Endless Debt

Chapter 1100 Preparing

"Set off?"

Nathaniel likes Bologg's eagerness to work. As a leader, who can not love Bologg, an undying workaholic?

Palmer didn't like it.

He repeatedly indicated with his eyes, hoping that Boluogo would not be carried away by the excitement of world war.

Saving the world is a matter of saving the world. At least it gives everyone a mental preparation, right? For example, saying goodbye, having a full meal at the end, fulfilling the only wishes you have, and so on...

Nethaniel said without mercy, "The army has been assembled and the various action groups are in place. You can set off at any time."

Upon hearing this answer, Palmer's face turned pale and he slumped down in his chair, as if he had lost his soul and had his bones removed.

"Be strong, Palmer."

Nathaniel smiled and stretched out his hands, grabbed Palmer's shoulders, like lifting a cat by the scruff of the neck, easily lifted him up from the chair, and tried to make him stand up straight.

"If you win, you will be the heroes who save the world. Your achievements will surpass those of the sages of the Klex family. Even thousands of years later, your bloodline will be honored by you." Nathaniel Inspiring.

As a veteran who fishes in troubled waters, Palmer would not be easily motivated by such words. He asked, "What about losing?"

"You will be remembered as a martyr who saved the world. We will erect a sculpture for you in the square of Oath City Opos. There will be a festival to commemorate you every year and countless white doves will be released."

Nathaniel said and glanced at Boluogo again, "Your friends will also name their children after you to commemorate you... What do you think of the name Palmer Lazarus?"

"You're crazy!"

Palmer twisted his body, broke away from Nathaniel's hands, and waved his hands like a roll.

"It will be the end of the world by then, and the material world will no longer exist. What about statues and anniversaries?"

Nathaniel said seriously, "Yes, there will be nothing left by then. It will be the road to destruction anyway. You don't want the devils to win so easily, right?"

Palmer stopped going crazy and moved around a bit. He seemed to be back to normal. "Of course, if they can win so easily, it would be better to die in front of them."

"I need some time," Palmer added. "I'm different from this madman, Burlogo. I don't have the courage he has... I need some time to relax and accept it."

The voice paused for a moment, and Palmer asked curiously, "Would I look too cowardly?"

"No, this is a normal reaction," Boluogo understood very well. "If you become extremely excited and clamor to go to the battlefield, then something is really wrong."

Boluogo sighed again, "War is too heavy. Even a true warrior will pray to the empty god before charging, right?"

Boluogo will not underestimate Palmer, and neither will Nathaniel.

During the Wrath of the Scorched Earth, Boluogo had seen too many brave souls. Even if they had tears on their faces and cried bitterly, they still moved forward firmly and stepped into the flames of war.

Sometimes fear and courage are not contradictory, but complement each other.

"Speaking of which, is this a particularly outstanding point about Palmer?"

Nathaniel looked at Palmer playfully. Palmer was a little confused by his look and took a step back warily.

"Indeed, I discovered this about him a long time ago. It's really interesting." Boluogo understood what Nathaniel meant. He stood next to Palmer and showed him, "He is like a It’s a very sharp contrast that highlights our differences.”

"What are you talking about again?"

Palmer was nervous, not because he felt that Borogo and Nathaniel were trying to harm him, but because he simply kept a safe distance from the madmen.

Nathaniel said, "I'm just complimenting you for your uniqueness."


The unlucky man has always been an important label for Palmer, and his life has been turned into a mess. Next, Palmer will not only participate in the war that determines the direction of the world, but also stand in the core of the battlefield, with a survival rate of almost single digits.

Burlogo explained patiently, "No, Palmer, you have misunderstood us. We are not saying that you are like a specific person, but that your existence is like a human being in a broad sense."

Palmer frowned, obviously not satisfied with this answer, "Like humans? What does this mean? Aren't you the same?"

Bologo shook his head slightly, "We are indeed different from humans...at least in some aspects."

Nathaniel took over the words and raised his hands, as if to show the difference between himself and humans, "Humans are extremely complex and interesting creatures, just like you.

You have lofty ideals and pursuits, but you are unable to get rid of your inner greed and desire. You will move forward bravely for your responsibilities, but you will also choose to escape for a moment of comfort. You are willing to sacrifice yourself when necessary, but if you are asked to work overtime, But it makes you more uncomfortable than killing you. "

At this point, Nathaniel paused and concluded, "Look, Palmer, you are a typical human being.

