.” It’s the Legend ! ”

…. the crowd …

The official launch of ” Legend ” was scheduled for August 8 , 2001 .

.The summer vacation is the time when the most customers are in the Internet cafes. Choosing to launch the game during the summer vacation can maximize the exposure of more players at the first time .

.Of course .

.Before the launch of the four new areas of the official server, ” Light ” , ” Thunder ” , ” Liuyun ” and ” Flame ” , Legend had already opened registration and download , and had a test server open in advance for players to experience the game content .

.The names of these four servers, as well as the names of “Shushan”, “Blast”, “Haiding” and other districts that were added later , will be engraved in the minds of countless players for the next ten years from this moment on . A memory that never dies ….

Chapter 259 _ Legend , kicked off the curtain of the legend [ please customize ]

.On August 8 , 2001 , the weather was fine .

.Chen Chao , from Class One (5) of Miaokou Middle School , opened his eyes in a daze when the sun had already risen and his buttocks were getting hot .

.Look at the alarm clock .

.” Broken !”

.He jumped up all of a sudden , the sleepy eyes from a moment ago disappeared in an instant , and he slipped into his clothes .

.Because it is already past 10:30 am .

.” I should have played less of “The Age of Navigation 4 ” last night , but now it’s alright , I woke up after sleeping so late , this is miserable , I don’t know if there are any seats in the Internet cafe …”

.Chen Chao could only complain in a hurry , and ran out of the house in a hurry without washing his face and brushing his teeth .

.” Mom , I was playing at my classmate’s house today , and I didn’t come back for lunch and dinner . ”

.Before going out , I even knew how to shout at a high voice .

.” Ah ? Which classmate’s house did you go to ?”

.Before Chen Chao’s mother came out of the kitchen , Chen Chao had long since disappeared . His mother could only shake her head and be speechless . As soon as the boy came to the summer vacation , he knew that he was out in the wild …

.When Chen Chao hurried to an Internet cafe in the county seat , it was almost 11 o’clock .

.As soon as I entered the door , I saw a dark area in the Internet cafe , full of people .

.Not to mention the empty seats , there are several people standing behind almost every seat 437 …

.This is also a major feature of early Internet cafes .

.Whenever there is a person sitting there playing a game , there must be several people standing behind and watching .

.Some came late , didn’t get into the plane , and waited there for someone to get off the plane .

.But most of them have no money to play , and watch others play games in the back to relieve their addiction .

.This is absolutely impossible to see in Internet cafes or Internet cafes more than ten years later .

.In future generations, if you stand behind others and watch , let alone whether they will be regarded as insane or thieves with bad intentions , the network administrator will come over first to chase them away .

.And in 2001 ?

.None of this exists …

.Don’t talk about the network management , even the people sitting there and playing don’t care if there are people watching .

.Sometimes , if you are playing a competitive game such as CS , you can’t wait to have a crowd standing behind you , admiring your skills there !

.Of course .

.In fact, this phenomenon is not unique to Internet cafes . It is a tradition handed down from the earliest game halls .

.Everyone is used to it .

.However …

.The current situation is definitely not a good phenomenon for Chen Chao , who has finally rushed over .

.” Brother Feng , do you still have a machine ?”

.Chen Chao leaned over to the network manager at the bar and said almost .

.He is a frequent visitor to this Internet cafe , and he is naturally familiar with the network administrator .

.” Look at yourself , where is there any machine ? I think it’s enough to get off the machine today . ” The network administrator replied casually while playing with a computer next to the bar with a three-five in his mouth .

.The tone can’t be said to be rude , but it can’t be said to be too kind .

.This is also normal .

.The network management of this year is really not the same as the server network management of later generations .

.It’s not that they have great skills .

.Rather …

.In the Internet cafes in 2001 , basically the bosses took care of the network management and the cashier themselves , and would not recruit people from outside . If the network management was a young man , most of them were nephews or relatives of the boss’s family .

.Can your own industry be arrogant ?

.And the Internet cafes in 2001 were definitely a seller’s market .

