Endless Debt

Chapter 1102 Hell

In the boundless blue world of nothingness, the vast ice fields spread to the end of the line of sight, blending into the sky, forming a grand and desolate picture.

Borogo and Palmer are in the etheric realm. Behind them, the real anchor is embedded like a wedge into the fractured scars of the etheric realm, preventing the self-healing of the two realms. The distorted strong light is along the It flows along the broken cracks, like a burst of lightning that blooms and solidifies.

After the installation of the real-world anchors was completed, the immortal spikes were suspended beside Boluogo one after another. They were densely packed like drooping sword blades, weaving a steel cloak and covering Boluogo's back.

Boluogo narrowed his eyes and glanced in all directions, "The Aether Realm..."

The biting cold wind carried the snow and dust all over the sky, like a raging sandstorm, raging forward on the ice sheet, continuously and never stopping, swallowing up everything in its path, leaving only a dead silence and coldness.

In the wind and snow, ice crystals and snowflakes intertwined together, flickering with faint light. Above the blue sky, a series of bright green auroras were twisted and stretched.

Palmer exhaled a breath of hot breath. He had not arrived in the ethereal world many times, and he was far from being as accustomed as Boluogo.

The snowflakes were blown by the strong wind and shot out like countless sharp arrows, hitting Palmer's face, causing a sharp stinging sensation.

"It's really a place where life is forbidden."

Palmer sighed, and his arm naturally drooped, gently resting on the dagger at his waist, full of vigilance.

“But it’s also a land of wonders.”

Boluogo responded, and the power of control pulled an immortal spike. It was suspended next to Boluogo's arm, and moved along with Boluogo's will.

"There is endless ether here, like a primordial soup that breeds miracles, where anything is possible."

Boluogo sighed and was in awe, "But because of the infinite power accumulated here, ordinary things will only be slowly eroded and destroyed, becoming part of the wind and snow."

The ether surged, and the sacred and luxurious lines spread from Boluogo's body surface. The alchemical matrix was like a starting internal combustion engine, full of heat and power.

The power of the extreme realm is blessed on Boluogo's body, and all his abilities have been greatly improved. Even if he does not use secret energy, few opponents can resist Boluogo in this state.

Seeing that Boluogo had warmed up, Palmer also silently aroused his own ether. The alchemical matrix burned the ether and roared.

Palmer usually looks unconventional, but he has extraordinary talent in the field of Sublimation. Like Borogo, after being promoted to Basekeeper, Palmer fumbled and mastered certain skills. Extreme power.

Due to the limitation of the amount of ether, Palmer is not able to be like Boluogo. Whether it is ether perception, ether amplification, or ether shielding, he can push it to the limit to enhance himself in all aspects.

Palmer could only strengthen a little for the time being. Thinking that he would move long distances and high speeds next, he decisively triggered the etheric amplification of the extreme power, giving strong power to his bones and flesh.

The alchemical matrix vibrated gently in the high-concentration ether environment, as if it had some mysterious resonance with it. Although Palmer did not actively release the secret energy, weak air currents spontaneously entangled around him, It circled, forming a circle of tiny tornadoes, gently rolling up the blowing snowflakes, rippling and dancing in the air.

Boluogo stood there quietly and glanced around. He noticed that a dark umbilical cord did not suddenly grow out of his abdomen, which showed that the devils were not lurking nearby. At the same time, he did not find any glorious things. There were signs of tangled ribbons, which meant there was still some distance between the source and them.

This is good news. The two biggest troubles in the ethereal world are far away from them.

Boluogo looked up into the distance, his eyes penetrating through the end of the vast ice field, where a bright light like daylight was moving slowly, which was the location of the secret source of the storm.

The secret source is like a bright star, shining with mysterious brilliance at the end of the ice field, and in another corner, a huge crack tears apart the boundary between the material world and the etheric world, like an invisible giant beast, opening A huge mouth leading to another world.

The Great Rift still stands.

"What should we do next?"

Palmer's voice echoed in the empty ether, with a hint of confusion and uneasiness.

After a brief period of discomfort, Palmer gradually got used to the environment here. After all, he has always been an extremely adaptable person. Whether he was drifting in the boundless ocean or surviving in the primitive jungle, he always managed to survive. Being able to survive the initial hardships with a strong survival instinct.

Palmer was unlucky, but also lucky.

"We need to wait for Xilin's signal." Boluogo glanced around, unwilling to miss any opportunity.

Palmer murmured in a low voice, "Oh, by the way, Xilin's signal..."

He knew that Xilin would tear apart the boundary between the material world and the etheric world like Bologo and guide them in the direction.

However, the vastness of the Aether Realm and the far distance between them and the Kogadel Empire in reality made Palmer doubtful, "It's so vast here, can we really see his signal?"

Palmer's doubts stopped abruptly.

