Endless route

Chapter 116 23 Arrival at W08

Chapter 116 23. Arrival at W-08

the next morning.

Zheng Yun closed the pawn shop, carried his backpack, and went to the port alone to buy a ticket to W-05 without going with anyone else.

He has to go to the Pregnant Demon Tower to do something first.

And he couldn't go with Hu Ruihua and the others. If something happened later and he had to transfer people from the secret realm, he couldn't explain the source, so he might as well stagger the time.

Set off one day early by yourself.

Hu Ruihua and the others were one day late.

This time, Zheng Yun had some money and bought a suite ticket, which included unlimited buffets in both rooms.

Wear your backpack on board.

Among the tourists around him, he was the only one with the least luggage, because from a certain point of view, he had several 'planets' in his backpack, including the Secret Realm, the Heavenly Palace, W-02, and W-04, where the museum was located, as confirmed by the last investigation.

No luggage required.

At worst, I'll go back to Fuen and buy it.

Enter the room led by the waiter.

Zheng Yun sat on the bed, quietly looking at the calm sea outside the large window of the cruise ship. There was an endless stream of large and small ships, and the endless routes led to the depths of the starry sky, leading the footsteps of mankind to explore, open up and conquer one planet after another.

A little excited.

Although his surname is not Jiang, he is a member of the Jiang family in spirit. Living in the city is indeed a bit boring. Before going to sea for the first time, he had some thoughts of going out to commit suicide.

It's even more obvious now.

Once you go out to sea, you will feel refreshed.

It's not that he doesn't care about his family, which is the core motivation, but he also enjoys it and wants to know. What will happen in the ice sea world of W-08?

"If I don't have trivial matters in the future, I really want to buy a boat and sail forward in one go to see what is at the end of the route. Is there any so-called 'immortal'?"

Zheng Yun withdrew his gaze.

After lying on the bed for a while, he got up and walked into the bathroom, filled the bathtub with water, opened the fairy door and walked in.

Not long after.

Zheng Yun walked out with a few sea charts, followed by Li Huawan. She looked around curiously, turned around briefly, and immediately ran back to the fairy gate.

The sea chart is a fish love chart.

Xie Laoyu drew a few circles and said there were many fish and it was easy to catch them.

When going to W-05 this time, Zheng Yun wanted to salvage a batch of fish to eat. Xie Laoyu's injury was not good, so this task could only be left to him and the ghost general, and he didn't know whether it would succeed.

A few days later.

The cruise ship docked at an island in the W-05 section. Zheng Yun took the ghost general out of the hotel and rented a fishing boat for a short period. He tried to catch fish in the sea, but failed.

Take advantage of the excitement and go out.

Returned disappointed.

The harvest was only a basket of small fish.

When returning to the secret realm, Ji Dao happened to walk out of the black jade door on his left hand and entered the secret realm through the door in the basement of Fuen City.

"Master Immortal, let me report the situation to you." Ji Dao held a lot of information and placed it on the long and narrow jade table.

Zhang Ergou followed him, his eyes flickering and he timidly saluted Zheng Yun: "Master Immortal."

He really never dreamed of it.

I pretended to be the Ghost Suppression Department and scolded the real Immortal Supervision Department head, but now I was actually recruited into the real Demon Suppression Department. Not only was I not punished, I was promoted to a full-time member!

This is so bizarre.

Half a year ago, I was raising monkeys, and the forces they belonged to were also evil forces. Now I have changed my identity. I follow Jidao around the city every day, protecting ordinary people.

He has become a righteous person who has committed crimes and made meritorious service.

This feeling was much more comfortable than before. Although he was more tired, having to run around for Ji Dao and researching information all night long, he felt comfortable and had hope for this day.

This is all the opportunity given by Master Xian!

Thinking back to those few words I said at the time, such as 'I can kill you based on your words', I was really ashamed and didn't know how to face this boss.

"Is it going well?"

Zheng Yun looked down.

