Endless route

Chapter 196 35 Night attack on local fishermen

Chapter 196 35. Night attack on local fishermen

There is no possibility for the equipment to go wrong. There is only one explanation for the coincidence of these two points. Their boat was taken away and put into the underground cave of the island through a certain passage.

"When you were observing around the island before, did you find any cracks or passages around the island that could allow ships to enter?"

Zheng Yun asked Kedester.

"I didn't find it at the time, but now that I think about it, the only possibility is that it should be in the west of the island. The coast there is a rock wall with several gaps and dark holes in the wall."

"Those dark holes are covered in water."

"It should be exposed after the tide goes out."

Kedster immediately concluded that the island was so big that he could quickly think of suspicious directions.

Zheng Yun nodded.

This is an important clue.

"These fishermen are so courageous. They actually took the opportunity to hide our boat and cut off the way out of the island. Are they so confident that they can handle us inside the island?"

Kedester said with cold eyes.

The last time he came into contact with these fishermen, they appeared beside their boat inexplicably, staring at them from beginning to end without saying a word, watching them pass by and leave.

Maybe the fishermen tried to steal the boat that time and stopped after they came back, so they didn't succeed.

In Eastern idioms, this is called catching turtles in an urn and beating dogs with the door closed. Before they, the sea guards, closed the door, these dark-colored fishermen closed the door first, but it was hard to say who caught whom.

"Looks like he's a habitual offender. Let Jidao come over." Zheng Yun's expression was calm. He was really sleepy and sent him a pillow. He was worried for no reason, but he didn't expect that the other party would send it to him right now.

The boat parked on the shore was gone.

The owner of the boat is expected to find the boat.

The method of finding the boat may be crude, so I will find these local fishermen and ask them in depth what happened.

"Okay." Kedester smiled and glanced downwards, then returned along the original path to find Ji Dao.

Zheng Yun continued to stare down.

It is difficult to guess the purpose of the fishermen hiding their boats, but they must be repeat offenders with skillful techniques. At best, they are forcing explorers to go to sea in their boats at a high price, and at worst, they are trying to kill people.

There is no need to guess in this matter.

Just capture the person and interrogate him.

After waiting for a while, Kedester led Ji Dao and hurried over. As soon as he squatted beside him, Ji Dao said happily: "Master Xian, how do we start?"

"Is there any way to capture him alive?"

Zheng Yun asked in a low voice.

Among the means currently available to Jianxiansi, the lowest is poisonous powder that is instantaneous upon contact. It is very easy to kill people, but it is somewhat difficult to capture them alive and intact.

Ji Dao also thought deeply.

After a moment, he hesitated and suggested: "Why don't I go and shout near the port? As long as I control the intensity, I should be able to stun these fishermen and not kill them."

"The movement is too loud, is there any other way?"

Zheng Yun shook his head slightly. He had seen Jidao's Zhenxuan sound several times, and he could hear it even across the entire island.

There may be others on the island.

It's best not to alert the enemy.

"You can open the fairy gate to summon demon monkeys and demon dogs, teach them to sneak attack a few people, bite them half-broken or capture them alive." Ji Dao suggested again, he was also trying his best to avoid a head-on conflict.

The ancients paid attention to the order in fighting.

When both sides have the means, they usually test it out from a distance. If they can kill the enemy from a distance with a little trick, it is better than being killed together by the opponent using their trump card.

But this method is better than letting the ghost general take action, sneak over quietly, and kill one person at a time, which is more efficient.

"Modern technology doesn't have very good means. We can only use a chemical mixture with a throwing tube to stun it from a distance, but the movement is not small." Kedester touched his chin and said.

He has seen Tiangong’s methods before.

There are always dragons and giant turtles in the lake, and small dots are cold immortals and Yin soldiers and ghost generals. The immortals and ghosts are so powerful that they are unpredictable. If they are used here, they are killing chickens with a knife, and they are not enough to pay for the appearance.

After Jidao heard this, he suddenly had an idea and said: "There are many medicinal materials in the Heavenly Palace that can be used as intoxicants. Just sprinkle them near the wooden house to cause people to faint. Master Xian, what do you think of this method?"

"This is a good idea."

Zheng Yun nodded and approved this method. There are so many weird things in the Heavenly Palace, and it must be very convenient to have the drug.

Now that the sky is getting darker and the view is not as vast as during the day, they can also find a hidden place to open the fairy gate.

These fishermen thought that without the boat, they would be cut off from their escape, but for Jian Xiansi, this was not a problem at all.

After making the decision, everyone immediately took action. Zheng Yun and Ji Dao carried their backpacks down the mountain and quickly headed to the seaside, leaving Caidester and Yin Binggui to keep watch.

When Zheng Yun walked to the beach, he looked around and waited for a while. When the sunset gradually dispersed, darkness covered the island. Even Ji Dao was covered by the night and could only see his eyes.

The stars above were dim.

Not as white as Ji Dao's teeth.

Zheng Yun opened a fairy gate in a gap on an island and asked Ji Dao to return to the secret realm to quickly get the necessary equipment. He stayed where he was and used a telescope to look at the movements on the left and right sides of the coast.

