Endless route

Chapter 204 43 Deep Sea Floating City and Part of the Truth [Beginning to End]

Chapter 204 43. Deep Sea Floating City and Part of the Truth [Beginning to End]

Zheng Yun turned around and asked the ghost general to pull Ji Dao over. Everyone went into the water again and swam to the edge of the opposite platform. They used flashlights to look at the situation on the shore and climbed up carefully with high vigilance.

There are eight or nine iron cages in the corner.

The hall of this manor is almost the same style.

Judging from the rustiness of the cage material, it can be inferred that these iron cages have been used here for at least sixty or seventy years. The surface is covered with green-brown rust, and some parts are roughly repaired with new iron.

There are iron chains hanging on the side of the cage, which can be pushed into the underground sea. It should be using people as bait to attract jellyfish.

There were four or five people in the cage. Each of them was sitting inside the cage with a dull expression, and their bodies were covered with the juice made by the jellyfish. The slaves probably didn't have time to extract it.

They are all Westerners.

They should all be explorers.

"Are you still sane?"

"Wake up, can you hear the conversation?"

Kedester, Licia and others walked up to the cage, waved to the people inside and asked, shining flashlights directly into their eyes, but there was no reaction from the people inside.

They were immersed in pleasure.

Because of long-term intake of jellyfish juice, their body functions may have been destroyed long ago and they have lost part of their sensory abilities. Even if they are rescued, it will be difficult to recover.

"Let them out and see?"

"Be careful, we'd better not touch these jellyfish sap and don't come into contact with them."

Kedester tried to open the cage.

While they were checking on the victim.

Zheng Yun walked over to those oriental porcelain bottles and inspected them. These bottles were exactly the same as those inside the jellyfish. Most of them were broken at the neck and empty inside.

Soon, the ghost will jump out from the shore, and then pull Ji Dao up from the water. The latter will let the ghost do what he wants, like a big black fat fish weighing 1,780 kilograms.

After the ghost general fished Ji Dao ashore.

Ji Dao rolled around on the shore, got up unsteadily, and quickly walked to Zheng Yun. He stared at the porcelain bottles for a long time, then suddenly turned his head and asked:

"Master Immortal, what are these bottles used for?"


Zheng Yun glanced at him. Among so many people present, except himself, who could answer his question?

"Master Immortal, I have no clue about this matter. Why are there so many porcelain vases inside the jellyfish? And they look quite new." Ji Dao walked to the porcelain vase and said aggrievedly.

Use a flashlight at close range.

The surface of these blue and white porcelain vases immediately reflects the electromagnetic light, as if hanging with a thick layer of white glaze, and the colors are scattered around, giving them a special texture similar to pearls.

"The porcelain bottle should be inside the jellyfish all year round. The slurry is almost a finger thick. It won't be possible in 180 years."

Ji Dao took out his long sword and scratched the surface of the porcelain bottle, and a small cut was made in the transparent white glaze.

I can tell.

This white glaze is very soft.

"Tritons probably wouldn't implant these porcelain bottles into jellyfish just to look good, but what's the use of this white glaze? Can it act as a shock absorber so that the porcelain bottles won't break on the ship?"

Noriichi scratched his scalp through the wetsuit.

He still couldn't understand the purpose of these porcelain vases, but he could tell the origin of the porcelain vases. It was probably two hundred to three hundred years ago, the special system of Haiwei's housekeeper in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

But to what purpose?

What are the benefits of doing this?

"All porcelain bottles have broken necks."

Zheng Yun looked at the other porcelain vases. There were six or seven porcelain vases here, all of the same size and format. They were piled randomly in the corner. All of them had their long and slender necks missing.

"The same goes for the porcelain bottles we saw in jellyfish before. These porcelain bottles shattered inside the jellyfish."

Ji Dao answered and continued to think.

"Is it possible that these porcelain bottles are containers used to seal dangerous goods?" Zheng Yun asked, changing the subject.

Just as Ji Dao would use porcelain bottles to seal poisons, perhaps these porcelain bottles that were sunk into the deep sea also sealed some strange things, and were deliberately thrown into the sea caves by the sea guards.

Then these porcelain bottles were broken open by jellyfish, and the strange things inside were released, wandering somewhere in the underground sea...

"It's very possible, but what could be sealed in such a big porcelain bottle?" Ji Dao still couldn't find a clue.

"Stay vigilant and listen to what's going on around you." Zheng Yun shook his head and let this matter go for now.

He looked down into the water.

Ever since they sneaked in here, there have always been some shadows passing through the depths of the sea, and judging from what those people just said, throwing down the porcelain bottle seemed to be a way to do it.

What happens when these porcelain bottles are put in water.

Will it attract attacks from those black shadows?

"Master Immortal, I can hear someone talking right in front, probably three people talking, but I can't understand what they are saying." Jidao said quietly.

