The boundless, immeasurable mental power swept across the audience, the almost materialized energy was visible to the naked eye, and the spreading ripples even pushed the fleet back a few kilometers.

The psychic power of the cerebrum can control Mu Xinxin who has telekinetic power, put Ying Yingying into a hard fight, and make Russell almost lose his way. One can imagine the horror of the worm's mental power, not to mention the federal soldiers in the fleet. The reincarnators of the big camp couldn't bear it either.

Fortunately, there are many masters among the reincarnators, and the dispersive attacks of the insect gods did not target a single individual, and the intensity was scattered. A quarter of the reincarnators barely kept their hearts.

When they came back to their senses, they turned and ran, not making a second choice.

The samsara controlled by the insect god surrounded them, cut off the back road and started to attack frantically, like a rabies outbreak, regardless of all consequences, all moves were killed together.

Russell and Ying Yingying were far away, and luckily escaped this wave of mind control. The two looked at each other and retreated the transport plane to the periphery again.

Can't beat it! farewell! Please stay tuned!

Let alone the mind control ability of the God of Worms, which is enough to reverse anyone's mind, the two of them are helpless just because of its materialized mental barrier. It's not just them. According to the abilities shown by the God of Worms, one worm can wipe out the reincarnation of the two camps. It's useless if the Superwoman comes.

On the transport plane, Mu Xinxin, who was in the dead body, seemed to have sensed the call, and a carp jumped up from the ground, using telekinetic power to attack the magic barrier.

Seeing this, Ying Yingying shook her head and sighed, a mental shock knocked her down, lacking the means to deal with it, she could only wrong her first.

Russell looked at the Starry Universe with a face full of covetousness. The Insect God has BUG-level abilities. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the Void God. Fortunately, it is a bug. If this guy is a person, wouldn't it be...

Wait, there's nothing wrong with tentacle monsters!

It's a pity that the lottery was not triggered, and Russell lamented that there was no hope for the Super God character card.

None of the character cards in his hand can resist the mind control of the Insect God, and the character cards of Thanos are also terrible. Without the blessing of the soul gem, nine out of ten will give away the head.

After several analyzes by Russell, there is only one character card on hand to gamble on. Optimus Prime's character card, maybe the fire source of silicon-based life can be free from the mind control of the insect god.

As for the materialized mental barrier, he has two teleportation cards that can break the game, 'space transfer' and 'mind transfer'. Because it is a unilateral conjecture and lacks actual cases, he is not going to be a hero.

Besides, he won't do things that are not beneficial!

Just when Russell considered his tone and asked Ying Yingying to prepare her last words, a dramatic scene suddenly appeared on the battlefield. The federal fleet controlled by the insect god suddenly turned its guns and fired at it crazily.

The Federation humans on the battleship, from the captain to the soldiers, have all become the spiritual slaves of the Insect God at this moment, but the cold steel has no emotion, and the Federation Command remotely controls the fire control system, crazily venting one giant missile after another.

Because the distance was close enough, the battleship's main guns and secondary guns were all activated, and the faint blue beams instantly illuminated the entire deep space.

The materialized energy barrier was penetrated by the light beam, and the missile detonation system was modified to self-explode the moment it was intercepted by the energy. The God of Insects didn't notice for a while, and was beaten to the ground by the cutting-edge power of human beings. Although the spiritual energy is strong, the body as the container is a scum, and tens of thousands of tentacles are broken.

The miserable green slurry floated everywhere.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

The sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. The above is Russell's own voice. The distance is too far for him to see the live scene clearly, but the beam of the explosion is very bright, and he can make up the general situation even if he is far away.

"You're right, the main purpose of the [Starship Troopers] world is the war between humans and Zerg, a decisive battle between the two sides, and only one 'God' can survive."

Russell pursed her lower lip, and gave Yingying a look. There was a turning point in the battle, and she didn't need to prepare her last words.

Ying Yingying frowned tightly, and said thoughtfully: "If at the beginning, the three of us try to sneak into the top leadership of the Federation, more directly, and control the Supreme Marshal, can we take a shortcut to dominate the situation?"

Russell thought for a moment, then shook his head: "I heard that there are strong telepaths among the Federation humans. It is not so easy for you to become the leader of the war."

Ying Yingying sat on the co-pilot, thought deeply and said: "With [Starship Troopers], I have experienced four wars in this mission. The first world is [Edge of Tomorrow], and the second..."

"Wait a minute!"

Russell interrupted it in surprise: "Isn't the first [Resident Evil]?"

Ying Ying gave him a white look: "If all the reincarnations enter the [Resident Evil] world, at least half of them must die before continuing to the second war world, so the first grid of the chessboard must be released in batches. It's probably random."

"So that's how it is, the Lord God really knows how to play!"

Ying Yingying continued: "The second war world I experienced was [Fifth Element], and I met you in the third world. You know what happened next, so I won't talk about it."

"So, what have you discovered? In all war worlds, there must be a human camp. The Lord God is teaching us that we must never be a ball traitor?"

"It's not this, don't interrupt!"

Ying Yingying waved her hands: "Have you noticed that the Lord God is training us how to fight?"

Russell blinked: "Is there?"

"Of course there is! So many worlds have come, so you don't have a sense of participation in the war?" Ying Yingying was surprised, Russell was too heartless.


The stand-alone player chose to remain silent on this issue, because there was no pressure, and he really didn't have a strong sense of substitution.

In the deep space battlefield in the distance, the battle came to an end, and the insect god released his mind control again, swept the battlefield to enslave all reincarnations, and manipulated them to launch a suicide attack on the battleship group.

At the same time, he stayed away from the battlefield to avoid intensive fire bombing.

Resisting the attack of the fleet consumed a lot of mental power, and the lack of physical body exacerbated this process, and its strength was not as good as before, so it chose to walk as the best strategy.

The Federation Fleet spread out, and the reincarnations launched a suicide attack, and they blew themselves up to meet the enemy. More than half of the thousands of warships lost, and when they ran out of ammunition, they automatically drove to the edge and blew up.

These thousands of battleships are both heroes and abandoned children, abandoned children of the high-level federal layout, and heroes of post-war propaganda.

Half an hour later, the reincarnated people were basically dead and injured, and the remaining hundreds of warships chased the worm god. With super-light engines, the worm god's spiritual horse could not run as fast as them.

The battleship ran out of ammunition, and the self-detonation of the battleship close to the worm god consumed mental energy. At this time, an ordinary battleship was approaching. The worm god was used to it and didn't take it seriously, but when the battleship blew up, the worm god was not calm .

This battleship carries Q bombs, and more than one!

Russell, who was far away, saw only dazzling glare rising, and the huge light ball was comparable to a newborn star.

When the light lasted for about half a minute, the scenery in front of Russell's eyes changed drastically, and he was on the zigzag war chessboard, located in the 16th grid world.

When the worm god dies, the main god decides that the player from the human camp wins.

In a tragic victory, the actual winners are only Ying Yingying and Mu Xinxin, who fell into mental confusion and are still unconscious.

"Look, listen to me, right? Go to the end and kill and eat chicken!"


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