End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 554 Angel Appearance and Angel Body

Of the five reincarnators from the Zerg camp, three died and two remained. Russell vibrated the light wings on his back, and in an instant came to the top of the collapsed hill, looking down at the dark worm lair below.

The chirping and chirping made people's eardrums sting, and even though the number of dead bugs was already astronomical, more bugs continued to spew out. The exact number cannot be estimated. Russell saw only countless limbs trembling and rhythmically, giving him the illusion that the planet under his feet was made of bugs.

For quantities that cannot be calculated, it may be more appropriate to use frequency as a quantifier.

With such an exaggerated number of insect swarms, the energy used to eliminate them will be astonishing. Russell thought for half a second, then took out the miniature nuclear bombs from the space ring, and threw them down from the sky one after another.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four explosions, four strong lights shot up into the sky, Russell spread his wings to protect his body, and emptied the dense swarm of insects layer by layer. After confirming that nothing escaped from his perception, he flapped his wings violently and was alone. Landing towards the wormhole.

Just now, when he killed the three reincarnators from the Zerg camp, Russell noticed a malicious gaze peeking at him. Intuition told him that the line of sight came from the wormhole, and the commander cerebrate was also there.

Every trip to the main god's space is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing money. Russell is ready for the character card of 'Deadpool', and is ready to make a fool of himself... Bah, prepare to make a fool of himself.

boom! !

As soon as he flew to the entrance of the wormhole, Russell was blocked. The flame dragon rose from the ground, and seven or eight tank worms lay in the shadows, crazily spraying flames towards the sky.

Russell, the little miscellaneous fish, didn't pay attention to it. His golden eyes swept over to confirm the location of the target. Sand Eagle was in his hand and shot one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the plasma cannon with a purple halo rose at a slow speed, Russell hesitated for a moment, and did not go up to absorb it. The Zerg carried out a chemical reaction in the body, which produced a radioactive attack, said to be plasma, but who knows what this thing is, it's better not to touch it.

A miniature nuclear bomb was dropped, and after a bang, the entrance of the cave was finally peaceful.

Russell counted the inventory in the space ring, and there were not many miniature nuclear bombs, so he had to save some of them.

"Jason, did you find something?" Ying Yingying flew behind Russell, looked down, and immediately said, "Is there any danger? Do you need me to go down with you?"

"There is a reincarnator with good strength, and the commander of the Zerg, I am going to go down..."

Speaking of this, Russell was a little stunned. The enemy was in the dark, and the enemy was in the dark. There was a high possibility that a trap had been set up in the worm's lair, and he actually wanted to go down and wave.

Here comes the question, who gave him the courage, just because Deadpool's character card can't die?

What about Goujiji?

Ying Yingying looked puzzled and squinted Russell: "I can't see that you are quite brave, or did you take the wrong medicine?"

Russell remained silent, knowing that he might be under mind control or spiritual guidance attacks, so he was so blindly arrogant, dropped two miniature nuclear bombs, and pulled Ying Yingying back to the P-12 fortress.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone in the worm's lair used a mental attack on me, please let me go down and visit the door."

"Spiritual attack!?"

Ying Yingying's face turned livid,

Russell said it lightly, as if it was not worth mentioning, but his behavior just now showed that he had already been tricked. Among the enemy's reincarnators, there are masters of spiritual ability, Russell can be recruited, and everyone else is certainly no exception, including herself, who is at risk of being controlled.

"Jay... what are you doing?"

Ying Yingying looked at Russell with a dazed expression, took out the communicator from the space ring, called the headquarters, and asked.

"Call the headquarters, blow up this place!" Russell snorted coldly, and actually set his mind on him, which was his own death.

"This is the headquarters, please report the unit number immediately."

Once familiar and familiar, Russell immediately reported his military ID number. The correspondent on the opposite side was stunned for three seconds: "Sir, you are not dead... No, I mean... It's you again?"

Russell was too lazy to talk to the other side, and went straight to the topic: "My current location is P-12 Fortress, and I was attacked by the Zerg army together with the hard-boned troops. The new species of worm is very big and has the ability to command the actions of the Zerg army. I suspect that it has advanced intelligence and has a high status among the Zerg, so report this important news immediately."

After speaking, Russell turned off the communicator. Although he is not a reincarnation of the human camp, he is also on the side of the Federation, which is about equal to his own.

What is his reason for choosing the Federation?

It's not because everyone looks the same, but because of the powerful military strength of the Federation, which has the ability to destroy a planet in an instant. If this is the case, this power should be used well.

Ying Yingying complained from the side: "Hey, you are only caring about revenge, trying to be cheerful for a while, and you don't care about the consequences at all!"

"Where is it?"

"Why not? Knowing that the Federation mobilized the army for the sake of brain worms, and leaked the information, it will be more difficult for us to complete the task." Ying Yingying shook her head and said that the teammates she chose had once been side by side. After fighting, she can't say much.

Just like the reincarnation of the Zerg camp is in an awkward position and may be used as cannon fodder by the Zerg, the reincarnation of the human camp basically avoids the Federation.

Although they are also fighting against the Zerg, and there are more or less telepaths among humans, the Federation will definitely not treat the reincarnated group of 'supermen' equally.

Because everyone is human, the reincarnated people have a better understanding of how greedy the federal government is and how much value they carry.

Maybe at this time, the high level of the Federation has already begun to secretly arrest the reincarnations. As long as they can get their secrets, they will definitely use them to their full potential.

The reincarnators know this very well, so when they participate in the plot, they basically follow the plot down, and don't expose it if they can.

Ying Yingying's side is even simpler, get a fake identity, use the Federation as a means of transportation, and work alone to find a way to capture the cerebrate.

The Cerebral Worm is not the highest command of the Zerg, which she is very sure of, but the Cerebral Worm must know the position of the highest command, which is why she wants to capture the Cerebral Worm.

Now being disturbed by Russell, it's all cold!

"Don't worry, it's a trivial matter. Cerebral worms are surrounded by experts to help them, so they won't be caught so easily. We will be the ones who will benefit." Russell was full of confidence, and single-player players would not feel backache while standing and talking.

Ying Yingying was dejected, not as optimistic as Russell, and began to analyze the next situation and re-formulate the battle plan.

At this time, several reincarnations from the human camp came over, and with them, there were soldiers from the hard-boned army and Lieutenant Razak.

The commander of the hard-boned unit, a middle-aged soldier equipped with mechanical prosthetics, Ying Yingying is actually at the same level as him in terms of military rank, this woman probably did it on purpose until this day.

"I am Lieutenant Razak of the Hard-Bone Unit, thank you for the assistance of your special forces."

Lieutenant Razak emphasized on "special". He is not an idiot. He knows that the so-called special means that the origin is unknown, but smart people don't go into it too much, not to mention that Russell and others saved the lives of his subordinates.

Russell didn't care about him, and Ying Yingying, who had the 'highest' military rank, exchanged greetings with him, and everyone was waiting for the Federation's next move.

The soldiers survived the catastrophe. At this moment, they secretly discussed the identities of the reincarnators. They were fascinated by the special forces. They fantasized that they could also be recruited by the Federation, strengthened and stuffed into this secret force.

Russell had shown the strongest fighting power before, and was talked about the most times. Although they were all words of praise and longing, they sounded uncomfortable to him.

Mixed race beauty, angel looks, angel figure, beautiful, want...

It is indeed the appearance and figure of an angel. After all, it is flat and flat, supported only by two chest muscles, and it is not appropriate to describe it as a devil figure.


Russell: Forget it, bear with it! It's not good to take it out and hit the confidence of young people!


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