Endless Debt

Chapter 28 Destiny

Take the tram all the way, passing through several urban areas, and finally arrive at the city center, which is the core of Opos, the most prosperous and magnificent place, with countless towering buildings, like a jungle made of iron and concrete.

The official name of this area of ​​​​the city is rarely mentioned. Citizens often name it after the "Agreement Area" because it was here that the contract between the Kogadel Empire and the Rhine League was signed sixty-six years ago. The oath was taken and the future of Opos was agreed upon.

It is said that the oath contract is still preserved in the ruins of King Solomon's Golden Palace. Unfortunately, it is not open to the public. Citizens can only see the golden color reflected in the sky from a distance. Under the golden light is the Golden Palace made of gold.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Boluogo could clearly feel the changes in the city. The Agreement Area was undoubtedly much better than other urban areas. Ninety-nine percent of Opos' wealth was gathered here, and all the high-ranking officials and gentry lived here. , and this is also the place with the best security in Opos.

Well-equipped mounted police patrol the streets. The streets are clean and tidy, without any trace of sewage or garbage. There are also low-flying airships between the tall buildings, with huge billboards hung on them. Girls in beautiful clothes can be seen everywhere.

Compared with the hellish environment in Shenbe District, Boluogo may even feel like he has arrived in another city.

In the carriage, other passengers also looked out the window. Everyone was dressed like a foreigner and their accents were messy.

In the eyes of these foreigners, the division of Opos is not too complicated. They don’t care about the division of urban areas at all. In their understanding, Opos is only divided into two areas, the agreement area and other areas. Urban area, as for the big rift...

They used to call that place a mine.

Countless people come here to dig out imaginary gold in the great rift, trying to bring it back to their hometowns, but often they end up buried here together with the gold.

A bad city, a desirable city.

The tram stopped, and Bologg arrived at the station. He walked out of the carriage and stood on the crowded platform, with people coming and going around him.

Everyone is bright and beautiful. Here, Opos becomes colorful instead of the lingering gray.

Amid the laughter and laughter of the people around him, Boluogo felt uncomfortable all over. Fortunately, he adapted quickly and not many people noticed him.

He was wearing the Invisible windbreaker distributed by the Bureau of Order, with a white shirt and tie underneath. Boluogo had always looked like this and had never worn anything else.

Taking out the ticket and looking at the address on it, Boluogo walked into the crowd and headed towards his destination.

Kedening sat in front of the dressing table, arranging his appearance. His face was expressionless, as if he was wearing a blank mask, and any expression could be carved on it.

Breathing and exhaling, after a short preparation, a soft smile appeared on his face. His eyes were moving and he spoke his lines in front of the mirror. In an instant, he got out of the indifferent state, his expression was serious and vivid, as if he was really behind the mirror. There was another person talking to him.

Other actors walked by behind him, and when they saw Kedening, they all cast admiring glances. He is the best actor here, and everyone knows this.

Even so, Kedening has never been proud. In the fiercely competitive agreement area, it is not easy to maintain this small theater. He must give his best in every performance and cannot tolerate any negligence.

"Mr. Nishizawa, it's really hard to meet you."

A voice sounded from behind. The man came to Kedening and sat down on the chair next to him. The light on the dressing table illuminated his face clearly.

Kodenin did not look at him, but kept staring at the mirror. From the corner of the mirror, he could see the face of a man. If Bologo were here, it would be a face that surprised him.

"Mr. Navellen, let me make it clear. My theater will not be sold to anyone. This is the culmination of my wife and I's hard work. I just want it to continue to be maintained."

Kedening refused without mercy.

That man was called Navellon by Kedenin, but in Bolog's ears, he had another name, Yas Cyril.

It's unclear why Yas appears here, or why he uses a pseudonym.

Yas squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Kedening in front of him. Every time he saw him, Kedening's face was covered with heavy makeup, making it impossible to see his true face. It was as if he was always wearing a mask and never took it off.

"Are you sure? The price we offer is very reasonable, even generous."

Yas's words were urgent, but his tone was very calm, as if he didn't care much about it, but just looked around casually, as if he was looking for something.

"I'm sure it won't change."

Kedening replied indifferently.

Seeing this, Yas had no choice but to stand up. He held his hat in one hand, clasped it in front of him, bowed slightly, and said to Kedening.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kedening Caesar, if you change your mind..."

"My mind won't change."

On this issue, Kedening was surprisingly tough and had no possibility of excuse.

Yas smiled awkwardly, said nothing more, put on his hat, and walked a few steps, but stopped again. He looked back at the dressing room and sniffed hard, but all he could smell was the smell of perfume. .

Through the refraction of the mirror, Yas' eyes met Kedening's, he smiled again, turned and left.

As Yas left, Kedening's cold face gradually relaxed, he took a long breath, and then raised his brows, dark clouds lingered.

The appearance of Yas ruined his good mood for the day, and even the subsequent performances were a little less enthusiastic.

