Endless route

Chapter 219 The truth and strangeness of 58 people

Chapter 219 58. The truth and strangeness of human chrysalis

The vibrations under my feet lasted for about ten seconds, the underground sea surface rippled with waves, and many rock fragments fell from the dome rock wall above my head, some large and some small smashed into the water.

Zheng Yun and others are in the attic.

Those rocks can't hit them.

However, it can be seen with the naked eye that many huge stones fell into the sea. The effect and power are far beyond Ji Dao's proposal. If you are unlucky, other floating boats will also be smashed.

"We are safer here."

Kedester looked up at the top of the attic. Although the vibration was strong, the blue brick attic was still very stable.

"It's getting more and more confusing."

Li Xiya looked at Zheng Yun beside her.

These methods of the other party are obviously trying to mess up the situation and make the water more and more muddy. The more complicated the situation, the better it is for them, because they are familiar with the terrain here.

Zheng Yun also raised his head and glanced, with a vague premonition in his heart, as if he had thought of a clue that he had missed.

Ever since Kedster had no scruples in robbing caves in the extremely cold mountains, Zheng Yun had a certain understanding of people like the British Museum, who would do anything to achieve their goals.

They only see treasures.

Anything can be done.

For example, Cadest and his archaeological team did not consider what lay deep in the extreme cold mountains, what their reckless behavior would release, and whether stealing caves would lead to death.

Maybe some of them have thought about it, so their teams are always large, with dozens of people at every turn. Even if their teammates are sent to death, they can still make it out alive.

These people in the sea may be abandoned children.

Until now, Nia has not given them any response, and the cry for help has been ringing from one side of the intercom.

After seeing the stones falling from the dome, Zheng Yun had to consider a question. Is it possible that Nia and others wanted to completely destroy this place and use means to collapse it?

This is the island underground.

Inside the mountain of the island.

If the dome above his head collapses, even if he and others are not killed by heavy objects, they will be buried alive and trapped in the attic. Even the attic cannot bear it and will be crushed alive.

This involves a key issue.

Nia and others may not have this ability, but Zheng Yun must wonder whether the original Haiwei had a pre-set mechanism.

This is a place where immortals are imprisoned. No matter how perfect the design is, the master of Triton who drew the drawings must still consider the unexpected escape of the suppressed evil objects in the deep-sea floating city or deep-sea floating ship.

It is different from the Underworld Pavilion Pregnant Demon Tower.

Although those two sites were blocked by Haiwei, the strictness of the blockade was far from being called a prison. It was completely different from a place like the Land of Immortal Prisoners, which was specially designed to suppress evil creatures.

Because the magic and ghost methods in it are all controllable, Haiwei doesn't look down on low-class things, so he sealed them in place.

As for the evil creatures that can be specially imprisoned in the deep sea of ​​the Eight Abyss Cave by the sea guards, every one of them must be extremely dangerous and must not be left out to the outside world. Once they escape, they will be in endless trouble.

If given to Zheng Yun himself.

He will definitely have a backup plan.

As soon as the evil things are out of trouble, the mechanism will be activated to completely suppress all evil things, or even completely destroy them underground.

A family does not talk about two families, everyone is a sea guard supervisor, and they know many things in their hearts. Triton has always been this way regardless of ancient and modern times, and there is history to draw lessons from.

Triton has done this sort of thing.

For example, Jiudao said that the strange disease in Jiu Shanzhou would be infected by the outside world, and the sea guards would abandon the town to completely intercept the strange disease.

Not only are the people suffering, but perhaps even the sea guards who perform their missions will never return. They are destined to die the moment they set foot on land, and they will kill themselves on the riverside afterwards to sacrifice the people.

From this perspective, the pontoon cables and deep sea they have seen so far are far from reflecting the characteristics of the Triton. The design is indeed exquisite, but that's all.

To be honest, it's not ruthless enough.

So there may be an agency here.

This mechanism will either seal the place permanently or kill all living creatures in the place to ensure that the prisoners cannot escape.

And now.

The pontoon has appeared, and the pupa has escaped.

The floating city is moving, and the situation is unknown.

Already reached the cordon.

The key that I have always missed may be this. What is the last resort for this Triton prison? Have Jia Si Erin, Nia and others mastered this method?

Reasoning can be made.

They have walked all the way here. Although they have not gone deep, if there is a mechanism, they should be able to guess it.


When Zheng Yun was thinking carefully, a faint voice suddenly sounded above his head, and the next moment, the yellow light bulb went out.

The steady light source disappears.

It was so dark all around that I couldn't even see my fingers.

The attic fell into darkness, blending into the darkness of the underground sea. It was indistinguishable from each other, causing everyone to suddenly lose their sense of space and not even know where they were.

