Endless Debt

Chapter 50 Participation is important

Boluogo put down the phone and sat back on the sofa with an expressionless face. The room was quiet, the sky outside the window was emitting a hazy light, and on the radio, Dudel's program had ended a few minutes ago.

Everything was quiet, except for the steady breathing of Boluogo. This silence lasted for a few seconds. Boluogo's expression quickly melted away, and the corners of his mouth reluctantly raised, revealing joy.

"Finally...it's about to begin."

Boluogo took a long breath, his whole body relaxed, and he collapsed evenly on the sofa.

He tried to relax himself. His muscles could relax, but his spirit couldn't help himself. More and more intense emotions were rushing through his mind, and his body was also slightly heated.

Boluogo felt a little tight in his chest. He opened his collar to let himself breathe more smoothly, and then he turned his attention to the sand table in front of him.

On the sand table that recorded the fall of the Holy City, the flags representing the legions were intertwined, coming from all directions, placing King Solomon's holy city in the flames of war.

Boluogo's heart seemed to be ignited. He couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up, opened the wardrobe, and changed clothes for himself.

Just like obsessive-compulsive disorder, Boluogo would dress himself up carefully every time before going out, not for the sake of being glamorous, but to make himself as close to a human being as possible, a decent person.

The white shirt is tied with a black tie, and the gray and black coat covers the deadly sharp weapon. The hair is simply arranged. The excess hair is combed back and tied into a small braid, leaving only some messy hair behind the head curtain. Falling everywhere.

Boluogo stared at himself in the mirror, slightly absent-minded under the blue eyes.

This is a familiar face, but also a slightly unfamiliar face.

"Boluogo, you are different from before." The voice came from the ear, Adele said at that time.

In her memory, she walked out of the bedroom at that time and looked at Boluogo standing in front of the mirror, with a smile on her old face.

"You used to be a very casual person. Sometimes you would just go out in pajamas and slippers. You said you didn't care about the eyes of the world."

"What made you change?"

Facing Adele's question, Boluogo was stunned for a few seconds, and then gave a completely irrelevant response.

"I just...think about things sometimes."

"What's the matter?" Adele saw the sadness in Boluogo's eyes.

Boluogo was silent for a few seconds, then smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, just some strange worries."

Seeing this, Adele didn't ask any questions. She just walked over slowly and stretched out her hand to rub Boluogo's head.

Adele was much shorter than Boluogo, and she was an old lady and could not straighten her waist. Boluogo could only lower his head with a wry smile and let her mess up her combed hair.

She burst out laughing, and Boluogo didn't know what she was laughing at, but he thought it was pretty good, and a smile appeared on his face.

Boluogo's thoughts came out of his memories, his wandering eyes solidified again, and then he looked at himself in the mirror.

Since Adele's death, Bologg has always been unable to help but recall things related to her. His memory has always been good, but Bologg is still afraid that one day he will forget about Adele. This possibility gave him a sense of trepidation.

"I'm thinking about something, Adele."

In the empty room, Boluogo was talking to himself.

"I'm thinking about the difference between me and the beast, what is it?

I commit atrocities wantonly, just like a wild beast, but what is different from a wild beast is that I use an elegant sword and hammer, and wear them brightly. After killing the enemy, I will rinse my hands with clean water, Instead of devouring it with bloodthirsty like a wild beast. "

Boluogo paused for a few seconds, his voice was calm, with a hint of sadness.

“I think there’s not much difference between me and the beast, it’s just that we use different weapons and wear different clothes.

I am a beast, but as if unwilling to compromise, I stubbornly put on clothes and made myself as decent as possible to distinguish myself from the evil savagery. "

Boluogo's voice stopped. He tilted his head slightly, noticing something strange. Then he raised his hand and rearranged his tie so that it stuck straight to his clothes.

Neat and rigorous, with a cold face, he is like an efficient expert.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Boluogo opened the door, and a joyful voice sounded from behind the door.

"Yo! Good morning, Bologo!"

Palmer waved his hand vigorously and greeted him energetically. Although the two had only known each other for a few days, Palmer was surprisingly familiar with them and walked in directly without waiting for Bologo to say anything.

"The room is very clean," Palmer said, sitting down on the sofa. He looked at the sand table and recognized it at a glance, "Is this the Fall of the Holy City? Not many people are familiar with this battle these days. .”

"You look familiar with it, too," said Bologna.

"I studied in school. You know, I graduated first in class." Palmer boasted.

