Endless route

Chapter 157 64 Dispelling the Cold Immortal [2-in-1]

Chapter 157 64. Dispel the Cold Immortal [2-in-1]

Zheng Yun knelt down and took a look. This small puddle with gas constantly coming out of it. The water source may come from the gaps in the puddle, and it should be related to the rising water level of the broken glacier outside.

It doesn't have much impact.

Most of the surface of the puddle is already frozen, and it won't take long for the water to freeze and then turn into a plug to seal the gap.

But the terrain here is low, and many holes have been drilled into the ancient ship by the scientific expedition team. If the water level continues to rise, water may flow in, and they need to speed up their actions.

In addition, Zheng Yun was also vaguely worried. These flammable gases were ejected from deep underground. If the underground passages were blocked by ice water, he didn't know what would happen.

Things on Hanxian's side are generally clear.

But in addition to the Hanxian Cave, this area is also suspected to have something to do with the earth's orifice. They had seen a series of ancient ships and surging will-o'-the-wisps at the Chuanwou Glacier before. There are also series of ancient ships here, which is probably the same as the Chuanwou Glacier.

If a will-o'-the-wisp spews out from here, it will really be a problem. They really won't have anywhere to hide for a while.

Moreover, when the earth's orifices are full, auspicious signs will appear.

Zheng Yun still doesn't know what this so-called auspicious thing is. Combined with the weather cloud map and related clues left by his adoptive father, it may not be simple.

Anyway, let's speed up. As long as the last robbery hole in the Immortal Sacrifice Cave is blocked, they can evacuate here.

Zheng Yun stood up and walked towards the depths. Ji Dao ghost general immediately followed behind him. Ji Dao carried Kedester while the two ghost generals carried the burnt buckle box. The light of his flashlight swept deep into the corridor of the ancient ship, constantly on guard. The cold fairy may appear at any time.

The scene in front of me was indescribably weird and terrifying.

These charred ancient ships are all standard voyage ships under the Ming Dynasty standard. Although the details are slightly different, the size is not bad at all, and the internal structure is also very complex.

They walked inside the cabin, and there were water-proof structures one after another on the left and right, like huge secret rooms. Each one was burned black, and it was difficult for the flashlight to illuminate them all. There were always a lot of blind spots that could not be taken into account.

When we reached the middle of the cabin.

They could also find that some of the stairs or windows leading to the upper floors of the ancient ships were all dark holes. Even when flashlights shone in, they were still covered with a layer of darkness.

Ancient ships are three-dimensional structures.

The interior space is extremely large.

There are forks and holes in all directions, everything within the field of vision is burned black, and dangers may come from any direction, causing great psychological pressure on people.

Zheng Yun and Jidao were both a little bit embarrassed, their breathing was suppressed and their heartbeats were racing, because in their eyes, those forked roads and holes were as dark as the walls, making it difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Many times, they suddenly discovered the hole when they walked to it, without any precautions.

The scientific expedition team probably locked the remaining Hanxian in a room in the cabin, but they were not sure which one.

This is undoubtedly a difficult problem.

Even if they put such a huge ancient ship on flat ground and let them explore it, it would take a long time to complete it. And there are so many ancient ships here that it would be difficult for them to find them.

The group of people walked slowly, and Ji Dao kept listening to the noise with his ears, but he couldn't hear any clues. He could only follow the traces of the scientific expedition team based on the traces on the ground and around them.

After walking for a while.

Zheng Yun saw some blood stains on the ground, which were suspected to be left by members of the scientific expedition team. He glanced around with his flashlight and found blood stains a few meters ahead, smeared on the cabin wall.

Finally a clue.

Several people immediately chased the blood stains.

Every few meters, they could see some human traces or blood stains, but they didn't see a body.

Passing through two ancient ships along the blood trail in one breath, the flashlight in Zheng Yun's hand suddenly illuminated a flash of yellow. This was the first time they had seen other colors since they entered this place.


Zheng Yun immediately slowed down and cautiously approached the color. Then he finally saw clearly that the yellow thing was actually a backpack left by a scientific expedition team.

The backpack was placed on a fork, next to the charred wooden stairs leading to the upper level of the ancient ship. Zheng Yun shone his flashlight and saw a human handprint on the wooden stairs.

And it's a bloody handprint.

The red was dim but dazzling.


Zheng Yun subconsciously looked up along the wooden stairs.

At this glance, they saw a dead man hanging on the edge of the stairs. His miserable face was facing them, and his eyes were black holes, looking at the two of them!

Both of them were so frightened that their hair stood on end.

The man's body was scorched, and he had obviously used gasoline or other flammable substances to set himself on fire.

But the crux of the matter is.

Han Xian does not eat burnt things.

