Endless Debt

Chapter 74 Night Clan

"The Immortal Club, as the name suggests, is a club established by a group of undead people. It has no main purpose and no responsibilities. It is just a place for everyone to have fun and have fun."

The carnival of the mentally retarded people finally stopped, and Sere turned on all the lights, making the dark bar much brighter.

"If you have to say there is a purpose, you can think of this place as an undead mutual aid association, just like a veterans' post-war trauma meeting."

Sere sat in Palmer's seat and chatted with Boluogo. Palmer completely lost consciousness and was carried to one side by Jeffrey, like a stinking corpse. Jeffrey sat on the other side. Listening to the conversation between the two.

"Members registered here are all aliens among the undead. We are not like the conservatives who stubbornly cling to the old glory, nor are we like the radicals who always want to stir up disputes... Of course, There aren’t many radicals left.”

Sere lit a cigar and blew out smoke rings one after another. There was a sense of nobility in his behavior, but what was terrible was that the wine soaked into his plaid shirt and clung tightly to his body. He could vaguely see The flesh color underneath is decorated with colored paper and sequins.

Sere is like a nightclub dancer who just got off work, chatting with Boluogo about life and philosophy.


Boluogo's mind was still a little confused, and he didn't know where to start with all the questions he had.

"Keep touching, don't stop."

Just when I had some ideas, a cat meowed, urging me.

"Oh oh oh."

Like a little brother, Boluoge kept stroking the black cat named "Weier" in his arms. Weier was twisting around in Boluogo's arms, looking like he was enjoying it.

"Weier! Be more reserved!" Se Lei admonished upon seeing this.

"Yes, that's it, rub it more!"

Weier didn't care about Sere at all. It exposed its belly and let Bologg rub it endlessly.

It feels quite comfortable, like touching some kind of expensive silk, and it makes a purring sound. Borogo realized the source of his discomfort.

Out of control, everything at the moment is beyond his control.

Boluogo is an expert, and experts must firmly control everything. But facing these insane undead, Boluogo can't guess what will happen next.

Yes, I feel the same way when facing Bailey. You never know whether this female gangster will take off your pants first, or your clothes, or both at the same time.

It's the same in this undead club, you never know what these undead will do.

Boluogo originally thought that this would be an ancient ritual meeting. A group of people would swear an oath and join this mysterious club surrounded by candlelight. The initiation ceremony might involve committing suicide once to prove that you are an immortal and join. Judging from Palmer's reaction, there is a deeper conspiracy hidden in it.

But what about reality?

The moment he walked in, Sere pulled off his dress like a diver and jumped into the bar. Songs rang out and the colorful light balls spun endlessly.

"I... was a little surprised." Boluoge controlled his emotions.

"What's the surprise? Are we undead so approachable?"


"Ha ha."

The man who laughed at Se Lei turned on his back, took another bottle of wine, bit open the bottle cap with his sharp teeth, and took a few sips.

"What do you think the undead are like? Boluogo." He asked with a drunken breath.

"The more ancient, mysterious and noble it is."

"Well, your description is very consistent with those of the old school, but that's not all," Sere said. "The undead are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years. Most of their ideas have been influenced by that old era. They are restricted and bound by the old times, so they stubbornly follow some ancient etiquette, but etiquette cannot cover their ugly hearts."

"Mystery and nobility are just disguises. The correct answer is, the older, the more numb, and the crazier."

Sere's words struck Boluogo hard in the heart.

"Think about it, a group of old guys who have lived for who knows how long. Except for death, they have experienced all the joys, sorrows, joys, glory and wealth that life should experience. Nothing can shake the minds of these old guys. Even so. The burning heart has also become numb, and there are no more ups and downs.”

"Do you think they are alive? Or dead?" Sere asked again, but he gave the answer directly without waiting for Boluogo's answer, "A living corpse, every undead is a living corpse."

"But I don't think so, I'm still alive." Bologo said.

"Yes, because you are still young, a young undead, and you still have 'desire' in your heart. I can see it in your eyes."

Serei suddenly lowered his body and stared into the blue eyes.

"What a nice look, full of desire, anger, hatred...but what about when all your 'desires' are fulfilled?

That is the beginning of your despair. "

Sere's smile was bright and sunny, but his words were cold. Maybe it was as he said. Every undead was a moody monster. One second he was just a gigolo, and now he was as cold as a solid piece of iron.

"No, no, this is a happy day, we shouldn't talk about such things." Serei slapped himself loudly, and then smiled again.

