End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 491: Creatures Related to Dogs Are Very Good at House Demolition


The wind is cloudy, and the moonlight is sometimes looming, shining on the sparkling sea.

An isolated island is located under the cliff, and the tide has submerged most of it. On the high ground above the water, the architectural ruins left by the castle can be vaguely seen.

Under the dark night, there are occasional thunders and flashes, illuminating this corner that the world has never seen before.

Suddenly, there was the sound of roaring propellers in the distance, and the lights of two transport helicopters began to circle the isolated island.

"The location where the cliff enters the sea is the secret passage into the castle prison." Alexander said calmly. He was very familiar with the prison where his son was held, but he didn't have the courage to release him. It would be a disaster.

Don't ask why such a douchebag as Alexander came, Russell said in case, can he not come!

On the two transport planes, in addition to the werewolf boy who carried the ultraviolet weapon, there were also four mixed races including Amelia, and the four came along voluntarily.

Lucian and Serena wanted to repay their kindness, and Russell helped them end their six hundred years of hatred and was willing to work for him. Especially Lucian, who is willing to stand on the saddle, but also considers himself a dog's leg every day, a very real person.

Amelia's motives are purely impure. She covets the holy light on Russell and wants to take it for herself. Michael was about the same as her, only the coveted people were different.

Four thugs with good melee ability and thick skin were sent to the door, and Russell would naturally not refuse, even though he knew that some people wanted to fuck him for his beauty.

Being handsome will be sought after everywhere, Russell has long been used to it!

Looking down at the mouth of the sea below, Russell waved slightly, parting the sea to reveal the entrance of the prison.

It was nothing new to pretend to be the second time, even a little boring. After the helicopter landed, he turned over and jumped down, and a handful of water splashed and dragged firmly under his feet.

The others were not as capable as he, falling from a height of ten meters, stepping on bricks and stones and casting awe-inspiring gazes.

They arranged their weapons, and under the leadership of Alexander, they walked into the cave of the prison, using special keys to open the mechanism along the way, and went deeper layer by layer.

"Alexander, it seems that you are very familiar with this place, have you been here a lot before?"

Faced with Russell's ridicule, Alexander chose to remain silent.

He does come often.

Every time he missed his son, he would come around and talk to William through the coffin board, mainly he was talking, and William howled.

Alexander was always steady. Apart from being extremely doting and indulgent to his son, he had nothing to complain about. Russell joked a few words and began to look around.

The blue light in the eyes lit up, looking for clues.

When Alexander was telling the story, he had some guesses in his mind that the real identity of the snake charmer might be a wizard, referring to Saruman, the white-robed mage who trained strong orcs, and a biologist in the magic world.

Alexander's mutated blood attracted a wizard, who wanted to experiment on him but was rejected, so he chose to experiment on his son.

This analysis is reasonable, and it is 90% similar to the truth. Russell silently praised his IQ.

As for why the mage was not burned to death and where he fled, the truth lies in this prison. Russell reckoned it was a teleportation array, just like the unknown female corpse he encountered, the entrance of the seal was a teleportation array.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Alexander, a group of people arrived at the bottom floor in a detour, and saw the huge coffin where William was imprisoned.

Russell narrowed his eyes, and saw a dense dark light and shadow under the iron maiden-like coffin.

"Move the coffin to the side, there's something under the ground."

There is no magic power, not a teleportation array, which is a little bit wrong with his guess. But it's not a big problem, the dark light and shadow swirled like a vortex, with a distinct color difference from the surroundings, which couldn't be hidden from his magic perception.

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard the words. The iron coffin was embedded in the rock wall of the mountain, and they could only use explosives to move it away. They all looked at Alexander.

I'm going to blow up your son, okay?

Alexander's face was dark, as expected, if he didn't follow, William would be in danger!

"Give me some time. I'll release William first, and you can do it later." After Alexander finished speaking, he opened the iron coffin with a special key before Russell could speak.

Everyone in the group is restrained. As far as blood is concerned, except for Russell, everyone here can be regarded as the descendants of Alexander, and they still respect him.

Russell didn't care too much. William, the ancestor of the werewolf, was strong, but his father was present, and his son couldn't make any trouble.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Inside the coffin, the two-meter-high silver-gray upright giant wolf was so angry that it sniffed the human scent in the air, and immediately entered a state of rampage and killing, letting out a roar that had been suppressed for many years.

"William! Calm down, I am your father."

It’s okay not to say it, but William became angry when he said it. He recognized the voice, and it was chattering outside the coffin board every three days, making him unable to sleep because of the noise.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

William waved his sharp wolf claws, grabbed his old father's neck, opened his bloody mouth wide, and gnawed his fangs upward.


Alexander withdrew his arm, nodded to Russell, and turned to his son stuck to the wall.

You said that I am your father, but you still want to bite me!

Alexander was so heartbroken that for a moment he forgot that his stupid son's IQ was in arrears, and pumping his fists was an education of love.

Lao Tzu beat his son, the scene is always happy to hear, the group watched happily, until Russell let out a light cough, then reacted, scraped away the bricks and stones on the ground, and began to bury the explosives.

Russell stepped aside, seeing Alexander beat up William, from a brutal werewolf to a howling husky, he was secretly happy.

However, thinking of the layout of the prison, I couldn't help but whisper in my heart.

What a coincidence!

William's coffin was pressed against the top of the black vortex, just like the eyes of the big formation. Back then Victor... No, when Serena's family built the prison, there must be something wrong with the Feng Shui master they found.

But soon, he overturned his absurd idea, where can there be a Feng Shui master in the western world, and the time is not right.

The prison was built 600 years ago, and it was 1,400 years ago that Alexander chased the wizard to this place. The interval between them is too long, maybe...it is a coincidence.

"My lord, the explosives have been buried."

"Be careful, don't blow up the cave."

"please do not worry!"


boom! boom! boom----

Creatures related to dogs are very good at demolishing houses, and werewolves are no exception. The few men trained by Lucian are good at playing with explosives, and they blast rocks layer by layer after calculation.

A supernatural event soon appeared. After an explosion, the shattered rocks disappeared out of thin air, and a smooth flat land appeared on the ground.

Russell injected magic power into his eyes, and the marble-smooth flat land disappeared, replaced by a dark vortex.

Just when he was amazed, the cross necklace on his chest slowly floated up and moved towards the whirlpool at a snail-like speed.

Russell: "..."

He clenched the cross silently, his heart was filled with waves, and Sister Medellin's ordinary smiling face appeared in front of his eyes. I didn't think anything at the time, but now that I think about it again, every word of the old man reveals a deep meaning.

"Give it to travelers far away, the Lord will bring you good luck..." Muttering what Sister Medellin said, Russell couldn't help feeling that the ones who sweep the floor are all monsters. This method is not only in the East, but also in the West. Makes sense.

Lucian looked at the smooth ground, saw that Russell didn't speak, and jumped... without jumping down, took out the grenade, pulled the ring and threw it in.

It was quiet and nothing happened.

Everyone looked at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer to explore the way, but no one came forward.

Lucien was eager to try: "My lord, why don't you let me..."

Russell shook his head slightly. Lucien's performance won him a lot of favor, and he would not let the other party take the lead. His eyes swept around like knives, and finally fixed on Amelia.

Amelia's complexion changed, not because she was greedy for life and afraid of death, but because she was afraid that after she died, there would be no caring person to serve Russell, so she immediately hugged his arm, signaling that the murderous thing is still valuable, at least keep it eye-catching.

After thinking about it, Russell cleared his throat, "Alexander, look at this...this...William...you understand!

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