Your existence is more vivid and flesh-and-blood than ours. You have human advantages and disadvantages, and you have your own emotions and thinking. In comparison, Boluogo and I are more like monsters and aliens in human skin. "

Bologg nodded slightly, agreeing with Nathaniel's statement, with a self-deprecating smile on his face. Bologg didn't hate his extreme alien identity. On the contrary, he liked such a label. .

Palmer nodded thoughtfully. To be honest, he was a little confused. He didn't know whether the two men were praising themselves or belittling themselves.

Forget it, it’s time like this, why are you still worrying about this?

Nathaniel suddenly clapped his hands, and crisp sounds echoed in the darkness. Every sound was like a vibration with magical power, shaking the surrounding darkness to the point of collapse and shattering.

He commanded into the darkness, "Take us away, Freya."

Boluogo couldn't see Freya, but he knew that Freya heard her.

The darkness in the summoning room quickly dissipated, and light came again, but the illuminated space was not a scene that Boluogo was familiar with. It was as if they had moved their positions in the room at the moment when light and dark alternated.

Now Boluogo and others are in a slightly unfamiliar and huge machinery factory.

The towering steel structure and intricate pipes are intertwined to form a self-sufficient mechanical beast. The dim light casts mottled shadows in the workshop, adding a bit of mystery and depression to the entire scene.

The production line winds like a stream, with countless robotic arms busily shuttled through it, completing each step with precision. The huge roar of the machine and the sound of metal impact are intertwined, clanging in Boluogo's ears, as if there is something there. Blacksmith hammering steel at close range.

Nathaniel opened his hands to the two of them and introduced proudly, "Welcome to...the Court of Iron and Stone."

Palmer's eyes flashed with confusion. This was the first time he heard of this place after working in the Bureau of Order for so long. Boluogo looked thoughtful. The name of the Iron and Stone Garden was familiar to him. In which document did you see it?

The roar of machinery interrupted Boluogo's thoughts. On one side of the assembly line, pieces of steel and alloy parts were accurately fed into the grasp of the robotic arm. The robotic arm moved quickly to assemble these parts. At the same time, through link after link, every screw and every spring was accurately installed in place, forming a powerful weapon.

Boluogo watched the weapons flowing on the conveyor belt and disappearing into the dark passage without knowing where to go.

"For you, this may be the first time you have heard of this place." Nathaniel stared at the high-speed automatic factory, the sound of metal heating his blood. "Due to the huge consumption of resources, this place is usually in a state of slumber. The state will only be put into use in extremely critical moments of war."

After Nathaniel's introduction, strange memories became clear in Boluogo's mind, and he remembered this place.

"Is this what it is? The Garden of Iron and Stone."

Boluogo looked around and murmured to himself, "When the Bureau of Order was founded, in order to deal with large-scale extraordinary wars, the Sublimation Furnace Core and the Hall of Scholars jointly built this courtyard in secret. They were completely covered by automated machinery. As long as When the gears roar and rotate, large-scale military production can be carried out according to the preset design drawings, and almost terrifying military supplies can be provided to the front line."

"To bring the Garden of Iron and Stone from a dormant state into high-speed production mode requires huge energy support. At the beginning of the design, it was directly powered by the Forge Volcano."

The Forge Volcano is a magnificent masterpiece created by the sublimation furnace core. In essence, it is an etheric furnace, but it is too huge. It is completely embedded in the chamber, like a huge active volcano, exhaling flames at will. It's enough to run a factory for a while.

Nathaniel introduced the history of this secret garden, "But with the invasion of Overlord Xilin during the Secret War, he destroyed a large area of ​​virtual territory in one fell swoop, and even the Forge Volcano sank into the ruins area. In the out-of-control wave, the Iron and Stone Court lost its strong energy support, making it difficult for us to wake up this dormant beast for a period of time."

While listening, Boluogo nodded slightly. There are several courtyards in the Bureau of Order, including the Winding Path Courtyard, the Pillar Courtyard, and the Deep Gate Courtyard. Judging from the name of the Iron and Stone Courtyard, it is enough to see its role. The importance of the Bureau of Order was due to the shutdown of this important facility. During the large-scale conflicts of the Secret War, the operations of the Bureau of Order became extremely difficult.

"After the ruined area was recovered and the Forge Volcano came back online, we immediately re-laid the energy supply pipeline to bring the Iron and Stone Garden back," Nathaniel continued to explain, "But because the Iron and Stone Garden has been out of contact for too long, it Many of the automation equipment can no longer keep up with the times, and scholars have spent a lot of energy upgrading them."

