Endless Debt

Chapter 31 The Wandering Rat

"The world has three faces.

The self in the eyes of others, the self in the eyes of oneself, and the most real self without any interference, deep in the soul. "

On the stage, Kedening performed enthusiastically, spoke sincerely, and was completely integrated into the drama.

Boluogo in the audience was also immersed in it, looking at the actors on the stage, as if he himself was really in the story, watching sideways, watching the story come to an end.

This feeling is really good. The feeling of being immersed in the story is as if you are watching another person's life, and your own short lifespan is also extended.

The sound of music echoed one after another, and Ke Dening looked sad.

Ke Denning plays the protagonist of this play.

During the day, he is a hard-working worker in the eyes of others, at night, he is a skilled thief, and when he is alone, he is a poor man suffering from inner torture.

"What kind of person am I?"

Kedening sat in his dark room and kept asking himself.

“In order to satisfy myself in the eyes of others, I constantly pretend and cater to myself, but the self in my eyes has long been lost in this constant ‘acting’.

What is my appearance deep in my soul? "

He looked in great pain, hammering the wall, and then the alarm bell rang, and a huge and ferocious shadow rose from the other end of the stage. The sheriffs pursued him, holding batons and leading hounds, blowing harsh whistles. Iron whistle.

The sound stung Kedening, and he could only put away his sadness and run away in panic.

He is torn between two identities and entangled in his own identity.

Kedening couldn't stop. He could only follow the pace of the night and move forward like a bereaved dog.

Gradually, the singing gradually faded away, the lights on the stage dimmed, and then the curtain slowly opened, and applause came like a flood.

Borogo, like the rest of the audience, stood up and clapped, cheered and whistled.

This is a comedy called "The Wandering Rat"...at least that's what the ticket says, and it's actually quite a comedy. It tells the story of the character played by Codenin, an unlucky man named "Bart". A joke caused by the gradual confusion of identity during theft and work.

When he was in the factory, Bart often thought of himself as a thief, moving lightly, and when stealing, he would pick up a sledgehammer, as if he was pounding steel in the factory.

This huge contrast made the audience laugh. Even Boluogo, an indifferent guy, kept laughing.

Boluogo found this story very interesting, not only because of Kodenin's comedy, but more importantly, he realized that although it was a comedy, it had an absurd and black core.

Bart would always look at himself after stealing. He couldn't see clearly what he looked like and tried to repent, but he didn't know what to say.

This makes people realize more or less the coldness of reality after the comedy.

Bologna thought it was pretty good.

The only thing that made Bologg a little unhappy was that this was not the end of the story. This was a series of performances, and Bologg just happened to catch up with the last one before the ending.

The finale of the story will be performed in half a month. It is said that the tickets have been sold out in advance. Boluogo is a little regretful. He is wondering if he can get one from Jeffrey.

"Mr. Kadenin Caesar!"

During the show, there were constant calls. Some spectators left, while others sat in their seats and pondered. Then several reporters walked out of the crowd and asked Kedening.

Kedening looked easy-going. He didn't even change out of his performance clothes. He walked to the edge of the stage and sat down, listening to the reporters.

This is a small theater. If it wants to stay in the agreement area and compete with those big theaters, Kedening must use all available resources. He will never refuse these reporters.

"Mr. Nishizawa, the response to your "The Wandering Rat" has been strong. Is there anything you want to say?"

"Although it is a comedy, everyone can see the darkness underneath the comedy. Why would you come up with such a story?"

"What will be Bart's final outcome?"

The reporters were chattering and asking questions. Some were holding cameras, while others were taking out notepads, ready to write down what Kedening said.

Boluogo also stood up and walked over, but he did not get too close. Instead, he sat aside and listened to their conversation.

He liked the story quite a lot, and Bologo also wanted to hear Kedening's thoughts on the story. This is something you don't hear on midnight radio.

"I can only say, thank you for your support. I am really grateful to you for allowing a small theater like ours to survive in the agreement area."

Kedening said with colorful makeup on his face, very grateful.

“And then there’s why the story was conceived.”

