End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 398 Could it be that I, Gandalf the White Robe, will lie to you

The capital of Minas Tirith!

The white majestic city built on the mountain is extremely magnificent, with indestructible towering stone walls, gates made of mithril, and a seven-story city pool with a stepped structure. Don't be afraid of any enemy coming.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, after all, yy does not break the law!

Among other things, the magic black powder created by Saruman alone would not be able to withstand the walls of the royal capital. Go down with a hammer and dig a crack, the seven-story city is the work of seven hammers, and the king's capital can be captured in half a day.

It's a pity that Saruman offended Gandalf and was sent into exile. He still doesn't know where he is now!

The royal capital was filled with gunpowder smoke, and the white city walls were scorched black by the flames. Regent Boromir stood on the highest point of the royal capital, overlooking the vast Paliano Plain, with a worried look on his face, helpless.

Boromir became the regent, Denethor II died suddenly after drinking alcohol in the first half of the night, and he succeeded to the throne in the second half of the night.

Although something strange happened, the generals in the capital didn't think much about it. The regent Deneter was diligent and honest in his early years, his middle age was self-willed, and his old age was greedy for power. half.

Everyone thinks it's good to change the leader!

Even the generals who were loyal to Dinetha didn't think too much about it. How could a son harm Lao Tzu?

Boromir is brave and resourceful, deeply loved by the soldiers, has a high reputation in the capital, and is the first heir himself, so he easily became the new regent.

"Gandalf, can we hold out until Aragorn returns with reinforcements?" asked Boromir worriedly.

The King of Gondor is facing an unprecedented crisis. The dark square formations on the Paliano Plain are neatly arranged, and it is about to enter the night. The half-orcs lit torches, and in an instant, it seemed that the entire plain was burning.

The ferocious arrogance was so fierce that it turned into dark clouds and covered the sky, even the moonlight was dimmed.

Boromir scratched his head angrily. The former regent, that is, his own father, did not think about recruiting reinforcements before the capital was besieged. He waited for death with despair, causing panic among the soldiers and people in the city.

Denethor's will was crushed by Sauron, and he held a pessimistic view of the war, believing that the king would be defeated, and all resistance was futile, so he prepared to pull everyone to die together.

Even if Lao Tzu had everything wrong, as a son, he couldn't say it clearly, he sighed and sighed very uncomfortable, and when he looked at the holy white tree behind him, he felt even more uncomfortable.

The holy white tree representing the western royal family died, which seemed to indicate that Gondor was at the end of its rope!

"Borromir, at the time of the Battle of Helm's Deep, everyone thought that the battle would be lost, but we won and wiped out Isengard's army. Now, the strong wall of the king's capital is ten times stronger than that of the Horn Fort. Reason for defeat?"

Gandalf stroked his white beard, as if he was in control, because he was a mature Maia, so it was hard to guess whether his words were true or not.

"The beacon fire has been lit. King Theoden and Aragorn have made an oath. When they see the signal, they will definitely gather an army to come to support..." Speaking of this, Boromir pursed his lips: "But Aragorn hasn't returned yet, we Wouldn't it be nice to do that?"

King Theoden swore that as long as Aragorn became the king of Gondor and lit the beacon, he would lead an army to fight for the royal family of the West, but now the Aragonese did not know where they were, and it was he and his younger brother Faramir who lit the beacon. .

Boromir is new in the political arena, and his face has not yet been tempered. He feels that it is inappropriate to deceive the allies!

"Hahaha, Boromir, you think too much."

Gandalf smiled and said: "King Theoden found a way for himself at that time. When Rohan was in crisis, your father did not send troops to support. King Theoden said otherwise, so it is not easy to explain to the people."


"Of course, would I, Gandalf the White Robe, lie to you?"

Boromir: (?_?)


"Haha, Gandalf, you definitely won't lie to me, you're not Russell...haha!" Boromir laughed dryly, taking advantage of the opportunity to blackmail Russell. He knew that Gandalf liked to hear this.

"Yes, exactly!"


Dusk had passed, and darkness enveloped the land.

On the Paliano Plain, the torches gathered into a long dragon, and then became a sea of ​​flames, and a row of orcs began to charge towards the king's capital.

The whole of Middle-earth knew that the half-orcs had the strongest fighting power at night, and the upcoming siege was very dangerous.

The soldiers of the royal capital held their weapons tightly, and the residents spontaneously organized themselves to climb up the city wall to share the pressure of the defenders. They were terrified, but behind them were their wives and children. The half-orcs were ferocious. They had no way out, and they came knowing that they were going to die.

Although the underdogs may not necessarily win, they can definitely increase the probability of defending the city!

If Russell was the commander of the half-orcs, he would never set up an iron barrel formation outside the capital, and he would leave one side for the defenders to break through.

If there is a way out, the soldiers and civilians of the royal capital will have hope. If there is hope, they will not despair. If they hope to break through and escape, they will not swear to defend the city. Once the hearts of the people are scattered, they will be in chaos, and the difficulty for the orcs to break through the city will be greatly reduced.

At that time, the open side of the net will let them break through and leave the Palenno Plain, losing the strong city walls, and these people can abuse them as they want!

Of course, Russell can think of this, and Gandalf must also be able to think of it. The old man patrols the city wall every day, spreading true lies about the murderous and bloodthirsty orcs.

In a word, the city is broken, and everyone dies together!

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Before the orc's attack started, a sharp whistling came from the darkness in the distance, and nine soaring huge black shadows streaked across the sky.

Sauron's Nazgul, led by the Witch King of Angmar, is covered in black flames and is the most powerful. He is the commander of this battle.

The sharp roar of the monster flying dragon, with its own halo of fear, made all the defenders feel cold when they heard the deterrent sound. Fear seized their hearts, hands and feet trembled and dropped their weapons. Many people covered their heads and let out mournful wailing. What's more, they lost their fighting spirit and crawled on the ground, not daring to move.

At this time, the battle drums outside the city were rumbling, and the orcs took the opportunity to attack the city.

"Sauron's minions, go back to the darkness—"

Rolling thunder rang from the highest place in the capital, and white light shot up into the sky, like a small sun breaking through the darkness and dispelling the magical black clouds covering the sky.

The light shrouded the capital, reflected off the white city walls, and shone on the land of Palenno Plain.

The holy light dispelled the fear and restored the courage of the defenders to fight. The army of orcs below was stricken, wailing everywhere, and countless soldiers covered their eyes and rolled all over the ground.


On the Anduin River, the current was turbulent, and 50 sailboats were supported by the waves and sailed quickly.

"Aragorn, how long will it take us to reach the capital?" Russell asked.

"According to the current speed, if there is no accident, it should be here tomorrow morning..."

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