Ape Tribe spoke, and a look of joy flashed in Nunnally's eyes, but the next words of the White Ape Elder made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

The elder White Ape slapped the table and stood up: "Wakanda can't live without a king, but it can live without Azuli!"

"Elder White Ape, what do you mean?"

"What do you want to do, dare to say such presumptuous wild words!"

"His Majesty the King leads us to beat the invaders, how can we lose him?"

The other three elders immediately yelled angrily, and joined forces to condemn the elder Bai Yuan, blowing their beards and staring at each other, all with a loyal and patriotic appearance.

Nunnally's face was as deep as water, and she watched the four of them quarreling without saying a word. When they asked to search and rescue Azuli, the group didn't say a word. Now when it comes to the throne, each of them has become a loyal minister. The ugly posture makes people feel sick.


Elder Bai Yuan slammed his fist on the table, and glanced at the three elders with contempt: "Put away your ugliness, everyone knows everything in their hearts, can you not hide it like a man."

Those words made the faces of the three elders turn red, and it was a god-given opportunity. Anyone who has no idea at this time is a fool, but everyone is a person of status, and it is not necessary to be famous if it is spread.

"Elder White Ape, you..."

"What about me? You dare not say it. Is it wrong for me to tell you?"

Elder Baiyuan sneered, looked around at everyone present, and said loudly: "The enemy uses Azuli to threaten our Zhenjin, but they don't even know that Wakanda has existed for generations to protect Zhenjin, and we will never Surrender to this!"

"Elder White Ape, pay attention to your words, how can you call the king by his first name?" Nunnally scolded with a livid face.

"If Azuli is really the king, he should die for his country so as to protect Zhenjin from wandering outside." Elder Baiyuan snorted coldly. He was carrying the banner of ancestral training, representing righteousness, and no one could blame him .


"That's enough. For what reason our five tribes formed Wakanda, don't say you don't know. No matter how important Azuli is, can it be more important than Wakanda?" He took out a photo and slammed it on the table: "Besides, this kind of king who shames the kingdom's honor, I will never agree with him."

In the photo, Azuli was pressed to the ground and placed in a split-horse, next to a few grinning muscular men.

Nunnally's face was pale, and the photo was too hot. She couldn't find the right words to explain, so she could only stammer: "Wang... Wang was forced, it was those despicable thieves..."

"Okay, I'll call you Your Majesty the Queen for the last time, put away your pale explanation!" Elder Bai Yuan picked up the photo, put it in front of everyone, and pointed to the corner of the photo: "Look, what is this?"

Everyone stared intently, all of them had weird faces, and even Nunnally felt a sense of powerlessness, not knowing what to say.

In the corner of the photo, I saw an unusually handsome black panther rushing in, looking straight at Azuli coldly, with disdain, indifference, and arrogance mixed in half-revealed golden pupils. All in all, those eyes were filled with all kinds of disgust, except for sympathy and pity.

Black Panther: (╰ェ╯)

"Have you seen that, even Buster, the black panther god Azuli believes in, has abandoned him, so what qualifications does he have to be king!" Elder White Ape held up the photo of a horse with both hands, and said loudly: "Azuli was killed Forsaken by the Black Panther God, he is a sinner, a sinner who has disgraced the country."

Elder White Ape holds a sharp blade of faith in his hand, and all opposing remarks are self-defeating. In this tribal ally country with huge beliefs, there is no place for him to be abandoned by the gods.

"Three, our Presbyterian Church does not have the power to ban the king, but for the sake of the country, for the sake of the ancestors, and for the faith, the sinner Azuli must be abdicated." The white ape elder was impassioned and asked the three elders to unite with him for the sake of the country struggle for the future.

The three elders looked at me and I looked at you, and under Nunnali's ashen expression, they nodded heavily: "Elder Baiyuan is right, Azuli is no longer qualified for the position of king. "

"All for Wakanda!"

With the final word, the four elders directly excluded the Golden Tribe and deposed Azuli from the throne.

Elder Bai Yuan couldn't hold back his excitement anymore, and his face showed joy: "I said before that Wakanda cannot live without a king. I think the three of you have no objection to this, right?"

"Of course, the candidate for the next king must be finalized as soon as possible."

"Yes, before the thieves do it, let the new king ascend the throne and minimize the influence. We must not cause Wakanda to be ashamed because of his shame."

"So, who is the candidate in your mind?"

After Elder Baiyuan finished speaking, the hall was completely silent again. The three elders kept their eyes on each other, and still they would not speak unless others opened their mouths.

"Since everyone has an idea, let's each rely on his ability!" Elder Bai Yuan sneered in his heart, and strode away from the conference hall.

The three elders also left one by one. After deposing Azuli from the throne, no one looked at Nunnali again.

"We can't let them act recklessly, we must redeem the king..."


On a high hill far away from the Wakanda border, several trucks formed a circle, and soldiers were divided into small groups to stand guard and patrol, guarding the central camp.

Russell Ma Dajindao was sitting on a fur chair, with a black panther lying on his feet, Bucky on his left, and Natasha and Yelena on his right.

The disheveled Azuli stood in the center of the camp. Russell didn't treat him badly. Except for disarming him, he didn't even put on handcuffs, fully showing his respect for the king of a country. In addition, a tent was built for him alone, and six female guards were stuffed inside. As long as he didn't go out, he could do whatever he wanted.

Azu's food is because he was mentally devastated. The tragic experience that night left a heavy shadow in his heart, and he has not recovered yet.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you have something to ask me?" Russell looked up, and Yelena stepped forward to hold his shoulders happily.

Azuli's expression changed, and he let go of his previous depression: "As for Zhenjin, I can trade with you. Let me make it clear first that it is absolutely impossible to set aside a piece of land and obtain mining rights."

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