Fortunately, Kedester, Xichang and others reacted very quickly and immediately took out their flashlights to illuminate the surroundings. Moreover, the flares thrown into the sea earlier could also clearly show the coast.

"Master Immortal! Is there a power outage?"

Before Li Xiya and the others could speak, Ji Dao's voice sounded in the earphones. He was exploring deep into the stone corridor, but his vision suddenly turned black, which shocked him.

If it wasn't for a power outage, then he had fallen into the opponent's trap and was blinded by Nia and others' evil tricks.

"The power is out. Niya and the others should be the ones to do it. Be careful." Zheng Yun responded quickly while looking at the sea.

After the warm yellow light source disappeared, the scenery of the underground sea suddenly changed. Blue light reflected from under the sea, and the sea surface was infected with light blue and translucent, dotted with ancient ship fragments and green mist.

It's like the sky and the earth are hanging upside down.

It's like the aurora melting into the sea.

The messy pot of porridge under the sea has become an ornament in the scene at this moment. A group of ancient ships are suspended in the deep sea like hanging upside down in the night sky, and all kinds of evil things are scattered in all directions as if they are flying in the starry sky.

They were standing next to the elegant landscape pavilion of the Ming Dynasty, looking out at the sea through the pavilion windows with carved beams and painted columns. The entire underground sea was like a scenic lake in the mansion of a powerful man, full of wonders...

This spectacle is truly amazing.

If they really wanted to enjoy the scenery at the beginning, then they have now seen that this scenery is truly unique.

The expressions of Kedster and others also changed. They did not expect that such a scene would appear in front of them after the sea was lit up.

This is really an ancient oriental style.

There are Ming Dynasty landscape pavilions and Ming Dynasty ancient ships in the scene, and there are even jellyfish that have swallowed Ming Dynasty porcelain bottles wandering around. There is a strange and terrifying ancient oriental charm everywhere.

"Nia! Can you hear me?"

"We can't escape!"

The voice on the intercom still continued, and the hoarse cry for help may be inappropriate, but it woke everyone up from the scene. They were still in danger at this moment.

Zheng Yun's thoughts were temporarily disrupted. He looked into the depths while listening to the cry for help, and suddenly said to Kedster: "Tell them that we can save them and let them come up."

These people are all conscious and living people. If they are caught and tortured, they should be able to learn some of the other party's plans.

"Use this walkie-talkie?"

Kedester immediately asked, if he responded using this walkie-talkie, the matter would probably be heard by Nia and others.

"You can use other methods too."

Zheng Yun turned his head and looked at the Immortal Sect. The black jade pillow was a top priority and must be guarded by the ghost generals with all their strength.

"Then let me try."

Kedester did not choose the walkie-talkie, but walked to the gap in the attic window and tried to call the other party in the water with a human voice.

But right now.

Suddenly something floated up on the sea surface.

In addition to a large number of fragments after the ancient ship's wreckage disintegrated, there were also many corpses of evil creatures, including the blood snake monster we had just seen, floating motionless from the bottom of the sea.

Everyone's hearts were shocked.

Are they all dead?

Zheng Yun even saw a few complete blood snake monsters, which could twitch a few times after being cut into several pieces by Haiwei. At this moment, they were inexplicably dead.

Judging from what I have seen along the way.

The blood snake monster is red meat in a porcelain bottle. This kind of thing has extremely strong regeneration ability and is almost completely unkillable, so it was bottled and sealed under the sea by Triton.

What killed them?

Could it be a human chrysalis who has escaped from trouble?

"Shout quickly. If it's too late, you won't have a chance." Licia's back felt cold and she spoke quickly, asking Cadest to ask quickly.

It doesn't matter whether the people below live or die, the main thing is that Cadest can't stay underwater for a long time, it's too dangerous.

Kedester immediately shouted.

Sound travels through the water.

The others looked at the walkie-talkie. After Kedester shouted several words, the other party's voice suddenly changed:

"who are you?"

"Are you the Ming Haiwei?"

"We are Triton Guards. You have been completely abandoned. The only way to survive is to go ashore and surrender. As long as you reveal the whereabouts of the others, Triton Guards can protect you."

Kedester cleared his throat and continued shouting.

"We surrender. Nia is a madman. They hate Triton so much. They arranged all of this. They also said that all of us will be killed by you."

"You really won't kill us?"

The voice continued to come from the intercom, and it sounded like there were more than two people, maybe three or four.

"Don't kill anyone who has done meritorious deeds."

Zheng Yun whispered to Kedester.

This is the truth. As long as it is not a heinous crime, everyone's destination is La Maine Town. In the next life, they will work for Triton as a secret soldier and undergo labor reform in Triton.

But the crime will determine the content of the labor.

