Endless route

Chapter 202 41 Diving into the Dark Cave

Chapter 202 41. Diving into the Dark Cave

Time passed slowly, and the entire island remained relatively calm. The team members blocking all sides found no abnormalities, and Xie Laoyu on the sea did not see any abnormalities.

Cranes circled in the night.

A pair of crane's eyes overlook the island sharply.

The vast night sea reflects the dim starlight, and is dotted with dead islands. Except for the bonfires, it is as dark as a pool of stagnant water.

Ji Dao hurriedly ran out of the Immortal Gate, saying that he wanted to wake up the burly fisherman, but no one in the entire Jian Xian Division understood English. He and the other party could not communicate, so he called Kedester in.

Zheng Yun put down the recliner and took the opportunity to rest. There was still a final exploration to be done, and he needed to regain his energy and get ready.

Nearly three hours later.

Ji Dao and Kedester walked out of the fairy gate, both of them had unnatural expressions. Kedester was relieved and spoke softly, but Ji Dao was dejected, as if he had suffered a loss.

"what happened?"

Zheng Yun opened his eyes and asked.

Kedester and Ji Dao looked at each other, and then said: "The burly fisherman is indeed a slave of the abandoned manor. His English level is not high, and his brain is not sound."

"As soon as he opened his eyes and realized that he was being held, he took out a bottle of 'holy medicine given by the Lord' and wanted to drink it. We immediately stopped him and saved his life."

"At first he was very uncooperative. He didn't say a word when we asked anything. He stared at us with his eyes wide open. It took a long time to coax him and get some information out of him."

"There are ten slaves in Good Manor, but they have at least forty masters. These masters are divided into big masters and small masters, but they are all their masters."

"I asked in detail. Of all the masters he knows, more than twenty have just become masters some time ago, and the rest are their old masters."

"His new and old masters had a fight. Before the new master became the master, at least thirty of his companions died. The old master and his slaves also suffered heavy casualties and lost more than a dozen members."

"So the new owners should be Jias Irene and the others, and we can be sure that they are still alive because the burly fisherman said that he had delivered meals to the new owners before."

"But it's not certain whether Jia Si Aileen and others are imprisoned. Even if they are prisoners in the manor, it does not affect them as slave owners, because the status of prisoners is higher than that of slaves."


Zheng Yun nodded.

From Kedster's description, we can roughly guess the intelligence level of the burly fisherman. He was harmed by Goode Manor, so it would be good if he could recognize so many owners.

"He doesn't know how many masters there are on the island, but the barefoot woman who ran away before is one of his little masters."

"What exactly does the big master and the little master mean? He couldn't explain clearly, and I couldn't ask clearly. He's still very vigilant and won't say a word if the words get too deep."

Kedester continued to explain.

"It's not that he's vigilant, it's that he can't wrap his head around it, and he doesn't know what it means." Jidao said, rubbing his forehead.

Kedester spoke very well, and it seemed that the torture was smooth. In fact, the big man could only speak a few monosyllable words from beginning to end, and the rest was summarized by Kedester.

It can also be said that he made it up.

It's just that it's compiled more reliably.

"Then what."

Zheng Yun continued to ask.

"There is a huge underground space below the manor, as big as a quarter of an island. The mountains we have visited are all empty at the feet above sea level."

Kedester pointed behind him.

They had already figured out the topography of this island. The abandoned manor was actually in a valley, surrounded by hills. They once squatted on the top of the mountain and looked down at the entire abandoned manor.

"go on."

Zheng Yun was not surprised. Their boat with a locator was stolen to the foot of one of the mountains. At that time, he knew that there must be an underground space under his feet.

"The usual job of these slaves is to collect jellyfish juice, dry it and pour it into wine barrels. The master will come regularly to take away the wine barrels. It should be an industrial chain."

"The method they used to obtain the jellyfish juice is unknown."

"But they seem to be taking advantage of ordinary explorers."

"In addition, according to my guess, the underground sea and the sea are almost isolated. The few connecting points are the caves under the manor and the dark cave in the rock wall in front."

"Because jellyfish cannot leave the underground sea, although it is incredible, there are no traces of jellyfish in the surrounding sea."

"In addition, the owner of this island has other ways to leave the island. There are secret passages in the underground sea that lead to extremely distant seas, and the manor has an 'underwater iron ship'."

Kedester finished speaking in one breath.

This part of the content is all guesswork he pieced together based on various clues, but ultimately points to a conclusion.

The people in the manor have the possibility of escaping from the bottom of the sea. At least they have this condition. Whether they run or not is up to them.

"If they get away, then we're just left with a mess here and we have to keep chasing it here."

Ji Dao said with a sad face.

The manor actually has such a thing as an 'underwater iron ship'. Keldester said before that it is probably a submarine, which can allow people to dive into the seabed and travel to anywhere from the depths of the seabed.

But we can still continue to pursue it.

But this will definitely take more time, and they even have to prepare a submarine, which will cost a lot of money.

