Endless Debt

Chapter 34 Cold-blooded Declaration

Kedening walked up the stairs, unlocked the door, and returned to his home.

In order to make it easier for him to work in the theater, he lived very close to the theater. It was only one street away and only a few minutes' walk away. The price he paid for this was high rent. Renting a house in the agreement area is not an easy task.

Some people also suggested that Kedening live in other urban areas. This kind of thing is very common. Many people live on the edge of the city and take the tram to the city center to work early in the morning. This can save a lot of money.

But people who are familiar with Kedening know that the reason why he lives so close is mainly to take care of his wife. Few people see his wife. It is said that she is weak and needs to be nursed at home all the time.

Although he has never met Kedening's wife, everyone knows his wife's name.


This is the name of the theater, named after his wife.

In the eyes of many people, Kedening is a good husband, and everyone envies the woman named Gini.

"I'm back."

Pushing the door open, Kedening shouted to himself. There was no light in the room, and it was dark. It was filled with the choking incense, but Kedening was already used to it and didn't look unbearable at all.

He closed the door, stood at the door, took off his shoes and coat, put something wrapped in a newspaper aside, and said while tidying himself up.

"Today's performance was a success. Another group of reporters came to interview me. I guess in a few days, our theater will appear in Opos Daily."

After hanging up the clothes, Kedening looked around the living room. There was not much furniture in the living room. It was very simple and there was no trace of a sense of life.

After checking the doors and windows, they were either nailed or locked with iron locks. The entire room was airtight, and the door was the only place that could go in and out.

After discovering that the doors and windows were intact and there was no sign of being opened, Kedening picked up the things on the sofa, walked to the bedroom, and continued.

""The Wandering Mouse" is coming to an end. This is my first work and the best work so far... To be honest, I am very excited. I can already imagine the audience cheering."

There's a smile in his voice, and as a creator, there's no better compliment than that.

Walking to the deepest part of the room, Kedening stood in front of the bedroom door. He did not go in immediately, but stood briefly at the door.

The bedroom door was ajar, and the gap revealed an unknown darkness. There was a steady breathing sound, as if someone was sleeping soundly in the room.

As if he was preparing for something, Kedening took a deep breath, then picked up the thing wrapped in the newspaper, tore open the outer layer of newspaper, revealing the flowers inside, a bright bouquet with bursts of fragrance.

Opening the door, Kedening walked in.

The room was dark, with a double bed in the center. Ke Dening came to the bed and sat down, patting the quilt gently. The sleeping woman was awakened. She opened her eyes slightly, turned to look at Ke Dening, and then Hug Kedening.

"Good morning, Gini."

Kedening has a smile on his face, and few people can see this side of Kedening. In the eyes of most people, he is a serious performer, but in the eyes of women, he is like an innocent child.

The woman called Gini didn't care about the flowers. She hugged Kedening. Her eyes were blurred and her body was weak. She couldn't use the slightest strength to kiss Kedening's neck affectionately. She opened her mouth and scratched with her slightly sharp teeth. Covering the skin.

"Hahaha, stop, it's too itchy."

Kedening laughed, then he pushed the woman away and asked softly.

"Are you hungry?"

The woman didn't respond. She crawled hard, trying to get closer to Kedening, but there was a sound of metal collision, and the woman couldn't get even half a step closer.

Kedening didn't say anything. He sat on the workbench beside him and turned on the desk lamp. The only light in the room came on.

The light is not strong, it can only illuminate the workbench, and also slightly illuminates the surrounding darkness, reflecting the outline of the object.

In front of the scattered petals, the woman's skin was sickly pale, and the blue blood vessels were clearly visible. She let out bursts of whimpering, and she could see that her hands and feet were shackled, and the chains held her tightly. Trapped in bed.

"Wait a minute, Gini, it'll be ready soon."

Kedening opened the drawer and inside were rows of dark red potions that he called "liquid spirits".

"Norm is missing, and the goods have disappeared with him... I suspect that we are being targeted, and we need to use these potions sparingly."

Ke Dening counted and found that there were not many Liquid Spirit Potions left in the drawer, only four or five, which could not last for many days.

There was a scowl in his eyes, but it quickly faded and was replaced by a genuine smile.

"But don't worry, there won't be any problem. David has already taken care of it. He is a very reliable person."

Kedening approached Gini with the liquid spirit potion. A trace of greed flashed through Kedening's confused eyes. She ran into Kedening's arms again and bit his neck. This time she obviously mobilized some strength. Kedening only felt that There is some tingling in the neck.

