End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 530 Time is running out, I will drive

A quarter of an hour later, a row of furtive figures slipped out from the back door of the school. Russell turned on the lights of the school bus and signaled them to get on the bus quickly.

Jill, Alice, and LJ are all acquaintances. The little girl who has never seen her before should be Angela. She stayed alone in a school full of zombies and was not bitten. She was so lucky.

The most likely reason is that Angela was injected with too much T-virus, and the zombies regarded her as the same kind, so they kept ignoring her existence.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how a little girl who has no guns and no fighting power can survive till now.

In addition to these people, there were two unfamiliar faces, wearing black special tactical uniforms, and their logos were soldiers from the Umbrella Company.

Carlos and Nicholas are mercenaries of the Umbrella Company. They were ordered to follow a large force to Raccoon City to clean up the zombies.

As long as the fangs are still there, wild dogs are still valuable!

Dr. Ashford contacted the two, and as long as he found his daughter Angela, he would help them leave Raccoon City, so the two met Jill at school and Alice who came in a hurry.

It stands to reason that with Alice as an enhanced person, Dr. Ashford has no reason to seek other help. But he had seen the pig teammates around Alice, and he didn't dare to bet his daughter's life, so he found another group of people to spread the risk.

It can be said that everyone in the car is a grasshopper on a rope, desperately trying to survive, and no one can stay out of it.

With this passive relationship, it is easy to generate trust between each other, at least before leaving Raccoon City, they are close comrades in arms.

Carlos asked: "Everyone, whose idea is it to broadcast the police car at the school gate?"

"What's wrong?"

"Good job, the zombie was led away by the sound source, and we brought Angela out easily."

While speaking, Carlos' cell phone rang. He took a deep breath and pressed the speakerphone. Dr. Ashford was on the opposite side.

"Mercenary, let me talk to my daughter."

"This is impossible, you have to tell me first, how can you leave Raccoon City!"

Ashford did not insist, and decided to stabilize the group first: "There is a helicopter on standby, and it will take off on time in an hour. It is the last transport plane to leave Raccoon City before the nuclear bomb detonates."

Alice interjected with a frown: "The plane you prepared?"

"No, it has another mission. If you want to get it, you can only grab it yourself."


"Let me talk to my daughter first..."


After speaking with his daughter Angela, Ashford smiled and told everyone that the helicopter was parked at the city hall and told them to go there quickly. There was not much time left.

Jill walked to the driver's seat, hooked Russell, and the latter turned his face closer: "Captain, what are your orders?"

"Time is running out, I'll drive!"

Russell shook his head resolutely, and said seriously: "That's right, time is running out, so the steering wheel must be in my hands."


"You show the way, I'll drive..."

With a confident face, Russell turned his head and said to the group of people in the car: "Everyone, the speed will be very fast. There is no seat belt on the car. I advise you to hold on to the handles so that you don't fall."


"How fast can it be? I'm someone who has flown a plane before!"

"Coincidentally, I drove it too."


"I want to touch the handle, even if I lose!"

Hearing the clamor in the carriage, Russell shook his eyebrows, put his hands on the steering wheel, and said to Jill beside him, "Captain, what about you, do you want to sit on me?"

The second Russell held the steering wheel with both hands, Jill's hair blew up, and he felt a palpitating powerful aura. For a moment, her eyes were in a trance, as if she saw a towering mountain that could not be climbed. She swallowed her saliva, wanting to survive, and tightly grasped the horizontal bar next to the driver's seat.

"Russell, you don't even know the location, and... let me drive it!"

It's definitely impossible to sit on your lap,

Jill just dresses boldly, and she is very discreet in her private life... At least there must be a candlelight dinner, otherwise she will not consider sitting on someone else's lap.

Russell returned a meaningful look: "Don't worry, I'm not only driving fast, but also very...stable!"

While speaking, Russell shifted into first gear and started. The speed of the car was smooth, and there seemed to be no problem. Just when Jill breathed a sigh of relief, the school bus started to roar.

The speed of the car was 40 yards, and Russell jumped into fifth gear. It wasn't his car anyway, so he didn't feel bad at all.

As the speed of the car became faster and faster, Jill's face began to turn pale. Immediately afterwards, the other people in the car were not calm, and they held on to the handle tightly, because it was getting faster and faster...

At the crossroads ahead, the end was blocked by congested burning cars. The speed of the school bus was still accelerating uncontrollably. Everyone turned pale when they saw the road conditions clearly through the windshield.

"Siht, it's about to hit!"

"Quick, step on the brakes!"

"Please, move your legs!"

Russell nodded, moved his legs, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and turned the steering wheel violently when approaching the intersection, a burst of scorched green smoke rose on the rainy ground. Accompanied by heart-piercing screams, the school bus drifted laterally, entered the center of the intersection, and rushed out to the left.

Jill refrained from screaming, but was driven by centrifugal force and sat down on Russell's lap. Then she was horrified to find that Russell had only one hand holding the steering wheel, and the other hand spread out the city map, and his eyes never left the map.

This guy doesn't even look at the road when he drives!

Finally, Jill couldn't take it anymore, joined the screaming crowd, and started to tear their hearts apart.


In the night, a yellow school bus without driving lights rampaged, maintaining a super high speed and setting off a hurricane in the streets and alleys.

After reading the map, Russell threw it away, held the steering wheel with both hands, smiled slightly at Jill in his arms, and then raised his voice and shouted: "Everyone pay attention, I'm going to start accelerating!"


"Asshole, this is already the fastest speed, how do you want to speed up!"


"Open the door! Please, I miss my mother, I don't want to go to the city hall, I want to get off..."

It is true that the pointer of the speedometer has come to an end, but in Russell's eyes, this school bus has not yet reached its limit. The restless roar of the engine shows that it has its stubbornness and arrogance.

Ahead was another section of road blocked by abandoned vehicles. Russell turned the steering wheel sharply, and accelerated into a narrow alley under the screams of the crowd.

The rearview mirrors on both sides of the school bus were broken by the wall, and the school bus smashed into the trash cans, and the left and right sides were less than a hand-width away from the concrete wall.

The light at the entrance of the alley was bright, and everyone escaped from death, weeping bitterly, thankfully they didn't hit their heads to death just now.

However, in the next second, the school bus rushed out of the alley, and flew into the air like an arrow from the string. The road below disappeared and was replaced by a not-so-wide river.

It's over!

Between life and death, everyone was surprisingly quiet. The city hall was not far away, but they got on the express train that went straight to hell. The marquee on the front half of the body flashed in front of my eyes, and everyone smiled, as if they had seen everything.

No one noticed that on the river under the car, several streams of water surged, supporting the bottom of the car, causing the school bus to fly across the river and land on the opposite road with a bang.


Russell stopped the school bus, took out a cigarette from Jill's tube top, lit it up and inhaled lightly, and flicked the ash: "It's the stop!"

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