A powerful ether wave suddenly erupted from the snow dust in the distance, surging like an erupting volcano, stirring up thousands of ether wantonly, setting off torrents and howling winds, forming in an instant A blazing white tornado burst out, penetrating the sky and the earth.

"he came."

A trace of excitement flashed across Boluogo's expression, and his extreme power exploded, crushing the ice and traveling at high speed.

Palmer summoned the strong wind and followed closely behind. The figures of the two became distorted and blurred due to the high speed, like two thunderbolts chasing each other.

The etheric world is indeed extremely vast, and it is extremely difficult and inefficient to observe it with only sight. However, don't forget that they themselves are condensers and have extremely keen perception of the ether.

Boluogo might not be able to see the tornado coming, but he could feel the bulging ether reaction like a radar.

The tornado storm was restrained and gathered in the etheric realm, like a high-speed jet, forming a bright light. It was so powerful and majestic that it seemed like an invisible sword was coming across the realm.

It may be difficult for others to set off such a phenomenon in the etheric realm, but for Xilin, who has the power of the overlord, it couldn't be easier. With control and recruitment, under the power of power, all things will be destroyed. Follow his orders.

On the boundless ice field, Bologg and Palmer were galloping side by side. Their figures drew elegant arcs in the cold wind, as fast and vigorous as flying close to the ground.

In addition to the roaring sound that breaks through the air accompanied by the high-speed advancement, there is also a vibrating sound.

The two of them were not so much moving forward at a fast pace as they were taking off over a long distance. Every time they came into contact with the ice sheet, they would break through the ice and bring about an ear-piercing explosion, as if they were tearing the air apart. Everything around him became blurry.

Palmer guided the airflow to speed up the two men's progress, and tried his best to barely keep up with Bologna's pace. Bologna's speed was too fast, like a twisted wind, flickering in and out.

While running with all his strength, Boluogo also dropped a long, slender, sharp spike at regular intervals and used it as a beacon to drive it into the ice.

The Immortal Spike has extremely strong corrosion resistance and is strong enough to remain strong in the ethereal realm for a period of time, guiding the way for follow-up troop support.

The two people galloped, bringing up biting cold winds. Gradually, these winds gathered into a huge airflow group behind them. The snow dust was picked up by the strong wind, forming patches of white mist. Their figures were in the air. Looming in the storm, like two ghostly beings.

The spatial scales in the etheric world are completely different from those in the physical world. They correspond to each other one-to-one, and they seem to be distorted to varying degrees. It is difficult to use common sense to judge whether this is an ordered world or a chaotic system.

In other words, order itself is also part of the changes in chaos.

After a long run, the two gradually approached the abnormal phenomenon caused by the cylinder. They could clearly feel that the intensity of the ether reaction in the distance had weakened a lot. Maintaining the eruption of the ether jet for a long time was not a good thing for the cylinder. , is also an exhausting thing, even if he can control the huge ether through the ether realm.

It is also possible that Xilin is not tired, but that he is in crisis in the material world.

From the information previously transmitted by Xilin, we know that he once led the King's Shield Guards to approach the Pillar of King's Power. However, before entering the King's Domain, they encountered a strong counterattack by the King's Secret Swordsmen. The offensive collapsed, and Xilin could only lead The troops retreated and were besieged by the King's Secret Sword on the Red Peak outside the Pillar of Royal Power.

During the siege, Xilin was directly attacked by the country of gelatin. The earth was completely transformed into flesh and blood, and endless enemies swarmed from it...

It was hard for Boluogo to imagine such a scene. It had been some time since Xilin was besieged. He should still be trapped on Chifeng, and his remaining strength was being rapidly consumed.

The King of Terror is staring at this restless heir, looking for an opportunity to hunt him, so Xilin's action of shattering the two realms must have attracted the attention of the King's secret swords.

"Get ready, Palmer."

While galloping, Boluogo's voice was serious and firm, foreshadowing the coming danger, "Once we cross the threshold of the material world, we are likely to directly step into a cruel and bloody battle."

Palmer's face was tense and he nodded. He had already grasped the dagger and rapier in his hands, filled with murderous intent.

The detonated tornado raged in front of their eyes, flashing with dazzling light. At the center of this force, a twisted flash seemed to be frozen in time in mid-air.

It was a real-world anchor stuck between the etheric world and the material world, becoming a bridge between the two dimensions.

Through the crack of that dazzling light, Boluogo could feel the existence of the ether reaction of Xilin. It was like a guiding light, pointing the way for them in the darkness.

Boluogo took a deep breath, summoned up the courage and strength in his heart, and shouted loudly.

"The savior has come!"

As Boluogo's shouts echoed across the empty ice field, the two figures instantly rushed into the light.

After the bright light, Bologna and Palmer were greeted by a diffuse darkness.

The evening breeze blew against my face, carrying a fiery breath, and the air was filled with the smell of smoke and blood, which made people shudder.

