Endless route

Chapter 108 15 Li Huawan

Chapter 108 15. Li Huawan

Everyone looked at each other and checked their surroundings, and then they discovered the 'culprit' behind them: a large and exquisite jade wall hanging on the wall of an ancient building.

This round jade wall is made of white jade and is one meter in diameter. It is carved with many patterns of immortals and ghosts. You can tell at a glance that this thing is related to the Immortal Supervisor.

"Master Immortal, this is the supervisor of the Immortal Division."

Ji Dao spoke softly. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that they were locked in glass.

"I know."

Zheng Yun nodded. It was obvious that this jade wall had been hanging here, probably for hundreds of years. The people in the museum did not move, they just surrounded the place.

Looking into the distance, it was almost like this. Everything in the hall was intact and was only protected by display cabinets. Even the pillars in the hall were surrounded by glass.

This place should be a side hall of the mansion.

All the objects in the palace were removed, including desks, shelves, and screens, and were moved to other places, only to expose the nook and corner and the jade.

The entire Commander's Palace should have been turned into a museum. This large side hall is only a part of it, and may not even be open to the public.

That's why there are no cameras.

Because this museum is too large and has countless cultural relics, it only needs to be well secured on the outside. There is no need to be too tight on the corners inside.

The East is like this.

The most indispensable thing is cultural relics. Many times, first-class cultural relics are piled in cardboard boxes and foam.

There is everything, but if there is too much, it will make you tired, and you don’t want to take a closer look. The people in the museum found the jade, but they didn’t realize that there was a tunnel under their feet.

"what should we do?"

Ji Dao spoke softly.

There were eight of them, all adult men. They were tall and wearing caps and masks. It was really inappropriate to be crowded together in this exhibition cabinet.

Not very crowded.

Because the jade is at the deepest point, the entire wall, including jade tables and chairs, are surrounded by display cabinets.

Zheng Yun didn't know what to do. It was easy to get out. This display cabinet was said to be a display cabinet, but it was actually made of glass and could be removed to get out.

But what to do out there, visit a museum? Or stealing cultural relics? Even if they don't do anything, can they really walk out like this? Is this appropriate?

"It seems like a museum from the East."

Zheng Yun searched around and found a sign introducing jade bis. The largest characters were in Chinese, which read: Ming Dynasty, Qinghe Yufu Yubi with cloud patterns.

"This is a good thing, Master Xian."

Ji Dao looked at the jade and considered it from the perspective of reselling antiques. This jade was a first-class good thing.

"You don't get involved with gods and ghosts, do you?" Zheng Yun asked quickly.

"It doesn't stick to it, but it has a complete shape and fine carvings. The jade quality is warm and moist, and the meaning is good. The immortal patterns are in the sky and the earth, and the supervisory immortal is in it..."

Ji Dao seized the opportunity to show off. These were all appreciation words he had just learned after reading the picture album in the morning.

"Go back. If you like it, let the fairy carve one for you." Zheng Yun waved his hand and asked the ghost general to go back first.

"This is our thing, Master Xian, you really don't want to take it away?" Jidao looked at the jade bi with some unbearability.

"It belongs to the descendants of Dongfang Yan and Huang, not ours. Your consciousness needs to be improved. Besides, how can you get this? You won't come next time?" Zheng Yun pulled him back into the passage.

It didn't take long.

Everyone returned to the secret realm, and Zheng Yun asked Ji Dao to write down the locations of several Dushi, and then go back up to check to see which Dushi Mansion had been converted into a museum.

There is only one black jade gate left.

Zheng Yun opened the mechanism with anticipation on his face. A group of people stared at the black jade door and waited for a long time, but there was no response.

It seems that's the end of it.

They have opened two of the five black jade gates here, and the rest have to be opened in person at the Dusi ruins. After all are opened, traveling will be much easier.

No wonder my adoptive father also had to buy a ticket to take a boat to go out to sea. This museum is really difficult to get into. If you are not careful, you can't explain it for several years.

