Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3037: Like you, be serious (2)

She stiffened, tears in her eyes.

"No ... it's not like that ... you obviously feel like me ... you lie, you lie!"

Obviously she forced him to give the answer.

But she was reluctant to accept it.

Han Yuexiu held her back, rubbing her head and rubbing her head and said, "Go back to sleep well, don't think about these messy things, you will forget it after a while."

Han Qiqing snapped his hands away.

She stared angrily at him, "Don't treat me as a child! I am serious, I like you to be serious, to be 100% serious!"

This is not a mess.

How could he use such words to describe her feelings for him?

She was so sad.

He played her as a child, but couldn't see how seriously she was.

Han Yuexiu grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door.

Han Qiqing is still expressing his heart, "Brother, you believe me, I am serious, I am not playing around ..."

He didn't seem to care what she said at all, but just shoved her out of the door and said quietly, "You go back and think carefully, and stop talking like this."

After that, he closed the door and blocked her from the door.

Han Qiqing looked at the door sadly.

She didn't know if he really thought that her favorite was a joke or just used this excuse to escape.

She's all confused.

She patted the door, shouting hoarsely, "Brother."

He didn't respond.

Han Qiqing said with a grieving cry, "Whether you believe it or not, I am serious, and I know exactly what I am doing."

There was no movement over the door.

After a while.

Han Qiqing has always been okay, stubbornly glanced at the door panel, and turned to leave.

And at this time.

The other side of the door.

Han Yue's long figure leaned against the door panel.

He raised his head and closed his eyes.


The next day.

Xia Fuling got up very early today. In the previous months, she flew around in different cities abroad. In the past few days, she finally adjusted the time difference.

When she went downstairs, she heard her daughter's sweet voice calling, "Mummy ~"

Xia Fuling looked at it with a smile, "Xiao Qiqing, are you up so early today?"

Han Qiqing was standing at the door of the kitchen, wearing an apron in front of her, holding a spatula and asking her mother, "Mum, what breakfast do you want? I'll make it for you."

Xia Fuling was surprised, "Do you make breakfast today?"

Of course, she knew that her daughter knew how to cook, but her baby girl didn't just cook for anyone.

Even her mother has only tasted her daughter's cooking two or three times.

Of course, part of the reason is that she is away from home for half a year.

Han Qiqing glanced at the time and urged her, "Hurry up!"

Xia Fuling looked at the breakfast on the table and said, "You've done so much, it's enough to eat these."

The table was full of steaming breakfast, and it just moved the index finger.

She approached the table, smelled the scent, and was immediately hungry.

Behind him, the voice of Han's father came.

"Well? Today is Qiqing chef?"

Han Qiqing smiled brightly, "Yeah, Daddy, come here quickly. Breakfast just finished. Right, my brother?"

Han's father responded casually, "Maybe he hasn't woken up yet."

Usually Han Yuexiu got up the earliest. This point should be down for breakfast.

Without waiting for Han's father to be surprised, Han Qiqing took off his apron.

"Then I'll call brother, mom and dad, you eat first."

Then, she hurried upstairs.

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