On this man's entire upper body, only a piece of burnt black flesh was still hanging on his body. Everything inside had been hollowed out by Han Xian, especially his face, which was burnt and droopy. If you didn't look closely, you would have thought it was a A torn rag.

"There's something in his skeleton."

Ji Dao spoke to Zheng Yun in a low voice.

The two looked more carefully and saw that the man's skull was incomplete and had many holes. When the flashlight light was struck upward, there were dense and fine fragments of 'fairy light' reflected back.


There are actually some cold immortals here.

These cold immortals are eating humans!

Zheng Yun immediately pulled Ji Dao back a few steps. They still underestimated Han Xian's lethality and terror. This scene was really disturbing and shuddering...

"Master Immortal, Mr. Hanxian here, we can just do an experiment." Jidao whispered in Zheng Yun's ear.

Zheng Yun nodded to him.

This is indeed a good opportunity to see if the method Jidao found from ancient books can dispel the cold immortal.

Ji Dao carefully grabbed a handful of fragrant sand, took a few steps forward, waved and threw it on the corpse.


Countless fine sand fell on the corpse and the charred cabin. The originally insignificant and weak sound could be accurately detected by human ears in the deathly environment where a pindrop could be heard.

next moment.

The fine fairy lights under the flashlight suddenly dispersed. They were avoiding the fragrant sand, but what Jidao and Zheng Yun didn't expect was that there were so many fairy lights on this corpse!

They could clearly see that the fairy lights gathered immediately, like strips of light running on the corpse, and soon gathered in one place and turned into a small cold fairy.

It's like a little person with twinkling fairy lights, only about half a meter tall, with vague limbs, but it's obviously human-shaped. It's so small, but it looks very beautiful.

Zheng Yun subconsciously led people to retreat.

But this little man was also avoiding them, staying far away from them, floating down the blind corner of the stairs, and then floating forward.

"There is a way!" Ji Dao looked excited.

Zheng Yun looked at the Hanxian in silence, because he saw that part of the Hanxian seemed to be able to float...

Since fragrant sand can really drive away the cold fairy, a few people simply followed this little cold fairy to see where it would go.

Both sides kept their distance from each other.

We walked all the way to the next ancient ship.

Zheng Yun took out the route map and roughly estimated that the distance from here to the Immortal Sacrifice Cave was already less than one thousand meters.

Walked for a while.

The little Hanxian finally stopped because another corpse with almost only clothes and a kettle appeared in front of him.

Still from the scientific expedition team.

After obtaining Zheng Yun's consent, Jidao threw out another small handful of fragrant sand and forced out part of the Hanxian. The fairy light shimmered into the previous Hanxian and turned into a Hanxian nearly one meter tall.

Zheng Yun was silent for a moment.

If they continue this way, they may force a big cold fairy to come alive. Now this cold fairy looks cute in its small size, and it doesn't seem to have any lethality.

But if it turns into a three- to five-meter-tall Great Han Immortal, the scene will be completely different, and the sense of oppression will rise immediately.

Now I can only believe in the power of fragrant sand.

From what we can see so far, the two kinds of fragrant sand that Jidao took out from Tiangong can effectively drive away the Han Immortal.

Especially the kind that resembles yellow sand. Zheng Yun estimated that this kind of fragrant sand was also pulled by some kind of tiny insects.

This is a first-class good thing. It is both a Chinese medicinal material and an alchemy material. It can also restrain and drive away demons and ghosts.

I have to write this down later. If the Heavenly Palace is short of any fragrant sand, I will personally lead the Yin soldiers to pick up some.

The group of people continued to move forward, keeping the Hanxian with its twinkling fairy light at the limit of their sight, and followed it deeper.

On the way, they encountered two more self-immolated corpses, but these two corpses died very early and had been completely eaten, leaving only plastic and iron that Han Xian did not eat.

If nothing else, these corpses are here to rescue the captain of the scientific expedition team and the diarist, and the goal is not far away.

Walked some distance again.

A vacancy suddenly appeared between the ancient ships, and a large amount of wood appeared on the ground. Moreover, the ancient ship in front had a very special system. It was four or five stories high. The style was classic and strange. It seemed to be a sacrificial vessel among the boat masters of the early Ming Dynasty. Boat.

"This ship is not common. It was the boat master who threw all the scrap ships here." Ji Dao said in a low voice in surprise.

Waste recycling.

The obsolete ships are thrown here to build corridors.

There are also budget constraints for the construction of Triton's Land of Gods and Ghosts. These ships should be abandoned in various periods.

Zheng Yun subconsciously glanced left and right. The archaeological team from twenty years ago was probably trapped near here.

But Han Xian did not stop.

Zheng Yun didn't care to take a closer look, and led the people to follow Han Xian and continued forward. About three hundred meters later, Han Xian stopped.

It stopped next to a watertight chamber with a charred board nailed to the wall and a crack beneath it.

And behind the crack.

