End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 461 Suddenly Becomes a Magic Movie

Russell stepped into the bar, looking for secret doors everywhere, and just as he was about to enter the wine cellar, a sudden change occurred in the hall.

Human beings bitten to death by monsters have genetically mutated into new monsters, reborn with severed limbs and crawled up.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Russell frowned slightly. It seemed that four or five truck drivers who had been bitten by monsters escaped before. According to the current trend, those people would probably mutate.


Russell turned around and walked into the wine cellar. Two giant silver wolves jumped out from behind, killing and killing among the monsters.

It is estimated that someone will be responsible for cleaning up the mutated monsters that have left...

The fact that the bar only serves truck drivers and refuses to entertain clergy makes Russell guess.

This is a world where ghosts exist, and the church plays the role of exorcism. More likely, the church is only one of them, and there are other forces that are silently eliminating monsters.

And Jacob, who has been a priest for more than 20 years, knows nothing about this, either he is stupid, or...

Just like in most movies, mysterious forces such as ghosts and the church have reached a tacit agreement to conceal their own existence, act low-key and live in darkness.

The turning point was too fast, and suddenly it changed from a yellow western road movie to a monster-infested fantasy movie, and the sense of experience dropped instantly.

While Russell was feeling emotional, he held the cross and prayed, only asking for magic movies to be the upper limit, and don't change the style of painting and upgrade it into a fairy tale.

There was no secret door in the wine cellar, and Russell turned back to the hall. The monsters had been wiped out by the thunder, and two giant wolves rushed towards him, turning into electric currents and returning to his body.

After several searches, Russell found a secret passage in the backstage of the actors. The black hole blocked by the wardrobe went deep into the ground, and there were faint screams coming from below.


The light bulb technique learned from Gandalf turned on, and Russell turned into a human-shaped light source and walked down the stone steps.

The bartender once called this place the Devil's Den, which is true. Although there are no humanoid monsters, the number of vampire bats is extremely large. Russell released the giant wolf of the thunder element to clear the passage, killed all the bats in the stone rooms, and came to the last floor of the magic cave.

The huge stone room was wrapped in iron sheets. When you walk in, the temperature drops immediately. This is a freezer room for isolating bacteria, and the shelves are full of frozen blood bags.

The electronic thermometer on the wall showed that the room temperature was constant at minus 20 degrees. If it wasn't for the wrong location, Russell would have thought he had come to a large plasma storage room.

He picked up a bag of blood and shook it in his hand. Obviously, the hideous monster in the bar was not the owner of the place, but the younger brother or servant who collected the blood plasma, or simply a slave.

Blood-sucking monsters, the first thing he thought of was vampires, which were the most famous and representative in the West.

There was no boss on the bottom floor, so Russell separated two silver-white giant wolves, leaving a total of four on the bottom floor, and he himself returned to the lobby and left the bar through the gate.


At this time, it was dawn outside, and Jacob's family's RV hadn't left yet. Seeing Russell walking out, Jacob immediately opened the car door.

"Jacob, why haven't you left yet?"

"Waiting for you, I said I would drive you to Las Vegas."

"Those who keep their promises, the Lord will bless you!"

Russell didn't refuse, and got up and walked into the RV. Only then did he realize that the suitcase was still in the car. If Jacob drove away, his transfer paperwork would be gone.

Jacob looked at Russell with a complex expression, but he couldn't help it, and asked, "Russell, are you really a priest?"

"What do you mean, didn't you see me slaying demons just now?"

"It's because I saw it that I felt incredible!"

Jacob was very puzzled. A person who couldn't even distinguish the three major denominations of Christ was actually a soldier of the Lord, or a very powerful one. What did God think of this old man?

Can't find anyone?

Until now, Jacob is unwilling to believe that Russell is a priest, and prefers to believe that Russell is a very powerful exorcist who walks outside under the guise of a priest.

Russell said earnestly: "Jacob, although you are very qualified, you are only a peripheral member after all, and you are not qualified to know many things. I won't tell you more. Knowing too much is not good."


"Come on, I installed C4 in the bar, let's go!"

The cleric planted the bomb...and said he was a priest. Where's your holy water?

Jacob complained a few words in silence, and the RV turned around and drove towards Texas.

In the carriage, Russell drank iced Coke, crossed his legs, and talked about his legendary stories under the adoring eyes of Scott and Kate.

He had the experience of exorcising demons in a bar, and now no matter what he brags, even if it was a three-day and three-night battle with Superman, both of them would believe it.

"The most formidable opponent I ever met was a giant dragon, a powerful existence that could beat even angels. That battle was so devastating that the sun and the moon were dark..."

"Russell, did you take a lot of effort to kill the dragon?"

"No, the battle was basically one-sided. I hung and beat the dragon all the way, pressed it against the ground and rubbed it against the ground, and finally became my dinner."

"Then why did the world fall apart and the sun and the moon go dark?" Scott wiped his cold sweat, feeling that Russell was bragging, but he had no evidence.

"That will make me look great!"


"Huh? What kind of eyes do you have? Don't you believe that I am very good?"

"No, no... Then what, what does an angel look like?"

"The image of an old man with a white beard is despicable, shameless, vain, likes to listen to good things, has a strong sense of revenge, flatters his superiors, viciously competes with his colleagues, and stabs him in the back..."

 ̄△ ̄X3


After the RV left, four loud explosions exploded in succession. The bar shook slightly, and with the cracks spreading, it collapsed layer by layer into ruins.

Seth stepped out of a van and stared dumbfounded at the flattened bar. After a while, the Mexican snake he was waiting for came.

"Hey Seth, I've kept you waiting."

Mustache got out of the car, greeted warmly, saw the blasted ruins, and said in surprise: "Wow, what happened to this place, it was fine before."

Seth was furious: "There are places in Mexico that don't shit, why do we have to meet here?"

"What's the matter? It's very good here, there are no police, and it's open all night. I drove past it several times and always wanted to go in and have fun!"

"Shit! It's full of monsters. If I hadn't met a priest, I would have died! Been eaten!"

Mustache's face froze when he heard the words, and he licked his dry lips: "Did you see the monster?"

The expression of the mustache changed, and he couldn't escape Seth's eyes. He punched it up: "Yeah, I saw it. Many people died, including my brother."

Mustache was punched and fell to the ground, and his family bodyguard immediately raised his pistol to teach Seth a lesson.

Mustache got up, waved away the bodyguard, and said to Seth: "I'm sorry, if I knew there were monsters inside, I would definitely not choose to meet you here."

"What's the use of saying this now, my brother is dead! Because of the broken bar you chose, he's dead!"

"Okay... Seth, how can I make it up to you?"

"You can't make it up, that's my own brother..." Seth looked at Mustache viciously: "I'll cut my travel expenses by half, and let me stay in your family territory as a preliminary compensation."

"No, it can only be reduced by 20%!" Mustache shook his head.

"Four percent!"

"Thirty percent!"

"OK, deal!"

"Hahaha, happy cooperation..."

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