"Sir, I have your phone number!"

At this time, a staff member walked quickly and whispered in Kedening's ear. Kedening nodded, left the dressing room, and walked to his own office.

The theater is very small, and all the rooms are crowded together. It is better to say that it is Kedening's office than a dressing room with tables and chairs. When he opens the door, he sees the sundries placed on the wall. Kedening closes the door. Go to the phone and answer it.

"Hey! Kedening."

A familiar male voice sounded. Hearing his voice made Kedening feel relieved. Before the other party could say anything, Kedening spoke first.

"The man named Navellen is here. He is a little weird...I suspect he is from the Bureau of Order. We may have been targeted."

Kedening's eyes turned cold, and there was still a slight chill on his spine. When he thought of that tiny possibility, he felt a sense of fear.

The Bureau of Order, a mysterious and terrifying extraordinary organization.

"I'm not sure about the first half of your sentence. After all, I've never met that guy, but the second half of your sentence is correct. I also suspect that we are being targeted by the Bureau of Order."

A man's voice came from the receiver, and he didn't sound relaxed.

"What happened?" Kedening asked.

"Norm Ward, our offline person, has disappeared. I just went to Wandering Road to see his clinic today. His clinic is in a mess. Everyone is dead and the bodies are piled up together."

Waves of blood flowed through the phone line, and Kedening remained silent.

"I went to the Spider Web Bar to inquire about the news. No one knew anything about it, and then there were some rumors about the 'evil spirit'. They said it was an evil spirit that attacked there."

"Evil spirit?"

"Yes, evil spirit, you should really go and see the scene. It's like a monster is eating there. It has torn the clinic to pieces. The corpses and severed limbs are mixed in the coagulated plasma, forming a wall of corpses."

The man's voice was hesitant as he said.

"For a moment, I also believed that evil spirits were real."

"Forget about the so-called evil spirits, where is the goods?" Kedening asked.

"It's gone. Whether it's the Liquid Spirit Potion or the Philosopher's Stone, it's gone... This loss is too great," the man complained, "We shouldn't have stocked up on so many goods in Nome."

"Stop complaining. If the Bureau of Order really takes action, I guess Norm is wailing in the interrogation room. He doesn't know much about us, but some clues will eventually be dug up..."

Kedening's words gradually became quiet until the man picked up his words.

"We are no longer safe, Kedening, prepare to evacuate. We have brought enough benefits to 'them', there is no need to risk our lives."

"I know, David, but before leaving Opos, we need to get the cargo out. These things cannot be left in Opos... How are you prepared?"

Kedening rubbed his temples as the bad news kept coming.

"The line is ready. I will be responsible for transporting the first batch of goods to check whether the line is safe. If it is safe, you will then take the remaining goods out of Opos."

David recalled the arrangement of the line and continued.

"Leave Opos and arrive at Freeport. We will be safe there... Damn it, those people, didn't they say they could involve the Bureau of Order? How come they were noticed so quickly."

"I don't know, who knows about this kind of thing? Maybe it's some nosy newcomer?"

Kedening guessed at random, but what he didn't know was that his guess was very accurate. If Adele had not died, they would not have been noticed by Boluogo, which would have triggered all the chaos and disputes.

"We may need assistance, I will report this to the 'ghoul'," Kedening thought, and then said, "In short...be careful David, we are all despicable little fish and shrimps, our own lives are the most important. important."

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements. Remember to say hello to Gini for me."

After David said this, he hung up the phone. Kedening lowered his head, his eyes fell into the darkness, and he gradually clenched his fists, like iron blocks.

He was like a volcano about to erupt, his expression twisted into a ferocious look.


The door was pushed open, and a man in performance clothes poked his head out.

"What's wrong?"

Kedening raised his head and smiled, his ferocious feeling completely subsided, and he became a completely different person.

"The show is about to begin."


Kedening nodded, left the room, and walked along the corridor. There were more people around, and you could faintly hear the audience talking. Everyone was looking forward to today's performance.

He stood behind the curtain, with the chaotic thoughts in his mind constantly making Kedening mentally exhausted. But at this moment, the music started playing, the curtain slowly opened, and the spotlight fell from the darkness, hitting Kedening's body.

Raising his head, Kedening's eyes were lost for a moment, and the next moment all the complicated sounds disappeared. He smiled and recited the lines loudly. As if he was reborn, his actors also walked onto the stage, and along with the increasingly exciting music, he The stage play reaches its climax.

Wave after wave of applause came like waves and slapped on the stage. Everyone was caught by Kedening's performance and touched their hearts.

Even Bologg, who was sitting in the audience, was like this.

Borogo looked at Kodenin, sometimes cheering, sometimes applauding, it was really a good performance.

In the days that followed, Boluogo often recalled this scene. He thought that if the God of Destiny really existed in this world, he must be a guy with evil intentions.

He teases everyone, causing them to make wrong choices, take the wrong road, and lead to the wrong ending.

Happy New Year! Everyone!

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