Endless route

Chapter 91 52 Immortal Burial Valley

Chapter 91 52. Immortal Burial Valley

Heavenly Palace, late at night.

Zheng Yun and others walked out of the black jade door. As soon as they came out, they smelled a strong aroma of vegetation, mixed with a sweet taste, and a "thick" texture.

Subconsciously look around.

They were currently in a stone palace on the top of a mountain, looking out of the palace. With the help of the bright white moonlight, they could vaguely see that among the thousands of miles of green mountains with misty clouds and mist, there were stone palaces and pavilions hidden in the mist, and there were fairy birds and monsters singing melodiously.

It’s such a feng shui place.

It looks like a fairy.

But Ji Dao said before that everything here is not mortal, and even grass and leaves can kill people.

It's true if you listen carefully.

There were many chaotic movements of monsters in the distance, one after another mixed together, and there were also some thick cries of what seemed to be giant creatures, which made people's scalp numb.

Ji Dao said that Tiangong can find all the Classics of Mountains and Seas here. This is really not nonsense. This planet is probably far away from the earth, and life has evolved independently.

Although the Sea of ​​Mist is on the sea, its influence extends beyond the sea. The development of life and ecology of neighboring planets on the endless route has certain convergence.

Life originated from the ocean, and the endless sea route itself is a huge ‘ocean’. Life can circulate. This conclusion is very easy to understand.

The most famous grass seed can travel across the ocean from W-06, pass through a rare food chain, and go through a bizarre journey to invade E-02.

But differences also exist. The environment of each planet is different. In order to adapt to the environment, life will spontaneously evolve in different directions and become "weird".

Research shows that, starting from any planet, the life ecology of neighbors within the five east-west sequence has certain similarities and duplications.

After sequence five, obvious differences will appear. After sequence ten, the repeatability will become lower and lower, until it completely moves in another evolutionary direction...

"Master Immortal, hurry up, hurry up!"

Jidao ran out of the fairy gate and found Zheng Yun looking around, and quickly spoke to urge him, looking very anxious.

Zheng Yun looked back.

The Yin soldiers and ghost generals had just carried out the dragon-patterned coffin. The lid of the coffin shook slightly, and something was about to come out at any time.

The ghost generals all looked serious, clutching their long knives tightly and staring straight at the gap in the coffin. The weird smiles on their faces were gone, which showed how serious the matter was.

"Where to throw it?"

Zheng Yun asked.

"That's the Immortal Burial Valley. There are immortal corpses down there. It's absolutely impossible for anything to come out alive."

Ji Dao hurriedly walked around the Immortal Gate. The main hall behind the Immortal Gate was empty and had no door leading directly to the outside world. Below it was an almost completely vertical steep cliff.

Look into the distance.

There are cliffs in four directions, forming a bottomless rift valley, at least a thousand meters deep, like a chasm cut by an immortal, lying across the back of the palace.


If there is a seemingly non-existent scream, it sounds like a human, a ghost or a demon, making people's scalp numb.


Zheng Yun immediately raised his hand.

The Yin soldiers carried the coffin and ran towards the cliff. The movement in the dragon-patterned coffin became more and more intense, and one or two laughters could even be heard, which were exactly the same as human laughter.

Don't know what he is laughing at.

The man in the coffin probably didn't know where he was. If he knew that he was about to be thrown into a bottomless cliff, he would definitely not be able to laugh.


There was a muffled sound.

The dragon-patterned coffin lid suddenly opened a gap.


The five ghost generals who followed the coffin to the cliff all drew out their swords and stabbed the body of the coffin with their swords. With all their strength, the hilts of the swords were completely inserted into the coffin.

Directly penetrated five pairs.

Five long knives were nailed deeply into the dragon-patterned coffin at five positions, sealing the top and bottom of the coffin. Then they all held the handles of the knives and followed the Yin soldiers as they ran forward.

Zheng Yun's expression changed. He couldn't laugh anymore when he saw this scene. He had never seen a ghost general so vigilant. Moreover, the man in the coffin was stabbed through by five ghost-suppressing swords, but he didn't even scream. .

"Ha ha."

Another laugh.

Some scarlet-colored viscous blood flowed from the five incisions on the coffin, dripping on the Yin soldiers carrying the coffin and dripping on the ground...