"But they don't have enough reason to run away. We only captured a few slaves, so we won't scare them away..."

Kedester looked up.

In fact, the crane is enough to scare ordinary people away. The Tiangong crane and the manor blackbird belong to the same category but are very different. However, people like the manor have no chance to see the crane take off.

"It's better to be fully prepared."

Zheng Yun didn't think the people in the manor would run away. They had just sent a few slaves into the grass. Although they were killed silently by the ghost generals, they still didn't get that far.

Jianxiansi is still in the dark at this moment, and the manor is at a disadvantage on the island. The most likely thing is to return to the home base and prepare for their invasion inside the manor and the underground sea.

They're going into the hole.

Sufficient means of defense must be prepared.

"The weapons on these slaves are all old rifles and grenades from ten or twenty years ago. I guess the submarine is also a bit old, but I don't know how they drove it in."

Kedester was full of questions.

The jellyfish couldn't get out, but their boat was stolen in. There were no jellyfish around, and it turned out there was a submarine underground.

Many questions must be answered by entering the underground sea, and they cannot guess the results even if they guess here.

Several people analyzed for a moment.

There was a sudden strange sound on the sea behind him.

They immediately looked back, only to see a black shadow passing over the dark sea. It swooped down from high altitude, and its extremely large body moved lightly across the water.


Shadows plunged into the water.

Not waiting for anyone to react.

Another black shadow was like a fighter plane landing, almost blending into Ye Hai's body, and with a pop, it really merged into Ye Hai.


Wings that were taller than a human were fluttering in the shallow sea, the slender crane's neck was raised high, and the bird's ankles were scratching in the water. After a while, it walked back to the shore and shook off the water stains on its body.

The crane is back.

"Master Ji, they are here. They are right behind us. The lights of the surrounding fishing boats were smashed by our throwing stones. The West Factory boat did not turn on the lights, so it should not have been discovered by the fishing boats."

The little Taoist jumped off the crane and said excitedly that they had also completed the task of overseeing the Immortal Division, and Crane Tong must be safe.

"Chief, do you want to recall the others?"

Kedester glanced at it and said, there are so many things on this island that cannot be seen by people, and they are not suitable for Xichang to see.

"No need, the crane can just go back."

Zheng Yun asked Ji Dao to arrange the funeral arrangements. They still need to continue to blockade the island, and it is late at night, as long as Xichang is not allowed to see something too outrageous with his own eyes.

Everyone was busy again.

Jidao took back the two cranes and the little Taoist priest, sent back some extra Yin soldiers, and collected the black jade pillow at the same time.

Just finished getting ready.

Xie Laoyu noticed an abnormality in the distance and said that two yachts were coming from a distance and were going north around the island.

"Let them come to the main port."

Zheng Yun looked at Kedester. This distance was enough to communicate with a walkie-talkie. This thing was not restricted by the network.

Kedester immediately did so.

The two yachts were indeed Licia and others. After hearing the order, they turned their bows and sailed towards the almost burned out bonfire on the beach. However, it didn't take long before they docked nearby.

Zheng Yun took people there on foot.

Licia and others did not dare to get off the boat easily because the island was extremely dark and they did not see anyone on the beach until Zheng Yun and Kedester walked out of the darkness.

It was relatively normal at first.

But they didn't expect that there were people behind them, emerging from the darkness one after another, slowly illuminated by the dim bonfire.

There were dozens of people there, including not only 'silent explorers' but also some 'strange orientals'.

Li Xiya knew some of the old faces and knew that those Westerners were the underworld soldiers of Hades Pavilion, but she had never seen the ghost generals before, and she couldn't understand where they came from.

But they didn't ask any more questions.

Lift the equipment directly with your hands.

The diving equipment they brought this time is extremely professional. It is a fully enclosed diving suit with its own pressure regulator and internal oxygen circulation. It is the best diving equipment on the market.

A diving suit without pressure adjustment can only allow humans to dive to a depth of tens of meters. Only this kind of closed diving equipment can allow humans to dive below 100 meters for long-term exploration.

In addition, they also brought seabed terrain detectors, seabed biological detectors, compressed oxygen bottles and oxygen generators, as well as some specially made modern weapons that can be used underwater.

They are all expensive high-end goods.

But there are many W-07 sunken ships, and there are specialized equipment leasing companies. These equipment should be rented... right?

"I didn't expect there to be so many of us. We only brought ten sets of deep-water diving equipment and ten pairs of ordinary diving masks." Li Xiya looked around and explained.

"What happened on the island?" the hunter asked.

"Let's talk about it in the past." Zheng Yun asked the Yin soldiers to carry the equipment and walk towards the dark cave, and asked Kedester to explain to them.

After arriving at the place.

Zheng Yun opened the package and checked it.

These wetsuits meet the criteria. They are completely enclosed from head to tail, with metal linings and pressure-regulating compartments to maintain internal air pressure balance so that jellyfish poison cannot penetrate.

“A church involved in witchcraft?”

