.But this money Su Ye has other uses .

.Other big Internet companies are making money after listing , and continue to burn money to attract customers to maintain traffic , but what about Su Ye ?

.is the opposite .

.Don’t go public , do it with your own money !

.This capital is the starting capital used by Su Ye to lay out the Internet landscape in the next two decades …

.” I called you here this year to let you use the anti-human chat window and gang and guild functions of ” Legend ” . The native system is too simple . Let’s make an embedded chat software . ”

.Su Ye called the senior management and technical backbone of Xingyu Game Company together and held a meeting .

.” Embedded chat software ?”

.There was a sudden bang in the conference room .

.Everyone has a feeling of enlightenment .

.right ?

.You can create a brand new chat software based on ” Legend ” , as long as its interface is in the game , why didn’t you think of it before ?

.It turned out .

” Legend ” was launched , what was the most criticized ?

.Naturally a chat system .

.Anyone who has played the game ” Legend ” knows 440 stories . Its in-game chat function is simply rudimentary and extremely inconvenient to operate .

.When fighting with people , I often have to spare my hands to copy and paste names into the chat box .

.And switch too .

.Private chats and shouts , and guilds can speak , and they have to type characters in front of them , which is extremely troublesome .

.Therefore , the game ” Legend ” also has a feature. The large and small unions in it , as well as teams or organizations , are basically very localized .

.Often in a county , a town , or an Internet cafe , everyone gets together to play , usually leveling , PK , etc. together .

.The offline organization is extremely strong , and the online organization is extremely poor !

.And the strange thing is that for so many years , ” Legend ” has been gradually weakening from its peak , and Chen Daqiao has not made any changes in this regard …

.” Of course , the purpose of this chat software is for players’ social stickiness . Not only can you add friends to chat in this area of this server , but also in all areas of the server . ”

.” We will rely on Legend’s millions of users and hundreds of thousands of online players to build a ” Legend ” social software together !”

.Su Ye said concisely .

.Actually .

.This social chat software is Su Ye’s real purpose .

.And winning ” Legend ” was really not for its profitability , but for the first batch of Internet users in China who went online in 2001 …

Chapter 263 _ Su Ye’s moat in the next ten years ? Customize ?

.When it comes to painful news, everyone knows that the little prince of COPY is a model of originality that ” fans ” forced to death .

.Pain News Home’s game , one counts as one , all are other people’s ideas .

.After the pain news was copied over , relying on his own size, he forced the original creation to death …

.So , what gave Pain News the confidence to do this ?


.It is the QQ social software that Pain News has been rooted in for a long time. The user stickiness is extremely high , and it has formed a close relationship between users , so that once a person uses QQ, he cannot uninstall it .

.Because once uninstalled , you will not be able to find friends on QQ , and you will not be able to contact them .

.And these friends are often real friends , relatives , work partners , colleagues, etc. , all of which are strongly related …

.In 2001 , it was still called OICP last year, and just changed its name to QQ .

.The next V letter that can compete with QQ and compete in this market will not come out until 10 years later , that is, in 2011 .

.In the course of more than ten years , the whole domestic social chat software has been dominated by the pain news .

.No one else can beat it …

.Even if V letter later used the entry point of socializing with strangers to seize the field where QQ first started , and formed a situation of two heroes with QQ socializing with acquaintances , it would not be able to shake the status of QQ .

.And then the game industry of Yuxun was built on QQ ‘s user base and monopoly position …

.Today .

.Su Ye wants to break the game and enter the chat software market , how can he compete with Pain News ?

.The entry point is ” Legend ” !

.On the game platform of ” Legend ” , based on the millions of users now and possibly more than 10 million in the future , a social platform is directly airborne .

.” Wonderful ! What a brilliant idea !”

.”The pattern opened at once . ”

.” I knew we were definitely not just a game company …”

.” Based on the user of ” Legend ” , it has a strong bond . As long as he plays the game , he needs to use our chat software . ”

.” Although it’s not as big as QQ for the time being, our advantage is that it can’t have an impact on our game users . ”

.Company executives and technical backbones exclaimed .

.In fact, many times , a business opportunity is an idea , an idea , an idea .

.The point is .

.Su Ye is not only creative , but also has enough money , resources and manpower to realize his creativity …

.It’s not that Su Ye doesn’t want to be a shopping platform like Taobao , but wants to fight with pain news on the chat software .

.On the one hand, those who win users win the world .

.The high-viscosity users accumulated by chat software are the core factors that determine who can stand at the top of the Internet in the future .

.On the other hand , it is …

.In fact, in the Internet age , why is there a wave of waves followed by a wave of waves , starting with portal websites , then chatting social software , then commercial shopping platforms , and finally short video apps?

.Simple .

.Its products change with the change of network speed and with the intelligent changes of mobile phones .

.In 2001 , the network speed was only 112K and 256K per second . Even if it was a high-end Internet cafe , the bandwidth of the entire Internet cafe was only 1M .

.In this case , let’s not talk about videos , if there are more flash animations on the web page , it will be stuck to death …

.Can you imagine that it takes tens of seconds or even minutes to open a web page ?

.You are like this network environment .

.Not to mention the film and television websites such as Aiqiyi and Huxun Video , even a platform with a large number of pictures such as a shopping platform can not survive .

.Therefore , at this stage, if Su Ye wants to cut into the Internet industry , the only feasible way is to chat software …


.More than a week later , players from all over the country went to the Internet cafe as usual , just clicked on the “��Dragon ” icon on the desktop , but were surprised to find that the game could not enter !

” Legend ” ushered in a wave of major updates .

.” Huh ? Why did you update it , and you didn’t notice it ?”

.” What will be updated this time ? New monsters or new equipment ?”

.” Are you going to start a new event ?”

.Players all over the country are talking about it .

.No way .

.If the game can’t be updated , everyone can only chat .

.” Who said there is no update , you never go to the game’s official website, right ? The official website announced a week ago that it was going to be updated , saying that the chat function was going to be launched …”

.Of course, there are also well-informed players who immediately retorted .

.However, in those days , it was very rare to meet the official game website or forum , and look at the announcement to find the strategy .

.” Chat system ? This update is good . I don’t know what it will be changed to . Anyway , the chat function in ” Legend ” is simply two-to-one . ”

.Hearing the updated content , the surrounding players liked it one after another .

.So inconvenient !

.There are some game functions , which seem to be small changes , which are the difference between heaven and earth for the game experience .

.For example , the wax-free function of ” Legend ” .

.The earliest legends in the past did not have a full-screen perspective , can you believe it ?

.It’s okay to be in the safe zone during the day .

.But at night, there is only a circle around you can see , the outside is completely dark , you must put a candle in the equipment bar to see the surrounding …

.Not to mention too much trouble .

.Even after more than 20 years , there is still a ” candle ” prop in the game !

.And with the wax-free function , no one wants to level up and fight monsters in the dark around them …

.Everyone’s screen is bright .

.The gaming experience is totally heaven and earth !

.Therefore , everyone is also looking forward to the update of the chat function that has been criticized for a long time …

.Fortunately , the update did not delay for a long time , and the update was completed after 10 am .

.So. _

.When the players couldn’t wait to click on the ” ? ‘ Dragon ” icon , pushed open the thick stone gate , and entered the Marfa Continent , they found it impressively .

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