Endless Debt

Chapter 1 Prologue Debtor

At night, the church is brightly lit and candles are burning quietly. The melted wax oil flows down the steps and solidifies. As the evening breeze blows, it is like the sea surface under the setting sun, with ripples and sparkling waves.

In the narrow confessional room, Boluogo lowered his head and whispered.

"Father, the souls of good people go to heaven, and the souls of evil people go to hell, right?"

Not long after, a kind voice came from the other end.

"Of course, kid."

Boluogo and the priest were separated by a thin layer of black veil. In the dimness, their faces were blurred and it was impossible to distinguish each other's appearance.

"Is that so? That's great."

Hearing the priest's affirmation, Boluogo nodded, feeling relieved.

"I have a friend."

When he talked about her, a smile flashed on Boluogo's blank face, but it soon turned cold again.

"She is not the kind of 'friend' you use to cover yourself up, she is a real person and she is my only friend.

After I was released from prison a year ago, I stood at the door of the prison. I was confused for a while and didn't know where to go. Then I saw her. Although I hadn't seen her for a long time, I recognized her at a glance.

She took me home and took care of me all the time. She was very nagging before... After she became an old lady, she was even more nagging and talked about me endlessly every day..."

Boluogo opened his chatterbox and began to talk eloquently, while the priest listened quietly.

"She would scold me when I slept without a quilt, and she would scold me if I didn't eat breakfast, and even if I stayed up late, sometimes I would retort, 'Are you my mother?', and she would act like she was taking advantage of her. Laughing and continuing to talk."

Boluogo couldn't help but smile. When he heard this, the priest on the other end of the black veil also laughed, and the laughter of the two people echoed in the narrow space.

"I lived in her house for a while, sleeping on the sofa in the living room. Her children would come home to see her from time to time. Probably because I had been in prison, her children didn't like me, and she was a As an old lady, she always suspects me of evil intentions, such as her family property."

Having said this, Boluogo shook his head.

"In order not to affect their family harmony, I later moved out and visited her whenever I had time. She said that I was like her unrelated child... and she took advantage of me."

The woman's face gradually emerged in Boluogo's mind. It was an old face. Time had destroyed all her beauty, but she could still faintly see her former beauty between the withered skin and wrinkles.

Listening to his story, the priest nodded slightly and smiled.

"A close friend? Sounds great."

"Yes, she is such a good person. She was willing to take me in when I was helpless. I even joked with her before, saying that I would be her lover to repay this kindness. She shook her head and said She and I stood together, more like mother and son than lovers.”

Boluogo raised his head, seeing only the deep darkness, and murmured to himself.

"Such a good man should have a happy death, right? On a sunny morning..."

He took a deep breath, and the smile on his face gradually turned cold, as if he was wearing a mask, his face expressionless.

"Father, I want to confess to you about her death. And the atrocities I did after her death."

His voice was calm and emotionless.

The words were like a spell, and an unknown chill hit the priest's heart. He looked nervously at the other side of the black veil, but could only see a blurry outline.

In a daze, he had an inexplicable feeling, as if Bologo on the other side of the confessional was no longer a human being, but some kind of indescribable existence.

Full of evil, ferociousness, and deceit...

"About a month ago, on a sunny morning, she went out for a walk as usual, but this time she didn't come back. When she was found, she was already dead, and her body fell in a dark alley. Jewelry and money were looted.”

The joy just now was gone, and Boluogo's eyes were empty, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

"An ordinary robbery case... That's what the sheriffs said. Father, you also know this ghost place in Opos. Order and chaos coexist in this city. Robbery is very common. She is just a little unlucky. In the sun Such a bad thing happened on a bright morning.

I thought it was like this at first. On the way to the morgue, I thought about a lot of things, such as how to find the damn robber, and how to make him realize that death is also a luxury at certain moments. …”

Boluogo's voice paused and continued.

"I saw her body in the morgue. Her body was cold and her expression was peaceful, as if she had fallen asleep. The doctor said she was too old and hit her head and died. This is how many elderly people die. .