After listening to Kedester's explanation, Licia took the complete witch medicine bottle taken from the slave from Kedester, looked through it carefully in her hand and frowned:

"There are a lot of churches like this, but there shouldn't be many that have reached a certain scale of membership and influence. I have to go back and ask my grandma. I can't recognize their identities for the time being."

"Master Immortal, how should we arrange it?"

Ji Dao couldn't wait to look at Zheng Yun.

"Go in and see their details. Use multiple methods at the same time. We need to ensure our safety."

Zheng Yun looked serious and began to make arrangements.

While he was waiting, he roughly finalized the plan. They wanted to enter the dark cave at the same time both above and below the water. There were three fishing boats on the water, and the Yin soldiers could ride in them as bait.

Under the water, twenty people dived.

At the same time, in order to ensure safety, Zheng Yun decided to let the Yin soldiers on the first fishing boat enter wearing gas masks. Without any diving means, they would have to fall into the water if they were caught.

The second boat carried some Tiangong means, and was towed behind the first fishing boat, filled with the magic medicine prepared by Ji Dao. Wherever the fishing boat went, the medicine filled the air.

The first two boats entered the dark cave first.

Two people were sent underwater to follow the situation and first try to stun all the living people in the underground space.

The third boat is following Zheng Yun and others. They want to bring Hanxian and other means that are not suitable for touching the water. This boat is the top priority and must be entered alone at the end.

They must ensure that there will be no problems with this ship, and once they encounter a strange enemy, they can use various methods to defeat the enemy.

People underwater also need to carry means.

Ten people were selected to wear closed diving suits, and ten undercover soldiers were selected to use simple oxygen masks to explore the underwater path.

In addition, a part of the dive must be left outside. The diver must tie a protective rope around his body. If he is accidentally attacked, he can use the walkie-talkie to ask the people left outside to pull out his teammates.

After Zheng Yun finished speaking.

Others had no objections.

With Zheng Yun nodding, everyone started to take action and selected ten people to wear diving suits, including Zheng Yun Jidao and Cadest Licia, as well as two other members of the West Factory who were good at diving. The remaining four diving suits were all given to the ghost generals.

The Ghost Suppressor may not be good at diving.

But they are from Triton after all.

Zheng Yun doesn't believe that Triton can't dive. Maybe Ghost General can also show jaw-dropping strength underwater.

after a while.

Everyone is ready.

After entering the water, the ghost general swims like a fish. Even if he only has instinctive reflexes, he can easily move in the water. He even has underwater knife skills. You can tell he is a genuine sea guard at a glance.

On the contrary, Ji Dao lost the chain.

He actually doesn't even know how to swim.

This guy has never swum in Tiangong. Places like Xianhai Lake are not for people to swim at all. He doesn't know how to do it.

He was silent when he was asked to put on the diving suit, and only after he got into the water did he reveal his true form and flutter in the water. Zheng Yun had no other choice but to let the ghost drag him forward under the water.

Everyone else behaves normally.

The old explorer Kedester doesn't need to worry at all. The other Xichang explorers he selected can also dive. Even the Yin soldiers can pick out ten who can swim instinctively.

"Let's do it."

Zheng Yun swam to the dark cave and said.

Others responded one after another and arrived at the predetermined position. They saw the first two of the three fishing boats pushing into the dark hole.

The three Yin soldiers on the first fishing boat moved forward slowly while holding on to the iron railing above their heads, dragging the second drugged fishing boat while turning on the searchlight to completely illuminate the dark cave.

There are two ghost generals following under the water.

They were extremely fast and entered the depths in a short time. At this time, Zheng Yun gave an order to let the Yin soldiers on the second fishing boat tear up and disperse the drug in their arms.

Watching the two fishing boats enter the limit of their field of vision, Zheng Yun and others went into the water one after another to protect the third fishing boat entering the cave.

This straight secret passage is 1,500 meters deep. The search equipment on the two fishing boats in front can illuminate about 500 meters of the secret passage, just like paper boats leading the way.

Zheng Yun and others were in the dim place outside the aperture, keeping a distance of six to seven hundred meters from them, lurking under the water, walking with their feet on the bottom, watching the two boats from a distance.

The dark hole is only three meters high.

Ji Dao can also crawl while holding on to the ground.

This perspective is very strange. Zheng Yun has never experienced this feeling before. Following the ship underwater, he feels like he was a bandit in ancient times and a water ghost in the official canal.

There are many impurities in sea water.

Bodies of water, in turn, refract light.

He could only see a light group in the distance in front of him, illuminating the rock wall and water body in the middle of the dark cave brightly. Along with the waves of water, the picture in front of him also flickered.

"Master Immortal, I'm about to vomit."

Ji Dao's voice sounded from the earphones.

Zheng Yun glanced back at him, only to see Jidao holding his hands on the bottom of the dark cave, with his head on the ground and his legs up. There was a rope tied around his waist, and he was being pulled by a ghost general who looked like a swimming fish.

Almost standing on his head.

No wonder he felt like vomiting.

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