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone who heard this sentence through their headphones immediately stopped what they were doing and made the same choice in unison, restoring complete silence to the entire underground sea in a tacit understanding.

Xichang has strong execution ability.

Only Licia and Kedester can understand Chinese, but as soon as they stop, everyone else will stop immediately.

"You can imitate their syllables, and we should all understand them." Zheng Yun nodded and asked Jidao to repeat.

Ji Dao has a talent in this area. He has previously replayed the museum security guard and imitated it perfectly.

"If it were Chinese at this distance, I could roughly hear it clearly through brainstorming, but what they are speaking is not Chinese. I need to get closer to repeat it completely."

Ji Dao pointed to the deep underground sea in front of him on the right, and he could vaguely see a larger underground cave there.

"Sneak over."

Zheng Yun set off immediately.

Let several ghost generals escort Noriichi into the water to the front, and at the same time pull the light source ship in that direction, and use searchlights to disperse the darkness so that they can see the surrounding environment clearly.

Kedester and the hunter also entered the water and approached at the same time, leaving Licia and another person in Xichang to rescue the victim.

"That's enough here."

Ji Dao cleared his throat, put his ear against the wall along the rock wall, and squeezed out a series of fluent English:

"Are you sure they are Westerners?"

"Definitely, but they were so weird. They were shot all over their bodies but didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. They even continued rowing with their hands expressionless, like undead people from hell."

"No, they were not only expressionless, they were even smiling. I saw through their gas masks that their smiles were weird, with the corners of their mouths raised above their cheeks."

"Deacon Bird, you didn't see how terrifying that scene was. There was no reaction to the bullets hitting them. Even the secret medicine may not be able to kill them completely!"

"And their ship was poisonous. All the secret crows in the manor were killed by this group of people. They made a very weird sound. I was almost shocked to death inside the manor."

"Kenya just told me that the person who beheaded Dabik to death used a ghost sword that is only used by the Eastern Sea Guards, and he also brought a demon dog with a very oriental appearance."

"Deacon Bird, didn't Nia go to the manor to recuperate after being seriously injured and on the verge of death? Did she have visions? Our slaves discovered this group of people a few days ago. They are all Westerners through and through. Where did they come from? Oriental?"

"Since Nia and the Falk explorers landed on the island, how many tragic things have happened to us! It's all their fault! Why should the church let them go? They would have died!"

"Stop talking, the church doesn't want to conflict with the people behind them. Are you sure you haven't seen the Eastern Face?"

"Definitely not! We didn't see any Easterners from the beginning to the end, only Westerners. These people must have a good background. They may be members of the weird secret church. They are looking for Jiasi Aileen, or were they attracted by the group of Falk !”

"Deacon Bird, the church doesn't want to have too much conflict with them, so does it just want to conflict with this group of weird and terrifying Westerners? These weird Westerners are tracking down that group of bitches, and they are at least on the same level as those group of bitches!"

"Where is Jasi Erin? Why don't we let them solve it themselves? What does their conflict have to do with us? Why do we have to suffer losses?"

"Deacon Bird, we didn't even see each other's shadow, and the losses have already exceeded the total of the previous ten years. Are we going to continue to use the accumulated foundation of the church to fight them to the end for the sake of those explorers?"

"Even if you use it, you may not be able to win. These people are much more powerful than Niya and the others, unless the local bishop comes in person."

"But the other members of the explorer, who were looking for the deep-sea floating city left in the east, have not shown up for five or six months. When Nia came out this time, she brought out the bodies of three teammates. Several of them were also seriously injured and on the verge of death. die."

"Deacon Bird, since we can't find Jias Eileen, we can hand over this Nia and let this Nia go talk to them and resolve the dispute between them."

"But Nia had already run away. She seemed to be so afraid of the Oriental people she saw that she was so sick that she even went into the water."

"Fake! I knew this new group of mysterious people must have a lot of background! Deacon Bird, I saw with my own eyes Nia escaping from the manor. She climbed out the window and ran towards the door with all her strength, barefoot. During the wine cellar run, she didn’t even dare to look at the front door, she was so frightened!”

"Nia actually came down from the big wine cellar?"

"Yes, she was frightened out of her mind and was already panicking. Deacon Bird can scare Nia into being like this. Why should we be hostile to them for no reason?"

"No! Their expedition team's camp and materials are deep in the wine cellar. Nia may have gone to destroy the materials. When she came down, I smelled a burning smell on her body."

"Deacon Bird, you actually let Nia run away? The people they attracted, how could you let them run away!"


Everyone who heard this was silent for a while, firstly because Ji Dao's imitation was so vivid, not only with a smooth and clear English accent, but also with the emotion of speaking.

They could even hear the doubts in Deacon Bird's mouth, as well as the helplessness and resentment of the other two.

