Endless route

Chapter 230 69 Ending [The copy is over]

Chapter 230 69. Ending [The copy is over]

The sea water pours from the fence corridor into the deep stone corridor, and the water line continues to rise along the narrow stone steps, submerging this ancient Ming Dynasty building that has gone through vicissitudes of life inch by inch, and swallowing it into the bottomless deep sea.

The stone corridor on the tenth floor had been completely submerged. Zheng Yunjidao didn't bother to elaborate and quickly climbed up with a rope.

Coming down was quite easy. All you had to do was jump down or throw down the black jade pillow. Three thousand meters was only a matter of seconds. You could do it with a snap of your fingers, but climbing up was not that easy.

At this moment, they are two thousand meters away from the exit, and they are still two thousand meters completely vertical. It is really difficult for the people who have just finished the pursuit to reach the sky due to the danger.

Look up.

It was frighteningly dark above the rift valley, as if there was a layer of black mist hovering above the head. Only a faint stone corridor could be seen hanging in the air from the rock wall, and not even a shadow could be seen further up.

If it were for ordinary people, the vicissitudes of the Oriental Stone Corridor, covered with black mist, lying high up, with layers upon layers of gloom and weirdness, would be three points better than the man-eating demon cave.

I'm afraid I don't even have the courage to climb, so I might as well jump into the sea and wait for the water to rise. At least the scenery under the sea will be better.

The four climbed several levels along the rope.

Ji Dao still had some energy left, and kept talking about what he read from the ancient Tiangong books, but Zheng Yun really couldn't stand it anymore. He was exhausted and found it difficult to continue climbing.

"Look for the elevator."

Zheng Yun climbed into the stone corridor on the fourteenth floor.

Looking back at the bottom, not only was he unable to hold on, but the ghost generals were also having a hard time climbing because they kept carrying the ghost figurines and insisted on bringing them up with them.

This scene is difficult to describe in words.

The ghost general tied the neck of the Yin ghost figurine with a thin iron chain, hung it from his waist and climbed up. The latter's head was tilted and strangled by the iron chain, and his white body was swaying left and right in the mid-air of the rift valley.

Without sufficient preparation at this moment, Zheng Yun did not dare to send the ghost figurines into the fairy gate, fearing that it would destroy the entire secret realm.

Otherwise, why let them suffer this.

The ghosts will be affected, and the ghost figurines are no different from the hanged ghosts, and the faces without facial features are strangled to become even paler.

"Master Immortal, speaking of this ghost figurine, it is indeed something belonging to our Ghost Suppression Department. It has amazing abilities and involves a method of immortality. No wonder Master Ghost regards it as a treasure and insists on carrying it with him."

Ji Dao ran to lead the way holding a lantern.

"What other skills do you have?" Zheng Yun walked forward quickly and ran to the corner before the water came up.

"This Yin ghost figurine can be sacrificed and nourished. If you take the matching ghost elixir and put it into the pupa, it can extend the life of a person for a hundred years. It is recorded in the ancient books of Tiangong, but the conditions for sacrifice and maintenance are difficult."

"Ancient books list several methods of offering sacrifices, one of which is to offer sacrifices to sunken ships. The green ghost algae we saw before is actually food sacrificed to the Yin ghost figurines. Yangjin stones are also sacrificed all year round, which are the ones in the portable lamp. That kind of stone.”

Ji Dao briefly summarized the key points.

Zheng Yun nodded frequently when he heard this. This ghost method also took into account the food and oxygen of the ghost figurines under the sea.

It really makes sense.

Algae is a large group of organisms. Most of them can produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Some of them can produce oxygen in the dark and deep sea without sunlight.

Triton obviously took this into consideration.

The luminous material inside Deacon Bird's portable lamp is very magical. It emits yellow light like a fire in the sea, and it can still provide a light source even if it sinks to the bottom of the sea.

A very special mineral.

Tritons may not know about photosynthesis, but they actually knew how to provide light hundreds of years ago.