There are Yin soldiers and ghost generals on duty at the top of the mountain behind, and it is certain that there is no one there. There may only be people lurking around the coast, but the line of sight is also blocked by the rocks, and the fairy gate cannot be seen.

After a while.

Jidao walked out with a demon dog, holding a small and exquisite low-temperature glass box in his hand and said: "Master Immortal, would Han Xian please take one out for emergencies?"

"No, and it's useless underwater."

Zheng Yun shook his head. This is just a small matter. There is really no need to invite Han Xian. Moreover, this island has an underground sea as its core, and Han Xian can exert his power in the water.

"Then I'll send it back." Jidao ducked back to the immortal gate and sent back the custom-made small Hanxian box.

Not long after, the two collected the black jade pillow, shuttled through the woods at night, and returned to the vicinity of Kedeste with their equipment.

It took half an hour to go back and forth.

Kedester also made a new discovery. He handed the telescope to Zheng Yun and whispered: "Two yachts appeared in the west."

Zheng Yun looked up.

The sea was quiet and dark at the moment, and any light source could be seen clearly. About two or three nautical miles away, there were two light spots sailing from south to north and passing by the island.

"This route is almost the same as when we landed on the island. We are not sure whether they came to this island."

Kedester continued to explain.

"Then let's take action here quickly and control these fishermen first." Zheng Yun turned around and looked behind him.

A dark soldier quietly appeared.

The Yin soldiers wear modern clothes and lower the brim of their hats. They have almost no problem pretending to be an explorer who is looking for a lost ship, and he doesn't feel bad if something goes wrong.

Everyone walked forward, less than 500 meters away from the port, so that Zheng Yun could maintain control of the Yin soldiers.

Jidao handed some of the medicinal materials to Yin Bing, who grabbed the medicinal materials and crawled into the forest. Under Zheng Yun's instructions, he slowly walked along the mountain path towards the port.

At the foot of the mountain is the beach.

There is an open area near the port, brightly illuminated by the bonfire in front of the wooden house. The crackling flames drive away the darkness and turn into a fiery red halo, surrounded by the night.

Everyone was squatting on the top of the mountain.

Quietly watching the Yin soldiers walk towards the wooden house.

The Yin soldiers were not very fast, and they tried their best to circle around the darkness, but it was a bit difficult to avoid being discovered.

Two or three minutes later.

The Yin soldiers finally walked to the beach and walked around to the lower seaside, leaving footprints in the wet sand along the way to avoid the light of the bonfire. They were only a hundred meters away from the wooden house.

"The Immortal Master has a door. There is no sound when walking on the wet sand, and the sound of the sea water covers it. Even I can't see people clearly. There is a good chance that I can go around to the back of the wooden house."

Ji Dao lowered his voice and cheered.

Kedster's mouth turned up and he nodded repeatedly. The Eastern Yin soldiers added the Tiangong poison, which seemed to be a very simple action, but it was a pure method of Eastern gods and ghosts.

"Keep alert all around."

Zheng Yun didn't say much. He controlled and dispatched every move of the Yin soldiers. He needed to concentrate and operate carefully.

After walking around for a while, the Yin soldiers finally reached behind the bonfire. The local fishermen had already eaten and returned to the wooden house. The lights in the house were extinguished and nothing could be seen in the pitch black.

"Master Immortal, it's ready to be thrown away. I just mixed it up a little, opened the paper bag and threw it nearby."

Ji Dao smiled happily and asked for credit.

Zheng Yun nodded and gave the order, asking the Yin soldiers to throw. However, the Yin soldiers suddenly stopped reacting and were stuck in place for a moment before reluctantly taking out the paper bag, tearing it open and throwing it out.


The broken paper bag was thrown to the side of the wooden house.

Ji Dao immediately picked up the telescope and stared at the window of the wooden house, but the Yin soldiers' stagnant reaction made Zheng Yun frown.

Wang Xi's priority is extremely high. Even if it is infected by the blood monkey, it can still be controlled. Therefore, even if the Yin soldiers complete the instructions, it does not mean that it has not been affected.

There's something near the cabin!

It’s just that the priority is not as high as Wang Xi’s.

It seems that these fishermen are indeed not simple. Maybe they are members of the Church of Paradise, or even slaves of the church. They have the means discovered by the Paradise sect explorers.

"Has the drug taken effect?" Kedester looked carefully with a telescope, but it was difficult to see the effect of the drug.

There was no movement in the cabin.

I don't know if it is effective or not.

"It should have taken effect. I added some veterinary medicine. Even the monsters in the Heavenly Palace can't bear it." Jidao nodded.

Upon hearing this, Zheng Yun simply asked the Yin soldiers to take a few steps back, then took out the daggers on his body and struck them against each other to make a sound.



The sound of knocking surrounded the seaside, but there was no movement inside the wooden house, as if no one was inside.

"There must be someone inside. I saw a fisherman lying on the bed just now, and that figure is still there."