At first I accepted the cause of death, but soon I discovered one thing. There were traces of 'condensation' on her body, and her soul... had been taken away. "

The priest's expression froze, like a cold stone sculpture, and Boluogo laughed softly. The narrow confessional was like a prison at the moment, locking him and the priest together.

In other words, the priest was forced to be locked up with him.

"You know? Father, my boss said that souls are real. Therefore, in the story, the devils who long for souls also exist. They are hiding in dark corners, promising all kinds of good things. To tempt mortals to sacrifice their souls.”

Boluogo suddenly started talking about something else, his voice was very soft, as if he was telling an ulterior secret.

“Some people sacrifice all their souls to the devil in a transaction, and from then on there will be a constantly collapsing hole in their heart—the place where the soul was supposed to be.

The void is like a whirlpool that swallows everything, eating away at human sanity bit by bit.

In the unbearable pain, they become more and more crazy and hungry, until they devour the souls of others, thereby filling the hole in their hearts and temporarily relieving the tormenting hunger. "

At some point, the confessional room became completely silent, leaving only the sound of Boluogo's narration, and nothing else.

"Condensation is a method of condensing souls. It solidifies the emptiness of souls into entities to intervene, just like the so-called philosopher's stone and elixir... This is not a robbery, this is a murder that robs the soul, a murder that robs the soul." Extraordinary crime.”

Borogo's voice trembled, not with fear, but with excitement, sadistic excitement.

"I found the gang members who were roaming that area, pulled out their teeth, broke their bones, cut off their fingers one by one... It was really tiring work, but luckily I got a name, I followed the name and found another guy.

He is a pharmacist who sells various banned drugs on the black market, tortures him, tortures him, and then gets the next name.

Thugs, ringleaders, smugglers, bribed vigilantes...

Next, next..."

Accompanying Burlogo's narration in the silence is the clear sound of the pointer. After each syllable dissipates, the pointer makes a small, advancing sound.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick... the speed gradually increased, as if falling into a black vortex, people were wailing feebly, being dragged, swallowed, and returned to darkness.

Pressure built up in the priest's heart, and cold sweat covered his forehead.

Until at a certain moment, Boluogo finally stopped. He smiled casually and ended this crazy narration.

"Forget it, I won't go into details. In short, it was a boring, mechanical job. In the end, I got a list from a dead man."

Boluogo's eyes moved slowly and looked at the other end of the black veil.

“Father, do you know Adele Doveland?

There was no sound to respond after the black veil, only bursts of low and gentle sounds, like the crash of a glacier when it cracked, and the restlessness of the buds breaking through the soil.

Boluogo waited patiently. For some reason, there was always a very strong scent of incense in the church, even in the confessional, but soon he smelled a fishy smell from the incense.

A scream sounded.

The sharp finger bones broke through the flesh, like a blood-stained sharp knife, tearing the black gauze of the partition into pieces, slashing along Boluogo's face, and nailing it into the wooden board behind him.

Boluogo turned his head and looked in the direction of the priest. A thin red line extended along his cheek, and then blood flowed from it.

The smell of blood filled the air, like some kind of stimulating medicine, and there were waves of gasping sounds.

Boluogo looked at the priest, or rather the devil, in front of him with an expressionless expression.

"You shouldn't have found this."

Darkness enveloped the priest's body, and a twisted sound came from his throat.

The priest can smell the smell of the soul, the sweet, intoxicating and crazy smell that spreads through the blood. Just smelling such delicious food can relieve the empty hunger in his heart.

But after relief, there is an even greater desire.

"A devil can't be a priest."

Boluogo said coldly.

The priest did not respond, but let out a hoarse and weird laugh.

It is not worried about the secret being leaked, as long as Bologo is killed.

Eat Bologo's soul, then break his body into thousands of pieces, and throw it into the gray mist of the Great Rift... as always.

"Father Doron, why does your name appear on that list?"

Boluogo raised his head and saw the priest's ferocious face. His facial features were completely distorted and there was no look of kindness at all. He was like a wild beast hunting its prey, his breathing was heavy and intense, and his pupils were bloodshot and scarlet.

