End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 494 Capturing the Headless Horseman

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

Five werewolf warriors pulled the trigger, unleashing ultraviolet bullets that interrupted the Headless Horseman's charge.

In today's era, human warfare is dominated by the combination of hot and cold weapons. Although the European battlefield has the most advanced warfare model in the world, in fact, the most powerful and most decisive arm of the two armies is still the cavalry.

Therefore, the Headless Horseman didn't know the horror of automatic firepower, and he had never heard of ultraviolet weapons, so he played GG during the charge.

Leather armor, riding boots, gloves, cloak, the headless horseman was all in black, and together with the black horse under his crotch, clusters of white light spots burst out under the hail of bullets.

Black mist rose, and there was a long, silent neigh, and the horse fell down after being shot several times, and the headless horseman was also thrown away.

Lucien raised his fist to signal the werewolf warriors to stop firing. They were far away from modern civilization, and they lacked supplies. Ultraviolet bullets, a big killer, could save money, and it would be more practical to save them for dealing with vampires.

In the mud, the hooves of the black horse trembled, and the bullet holes on its body emitted a white halo, like ripples on the water surface, expanding outward little by little. In just a short while, the six hundred kilograms of body disintegrated into black mist, and disappeared with the wind.

The Headless Horseman, as a dark creature and related to the undead, has basically no resistance to ultraviolet weapons. He lies upright on the ground, his branches trembling, and the bullet holes all over his body are shining, constantly eroding and depriving his body of blackness.

That is to say, there is no head, otherwise you can hear ah ah ah.

Just when Russell and the others thought the battle was over, the headless horseman, who was 80% cold, stopped convulsing, and the dark aura on his body suddenly condensed, instantly overwhelming the remaining ultraviolet radiation, and he repaired his body and stood up from the ground.

Russell frowned, not aware of the magical aura, but he could clearly see the recovery process of the Headless Horseman. The free black silk threads in the air gathered together to counteract the damage caused by ultraviolet weapons, and they were brought back to life purely nourished by energy.

"Interesting, is it the ability of the Headless Horseman, or is someone deliberately finding fault with me?"

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, the second possibility was more likely, their arrival made some people uneasy. A pair of blue eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to find the wizard who controlled the Headless Horseman from the buildings of the town.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Lucian let out a low growl, his eyes were as fierce as a lone wolf, his long sleeves shot out a sharp blade, and he walked towards the headless horseman.

Head-to-head, head-to-head confrontation, the Headless Horseman chose to respond, pulled out the ax on his back, and slashed at Lucian with one sword and one axe.


Sparks exploded, and the two men's swords collided and began to wrestle. On the surface, they were evenly matched, but everyone in the know knew that Lucian was stronger because he hadn't transformed into a blue-skinned half-breed.

The sharp blade pressed the long sword and the axe. Every time he took a step forward, the headless horseman took a step back. Lucian's pace was very slow, which gave the headless horseman a chance to recharge. The headless horseman also tried to resist, but the gap in strength was obvious.

"Lucien, where is his limit?"

"Understood, my lord!"

Lucian responded coldly, swung the headless horseman's two-handed weapon away, and kicked the headless horseman flying sideways. With a muffled sound, the headless horseman slammed into the big house behind him, and his whole body was embedded in the wooden plank.


The Headless Horseman pushed away the boards on his body,

Just as he got up leaning on the long sword, he kicked his chest with a big foot in front of him, and sat back down with a bang.

What followed was a brutal crushing. Lucian retracted the sharp blade and hid it in his cuff, punching and kicking the headless horseman. Fist to the flesh, each punch brought a whistling and wind-shattering sound, breaking the bones of the Headless Horseman's body and limbs.

The biggest advantage of undead creatures, especially those with curses on them, is that they can't be killed and are not afraid of pain. You can conquer his body, but you can't conquer his knees.

The Headless Horseman was beaten up, and he was still holding the long sword in his hand. Lucien didn't talk nonsense to him. He probably couldn't hear the nonsense. He was tired of swinging his fists, so he picked up the ax that fell on the ground, and chopped trees and wood. The general ax method cut the headless horseman into a human stick.

The movement of the battle was a bit loud, and the surrounding residents pushed open the doors and windows and looked over curiously. He was dumbfounded when he found that the headless horseman, which no one could treat in the past, was being rubbed against the ground like a dead dog.

After a moment of stupefaction, exclamations and cheers rang out again and again. The townspeople who were closest stood at the window on the second floor and cheered, while those a little further away mustered up their courage and came to watch.

Before I knew it, dozens of people had gathered nearby.

The atrocities of the werewolf uncle beating the headless boy continued. The severed hands and feet of the headless horseman disappeared into black mist, and new hands and feet grew rapidly.

Lucien was a little tired, mainly because he worked so hard, the other party didn't even hum, and lacked a sense of accomplishment.

He grabbed the headless horseman's ankles with both hands and swung them into a big windmill, bang bang bang on the ground twice, and Lucian stepped on his chest, breaking two rows of ribs.

"Okay, that's it!"

Receiving Russell's signal, Lucien picked up the knight's sword on the ground, slammed it through the headless horseman's chest, and nailed him to the ground.

The long sword sank directly into the hilt, and the headless horseman couldn't die, and he couldn't escape even though he struggled with his hands and feet.

"God bless, the Headless Horseman has been defeated!"

"I know them, they are exorcists! I just consumed them in my tavern!!"

"Really, your broken tavern?"

"Why are you lying to me? We chatted for a long time. Remember to drink later. I'll tell you the story of the exorcist slowly."


The dead and silent town of Sleepy Hollow was boiling. The news that the Headless Horseman had been subdued was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and within a few minutes, almost the entire town's residents gathered to celebrate the death of one of the two major disasters. The Headless Horseman is caught.

Russell squatted on the ground to study the headless horseman, his magic power poured into his eyes, and then he chopped off his arm with an axe, observing the opponent's self-healing ability.

The dark energy spreads to the air, and then replenishes at the break. The energy in the body remains constant, which can be determined to be a curse-like witchcraft.

In other words, there's a wizard in town!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't block me..."

The yelling sounded, and the bluffing was extremely ear-piercing, causing Russell to frown. The five werewolf warriors stepped forward immediately, but just as they took two steps, they were glared at by Lucien, and obediently stood back to their original positions.

Is the priest's flattery something you can shoot? All you have to do is flatter me!

The five werewolf warriors dared not speak out, secretly thinking that the world is going downhill, the wolf heart is not ancient, and flattering has to rank seniority.

Lucian snorted coldly, grabbed the troublemaker by the collar, knocked him unconscious with two big ear scrapers, and threw it on the ground like garbage.

"Good fight!"

"Great, I've been wanting to do this for a long time!"

"Long live the Exorcist!"


Russell waited left and right, squatting until his legs were almost numb, then stood up from the ground, picked a crowd of onlookers and asked, "Where is the mayor of Sleepy Hollow?"

The headless horseman who endangered the town was captured, and the whole town came, but the mayor was not seen, which is too unqualified!

The onlookers smiled honestly, pointing at the troublemaker who was knocked unconscious by Lucien: "He is the mayor!"


Russell coughed lightly, wasted half a day, and continued to ask: "What about the magistrate?"

"The mayor is the sheriff!"


"The mayor is not only a magistrate, but also a doctor, a notary, a legal adviser, a banker, and a landowner."

Russell nodded, secretly said that it was a good fight, this kind of person should be beaten to death!

"The mayor is also one of the two major disasters that are as famous as the headless horseman."

Alas, it's still easy to start!


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