"Is it open over there?"

Ji Dao pointed to the east.

"Let's not open it yet. By the way, let me ask you a question. Is the east more dangerous than the west? There are more places of gods and ghosts? Why did W-09 break?"

Zheng Yun sat on the jade chair and asked.

"It should be about the same. I don't know about this. There are real and fake places with ghosts and ghosts. There are real ghosts and ghosts, and there are real disasters. The ancient books record everything in detail, and it's hard to tell what is true and what is false." Jidao shook his head.

"Go back to the shop and sit down. You can rest for the next two days and you will have to go out again later." Zheng Yun patted him and took Jidao Xianyao back to the pawn shop to bask in the sun.

Two days passed in a flash.

The adoptive mother came to the pawn shop at noon to take a look. It happened that Ji Dao was not there to go to the dojo. There were only Zheng Yun in the shop and a fairy demon who was following him.

"Who is this girl?"

When the adoptive mother saw the fairy demon, her eyes brightened up. She looked her up and down and glanced at Zheng Yun.

This scene reminded Zheng Yun of high school, when he was sending a female classmate with a sprained foot home, and was bumped into by his adoptive mother on the way. Her adoptive mother had the same look and expression at the time.

But that time, the adoptive mother didn't come up to ask. Instead, she pretended not to recognize her and took a photo for Jiang Meng to see.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that the female classmate had a sprained foot because she was hit while playing basketball.

"She is my college classmate. She had a car accident some time ago and her ears are not very good." Zheng Yun didn't know how to answer the question, so he paused before answering.


The adoptive mother was shocked, took the fairy demon's hand, and asked her with a kind expression how she got into the car accident.

Zheng Yun's scalp felt numb, and he looked up at the fairy demon, only to see the latter smiling and speaking to his adoptive mother in a gentle tone: "I walked onto the road and was hit by a car."

After that, the two continued to talk.

The fairy and demon were able to answer it, Zheng Yun didn't say a word and let her finish it all by herself.

Thanks to the TV series.

Zheng Yun taught her how to use a tablet before.

Then she watched TV series intensely in the past two days. From morning to night, Zheng Yun suspected that she didn't even sleep, and secretly checked her browsing history.

Good guy.

There are more than a hundred.

However, most of them watched the first ten minutes and then closed it, as if they had never seen anything before, so they clicked on and took a look. At the same time, she was very picky.

Later, Zheng Yun gave each of the women a tablet and let them look at it as they pleased. He did not lack this. He had a box of water-soaked mobile phones and tablets that he had confiscated before.

Although he despised it, Zheng Yun still took it back.

Seeing the outstanding performance of the fairy demon, Zheng Yunting was happy for her, but he also wondered how many car accidents happened in modern idol dramas before she could answer fluently.

"May I have your name?"

The adoptive mother asked with sympathy on her face.

"I..." The fairy demon looked at Zheng Yun.

Zheng Yun thought she was stuck. He hadn't figured out what to call her yet, so he was about to open his mouth and help her round it out.

But the fairy demon didn't wait for him to help. He lowered his head and looked at his adoptive mother and said seriously: "My name is Li Huawan."

"Okay, okay, Auntie went to work first, you guys sit down." The adoptive mother patted the back of the fairy demon's hand. She was quite satisfied, and she didn't feel that the fairy demon was deaf.

Zheng Yun sent his adoptive mother away, and then looked at the fairy demon deeply. Where did her name come from?

In fact, the last time she used Wang Xi to ask questions, she actually had a loophole to take advantage of. She couldn't lie, but she could pretend to be aggrieved to prevent herself from asking further.

"Li Huawan?"

Zheng Yun spoke seriously.

"Well, it was copied from a TV series." The fairy suddenly picked up the tablet and clicked on a TV series for Zheng Yun to watch.

The heroine’s real name is Li Huawan.

Moreover, this is a costume drama, and it seems to be a palace battle drama.

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