Kedester immediately explained that he was watching from beginning to end, and those fishermen were definitely in the house.

"It's okay, let's go take a look."

Zheng Yun turned around again, and another Yin soldier came forward and pulled out a gas mask from his backpack.

After putting on the gas mask on it, Zheng Yun gave the order again, asking it to quickly go down the mountain and go directly to the wooden house to check.

This time it was much faster.

The Yin Soldier trotted down the beach, walked straight through the bonfire, ran to the door of the wooden house and kicked the door open with his foot. Then his figure flashed and got into the depths of the dark wooden house.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing it.

But once the Yin soldiers left, there was no news.

Zheng Yun frowned slightly and asked the Yin soldiers to come out. After waiting for a moment, he saw that the Yin soldiers came out, but they were holding a calf in their hands, and it was a fisherman's leg.

This scene made everyone feel numb.

But fortunately, as the Yin soldiers moved around, something behind the legs also appeared, from the calf to the thigh, and then to the upper body of the fisherman. It should be a dark-colored fisherman who was stunned.

"It's quite simple."

Ji Dao scratched his scalp and muttered.

These fishermen didn't resist at all, and they didn't notice anything, so they were quietly knocked down.

"Simplicity is what it should be."

Kedester laughed and took out a cigar. The sea guards had used magical methods. Why should these ordinary fishermen resist? If they could resist, why would they?

The words just fell.

The Yin soldier suddenly fell to the ground.

The Yin soldier who dragged the fisherman's body fell straight to the ground, lying with the fisherman without any warning.

"Ah?" Ji Dao was surprised.

"Are there other enemies nearby?" Kedester immediately picked up the telescope and looked around.

"Don't look any further, it's been hit."

Zheng Yun's heart sank slightly. This Yin soldier was not dead yet, but had completely lost control. But the most important thing was that this Yin soldier was still wearing a gas mask on his face.

As a modern magic weapon, gas masks can protect against even Ji Dao's drug, but they cannot protect against certain methods of the other party.

What's in that cabin?

Something happened to the Yin soldiers after just turning around?

Is there something wrong with these fishermen? Once they touch their bodies, they will be infected by something?

"Then it's hard for us to get close. Even if we stun these fishermen, we can't bring them back to the secret place for torture."

Ji Dao said a little worried.

"This can be handled with a rope. Where did the two yachts go just now?" Zheng Yun looked at the sea.

"They went around the back of the island. I don't know if they landed on the island." Kedester immediately answered.

"Catch them first."

Zheng Yun got up and went down the mountain, led everyone to the beach, and sent the ghost generals to throw the knots and rope the Yin soldiers and fishermen back.

During this period, several people observed carefully.

There are traces of fishermen eating around the campfire. In addition to some meat bones, there are also several empty wine bottles.

The wines are suspect.

Possibly taken from the manor hall.

After a while of work, Zheng Yun used three Yin soldiers to drag out all the fishermen from the wooden house, and then asked the ghost generals to drag them one by one to the beach and arrange them in order.

There are five Yin soldiers in total.

and four dark fishermen.

They were all lying upright on the beach. The only difference from corpses was that they were still alive, but both the Yin soldiers and the fishermen had expressions of extreme joy on their faces.

It is exactly the same as the little man in the angel oil painting.

They were both immersed in extreme pleasure at the moment.

Zheng Yun was surprised. This pleasure could actually affect even Yin soldiers. Its ability was probably more powerful than high-purity modern drugs. This Good Manor was really not simple.

Just rely on this natural poison.

The Church of Bliss behind Good Manor is absolutely unfathomable, and the effect of using it to control members is comparable to the Ghost Seal.

"Master Immortal, will you take me back to the secret realm?"

Ji Dao also saw the problem and took the initiative to put on a gas mask with a guarded face. He was really afraid that he would be contaminated by this stuff. If he wanted to do something, he would definitely put on his own chemical protective suit.

"I'm afraid it won't be of much use if you take it back."

Zheng Yun sighed lightly. If these fishermen were manor slaves controlled by poison, they might not be able to ask anything if they were taken back. They might not even be able to speak.

Enough information, this delightful poison has only one source, jellyfish in the underground sea.

The local fishermen hid the explorers' boats, forcing the explorers to go to the port to search or ask for help. They also left some poison from the jellyfish, allowing the explorers to be quietly contaminated by the poison.

Their purpose is unknown, but what is certain is that the island is still under the control of local fishermen, or under the control of the Goode Manor and the Church of Elysium behind it.

This is obvious.

The explorers did not pose any threat to the fishermen. They can still live on the island and continue to harm people.

The outcome is self-evident.

If we reason further, Jiasi Irene and her ninety teammates may not have gained any advantage on the island, and they have even been 'disposed' by Goode Manor.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

They had been pondering for a long time just now, saying that the organization behind Jiasi Irene was powerful, but now it has been taken down by another secret organization, and they don't even know where the person has gone...

But let’s throw it back first.

The heavenly palace is like an iron cage for monsters and monsters. If you throw them in and find a place to store them, they won't be able to escape even with three heads and six arms.

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