.And what about Su Ye (dacc)?

.To directly create a super dreamy wonderland on earth , wouldn’t that compare Disneyland all at once ?

.Take the example of a hotel .

.In the 1990s , even a world-class international five-star hotel was nothing but resplendent . After 20 years, it would all be old-fashioned .

.And what about Su Ye ?

.Your foreign Disney parks are nothing more than miniature castles , fairy tales, etc. You can only go in during the day to play , and they are not real castles .

.And Su Ye’s resort hotel directly created a private royal garden , ranging from Chinese palaces to British royal castles , to French romantic manors, and more !

.As long as you have money , the royal gardens will be rectified for you .

.This one alone is enough to smash any scenic spot in the world in the 1990s …

.Of course .

.This is only a small part of Su Ye’s overall plan. The whole plan is completely majestic . It is built on the basis of the entire Ao Island . Where is Wayne in 1999 , holding a mere Las Vegas Can Sri Lanka’s casino model be compared ?

.Such a pattern , such a uniqueness , will naturally attract more foreign tourists .

.As the core of the gambling tourism industry , Su Ye has also made a lot of modifications to the content of gambling , abandoning many traditional gambling methods , and introducing more fun and novel gameplay for later generations .

.A lot of the gameplay is more focused on a lottery-like nature rather than pure gambling …

.Ordinary tourists can also take a small amount of money , such as a few hundred yuan or a few thousand yuan to play and have fun , and it is not harmful .

.The focus of Su Ye’s money is not on gambling , but on tourism .

.Just that .

.In fact, let’s not talk about Wayne , the Gambler He and the Lu family are even more scum in front of Su Ye …

.It’s just that these two families have deep roots in Australia Island , and their licenses cannot be shaken by the planning alone .

.” Mr. Wayne . ”

.Hart’s face also sank . You are a casino tycoon in Las Vegas. You are naturally your cow in the Stars and Stripes country , but in Australia Island , it is not your turn to show my face !

.The only one who can make Te look at his face is , other than that, who else has the ability ?

.” Don’t you understand ? If you lose , it’s your plan ! What else do you want fairness ? The opportunity has been given to you , but you can’t control it yourself !”

.Hart didn’t bother to continue the nonsense anymore , so he just saw off the guests , ” I’ll tell you clearly , you’re out ! As for where you lost , you’ll understand when the tourism facilities are built !”

.A meeting broke up unhappily .

.He was personally ordered to evict , and even a casino tycoon , Wayne had no choice but to leave Australia Island .

.” Damn yellow-skinned monkey ! You wait for me , and I will definitely find a way to snatch your customers , so that you can only do business around this broken island !”

.Wayne angrily left .

.In this regard , Hart had no intention of holding back at all .

.Because Su Ye’s plan is not only really conducive to the development of the tourism industry on the island of Australia , but also , when he attended the family banquet before , he had already given funds to He Teliang , and directly invested 3 billion in the early stage !

.It is 1 billion more than the bottom line of 2 billion given before !

.There are plans , approvals , and ample funds , and a fool knows who to choose …

.This insider is naturally unknown to the outside world .

.Ordinary people are still guessing , who will get this third license plate ?

.An ordinary afternoon in mid- October .

.Without the knowledge of the outside world , He Gambling King , Lu Zhihe, and Su Ye all quietly appeared at the chief executive’s mansion .

.Different from what the outside world thinks , it will raise the placard and bid with great fanfare .

.After confirming the three powerful forces , their respective plans, and the funds received in the early stage , Hart signed three agreements for the operation rights of the gaming industry in his office , and handed them over to three people respectively .

.The so-called license is actually a legal business agreement .

.It’s not what people imagined, something like a gold medal …

.” Welcome all of you to join the cause of building Ao Island. In the next 20 years , I hope you will make an agreement to develop Ao Island well and contribute to the economic development of Ao Island . ”

.Hart handed over the three agreements to Gambling King He , Lu Zhihe , and Su Ye , and said at the same time .

.As a special , he naturally doesn’t care who got the license .

.What is more important is , of course, the economic development of the island of Australia , which is his political achievement .

.” Please rest assured . ”

.Gambling King He , Lu Zhi, and He Suye naturally nodded in agreement .

.However …

.Of the three people at the scene , only Su Ye knew it .

.He Gambling King and Lu Zhihe are two people , even though they are all big bosses and powerful , but in fact , they are nothing more than successors .

.Their two license plates , in the final analysis , are just a golden job they grabbed from the SAR by their own power .

.And only …

.This license in the hands of Su Ye can bring real economic development to the island of Australia .