Look at it this way.

This sacrificial method is very delicate.

The deep-sea pontoon is a full 200 meters long and is airtightly entangled with green seaweed. It produces food and oxygen to keep the ghost figurines sealed inside with iron ropes alive.

The ghost figurines are only four to six meters tall.

The volume of deep-sea pontoons is more than a thousand times larger.

The Yin Ghost Warriors themselves are the pupae of some kind of marine life. So much seaweed can indeed make the Yin Ghost Warriors full.

It just felt a bit weird. Thinking back to the first time they saw the deep-sea floating boat covered in green beards and the porcelain white ghost figurines, they were really frightened by the strange sight and had chills running down their backs.

The truth turned out to be this.

It can only be said that Triton is quite good at growing algae. The seaweed grows really well, and its texture is as smooth as a woman's hair.

And it's no wonder that all kinds of evil things in porcelain bottles are attracted to the portable lamp. There is a reason behind it.

While talking.

Several people had already run to the elevator.

Zheng Yun roughly observed the structure and found that the power unit should be on the lifting platform on the seabed, so he asked General Ranggui to pull two of the steel cables and pull the lifting platform up first.

This kind of mining elevator is definitely waterproof, but there is still a question mark as to whether it can be protected against the thousand-meter-deep sea.

"What does it hold inside?"

Zheng Yun took the opportunity to look at the ghostly figurines on the ground.

"This Yin ghost figurine may also be worshiping something, but it has not known life and death for hundreds of years. If it is easily untied, it may cause the death of the entire Yin ghost figurine."

Jidao shook his head. Anything can be sacrificed inside the Yin Ghost Warriors. Maybe there is a ghost inside this Yin Ghost Warrior, but the gain is not worth the loss. If the ghost dies, the pupa will be wasted.

"Is it possible that it was the last resort left by Haiwei? The floating city was trapped by evil objects, and after killing the Yin Ghost Warriors, the means inside the Yin Ghost Warriors escaped and then killed the evil objects?"

Zheng Yun asked while holding on to the fence.

"Master Immortal, the little Taoist accidentally found out some information. The place where Haiwei studies the method of worshiping ghost figurines is in Tiannan Xianzhou. There was an incident in this continent, saying that a coastal fishing town suddenly encountered When the underworld fell, all the people in the town were infected by the underworld, and Haiwei chose to lock down the fishing town and sink it to the bottom of the sea."

"I don't know if it's the same thing."

"If Triton builds a wall and locks the town."

"The floating city in the deep sea may be a fishing town, so this city may be an empty town, or it may be...but this is also my guess. The specific truth is still unknown."

Ji Dao hesitated to speak again.

Zheng Yun nodded and said no more. No one could explain these things clearly because there were too many similar records in history.

There was once a city where the people were infected by an extraterritorial virus similar to rabies, but ancient historical books say that the city was taken into the underworld by the underworld, and the people were possessed by evil spirits.

I really can’t tell.

Unless you enter the deep sea floating city to take a look in person, no one knows what is being held inside the floating city.

That's not necessary.

The best choice is definitely Feng.

After a while, the sea water rose to the bottom, and several people climbed up two more floors before pulling up the lifting platform.

The motor was indeed broken.

The battery is no longer usable.

Zheng Yun immediately opened the fairy door and asked Kedester to come out and take a look. He asked him to remove parts from other modern equipment in Tiangong and find a way to replace the motor and battery.

This thing has a simple structure.

Kedester quickly found a way to quickly replace it with other equipment and get the lift operational again.

Although it took some time.

But at least there's no need to climb up.

Zheng Yunji said that the four of them walked into the lift platform and pressed the button to take the lift up quickly. The speed was faster than the sea water rising, but rocks kept falling from the top of their heads.

The elevator keeps going up.

Walking through the hollows of the stone corridor.