"Really? What a shame."

Boluogo said so.

The claws struck again, and there was only a sound of metal crashing. Then in the narrow darkness, Doron felt a sharp pain from his chest, and then his body was pulled and he was knocked out of the confession room uncontrollably.

The burning candlestick was smashed over, and the hot wax oil and fireworks entangled its body, igniting the clothes. The fire burned and roared, and Doron was like a beast bathed in fire.

In the dim confession room, Boluogo walked out slowly, holding a long metal handle in his hand, which still had scratches left by blocking claw strikes. He swung the long handle vigorously, and with a few crisp sounds, the long metal handle extended section by section, and finally the fatal sharp knife slid out, reflecting the burning candlelight.

A sharp folding knife was held in his hand.

"There are still some people who did not lose all their souls in the deal with the devil, and even received the devil's 'gift'."

Boluogo said, touching his chest with one hand to the heart.

"The boss said that these people have lost part of their souls, and their souls are no longer complete. A corner is missing, exposing some holes, so sometimes they are tortured by hunger, which urges them to find the lost souls and fill the gaps again. , but they still maintain their sanity and will not be as hungry as you and demons."

Burlogo gradually approached, the candle flames ignited the carpet, and the firelight illuminated his face.

It was a fairly young face, with long black hair falling loosely, and his eyes hidden in the shadows. He was wearing a black windbreaker lined with a white shirt and a black tie at the collar.

Very ordinary people, like office workers after get off work, such people can be found everywhere in Opos.

"The devils are a cunning, damn bunch, aren't they?"

Burlogo complained.

“This type of person cannot live as a person with a sound soul, nor can he be driven by hunger and completely degenerate into madness like you demons.

Neither up nor down.

Running around for his lost soul, hoping that one day he can redeem his soul from the devil and repay this heavy debt. "

Doron thrust forward violently, it was transforming into a beast.

The sharp claws were like slender sword blades, the bulging muscles burst through the clothes, and the roars surged up with unstoppable momentum.

The figure twisted into a blurry black shadow. After a short delay, the strong wind whipped up, blowing the burning fireworks.

A sharp crashing sound resounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

Doron couldn't believe the scene in front of him. Boluogo raised his folding knife with one hand and easily blocked its fierce attack. Then he shook it away. It waved its sharp claws again and tried to kill Boluogo, but Boluogo couldn't. Luo Ge swung his sword faster than him, and his figure disappeared in an instant like a ghost.

The wind was dancing, and when Bologo reappeared, it was filled with a cold light of steel.

The folding knife reflected the burning firelight, and the dazzling light flashed in Doron's eyes.

The trance only lasted for less than a second, but in this brief moment, the folding knife avoided the hard claws, slashed from the side, and cut off Duolun's right hand in one fell swoop.

"So why is that? Father."

The questioning sounds were accompanied by the light of the sword, and each sound left a hideous wound on Duolun's body.

"Good people should go to heaven, but why isn't her soul in heaven?"

Boluogo asked in confusion. The folding knife passed over Doron's calf and cut it in two. Doron's body knelt down directly.

Doron gasped and panicked. The demon who inflicted fear on others was now terrified.

"Evil people deserve to go to hell, why is your soul not in hell?"

A voice sounded from behind, and Boluogo stood behind it holding a folding knife, like an executioner executing a criminal.

Duolun trembled, and the next second, the howling wind suddenly rose, tearing the words into pieces.

It made a desperate counterattack at this moment, stood up suddenly, twisted, and waved its claws, but what greeted Duolun was an even sharper sword light.

The sharp claws shattered, and the only arm was easily penetrated and torn into pieces. Even the chest was affected, leaving a long and thin knife mark, and blood gushes out.

The cold light intertwined, and the whistling wind whipped up by the folding knife actually blew out the burning fireworks in an instant, and bursts of white smoke rolled past.