Boluogo looked at him strangely. Judging from Palmer's past behavior, it was really difficult for him to associate Palmer with any elite who had the highest grades.

"Oh? Can I see this?"

Palmer noticed something next, but he was not as careless as before. Instead, he asked Bologo cautiously.

That gave Burlogo a slightly different view of Palmer, he said.


"Wow, these records are so rare. Where did you find them?" Palmer said in surprise as he picked up a few records.

"As long as you browse the flea market for a long time, there are still many good things there."

Seeing that Palmer was interested in this thing, Boluogo walked over, put the record on the record player, and began to sing as it turned.

"The sound quality is a bit poor. Records are already old stuff. You have to try something new, like tapes."

Listening to the singing, Palmer was very happy. He seemed to be of the same mind as Boluogo.

"Ah, I haven't received my first month's salary yet." Boluogo said helplessly.

"Then come to my house if you have a chance, and I'll show you those goodies." Palmer said and gave a thumbs up.

Boluogo walked aside and sat on the sofa. There was a slight distance between him and Palmer. He looked at the guy who had cheered up again and asked curiously.

"What? Are you getting used to this new position? I remember you were crying the whole time that day."

"There's nothing I can do. No matter if I'm crying or happy, I still have to go to work, right?"

Palmer complained with a smile.

"To live, the most important thing is to participate."

This guy is surprisingly open-minded, and he has such a ridiculous "gift". If Palmer were not more open-minded, it would be too painful.

"If you don't like this kind of work, you should give up from the beginning." Boluogo thought for a while and said.

"I can't help it. Who calls me a member of the Clerks family? Or a fatal heir."

Palmer was no longer sleepy after talking about this, and there was no end to his complaints.

"I have been persuading my father to find a way to find another heir, so that I don't have to take care of any responsibilities, but they always say that I am a once-in-a-century genius who can restore the glory of the Clerks family. Just look at it. Me."

"Then? Then there is no more."

Palmer spread his hands, looking desperate.

The Clerks Family.

Boluogo had heard Jeffrey mention it before. This family existed before the establishment of the Bureau of Order. It was a famous Condenser family. After the fall of the Holy City, when the Oath City Opos was established, Clex At the invitation of the Rhine League, he became one of the original founders of the Bureau of Order.

"But what about you? What do you think of this job?"

Palmer asked rhetorically.

"A place like the Bureau of Order that fights and kills is absurd enough, but I didn't expect anyone to join the Field Service Department... Do you know the annual mortality rate of the Field Service Department? By the way, you don't seem to be able to die. Such a thing It means nothing to you."

Palmer still remembered what Lebius told him that his partner, Borogo Lazarus, would not die.

This made Palmer slightly frightened. Although he knew that there were undead people in this world, this was the first time he encountered it.

The more he thought about it, the more trouble he became. Palmer began to miss Fengyuan Highland. When he thought about it carefully, he had not been home for many years. When he thought about it again, he felt a little sad...

"Me? I quite like this job."

Boluogo answered very seriously. He also said this answer when facing the enemy.

"I can kill people and get paid for it. I feel pretty good."

Palmer looked at Boluogo with strange eyes, his expression was distorted for a few seconds, and he cursed.

"The field department is indeed a bunch of lunatics."

"You are now one of the psychopaths," Bologg thought for a moment and said to Palmer, "You think so, partner?"

This sentence completely shattered Palmer's mentality. The optimism he tried to show was gone. He stood up slowly with a slumped face.

"Forget it."

He kept mumbling and taking something out of his arms.

"Jeffrey wants me to pick you up. He should have told you in advance."

Boluogo nodded, and then asked, "Do you know what he asked you to pick me up for?"

"I don't know. The more you know, the more trouble you will have."

Palmer muttered, but then Palmer said again.

"But I think it should be an extremely important thing, otherwise Jeffrey wouldn't give me this thing."

As he spoke he took out a key from his pocket, which Borlog had seen.

The key to the winding path.

"I haven't used this thing many times. Are you ready to go?"

Palmer became excited again, picked up the "Key to the Winding Path" and stood in front of the door of the room, looking eager to try it.

"Let's go."

Boluogo had already prepared. He and Palmer stood side by side in front of the door. As the "Key to the Winding Path" was inserted into the keyhole, then with the lock core as the center, fine floodlight patterns spread throughout the door. Door.

Palmer turned the key and used a slight force to open a door of chaos and unknown darkness.

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