Fortunately, he was already used to it, whether it was Gini's bites or the stench on her body that even incense couldn't cover up.

Skillfully injecting the liquid spirit potion into Gini's body, the filled soul was transported throughout the body by the blood, temporarily satisfying the hungry hole and relieving the anxious mania.

Gini's movements gradually became softer, as if she had lost her target. She slowly fell down and lay back on the bed, staring blankly at the dim ceiling.

"By the way, Gini, I also met a... very interesting person today."

Recalling Boluogo's appearance, Kedening said hesitantly.

"Actually, I don't know what kind of person he is. He is like a mystery. It's been a long time since I felt such a sense of unknown in someone else."

Touching Gini's forehead, he could not feel the warmth of flesh and blood, but only the coldness of a corpse.

Kedening felt a little sad and continued.

"He and I had a good chat, and this person's ideas are quite interesting. He seems to be very calm and rational, but the stories he writes are full of irritability and paranoia..."

Kedening picked up the syringe and opened the drawer on the other side. There were many sedatives inside. After satisfying Gini's hunger, he needed this thing to make Gini drowsy and keep quiet.

This is the agreement area, the most heavily guarded place in Opos. Once Gini is exposed, people from the Order Bureau will arrive within a few minutes.

Kedening knew that this was very dangerous, but he was worried that Gini would be too far away from him. David also suggested to himself that it would be better to place Gini on the wandering road. As long as he has money, he should be able to take good care of her, but for that Kedening always had a huge sense of resistance in dark and dirty places.

He still longs for some dignity, a sense of human decency...even if he is not much noble.

After injecting the sedative into Gini, she became noticeably quieter, as if she had fallen asleep, lying on the bed silently.

Kedening also sat on the bed, snuggled next to her like a child, stretched out his hand, and combed her hair.

"David and I are studying the evacuation. Regardless of whether our speculation is correct or not, Opos cannot stay any longer. The conflict between the Bureau of Order and 'them' will only become more and more intense."

His eyes were dim and he sighed.

"But I can't bear to part with our theater. We have sacrificed so much and paid so much to have a foothold here..."

The woman had some reaction. She seemed to wake up. A soft gaze came from the darkness. She raised her tired hand and rubbed Kedening's face.

Kedening was stunned for a moment, then he approached the woman, hugged her tightly, buried his head in his arms, and his voice was muffled.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we are still together, the theater will always be reopened."

There was a little glimmer in Kedening's eyes, like a flickering flame.

"Maybe we can't stay here forever, but I will complete my last performance, and I will let everyone remember our performance..."

"Kini and Kodenin, they will remember us."

Kedening said stubbornly.

"Most definitely."

A huge curtain was erected not far away, and as the breeze blew by, the picture reflected on it rippled.

"Friend, do you believe in religion?" In the movie, the killer raised his gun and looked at the man lying in front of him with an indifferent tone.

"I'm not religious, but I like to say one or two words when killing a target... words full of sacred faith, just like my declaration of cold-blooded execution."

The killer slowly knelt down and their eyes met.

"But then I made such declarations too often, and I started to think about its meaning. God said that He gave the angels flaming swords to maintain justice and deliver divine punishment to the wicked.

I am not a good person, I am a bad person just like you, a desperado with heinous crimes. "

The killer thought, he had not read much, and he pondered the Word of God awkwardly.

"But when I execute you, I may have become the angel in God's mouth. The pistol loaded with ammunition in my hand is the burning sword. I am maintaining justice... although this is only among the wicked. Killing each other."

After finishing speaking, the scene froze for a long time, and then gunshots rang out.

Bologo was holding a bucket of popcorn in his hand, eating and watching a movie.

This is a parking lot movie theater. Under the huge curtain are scattered cars. Boluogo is sitting on the raised steps at the back, watching the ending of the movie.

The killer killed the man and he walked across the empty wilderness until he disappeared.

At the end of the movie, some people drove away, and Boluogo stood up slowly, threw the popcorn bucket into the trash can, and walked on the cold wind-swept streets.

After watching "The Wandering Mouse", Bologo suddenly wanted to watch a movie. He missed the feeling of being immersed in the story. After wandering aimlessly, he came to this parking lot movie theater and spent the rest of his time there. All the time is wasted here.

It was time to go home. There were not many people on the streets anymore, and even vehicles were rare. Unconsciously, only Boluogo was left in the emptiness and darkness.

As he advanced, a rapid ringing of bells sounded in the silent darkness.

Boluogo stopped and looked at the corner of the street. It was a red phone box with a public phone buzzing inside.

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