"Successfully, we followed the clues of the Yin Curse Talisman and found information about a local illegal reselling of cultural relics. We cooperated with the relevant departments and arrested a group of transnational organizations that were wandering around Fuen City and reselling cultural relics across the border."

Ji Dao spoke excitedly.

The words have that flavor.

Zheng Yun looked back at the shipwreck porcelain piled in the corner, waiting for 'illegal sale', but did not answer his words.

"This organization collected a batch of items in Fuen City a few years ago and dug them out of that ancient building. However, subsequent investigation found that these items were sold by foreigners."

“And the digging wasn’t finished at the time.”

"Now we highly suspect that these foreigners recently discovered that the ancient building was discovered and dug up by the dojo, so they hurried to the ancient building at night to take out the remaining items, but were discovered by the construction site master, so they killed people."

"The question now is where the body of the construction site master went, and the identity of the body in the ancient building."

Ji Dao briefly spoke.

"Be prepared and go to the Pregnant Demon Tower." Zheng Yun nodded and did not ask more about the matter. Since Ji Dao has cooperated with the relevant departments, things should go smoothly.

"Okay." Ji Dao nodded.

Everyone took action immediately and went to the Pregnant Demon Tower that day. Similar to the last time, they lured the sea monster away and threw Master Zhang and three uncles in, but this time no black jade pillow was used.

Zhang Zhenren relied on blood pills to survive. Once he was away from the blood pills, his weight dropped rapidly and he was almost skinny and skinny. He was similar to a little girl and could be stuffed directly through the top grille.

Just feed the demon with flesh and blood before you die.

When to breathe and when to stop.

Looking at their miserable state, Zhang Ergou trembled. Fortunately, he was still young and had a long life span. He could still live without the blood pill, unlike these people who owed the underworld a long life.

It's over here.

Zheng Yun bought a ticket and went to W-08.

W-08 Now is the ice age. The ship channel opened by the nuclear-powered icebreaker can be maintained for a long time, and ordinary cruise ships can also pass through the ship channel, but at a slower speed.

In the evening five days later.

Following a space oscillation, the cruise ship passed through the center line of thick fog and jumped into the starry sky into W-08.

Heaven and earth change.

Although the cruise ship was still in the fog, Zheng Yun could still feel the differences, such as changes in gravity.

Temperature changes are also huge.

But no sound of ice was heard.

Because the Sea of ​​Mist itself generates a lot of heat, and the civilization that originally built this great ruin also chose a very good location. There is no ice near the jump line.

This is hard to explain.

The general meaning is that the V-shaped foggy sea of ​​W-08 is stuffed into a V-shaped submarine continental shelf, and the thickness of the ice near the transition line is difficult to exceed ten meters.

At the same time, it is located on the edge of the polar night circle, and the southern corner of the V-shaped foggy sea is within the polar day circle, ensuring climate circulation.

The end result is that, for true marine life, the Misty Sea is beneath the ice, providing oxygen heat and even warm currents to allow them to pass through the South Cape Passage as much as possible.

But it has nothing to do with humans.

People can only rely on icebreakers to open up fixed routes of various sizes and navigate them during the ice age.

The cruise ship Zheng Yun was on was a tourist ship, so he chose the ice-breaking route in the north of the V-shaped foggy sea. It is a thousand kilometers long, a hundred meters wide, and has two-way multi-ship lanes.

Several hours passed.

The fog gradually lifted.

Zheng Yun looked out the window.

The endless snow-white ice covers everything within sight. At the end of the sight in the north are giant glaciers and mountains, rising and falling across the ice, while in the south there are mostly plains.

The auroras are densely overhead.

The colorful auroras are dyed in the night sky, like fairy clothes hanging on the horizon, dyeing the vast galaxy.

Very shocking.

His face turned blue.

The ice is also dyed blue-green.

Zheng Yun could hear tourists cheering next door, saying that this was a level 15 aurora, which was very rare and worth taking pictures.

Take a deep breath.

To be honest, he was deeply shocked by this scene. When the ancients saw this scene, there was no problem in calling this place a fairyland. This Xianhan Continent is worthy of its name.

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