Kedening paused for a few seconds, still maintaining a smile on his face, and spoke slowly.

"This is about my wife and I. She and I are both strangers. When we first came to live in Opos, it was very difficult and interesting. I think life is like this, joy and suffering coexist.

More importantly, for a period of time, in order to maintain the expenses of the theater, I worked two jobs. I performed in the theater during the day and went out to work the night shift at night. I exhausted myself so much, just like Bart in the story, between two The identities were wandering, almost confusing, and a lot of jokes were made. "

Boluogo looked sideways slightly, looking at Kedening sitting on the edge of the stage. There was no sadness in his words. His current achievements were enough to outweigh his pain at the time.

Perhaps because he resonated with Kedening's words, Boluogo also pondered.

Unlike Bart's identity switch, Boluogo seemed to have started a new life. Looking back on the past, sometimes he would be surprised to find that the familiar life was like another stranger's.

Everything familiar was changed beyond recognition.

"Art comes from life."

Kedening said with a smile.

"Combined with my own past, I conceived the story of "The Wandering Rat", a mouse-like Bart who lives at the bottom of society.

He chose to steal in order to survive, constantly switching and wandering between two identities. The pressure of reality made his lies full of holes, but in order to maintain such lies, he had to tell more lies and was on the verge of collapse. . "

"This sounds like a terrible tragedy," one reporter muttered.

"The core of comedy is tragedy... but everyone is very happy to watch it, right?" Kedening smiled, "So I reduced the tragic elements as much as possible and showed more of Bart's funnyness and embarrassment. Because of identity recognition It’s a joke that goes wrong.”

The reporter nodded in recognition, and then he asked again.

"What about the ending? Will Bart win a beautiful new life through a series of unlucky events, or will he suffer mental breakdown amid constant confusion and chaos?"

The reporter's eyes were fixed on Kedening. He liked the story "The Wandering Rat" very much. For low-class people like them, they could not help but resonate with it.

The glamorous people laugh at Bart's antics, and they feel saddened by Bart's struggles.

In the reporter's opinion, this is the perfection of "The Wandering Rat". No matter who you are, you can find what you want in the story.

Kedening did not answer this question immediately. He was silent for a while, frowning slightly, thinking about his next words.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

"I didn't think it through!"

The reporter looked surprised, but Kedening could only say sorry in embarrassment.

"After all, I conceived the story based on my past, and I'm far from reaching the 'ending' yet, so I haven't thought about what kind of 'ending' I should write for Bart."

Kedening said very seriously, he was not perfunctory.

"But it should be a comedy ending. A person like Bart has experienced so much suffering, and he should have a happy ending."

Kedening hesitated for a while, and then said in a more affirmative tone.

"Yes, that's how it ends."

The reporters' faces gradually showed joy, and the flashlights continued. They took pictures of Kedening's face, and some even thought about how to write the article.

The noise dissipated soon after, and Kedening sat slumped, exhausted.

The theater gradually became deserted, the audience had all left, and only some staff were walking back and forth, cleaning the scene and arranging props.

Kedening rubbed his temples vigorously to relieve his fatigue, while David's words still echoed in his mind. A certain existence called an "evil spirit" attacked Norm and swept away their goods.

From this point of view, in a sense, "The Wandering Rat" can be regarded as the autobiography of Kadening Caesar, but in reality he is not wandering between workers and thieves, but "people-loving" and actor.

Come to think of it, it is because of this real experience that the story of "The Wandering Rat" is so moving.

Sporadic applause rang out, and Kedening followed the applause and saw that there was still an audience member not leaving in the auditorium not far away. As if he was waiting for Kedening, he waited until the end and applauded.

"Pretty good story."

The man admired, stood up, walked towards Kedening, then stretched out his hand and said his name.

"Bologo Lazarus."

Kedening looked at the audience who had waited until the end. He had always been peaceful and friendly to those who supported him.

He said, extending his hand with a smile.

"Kordening Caesar."

Because we need to maintain a healthy schedule, the next update will be at 11 a.m. Everyone, please get some rest and have a good night.

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