It should be other Han Immortals.

There was also an almost eaten corpse in front of the wooden board. If nothing else, he was the captain of the scientific expedition team. He used his teammates as bait to introduce Hanxian into the secret room, and then moved the wooden board over to forcefully block the door.

The methods are quite ruthless.

It's a pity that he didn't survive either.

"Master Immortal, shall we open the door?" Jidao whispered, they need to seal all the Han Immortals back to the Immortal Sacrifice Cave.

"Apply more fragrant sand." Zheng Yun took a deep breath. He didn't know how many Han Immortals were behind this door. If it was too big, they would be in danger.

"Okay." Ji Dao nodded.

The two of them immediately began to smear it, and the ghosts were not spared. The water dissolved and the whole body was smeared.

Then Zheng Yun nodded, Jidao took out a rope, made a rope loop, and threw it towards the wooden board blocking the door from a distance.


Hanxian disturbance.

As soon as the rope fell, Han Xian 'stepped up' and ate the rope as the white robe moved.

It's really fast to eat.

And my appetite is really good.

"Put some fragrant sand on it too." Zheng Yun had a strange expression.

He was still thinking before that if the warriors in the ancient city of Red Mist could apply some fragrant sand on their bodies, then the Hanxian would be able to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, but now he doesn't think so.

Han Xian eats whatever he sees, so everything in the ancient city must be dyed with the smell of fragrant sand to avoid being eaten up by Han Xian.

How much does it take to achieve this?

When Zheng Yun was distracted, Ji Dao had already applied fragrant sand and took action again. He put the knot on the wooden board and pulled hard.


The wooden board was forcefully pulled apart.

Under the illumination of two flashlights, an extremely rich fairy light poured out from the gap, as if a fairy was born, and it instantly filled the narrow passage.

For a while.

The dim corridor is filled with fairy light.

Immortals from all over the world gather together.

It was like some fairy treasure was born.

The Hanxian refracted the light of the lightning, making everything in the field of vision shine brightly. It exuded a misty fairy scent and illuminated the faces of Zheng Yun and Jidao crystal clear.

Zheng Yun was dumbfounded. When he saw the arrogant and agile Tiangong crane before, he was a little beyond his understanding. After seeing this scene today, he realized that he still had little experience.

This is so fucking outrageous.

If the ancients saw this, they would have to kneel down and kowtow a few times, but if modern people saw it, they would also have doubts about life.

Triton is really fancy and looks like special effects, but it is a real transparent bug. Its visual impact is much higher than that of Firefly Sea, and its lethality is also large enough.

This fairy light continued to pour out.

He breathed out for half a minute.

This place is too small to accommodate so many Han Immortals in human form, so they can only squeeze into the corridor.

If they take form.

At least ten meters high!

Zheng Yun retreated again, and at the same time asked Haiwei to prepare the burning box. If so many Han Immortals came over, they might not be able to hold on for even ten seconds and they would be dead.

Fortunately, fragrant sand does work.

Han Xian didn't even dare to get close to the rope thrown by Jidao. He cowered and surged into the depths, but was driven away by them.

"What is this fragrant sand made of?"

Zheng Yun finally couldn't help but ask, if Han Xian could be frightened like this, he should be Han Xian's natural enemy in the food chain, but a terrifying monster like Han Xian actually has natural enemies?

"Master Immortal, the records in ancient books are unclear. This fragrant sand is not a product of Tiangong, but there is a lot of it in Tiangong Medicine Pavilion. It should be taken from here. It is called Jiangshuang fragrant sand."

Ji Dao pointed to the yellow sand road.

Zheng Yun nodded and did not continue to ask. He looked up at the Hanxian in front of him. It was already rushing towards the depths.

Hanxian took the initiative to return to the Immortal Sacrifice Cave, which saved him a lot of trouble. He didn't need to seduce the Yin soldiers at the Sacrifice.

But Zheng Yun felt something was wrong.

Although they were wearing oxygen masks and using professional air circulation equipment to supply oxygen, he still felt that the air pressure in the corridor of the ancient ship seemed to have changed.

So Zheng Yun glanced at Kedester on Ji Dao's back. His breathing was indeed restricted, and it was obviously more rapid, as if the oxygen was thin, and his body was reacting instinctively.

In fact, since Kedester could survive in the corridor of the ancient ship for twenty years, he must know that there is something abnormal on the ancient ship, and he must have the means to avoid it, but he is not very cooperative.

Changes in air pressure and rising water levels in underground rivers.

It may cause the flammable gas to be squeezed out and mixed with oxygen in the air, but as long as there is no source of fire, the last will-o'-the-wisp spout should not happen.


Behind the black jade gate of the Fairy Cave, there is a hot spring. The depth of this hot spring is probably a volcano...


Zheng Yun was startled and immediately followed.

Definitely can't stay here any longer!

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