He is worthy of being a master at imitating bird calls. This field seems to be in the overlapping area of ​​the two immortal arts, the Crane Control Technique and the Zhenxuanyin Technique. His ability to imitate parrots is even better than that of a parrot.

It's just that Ji Dao didn't know what he was talking about at all. His face was blank and his mouth kept moving. It was clear that every word was spoken by him, but he couldn't understand a word.

He could only look at Zheng Yun and others and guess the content of the conversation through their expressions, but how could he possibly guess this? Ji Dao was so curious that he felt extremely uncomfortable and felt very itchy in his heart.

Everyone in Zheng Yun had strange expressions.

Because the conversation was very real and the members of this church were very pragmatic, it felt like eavesdropping.

From the perspective of the manor and the church, they really have no reason. It is very reasonable for them to resist the explorers of Jasi Erin to this extent and to want to retreat.

Anyway, it was only the slaves who died.

Black crows can also be re-raised.

For the manor church, the current losses are still at an acceptable level, but if it continues, the people who die may be formal members of their church instead of slaves.

"Chief, this bitch Jias Eileen is indeed alive. The Nia they are talking about is on the list of the expedition team. Do we accept the surrender of these people?"

Kedester looked at Zheng Yun and asked.

In his eyes, the church was only one sentence away from surrendering. It only depended on whether Zheng Yun accepted it, because Zheng Yun still had a large number of manpower and means to continue the pursuit.

But this church is also a criminal. Their method of obtaining jellyfish juice will kill many people. With the style of the Sea Guard Superintendent, they should be arrested and brought to justice.

"Those expedition data are the key. Should we send a few people to the big wine cellar to see if there are any remnants of the data?"

Licia spoke from far behind. Her focus was different from that of Kedester, and she was more concerned about that part of the information.

"Shout these people to come out and control them before going." Zheng Yun decided to deal with this side first.

"Trick them out?"

Kedester asked in detail.

"Yes." Zheng Yun nodded. As things have developed now, there is no such thing as a sneak attack. Now he just wants to arrest people quickly and torture the deep-sea floating city.

As soon as the words "Deep Sea Floating City" came out, Zheng Yun realized the seriousness of the matter. There might be quite a secret here.

Triton is indeed causing trouble here.

Deep sea, floating city, just these four words, Zheng Yun can basically imagine that this is another wonder of the ruins of gods and ghosts.

Triton actually built a city in the deep sea. How deep is it exactly? How did they overcome the pressure of deep water? Are these jellyfish with porcelain bottles inside their bodies really transport vehicles?

"People on the other side, listen, we have heard your conversation. Our target is the group of Jiasi Irene. It has nothing to do with you, and we have never actively attacked you from the beginning to the end. We can get along well with each other!"

Kedester shouted to the other party in English, his voice echoing over the vast and deep underground sea, his tone was very sincere, and he used his most gentlemanly and polite old London accent.

It smells aristocratic at first glance.

At the same time, his voice was very loud, different from the usual whispers, and could be transmitted far away in a dead silence environment.

"Did they respond?"

Zheng Yun turned his head to look at Ji Dao, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh, Ji Dao's radio is definitely a top-notch magic weapon.

"They actually heard it?"

"How did they hear it! Can they hear it from such a distance? We're not talking underwater, so the sonar can't pick it up, right? Deacon Bird, do we respond?"

"Deacon Bird, what they said is right. They are just looking for someone. You also know that they are using photos to find Jia Si Aileen nearby. There is no reason to be hostile to us."

Ji Dao opened his mouth and began to repeat.

"Yes! We have no reason to be hostile to you. We have been looking for Jiasi Irene for a long time and have no interest in your manor." Kedester immediately yelled back.

It's no different than making a phone call.

The relay is Ji Dao.

"But didn't you just use guns and poison to injure several of them? Can they just let it go?"

The other party whispered again.

"The people injured by you are also slaves. Why would we use people to explore the way? Of course we use slaves to explore the way."

"We kill each other's slaves, but this will not affect our friendship. Isn't this an old tradition? Hundreds of years ago we would hunt each other's slaves for fun."

Kedester replied immediately.

When he said this, he shook his head at Zheng Yun. He was just acting for the occasion, not his true thoughts.

Zheng Yun expressed his understanding.

Kedester is indeed an old explorer. He can pinpoint the other person's cognition and personality from his behavior. With such words, he can quickly reach a consensus with the other party.

Because the other party never cared about the slave's life from beginning to end, and even used explorers to extract jellyfish juice.

"Hahaha, you are right. We will not attack you next time. We respect each other. I can take you to find the person you are looking for. You can solve your own problems and we will no longer interfere with you."

The other party's voice also became louder.

The two parties reached a consensus after weighing their interests, fully exchanged views, and decided to stop the conflict between the two parties.

But Zheng Yun didn't think so.

He was not going to let this church go.

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