It is said to be an automatic factory, but it is just a complicated and efficient assembly line. Many key positions still need to be borne by people.

Palmer looked around and sighed, "There really isn't anyone there..."

There is indeed no craftsman here, only busy machinery remains.

The air was filled with a strong smell of metal and lubricating oil, almost suffocating. Countless white industrial chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting mottled light and shadow, which shattered on the ground.

The entire production plant is shrouded in a strict atmosphere. Although there is no smoke or war here, every weapon is a messenger of death. The only purpose they are manufactured is to destroy and kill.

Palmer looked at the corner of the workshop. Rows of assembled weapons were neatly arranged, with a cold light shining on their surfaces. They couldn't wait to show their power and were waiting to be packaged and transported to the battlefield.

Under the lingering depression, suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

"Oh? You are here. Are you here to inspect the production situation?"

Palmer turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a Freya slowly emerging from the steel jungle. Her appearance adds a touch of soft color to this mechanical world, even though she is also a ghost herself.

Freya came to the three of them. She was wearing gray overalls and a yellow safety helmet.

As Freyas gradually integrate into the work system of the office, they take up an increasing proportion of the staff's work. In order to better adapt to different working environments and task requirements, Freyas have also carried out A series of changes.

For example, Freyas responsible for different departments have their own unique uniforms and nameplates so that people can quickly identify their identities and responsibilities.

"Show them our war potential," Nathaniel glanced at Bologg and Palmer, with a hint of confidence and pride in his tone, "Let everyone feel a little more at ease when they go to the battlefield. "

"Need a guide?"

Thin sounds overlapped and intertwined in the air, as if a flock of birds were circling and chirping in a narrow space.

Boluogo raised his head and saw Freya's figures emerging one after another on the towering iron wall. They are the guardians and controllers of this automated factory, supervising and controlling every key node.

Nathaniel waved his hand gently, indicating that a guide was not needed, "I will just take them."

Upon seeing this, Freya and the others quietly returned to the jungle of steel. The iron and stone garden once again regained its tranquility, leaving only the noise of machinery echoing continuously.

"As you can see, we have been preparing for a full-scale war for quite some time," Nathaniel said proudly. "This automated factory will continue to provide us with extraordinary weapons and alchemical ammunition, and then these materials will Transported to the next court room.”

Boluogo seemed to have guessed something and asked tentatively, "Is it the Court of Shensi?"

Nathaniel nodded, smiled and snapped his fingers. Darkness once again enveloped everyone, and appeared instantly. In the blink of an eye, they had arrived at the Courtyard of the Deep Palace.

The noisy noise came oncoming. Boluogo stood behind the guardrail and looked down at the scene below with great surprise. After a period of preparation, the Courtyard of Shensi had been transformed into a completely unfamiliar look and changed beyond recognition. Even Boluogo Luo Ge also couldn't recognize it.

Nethanil explained, with sparks in his voice, "The Court of Iron and Stone is a constant war factory, so the Court of Shensi is our transportation hub. All weapons produced will be transported by armed trains. Delivered to our allies and troops."

In the deep and huge underground space, the intricate transportation central system is displayed in front of you, like an underground city made of steel and flames.

The bright lights barely penetrated the thick dust, forming huge halos. Under the towering arched dome, the ground platform carried countless rails. They intertwined into a dense network, extending in all directions until they disappeared. At the end of darkness.

Several trains were neatly arranged on their respective platforms, their huge bodies looming in the dust, like sleeping giants. Each carriage was heavily loaded with cargo. There was no coal, ore, and no food in it. Some are just weapons to kill.

A faint light was emitted from the locomotive, and a blazing flame was burning in the furnace, accumulating strength for the upcoming journey. Steam slowly leaked from various interfaces, and mixed with the surrounding cold air to form streams of white mist. , curling up, looking particularly strange and mysterious under the light.

On the platform, employees were busy shuttling between trains and goods. No matter how automated production and Freya supervise work, this kind of real work still requires manpower to complete.

Under the light, their figures looked particularly small.

"Has the Bureau of Order already been prepared?"

Boluogo asked in surprise. The existence of the Iron and Stone Courtyard was within his expectation, but such a huge change in the Shensi Courtyard was completely beyond his expectation.

In peacetime, the Court of Shensi is a subway transportation center, relying on secret passages buried deep underground to tightly bind the various areas of Oath City Opos together.

But now, it suddenly changed its appearance. The subway turned into an armed train, and the rails were replaced one by one. The scope of traffic radiation is not only Oath City and Opos, but a wider area.