.The ownership of the three gambling cards has been settled . The first two gambling cards have no accident , but the third gambling card was won by Liang Xiaotang , but it shocked the attention of many people in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .

.” There must be someone behind this Liang Xiaotang . ”

.On this point , the common people in the market reached a consensus .

.But …

.Who can have such a great hand , grab the third gambling card from the casino tycoon Wayne , and be on an equal footing with the gambling king He and the Lu family , but it has become an unsolved mystery .

.you think .

.In this place on Hong Kong Island , even the truth about who tied up Liu’s case ca n’t be revealed for decades , and it is still active in the film industry , and there is no shortage of insiders . Just don’t let you know .

.Not to mention the behind-the-scenes truth about the ownership of a dignified gambling card ?

.But fortunately .

.The income of the gaming industry is certainly enviable , but these few gambling cards in Australia Island are powerful enough and willing to get involved in the gaming industry . After all, there are not many .

.The main reason is that the gaming industry on the island of Australia is no longer a purely gray industry , but involves the special economic zone and the mainland , so some capital and forces related to Taiwan , or some capital or forces related to gangsterism and the United Kingdom on Hong Kong Island , I will definitely not go to the already-existing Australian Island , just to get bored .

.Therefore …

.This third gambling card finally fell on Liang Xiaotang’s head on the bright side . After causing a burst of entertainment gossip on Hong Kong Island and Taiwan Island , it quickly calmed down .

.In the end .

.The common people in the market don’t care who took the gambling cards at all , they just treat it as a topic of small talk .

.Everyone is more interested in going to Australia Island to play a few games , but who is the owner of the casino , who-care?

.Gamblers , or tourists , as long as they can have fun , they naturally don’t care who the owner of the venue is …

.For the time being , Su Ye didn’t just win the gambling card and everything would be fine , and he had to stay on the island for a while .

Chapter 155 _ Su Ye returns to Hong Kong Island ! Paradise Island Entertainment and Tourism Group was established [ Qiuquan Ding ]

.Of course, gambling cards is not a frivolous agreement , a piece of paper .

.With the initial injection of 2 billion funds into the account of Su Ye’s newly registered Paradise Island Entertainment and Tourism Group on Ao Island , along with the gambling license , there is also a piece of land approved by Ao Island .

.That’s right .

.It’s a piece of land , not a piece of land !

.Of course, these lands were not allocated randomly , but were allocated according to the planning plan handed in by Su Ye before and according to Su Ye’s needs .

.On this piece of land , the whole of Asia , and even the whole world , will be built, the most beyond people’s imagination , the most jaw-dropping , and the most exciting and longing for tourists from all over the world … a dream paradise island !

.The advertising words Su Ye thought about it :

.A must visit once in a lifetime place !

.Of course .

.Su Ye came to Australia Island , definitely not to develop the tourism industry here .

.The characteristic gaming industry is , of course , the most important thing .

.In the gaming industry , Su Ye also abandoned those traditional gambling methods , but created more novel and interesting ways of playing , innovating the old and bringing forth the new to attract European and American gamblers to patronize …

.Therefore, in the short term , Su Ye has to continue to stay on the island .

.After all, although the Paradise Island Entertainment and Tourism Group’s apparent legal person is Liang Xiaotang , in fact, the group’s control rights , shares , board of directors, and official seal are all in the hands of Su Ye .

.Liang Xiaotang is just an agent on the table .

.Moreover, because the core facilities such as Paradise Island Resort are products that surpassed the times , without the presence of Su Ye, the designer, the construction team in 1999 was really unsure and could not meet Su Ye’s requirements …

.Su Ye must be present at the scene , explain in person, and inspect in person !

.In this way , Su Ye’s itinerary temporarily stopped on Ao Island .

.However .

.The big boss, Su Ye, was as busy as a civil engineering student who just graduated. He was on the construction site of the resort every day . It was naturally even more impossible for the agent Liang Xiaotang to be idle .

.The day after he got the casino license , he received a task from Su Ye .

.” You now , in the name of the CEO of Paradise Island Entertainment Group , go back to Hong Kong Island , recruit as many people as possible , and form our team on Australia Island . ”

.Su Ye directly gave Liang Xiaotang a difficult task .

.This task is simple and simple .

.If you don’t look at quality , but only in quantity , let alone Liang Xiaotang , just waving banknotes alone can easily attract countless young and bewildered boys on Hong Kong Island without spending a few dollars .

.The most worthless things on Hong Kong Island are these low-level rotten boys .

.But …

.What is this guy hired for ?

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