Looking down, they saw that the sea was getting further and further away from them. The backwater lake below was the embankment breach. In the direction of the bronze door, a hundred-meter hole was washed out of the wall by the sea water.

The water here is the most turbulent in the entire underground rift valley. More than a dozen search bombs are stirring in the whirlpool, and fragments of pontoon boats are spewing out from the hole. The scenery is horrifying.

A few minutes later.

The elevator reaches the top floor.

Zheng Yun and others walked along the stone corridor towards the landscape pavilion and looked sideways at the bottom of the rift valley. The sea water had risen to two thousand meters. The light blue sea water and debris were as spectacular as a dream.

The danger is real.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are falling.

But this scene is indeed rare in the world. A full three thousand meters of sea water bursts the embankment. This scene is rare for ordinary people to see.

The few people didn't stop for a moment, and quickly ran to the exit, walked out of the stone corridor and returned to the landscape pavilion, vigilantly checking the surrounding situation.

There is a ghost figurine here that has shed its pupa.

Looking around with flashlights, they found traces in the secret passage of the Landscape Pavilion. After a quick glance and no evil objects were found, they immediately returned to the original route and ran towards the first camp.

They ran forward in one breath, walked across the chain bridge, passed through the long and narrow corridor, ran out of the Zhenyin Gate, went ashore to the first camp, and then boarded the land from the abandoned wine cellar.

It's about seven o'clock in the morning.

The stars in the night sky have not yet receded, and the morning sun is already shining on the sea level in the west. The light clouds lie across the end of the sky and sea line, dyed with a light golden color.

Goode Manor is just around the corner.

It still looks like a weird Western manor, hidden in the darkness where the morning sun cannot reach it. The red grape vines stretch out their branches and leaves, and the ground is full of black crow corpses.

But it was particularly cordial at the moment.

Compared with the various ancient buildings on the seabed, this Western manor was simply a paradise. When they saw this attic, Zheng Yun and Jidao felt like they were going home.

The two looked at each other.

I felt relieved in my heart.

No matter what, at least I got a chance to breathe temporarily, even if I have to take action later, I can take it slow.

"Master Immortal, this island shouldn't collapse, right?" Jidao suddenly laughed and sat down on the ground to rest.

"Say less."

Zheng Yun lay directly on the ground panting.

Although the oxygen in the oxygen bottle has always smelled like this, after seeing the starry sky, the oxygen became much fresher. He even smelled the fragrance of the woods.


The island suddenly experienced an earthquake.

Good Manor shook twice.


Ji Dao subconsciously covered his mouth.

"This place is dangerous, go to the beach and rest."

Zheng Yun's expression changed, and he immediately got up from the ground, dragged Ji Dao to the shore, and reached the west bank in one breath.

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see.

The water is soft and sparkling. No matter how earth-shattering changes occur in the underground sea, the sea will not be affected.

It's really safe now.

Zheng Yun lay directly on the beach, with his limbs spread out wide. The severe pain in his body began to emerge after the adrenaline subsided, and he almost lost the strength to lift his fingers.

The Tiangong Taoist priest guarding the island immediately stepped forward, leading the demon dog and Yin soldiers towards this side. There was also a crane squatting in the woods by the sea, and several large fish over three meters tall were placed at its feet.

The crane is not idle either.

These things in the Heavenly Palace are the same as Ji Dao. After leaving the Heavenly Palace, I look for food. Looking at the round belly of the crane, I guess I have completely eaten the buffet this night.

"Master Immortal, please open the Immortal Gate."

Ji Dao sat on the ground and looked at the sea. This time he did not joke, but took a deep breath and spoke solemnly.

There will be a lot of trouble later.

He had to start preparations immediately.

The Immortal Master is so exhausted that it’s time for him to step in and share the follow-up finishing work for the Immortal Master. He can’t really do nothing. If he can’t do anything but hold back, then what will he do?

"How to place the ghost figurines?"

Zheng Yun threw out his backpack and asked Ji Dao.