"Jeffrey, where's the key?"

Sere patted Jeffrey, who also had a blush on his face, but compared to Palmer's alcoholic drinking style, Jeffrey was still much more controlled and remained sober.

"Here, Bologo, you can use this to come to the Undead Club in the future." Jeffrey handed the "Key to the Winding Path" to Bologo, rubbed his face vigorously, and his eyes became clearer. Then he said, "Bologo, if you have any questions about the undead, you can ask Sere. This guy is not bad. He is one of the few people from the Vellelis family who can communicate normally."

"The Vellelis family?" Bologg pondered for a few seconds. He did not ask Sere, but asked Jeffrey.

"Why do I need to join here? Am I just having fun with these drunkards?"

"With a friendly cooperation, you become one of them, which is equivalent to the closer relationship between the Order Bureau and these drunkards. Although people like Sere are troublesome idlers, they will always give them to others in the name of having fun. We cause trouble, but from the entire group of undead, they are the easiest to get along with.

As long as you drink, you can be friends with them. "

Jeffrey gradually woke up, asked for a glass of water, cleared his throat, and continued.

"The older it is, the more we know and understand. Sometimes we will get some secret information from these people's mouths... Haven't you always been curious about your deal with the devil? Maybe Sere can give Please give me some explanation."

After hearing this, Sere looked at Bologg expectantly, as if he was waiting for Bologg to ask him. This made Boluogo a little unhappy, but he still spoke helplessly.

"What is the Villeless family?"

Boluogo asked an unexpected question. His cyan eyes met those scarlet eyes. The older and crazier they were, was the psychotic Sere in front of him the real Sere? What does he look like under the mask?

"Wow, you hit the target as soon as you opened your mouth!"

Weier shouted in Boluogo's arms, and Boluogo touched its head. Not to mention, this black cat is quite addictive to rub.

Burlogo had a terrible idea in his mind.

"Huh...good question, is it because of the Krax boy?"

Sere blew out another smoke ring and looked at Palmer who was like a dead dog not far away.

"Although he is a bit unreliable, it is still necessary to care about your partner... Are you interested in telling me?"

"Huh? Of course, we are 'good brothers' after all."

Sere emphasized this point. From the moment Bologg fell into this mentally retarded quagmire, Sere showed enough enthusiasm for Bologg. It was obviously the first time they met, but the two seemed to have been friends for many years. .

Boluogo didn't feel that there was a sudden kindness, but under Sere's excessive enthusiasm, he really didn't have the right to refuse.

"One of the rules of the Immortal Club is that members are all good brothers. Good brothers do not distinguish between each other and have nothing to hide."

Weier said, Boluogo lowered his head and met the pair of blue cat eyes, as crystal clear as sapphire. At this time, Jeffrey said again.

"Serre, Bologo lost his memory and forgot the memory of the deal with the devil. When he woke up, he became an undead, and...I should have mentioned it to you on the phone before, about his death. And come back to life'."

"I remember the extremely perfect 'resurrection from the dead'. To be honest, I was a little envious at the time." Sere said.

"He has many questions. You can explain the knowledge of the undead to him and introduce these members."

Jeffrey glanced at it. The skeleton and the beagle ran out. There were only Sere, Weier and the stone statue that looked like a decoration.

"At least I quite like you guys. Shouldn't you be considered an outlier among the undead?" Jeffrey muttered.

Wei'er meowed, as if she was laughing, "We're just relatively peaceful."

"What if you are restless? Do you still want to try swimming in the sea for three years?" Serei said to Weier.

"It's not your fault!"

Weier's hair was furious for a moment, as if she was going to pounce on Huaserei's face the next second. Fortunately, Boluogo held it down and rubbed it hard, making Weier purr.

"Instead of talking about the old things between you, why not talk about the current situation first? I'm still in a hurry."

Boluogo said that now he just wants to know the information he needs and then escape from this hellish place.

"Okay, okay."

Sere drank the wine in one gulp and looked straight at Boluogo with his scarlet eyes as he spoke in a cool manner.

“To talk about our Villeless family, we have to mention another word.

Have you heard of ‘Night Clan’? "

The atmosphere became solemn, with a slight chill in the chill. Sere smiled and showed his sharp teeth, and then... Boluogo shook his head.

"I was released from prison a year ago and became a Condenser a few days ago. What do you expect me to know?"

Boluogo rubbed Weier's chin and said unceremoniously.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

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