.Everything is very boring , boring , and repetitive !

.And this kind of life will last until the 28th !

.So soon , they know that financial migrant workers are not easy to do …

.Mainly in 1998 , Su Ye liked the habit of recruiting strong men to work as coolies. He was not yet familiar with it . Currently, there are only students in the 96th grade performance class .

.Women are used by men , men are used as cattle and horses !

.Liang Jiahui , Ren Dahua and Gu Tianle are only the second batch .

.But after many years .

.When some media asked about this period of time , these three guys complained , but they also reminisced .

.Controlling these five hundred million funds in hand , this feeling is just two words : exciting !

.When Su Ye’s little battlefield was finished , on the afternoon of August 15th , without people noticing , a sum of more than 500 million Hong Kong dollars quietly entered the market .

.” Buy futures , try to open more positions at the price of 6600 points , and we will eat as many chips as there are in the market …”

.Under the command of Su Ye , the small trading team of four people got busy and took the opportunity to hunt for the bottom .


.the other side .

.The Hong Kong stock market has seen a movement of long-term funds , which naturally cannot be concealed from the cunning international hot money .

.Soros is on a video conference call with a group of allies .

.” The chips we threw out to lower the Hang Seng Index were all eaten by a mysterious fund . We have already eaten more than 200 million goods . Will there be any changes ?”

.One of them asked nervously .

.” Hehe , little Tyron, you are still too tender . If your father was here , he would never say such a thing . ”

.” That’s it ! It ‘s only 200 million , it ‘s not a threat . ”

.The others laughed .

.Soros tapped on the table , signalling everyone to be quiet , and said , “The Hang Seng Index has fallen to 6,600, and the Hong Kong government will definitely not see it fall below 6,000. It is estimated that the Hong Kong government has made this money . ”

.” But the scale is not large , we will continue to sell goods to see how much it can eat !”

.In the past six months , Soros and others had accumulated a lot of chips in their hands .

.Therefore , the mere hundreds of millions of funds will definitely not shake their confidence , nor will they change their established strategy of continuing to sell short .

.”OK, no problem . ”

.” With this little amount of money , just throwing some goods out is enough to support it to death . ”

.So. _

.According to Soros’s instructions , the international hot money did not manage this mysterious fund and continued to sell .

.And this is right in Su Ye’s arms .

.Everyone thinks that the Hang Seng Index can be lowered again , but in fact , 6600 is already the lowest point .

.Su Ye didn’t hide it at all .

.Anyway, he is long , and he doesn’t need to be secretive . He simply starts to accumulate money in the market .

.Just one afternoon .

.Su Ye’s more than 500 million funds were exchanged for bullish stock index futures contracts at around 6,600 points .

.There are many financial concepts and financial operations involved .

.But in simpler terms .

.Take 6600 points as the watershed .

.Up , Su Ye makes money ; down , Su Ye loses …

.So. _

.Next , we will wait to see the Hong Kong government and the central government take action to wipe out the international hot money .

.Su Ye holds a chip in his hand .

.Just wait until August 28th , when the Hang Seng Index is pulled up to a high of 8,000 points, and there is no way for the international hot money . When he can close his position and leave the market , Su Ye will buy them these chips at a high price …

.The final battle is August 28 . _

.But .

.The Hong Kong government and the central government didn’t take action until the 28th . In fact , on the 15th , the reason why Su Ye was able to complete the position so smoothly was also because the regular army and the international hot money were fighting in the market .

.Simply put .

.It’s the Soros who are frantically throwing goods and smashing the market , and the regular army has a huge amount of money . I will eat as much as you throw , and see who can’t hold it in the end …

.Kind of like a goldenrod .

.In fact , when modern finance develops into futures , contracts , leverage , and virtual financial products , it has already lost its original role in adjusting industrial production funds and promoting industrial development .

.And it has completely become a large and complex gamble .

.Finance itself does not create any value .

.The so-called ” value-added ” of capital in the financial market , every penny it makes is taken out of the pocket of leeks …

.Modern finance has evolved into a game of ” turn your money into my money ” .


.” Damn it , that five or six hundred million fund is just a smoke bomb . They are deliberately misleading us , making me think that their funds are limited , but in fact …”

.” The goods we threw out today were all eaten !”

.” Not only did the Hang Seng Index not fall , but it rose by 200 points !”

.After the close at 5 p.m. , some on the Hot Money conference call felt like they were being fooled ( by the good money ) .

.And more importantly .

.This year’s offensive and defensive battle made them a little scared .

.The funds of the Hong Kong government to eat goods are like a bottomless pit , no matter how many chips they throw , they will be eaten in an instant …

.” Everyone !”

.Soros had to knock on the table again , signalling everyone to be quiet , ” It’s just a small battle that makes you restless ?”

.” Don’t forget , the Hong Kong government has more than 90 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves , which is the third largest in the world , after the Devonian countries and the mainland . Didn’t we come for his coveted huge dollar assets ?”

.”The war has just started !”


.However , the situation that followed was beyond the expectations of the Soros .

.Since August 15 , they have suppressed the Hang Seng Index to 6,600 points, and have never been able to fall below this line . For more than ten days after that , the Hang Seng Index has been oscillating around 7,000 points .

.Can’t pull up , can’t come down .

.” My dear , Brother Ye, you are really a god. You are too accurate in your bottom-hunting . You are stuck at the lowest point !”

.In the small living room , three big men were crowded .

.Where do they still look like the bright and beautiful groups of Hong Kong Island’s big stars ?

.They are all beards and slag , with dark circles under their eyes , as if they had escaped from some refugee camp …

.In the past ten days , in fact, there were not many things , but it was too boring , and I needed to keep watching the stock market dynamics on the computer screen .

Chapter 124 _ Soros loses billions of dollars ! Su Ye wins ! So cool to take off [ seeking full decision ]

.This part is really not to be missed .

.Because Su Ye is a traveler and knows the overall trend , but whether there will be big fluctuations in the middle , even Su Ye himself is not sure .

.You must know that the more than 500 million capital he invested in was also five times leveraged .

.This means .

.If it goes up by 20%, you can double your profit ; if you go down by 20%, you will lose everything .

.In order to prevent a diving drop in the middle , someone must keep an eye on the stock market dynamics . This is naturally the work of Liang Jiahui, Ren Dahua and Gu Tianle …

.In fact, Su Ye rarely stayed here .

.Basically, they are with Qiu Shuzhen , hiding in the boudoir , watching TV dramas , and loving me .

.It was only because of the three large light bulbs outside , which temporarily stopped the large-scale movement .

.However .

.Although the three people in the living room were very tired , their mental state was extremely excited .

.Their excitement has lasted for more than ten days …

.If you look at your assets , it is very likely that your assets will increase several times , and you will be like them , sleeping through the night and staring at the Hang Seng Index every day !

.” Luck , it ‘s definitely not bad to follow the center . ”

.Su Ye smiled and beckoned to the three of them , ” Let’s go , let’s take a sauna and take a bath . You have been so lucky these ten days , relax . ”

.” Huh ?”

.The three of them shook their heads in unison , ” No , at such a critical moment , how can we leave ? We have to keep an eye on it . ”

.Su Ye looked up at the calendar . Today is August 27th . There is no suspense . Tomorrow, the Asian financial turmoil that shocked the world will come to an end with the fiasco of international hot money .

.Tomorrow is the season for delivery !

.” It’s all closed , what’s the use of all of you staring at it , go , do n’t fuss , relax today , there’s a big show waiting for you tomorrow . ”

.Su Ye couldn’t help but say , and forcibly pulled the three people up .


.” Tomorrow ?!”

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