"There is a very deep pool in the Tiangong. It has been abandoned for hundreds of years and has become a dead pool. It has also grown a lot of algae and the green water has turned black. It should be suitable for the habits of ghost figurines."

"Master Immortal, please go and rest. Leave the follow-up matters to me. I will go to the Extreme Cold Mountains today to ask the Han Immortal to seal the island."

Ji Dao took out the black jade pillow and opened the door.

"Call Zhang Ergou and ask Zhang Ergou to order a large Hanxian tank. How can you bring Hanxian without a Hanxian tank?"

Zheng Yun nodded and spoke to Jidao.

If you think about it carefully, the Ghost Warriors are quite aggrieved. The environment of the deep-sea floating boat was so good, but it suddenly turned into a stagnant pool of stinking water.

"Master Immortal, Zhang Ergou is still in E-07. The cold fairy tank can be ordered later. I can use a jade lantern to invite him."

Ji Dao quickly reminded.

Zhang Ergou is not on their side.

"... Then you go and take Kedster with you." Zheng Yun said no more and let Jidao make his own arrangements.


The fairy gate opens again.

Ji Dao took the lead in the subsequent events, bringing the crane and the people who guarded the island back to the secret realm, sending the ghost figurines to the heavenly palace, bringing back all the sundries, and then replaced a group of people to guard the island.

Zheng Yun did not return to the secret realm.

Ji Dao will take the black jade pillow to W-08 and ask Han Xian to come back and seal the island. During this period, he will personally guard it.

after a while.

Noriichi and Kedester take a boat out to sea.

Zheng Yun, Li Xiya and other members of the West Factory, plus the seven ghost generals and others, returned to the port and entered the wooden house to rest.

Zheng Yun fell asleep quickly as soon as he lay down.

After such a long time, I can finally rest.

When Zheng Yun opened his eyes again, it was late at night again. Licia and the hunter set up a bonfire on the beach. All ten people from the West Factory including Monotto and Olphia were present.

Hunter and Monotto were grilling meat.

The scent reached the tip of his nose.

Only then did Zheng Yun discover that his wetsuit had been replaced by beach shorts and short-sleeves at some point. There were cold compresses all over his body, and he had obviously been treated.

"That's awesome!"

"We, the Tritonians, are awesome!"

Olivia sat in front of the campfire, holding a tablet in her hand, and listened excitedly to Licia's story about this experience.

Li Xiya wore a diving sports camera throughout the entire process to record the entire exploration process. This part of the video will be sealed by the Supervision Bureau together with the previous videos.

Zheng Yun said nothing.

No one else noticed that he was awake and gave him some time to lie quietly on the bed and enjoy the sea breeze.

But it didn't last long.

After hearing a few words, Olivia turned back to look at Zheng Yun. She soon discovered that Zheng Yun had his eyes open. She quickly ran to the door of Zheng Yun's cabin, lowered her voice and smiled at Zheng Yun:

"Good morning, Chief..."

"Okay, Ji Dao, do they believe it?" Zheng Yun stood up and sat on the bed, and found that the infusion was still in his hand.

Look around.

There are several yachts parked at the port, and several large tents have been erected on the beach, filled with all kinds of living supplies and treatment equipment. I am afraid even the operating table has been moved here.

The ghost generals were all sitting by the tent.

Everyone has a bottle hanging around them.

This is how it feels to have a support team. Thinking of this, Zheng Yun looked at Olipia with a kinder look.

This girl is a future star.

What Xichang needs most is this kind of talent.

"Yes, Kedester said that they have entered the Christmas Islands and will be back tomorrow night." Licia handed over some food, which was freshly roasted high-quality meat.

"Anything else?"

Zheng Yun looked into the distance and asked.

"Goode Manor almost collapsed. Kedester asked us to move a lot of building materials and plug up the dark holes."

Licia reported quickly.

Zheng Yun nodded again. It felt different to have backup. Things here could come to an end for the time being. Only people like Xichang could guard the island.

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