Nathaniel smiled and responded, "That's a stupid question."

Boluogo was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly. This was indeed a stupid question. No matter how civilization changed, war seemed to always be an inevitable part of human history.

It is like a stubborn disease, deeply rooted in human nature. No matter how advanced the times are, it cannot be completely eradicated.

The Wrath of the Scorched Earth is not a war that ends everything, but is just the prelude to another larger and more brutal war.

Since then, the Bureau of Order has been making intensive preparations in secret. They don't know who the opponent will be in the next war, nor when and where the war will break out, but they know one thing, the war is destined to come. , and each time will be more violent and cruel than the previous one.

Nathaniel looked at the shocked expressions of Borogo and Palmer, and couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He knew that the information he was going to say next would shock the two of them even more. He paused and continued to elaborate, "According to the instructions of the decision-making room, the first group will also be dispatched when necessary."

"First group?"

Borrowgo and Palmer exclaimed in unison.

The news was far more shocking than anything they had heard before. Even the so-called war potential became banal at this moment.

Palmer's eyes widened and he looked at Nathaniel in disbelief, "Do we really have the first group here?"

Within the Bureau of Order, the naming of the action group has always been a mysterious and intriguing topic.

Except for the temporary action team and the special action team, the other action teams are named in numerical order. Therefore, many employees have been curious about a question.

Is there a so-called first group within the Bureau of Order?

Nathaniel nodded slightly, and the expression on his face became serious, "Yes, we do have the first group. However, I cannot reveal too much to you about their specific situation and information. All I can say is, They are our last line of defense and our most powerful weapon."

Palmer still looked shocked, while Bologg thought of something and asked in a low voice, "When necessary, will the first group appear on the battlefield of the Pillars of Kingship?"

Borogo added, "I've been to the decision-making room, Nathaniel, you know what I'm referring to...so will the first group be what I imagined?"

Nathaniel kept smiling and gave a vague answer, "Who knows?"

Regarding the first group, Nethanil couldn't give much information, and Boluogo felt that he was not deliberately hiding it from him.

The public.

Boluogo guessed that the so-called first group must be related to the public. The twisted creation of flesh, blood and machinery copied the personalities and memories of many sages. With the wonderful methods of the Bureau of Order, it was difficult for Boluogo not to leave. Think about it, will those virtual personalities that are usually used as computing power turn into murderous weapons when necessary?

"If there are no problems, I hope you can set off tonight," Nathaniel said, getting to the point. "The sooner we set off, the more time we will have to act. Not to mention, the Kogadel Empire has been strictly sealed off. Get up, no one knows the specific situation over there in Xilin."

Nathaniel joked, "Maybe by the time you get there, Xilin will be dead?"

This joke is not funny. Xilin had already died once before. When this glorious overlord fell, everyone felt happy and even felt an inexplicable sense of arrogance.

But what happened later became clear to everyone. The Overlord returned once again, as strong as ever.

Xilin is not immortal, but still no one thinks he will die. The power of the Overlord is deeply rooted in people's hearts, as if only the devil can break his back.

"Since a tight blockade has been implemented within the Kogadel Empire, how can we break through the defense line and penetrate deep into its interior?" Bologo's eyes flashed with thought, "Could it be that, as I proposed before, Can we just force our way in and kill everyone all the way in?"

Hearing this, Nathaniel shook his head slightly, "This method is too rough and extremely risky. Didn't you personally experience a new method of long-distance movement a few days ago? I think , that may be our breakthrough.”

Boluogo was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to remember something, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, "You mean...walking in the etheric realm?"


Nathaniel nodded affirmatively. Although Palmer on the side did not know the specific details of walking in the etheric world, he also vaguely smelled a dangerous atmosphere from the conversation between the two, and his face couldn't help but become a little pale. .

Nesanir continued to explain, "Although the Kogadel Empire's blockade is extremely tight and personnel cannot enter and exit freely, our intelligence contact with Xilin has not been interrupted. More importantly, we have successfully transferred an actual The boundary anchor was delivered to Xilin. This is the key to our plan."

He paused and continued to elaborate on the plan, "When the operation begins, we will notify Xilin that he will control the surrounding ether, forcibly tear the barrier between reality and ether, and use real-world anchors to stabilize the two worlds. passage between.

And you, Bologo, will start from the garden and enter the etheric realm. At that time, the cylinder will release a high-intensity ether flow as a beacon to guide you in the etheric realm. "

Boluogo was silent for a moment. This plan was undoubtedly full of madness and risk, but under the current situation, this seemed to be their only feasible option.