.Only old customers have come to the network management to ask if there is any spare machine , there is no situation where the network management will serve you in turn …

.” Have you gotten off the plane recently ?”

.Chen Chao’s face was so bitter that it turned black .

.” What , Chao’er ? Although you come to play often , you are not very addicted to games . Why do you look like a monkey is anxious to get on the computer today ?”

.The network manager glanced at Chen Chao and asked strangely .

.Chen Chao smiled bitterly and said , ” Brother Feng, don’t you know ? Today is the first day of the official launch of ” Legend ” , and four new districts will be opened . In order to rush to the new district in the past few days, I can rush to the next level and make a name for myself in the district, but I didn’t expect ?”

.At a glance, there are so many people in the past , where is there any machine to level him ?

.Anyone who has played the game knows that .

.This new district can’t enter the district on the first day , what a heartbreak ?

.Not to mention .

.This time is not an ordinary new area , but a new area on the first day of the official launch of ” Legend ” . How important is it (dacc) to seize the opportunity in the new area in advance ?

official launch time of ” Legend ” is 12:00 noon , but it is already 11:20 , and there is no sign of anyone getting off the plane in the Internet cafe .

.The network administrator also realized that the situation was indeed somewhat different .

.Because it’s noon now , and many people are going home for dinner , it’s impossible not to have an empty machine .

” Ling : Long ? ” 86;86’3!718!2.” It’s really evil , what is this ” Legend ” , and it’s just so fun ?”

.Network administrators are also interested .

.” Isn’t it fun … how do you say this ? Anyway, you’ll know if you’ve played it, Brother Feng . ”

.Chen Chao has played the test server , but whether the game is fun or not , you can either play it or watch others play it , but you can’t tell .

.” Forget it , it seems that there is no free machine before 12 o’clock . I will go to other Internet cafes to have a look . ”

.Chen Chao didn’t want to drag it here any longer . He thought that there were still 40 minutes left , so he should go to other Internet cafes to have a look .

.” Don’t . ”

.Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the network manager , ” So , you can play on my computer first , wait for someone to get off the computer , and then switch over . Anyway, the Internet access fee is still 3 yuan an hour , which is the same . ”

.” I just happened to have a look , what’s going on with this game called ” Legend ” . ”

.The network administrator gave a suggestion that moved Chen Chao .

.Of course, the network management is not kind .

.But when the Internet cafes are so popular , it is not that there is no , but it is usually after five or six o’clock in the evening and before 12 o’clock in the evening peak .

.morning ?

.The morning is usually the quietest time for Internet cafes .

.He also wanted to know if the magic power of “Legend” was so great that it could actually make people crowd the Internet cafes like this .

.If it’s really that fun , then … of course he, the webmaster, also wants to play !

.Of course , this game should also be used as the main game to attract more netizens .

.” That’s a good feeling !”

.Chen Chao is naturally happy , the computer at the bar is not unplayable , as long as you don’t miss the 12 o’clock server opening in the new area …

.Before 12 o’clock , he had been on the official website forum of ” Legend ” , watching the strategies of some big guys in the test area .

.For example, how to go from Legend to Alliance Heavy .

.When there are a lot of people in the initial area, it is definitely a good choice to go to the League .

.Don’t underestimate this little guide . In 2001 , many people didn’t have the habit of going to the website .

.Leaving the leveling army early in the early stage , and learning the first skill to kill snakes or skeletons at level 7 is extremely important for leading the army !

.Soon , the time reached 12 o’clock .

.” The zone is open ! The zone is open !”

.” You build a Taoist priest , I will play a warrior , Dagang and Liuzi play a mage , and you must rush to level 7 as soon as possible …”

.” Fuck , are they all playing legends ?”

.For a time , the entire Internet cafe was screaming .

.Among them , there are only a few student parties like Chen Chao , but more are uncles in their thirties , and young bastards with yellow and green hair .

” Legend ” , in such an atmosphere , opened its own legend …

Chapter 260 _ In the next ten years , this era will be called Su Ye [ please customize ]

.The same situation , not just happened in this Internet cafe .

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