Duolun's body froze on the spot, and a thin red line stretched out from his throat. Soon the red line began to extend, spanning half of his neck, and then it was like a dam bursting, with blood splashing from it, pouring out.

Fatally wounded, Doron lost all his strength in an instant, fell to his knees, stretched out his broken and twisted arms randomly, and tried to block the wound in his throat, but this was in vain, and blood still poured out uncontrollably. In the blink of an eye, a large pool of blood formed beneath him.

Boluogo did not continue to slash, but stood there, with the stars reflected in his eyes.

Not only was blood overflowing, but also escaping from the body along with the blood were streams of cyan light spots. They were like dust, floating softly around.

It seemed that only Boluogo could see this thing. Doron did not notice the existence of these light spots at all. He reluctantly raised his head, his eyes filled with horror.


Boluogo whispered, raised his hand, and combed his scattered hair back, revealing his pale face that had not been exposed to the sun for many years, and his blue eyes.

He was not frightened by this cruel scene, but instead seemed to be awakened by something, with a spiral of evil rolling in his green eyes.

At the same time, the scattered cyan light spots, as if being summoned, flocked to Boluogo one after another, easily penetrating the skin and integrating into Boluogo's body.

A feeling of satisfaction came over me.

"Oh, sorry."

The feeling of satisfaction made him slightly absent-minded. After coming back to his senses, the man remembered something. He stretched out his hand towards Duolun and said slowly.


Bologo said.

"Berogo Lazarus, a debtor."

Sacrificing one's soul to the devil, thereby receiving a mysterious gift, incurs a heavy debt.

Doron fell into a pool of blood. As Bologg's words rang out, it saw that the wound on Bologg's cheek was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood remaining on the face flowed back, and the skin was rejoined, as if going back in time.

Boluogo noticed Doron's gaze and explained.

"Yes, this is my 'gift' and the 'debt' I owe."

After saying that, a slightly morbid smile bloomed on his face, and the folding knife fell again, breaking off all the sharp claws, turning Duolun's only limbs into a ball of flesh. It was like a maggot, leaning on With the last will to survive, he moved laboriously on the ground, leaving an extended trail of blood behind him, like a red carpet.

The frightening footsteps followed like a shadow. From the corner of his sight, he observed the figure of Bologna. He was holding a folding knife in his hand and humming a strange melody. The folding knife patted his palm lightly, playing a cheerful and rich The beat of the rhythm.

With brisk steps, stepping on the pool of blood, like a dance, Bologo walked around Doron.


Doron tried to say something to beg for mercy, but blood clots blocked its throat, and it only let out bursts of meaningless whimpers.

Boluogo grabbed a handful of Doron's hair and pulled it up, which was covered in blood.

"It's not okay to beg for mercy. Father, you said that the souls of evil people should go to hell."

After speaking, Bologo threw the priest's body forward with all his strength, and fell into the burning confessional room. The fire burst out, the hot breath reverberated, and countless sparks flew.

You can hear the shrill wails and the rotten stench rising from the flesh and blood burned by the fireworks.

Picking up the burning scripture, he opened a page at random, and the writing on it turned into dazzling gold due to the fire.

Borogo read the words aloud.

“Under His gaze the mountains trembled and the earth shook!”

Throwing up the heavy scripture, the folding knife penetrated the burning pages. Bologger strode forward and penetrated the devil's heart through the sharp edge of the scripture, nailing it firmly in the burning confessional chamber.

Boluogo did not leave. He and the demon were in the fury. The fire tore his skin, but soon the flesh and blood regenerated, and the burning injuries were healed one by one.

Under his gaze, the devil's struggle gradually stopped, and the dark empty shell was engulfed by the fire, turning into a gray sculpture of death like burning charcoal.

The demon's remains turned into gray dust and fell. Cyan light spots overflowed from the remains and merged into Boluogo's body. He opened his hands and closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying the death and destruction at this moment. A satisfied smile appeared on his face, and hot blue light continued to overflow from the gaps in the corners of his eyes.

Pulling out the folding knife, the scripture shattered, the body collapsed, and the burning pages flew like golden snow.

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