He frowned and raised his concerns, "The problem on our side is not big, but what about Xilin's side? His such a big move will definitely attract the attention of the King's Secret Sword."

"So your speed must be fast," Nathaniel's eyes showed a hint of determination, "You need to reach Xilin's position as quickly as possible to help him break through the siege of the King's Secret Sword.

At the same time, you also need to consolidate the passage between the two realms to ensure that our follow-up troops can walk through the etheric realm, quickly enter the interior of the Kogadel Empire, and launch a fatal blow to the Pillar of Kingship. "

"This is simply crazy!" Bologo couldn't help but retort, "Once we step into the etheric realm, we will be exposed to the vision of those devils."

Boluogo has killed several times in the Aether Realm, and he knows how dangerous it is there.

"But you also said that the etheric realm is vast, and as long as we act carefully, they may not be able to discover us," Nathaniel was like a risky gambler, "Moreover, as Beelzebub's debtor, Palmer His presence can attract some of Beelzebub's attention."

"This is also part of our plan. When the time comes, you, Xilin, Palmer, and Beelzebub will all have their eyes fixed on you and will not move away even a moment."

Boluogo said nothing. This plan was full of risks, but it sounded very feasible.

"Then how should we deal with the guidance problem of the follow-up troops?" Boluogo noticed a loophole, "Not everyone can continuously release high-intensity ether flow as a beacon like Xilin, not to mention, This behavior is tantamount to lighting a torch in a dark forest."

"Oh, regarding this, our sublimation furnace core has already given a set of solutions."

Another voice cut in, and the ground on one side bulged and cracked, and Bailie's figure emerged from the rolling darkness.

"Thank you, Freya."

Bailey thanked Freya who brought her here, then looked at everyone and said, "For tonight's operation, we worked overtime to get it out."

She stretched out her hand and held a slender spike. It looked somewhat similar to a real-world anchor, but when Borogo took over, the cold touch of metal allowed the ether to sink into it unimpeded.

"Let's call it the Immortal Spike for the time being. After repeated processing and smelting of the sublimation furnace core, it is made of a special alchemical alloy. Its effect is also very simple, and it has extremely strong corrosion resistance."

Bailey said to Boluogo, "With its corrosion resistance, it can stay in the etheric realm for a long time without worrying about being decomposed and destroyed.

When you step into the etheric realm, you can leave immortal spikes as beacons at intervals to guide the advancement of subsequent troops. "

"Is that so?"

Bologg fiddled with the Immortal Spike. The Bureau of Order attached great importance to the intelligence brought back by Bologg from the Ether Realm. All the difficulties he mentioned were overcome with the overtime work of the staff.

"Wait a minute, I have a question."

Palmer suddenly raised his hand, like a student reporting to the teacher.

"You said... tonight's action?"

Palmer looked at Bailey suspiciously, and then looked at Nathaniel, "We have just decided when to act, how did you know in advance... Oh, that's it."

He clutched his chest and looked distressed, "Nathaniel, you bastard!"

Nathaniel never listened to the two people's ideas. The original plan was to carry out the mission tonight. He just came over in advance to say a few words to prepare the two mentally.

Palmer held on to the guardrail blankly, as if he had made up his mind, he suddenly turned around and left, heading towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?"

Nathaniel felt tired for a while. Palmer was indeed a living person of flesh and blood, but he was too vivid.

"I'm going to see Wosselin," Palmer said without looking back. "I'm really different from you crazy people. I need to prepare... Damn it, we've only been apart for a while, and I'm already missing you." She did."

Palmer's figure gradually disappeared into the rising smoke. Ever since the war was planned, the Courtyard of the Deep Garden has been covered in train dust, and it cannot be cleaned up no matter what.

"I'll be there when it's ready to go."

Palmer's voice came slowly. He was timid... but not very afraid of things.

"What about you? Boluogo, do you want to get ready?"

Nathaniel glanced at the ring on Borogo's ring finger. Every time he saw this ring, he would feel a little guilty towards Borogo. As soon as this guy gained happiness, he was about to send him to the battlefield.

"No need," Boluogo said calmly, "I have already rested for the night. Resting any longer will only make my body rust."

"There will still be a long time before the operation starts. What are you going to do?"

Boluogo did not answer immediately, but rubbed the cold ring vigorously with his thumb. Many faces flashed through his mind, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

With a long sigh, Boluogo smiled and said, "I want to be alone for a while."

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