After the two people's vision returned to normal, they saw clearly the environment they were in.

Bologna and Palmer stood on the top of a broken mountain, and the sight before them was incredible.

This mountain peak seems to have experienced an unspeakable disaster. The entire terrain has been twisted and torn apart. Huge cracks are like hideous scars, scattered all over the mountain in disorder.

The surrounding ether reacts one after another, like a crazy symphony. Excessive ether piles up on each other in this area. They entangle and collide, releasing suffocating energy. The whole world becomes crazy and chaotic, as if reality and The illusory boundaries have been completely broken.

"Oh my god..."

Palmer sighed in a low voice. Even though he had made many preparations, when he actually arrived at the Red Peak where the Kogadel Empire and Xilin were located, he couldn't help but be shocked by the dilapidated scene in front of him.

In addition to the turbulent ether around, starting from the middle of the mountain, continuous wildfires burned raging. The fire was so fierce that it swallowed up the entire forest.

The blazing flames spread crazily among the trees like snakes. The trees fell brittlely under the flames, making a crackling sound. The flames shot into the sky, turning the surrounding area of ​​dozens of kilometers into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Thick smoke billowed up, first covering the light of the stars and the moon, and then like a curtain, it was dyed red by the firelight.

In the scorching sea of ​​fire, Boluogo could vaguely see countless figures twisting and flashing. They struggled painfully, but did not make any sound... Boluogo couldn't help but wonder whether those burning figures were human beings.

After a brief shock, various etheric reactions became clear. At one end of the sea of ​​fire, the etheric reactions of two Glory Ones suddenly appeared. They did not attack rashly, but kept a safe distance from this place. Immediately afterwards, another shocking The etheric reaction of the suffocated Glorifiers fell from the sky.

The visitor's body exuded hot and smelly blood, and his luxurious robes were already in tatters, soaked in blood and turned into pitch black. Several sharp swords were quietly suspended behind him, spinning slowly, releasing a stern and cold air. Fierce murderous intent.

Boluogo stared at the visitor without saying a word, while the visitor showed him a slightly bloodthirsty smile.

"Long time no see, Boluogo."

Xilin slowly opened his hands, and the sword ring behind his back instantly shattered, and the suspended sword shot out quickly like a bird escaping from its cage.

Boluogo tensed up completely and was ready to attack, but soon he discovered that these swords were not meant to attack him, but were instead submerged into the ground beneath his feet with the deadly etheric power.

It was a strange and sticky sound coming from deep underground, as if something was quietly squirming.

At this moment, the ground under Boluogo's feet suddenly fell apart, and a ferocious crack tore out. Scarlet blood erupted from the crack like a violent spring, covering his feet in an instant.

The majestic mountain peaks silently opened huge gaps. They were not natural fractures, but were torn apart by some magnificent force.

What is exposed from the cracks is not hard rock and dense soil, but pieces of squirming flesh, squirming slowly and disgustingly, with thick blood flowing.

Accompanied by bursts of nauseating stench, a steady stream of deformed flesh and blood creatures crawled out of the ground. Their bodies were twisted and disproportionate. Some limbs were too long, while others were short and deformed. Their skin was covered with tumors and tentacles. Strange mouths opened in unidentifiable places, emitting shrill and piercing screams.

In a trance, Boluogo seemed to be at the junction of hell and reality. He witnessed those evil creatures scrambling to crawl out of the depths of the ground. Each one left behind shocking traces of blood, as if from the deepest depths. A nightmare born of darkness.

The surrounding air has also become sticky and oppressive due to the presence of these evil creatures, as if there is an invisible force binding everyone's heart.

Every inch of land has been eroded and trampled by their evil, and the originally vibrant land has now turned into a dead ruin.

At the same time, Xilin slowly raised his hand. His palm seemed empty, but his face showed a look of exertion. Then, bursts of roaring came from the depths of the ground again, deafening. The sound made Bologg feel dizzy.

As the earth shook, Xilin suddenly raised his hand, and an entire piece of earth was uprooted by his will.

This scene is like cutting off a huge piece of flesh from the body of a giant beast. Blood continuously overflows from it, causing a rain of blood in an area. Countless twisted figures hang on the flesh-and-blood soil, waving their hands, like Countless squirming roundworms are struggling to survive.

Xilin made a motion of throwing forward, and the torn earth was thrown towards the burning sea of ​​fire. In the roaring impact, the flesh and blood burned and shattered. Countless figures were thrown out of it, fell into the sea of ​​fire, and disappeared.

Boluogo stared straight at Xilin. At this time, Xilin also turned around, panting.

Xilin said with a tired smile on his face.

"Everyone, welcome to hell."

The wildfire burned the flesh and made a crackling sound. The flesh and blood creations screamed wantonly, and the crazy sound spread endlessly under the dark night.

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