Like the unlucky Taoist priests at Qianxian Dojo, they had too much blood on their hands, so they were the pioneers every time. Zheng Yun would not let them die, but they might die tomorrow.

Kedester immediately conveyed it.

The people below were overjoyed and immediately came up.

It is not surprising to have such a reaction. Modern explorers cannot be like the ancients and surrender immediately when the situation is not good. It is also in line with the consistent logic of these explorers.

They are all such people.

Say nothing when you have the upper hand.

Once you lose, admit your mistake immediately.

"They may not be able to come up. Let's ask first." Zheng Yun spoke again. More and more corpses of evil things were floating on the surface of the sea. It was hard for these people to make it to the shore alive, but they were probably going to die soon.

"What does Nia want to do?"

Kedester immediately asked.

"We don't know what they are preparing for. They said that as long as they delay you for a while, they will be able to find a way to escape from the outside world, but they will move there with a lot of oxygen."

"They should be releasing the deep-sea floating city. We have detected that there is a two- to three-meter-thick sea salt layer two thousand meters under the sea. The seawater at deeper depths has a complex composition and higher density. If you want to break free from the floating city's iron cables, you may need to take advantage of this. "

The intercom answered immediately.

Zheng Yun and others looked at each other. The person speaking may be a researcher in the exploration team. This is indeed a clue.

And this can also explain why pontoons float in the deep sea. The composition and salt content of seawater are related to density, which also affects buoyancy, making it difficult for pontoons to sink to the bottom of the sea.

But that shouldn't be the key.

Zheng Yun did not think that this information was related to the final agency. It seemed that these people did not know the specific plan.

Kedester continued to ask.

After a few conversations, they asked for some key information. One was that some of their teammates had entered the stone corridor, and the other was that they were the only ones under the sea and no other teammates were seen going down.

The third is the number of people.

There are only thirteen of them left now, and apart from the four underwater, there are still nine whose destinations are unknown.

Kedester was about to continue asking.

A scream suddenly came from the intercom. One of the people seemed to have been attacked. The sound of broken bones could be clearly heard, and then the others began to panic and call for help.

"It's coming!"

"Save us!"

"The egg period of this kind of deep-sea creature is extremely long. If the environment is not suitable, it will always remain in the egg state. Such life characteristics have allowed them to evolve a weapon to protect themselves and prevent their eggs from being eaten by predators in the deep sea."

"My research has found that it may be a deadly neurotoxin. After invading the body of living creatures, it will cause extreme fear in all creatures with nervous systems. The nervous system will be disordered and upside down. For example, people will break their own necks."

"That's why it continues to this day, otherwise they would have become extinct long ago. My name is Mansa Seth, and I hope it can be named after me."

"But Nia said that my guesses were all wrong. It was transformed by Triton. It is the ghost pupa of Triton. It also has other abilities that we can't control...ah!"

After a scream.

The intercom was completely silent.

Kedester shouted a few more words, but to no avail, Zheng Yun asked the ghost general to pull him up, and then silently looked at the sea.

In the end, this researcher really talked a lot. He told everything he knew in order to "repay his guilt and make meritorious service". Let's not talk about whether it was useful or not. At least he did say it.

He was obviously talking about human chrysalis.

Judging from the information he told, the ability of the human chrysalis is the kind of weird thing that he and others have encountered before, which can make the Yin soldiers suddenly break their necks.

It seems that this person is brave enough to actually dare to get close to the human chrysalis to study it. He may even get into the wreckage of the ancient ship and put some seawater near the human chrysalis as a means.

However, one thing is that the research they did during the year after they brought up the deep-sea pontoon was indeed not in vain. This explanation is indeed reasonable and may explain the broken neck.

But it's of little use.

Because he also said that the human chrysalis has been transformed. Whether it was done by Triton Treason or Triton is unknown, but it is called Yingui Chrysalis, and it also has other weird abilities.

Moreover, extracting the seawater near the Yin Ghost Chrysalis is completely different from actually escaping the Yin Ghost Chrysalis. After this thing really escapes, its ability will definitely be even weirder than before.

Yin ghost chrysalis...

Judging from its ability alone, this thing was indeed an out-and-out magical method in ancient times. Combined with other techniques, people could break their necks and commit suicide by raising their hands.

"The leader is probably dead."

Kedester stepped ashore with a sigh.

A bitch like Jia Si Aileen likes to bewitch others. This researcher may not be a bad person. Just like himself, he was completely deceived by Jia Si Aileen.

"Back off!"

Zheng Yun suddenly shouted lowly.

Kedester and the others were startled and ran away without hesitation. When they looked back, they realized that something had appeared from the eaves of the attic.

Porcelain white.

Two feet in length.

Has a human form.

Lying quietly in the blind spot of light.

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