Zheng Yun glanced forward and saw that he was less than ten meters away from the cliff. To be on the safe side, he asked the ghost generals to retreat with their swords and let the Yin soldiers stained with blood directly carry the coffin forward and bury them together in the valley.


The five ghosts will draw their swords.

The moment they drew their swords, the dragon-patterned coffin was suddenly pushed away, and a man sat up from the coffin.

This person is actually wearing a bloody dragon robe! Wearing a golden imperial crown on his head, he could vaguely see his sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and his handsome face, but his skin was all red, and he turned out to be a bloody man without any blood pimples!

"Ha ha."

The man laughed.

He turned his back to the cliff and looked up at Zheng Yun and the others. There was an imperial look in his eyes, not knowing that he was about to 'free fall'.

"Are you King Qi?"

Ji Dao exclaimed.

All the records about Three Demons Island and Thousand Immortals Terrace vaguely point to one person. This person gave Zhang Kuixi the tragic method of pregnant demons, and asked Zhang Kuixi to preside over the construction of Thousand Immortals Terrace and Three Demons Island.

This represents.

This person can interfere in the affairs of the DPRK, can insert people into the eyes of Mingli Zong, can cultivate lackeys in the Haiwei system, and can use weird methods such as the method of pregnant demon at will, and his power in the DPRK is overwhelming.

King Qi, the vassal king during the Li Zong period!

The vassal kings in the early and middle Ming Dynasty were by no means empty names. Each of them controlled a large overseas territory. Many of the vassal kings were even as powerful as the emperor.

This pattern lasted for more than three hundred years, until several earth-shattering events occurred, forcing the court to take action and replace the vassal fiefdom with the Haiwei Dusi.

If there really is a way to live forever.

These feudal kings will never let go, and they can also explain the source of many things happening in Sanyao Island Qianxantai.

But now they can't tell whether this bloody man is King Qi or Zhang Kuixi, the traitorous Haiwei.

Zheng Yun's expression also changed, and Wang Xi felt a sense of boredom, which made people hate the bloody eyes.

The Ming Dynasty has been dead for hundreds of years, and he is just a bereaved dog. Why is he putting on airs?

"Ha ha!"

The man was still laughing wildly.

Zheng Yun suspected that this person was out of his mind. Maybe he was a 'successful experiment' trained by Master Zhang. He took blood pills every day and was lucky enough not to get blood pimples.

The Yin soldiers carrying the coffin were still running wildly, and in a blink of an eye, they were only five meters, four meters, three meters away from the cliff...


The bloody man looked up and seemed to realize that something was wrong. He suddenly reached out to get something from the dragon-patterned coffin.


Zheng Yun no longer hesitated, and directly waved his hand, asking the six Yin soldiers to carry the coffin and jump to the cliff.


The Yin soldiers jumped into the air.

The dragon-patterned coffin flew away from the shoulders of the Yin soldiers with bumps and weightlessness, but was still carried forward by inertia, free-falling into the rift valley with the six Yin soldiers.

Ji Dao and Zheng Yun were both very nervous.

Zheng Yun directly ordered the six Yin soldiers to raise their hands to grab the coffin in mid-air, and hold the coffin tightly with twelve hands. Even if they die, they will never escape.

The bloody man sitting in the coffin looked around, showing a startled expression, and then quickly disappeared from Zheng Yun's eyes as the coffin plummeted.

The two walked to the cliff and took a look.

As the Yin soldiers moved in the air, the dragon-patterned coffin began to rotate, shaking out some things from inside, which seemed to be a sword and some jade seals.

"Master Immortal, it seems to be a good thing. Do you want it?"

Jidao turned to look at Zheng Yun. He and Zheng Yun were almost money-crazed and wanted everything they saw.

"Why do you want it? Go down and pick it up?"

Zheng Yun breathed a sigh of relief. The coffin had fallen two to three hundred meters into the rift valley. Unless the bloody man had wings, his fate would be to be shattered into pieces.

And this place is called Immortal Burial Valley.

Even if he can't fall to death, he will definitely not be able to get out. This is Zheng Yun's confidence in Jidao and Tiangong.

"The crane is still there."

Ji Dao turned around and looked behind him. In the shadows beside the palace, a black-feathered crane stood in the corner, with its head raised, preening its feathers as if no one was around. He didn't look at them twice from beginning to end.

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